Topic - How do you know about cryptocurrencies?

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I become fond of it since 2012 but mere young me (11 yrs old) dont have and dont know where to buy but I dont gave up and try to be more updated through google
If I remember correctly Bitcoin Core is the only coin back then and people love it, which is I started readding about it on reddit and almost I completely
Forget about it due to busy school, my father died and only my mother is working, so I guess I lose my track on it until they introduced here in ph
2414d the first crypto wallet here ij my country that brings back my interest to crypto, more and more things I leanred again like bitcoin is not bitcoin anymore
It becomes far away on what satoshi envision which is right now can be seen at bitcoin cash. Well, I guess i need to learn more and im happy here.
What's your story?
My teenage son wanted to starting mining about a year ago. We have learned together.
I first learned about bitcoin in 2010/2011 through Slashdot/SomethingAwful, but I didn't really start getting involved until a year or so later.
Back then it was so hard to find any good discussion of bitcoin if you weren't already plugged into certain mailing lists. Slashdot/SA dismissed it as "buttcoin lol"
I knew about cryptocurrencies when a friend showed me a deep web site.
about 4 years ago, bitcoin price was 200 USD
I first got into Bitcoin about 4.5 years ago.. heard about it at my IT job and it blew my mind. Took the rabbit hole down and now I'm here. Onward and upward! :)
Saw Bitcoin miners (the usb ones) for sale around 2011 ish(13 years old); 6 for $60 dollars. Curious i was about to buy but decided to buy $20 McDonalds. Regrets!
It is pretty common for most people to dismiss or ignore bitcoin on first contact. "Getting it" the second time you hear about it is about as good as it gets.
Read about it on Zerohedge - probably around 2010-2011. Can't remember. Didn't understand it then, was following the Peter Schiff camp.
Started following it more in 2013/2014 during the pump to $1000 and started understanding the tech then.
First heard about it in 2013-ish when BTC hit $100, which at the time seemed crazy so it made it into mainstream news. Read more tech side and thought it was cool.
Heard about it around 2010, but mostly in the context of the financial crisis, the tech and politics of it the last years.
Summer 2017 and still here