Living sustainable on a different planet will require that we develop the technology to sustain life efficiently and safely and without paying rent to someone. And if we can do it on Mars why not here
So it is absolutely not in the interest of the capitalists that we learn how to live without their bullshit. That we find ways to provide clean safe energy and food and shelter without paying them.
You would literally have to live in a resource based economy outside of Earth's biosphere. You can't buy yourself more oxygen or more food or more electricity.
Air and water are utilities. You must pay/work to be apart of the community.
I don't think you'll find anyone that would rather choke/dehydrate than work. Non-issue. Exceptions can be made for those who are deemed incapable of work.
No one will want to be kicked out of the only dome on Mars. Certain death.
If you think fully capable men in Jamestown had the choice to forgoe work and recieve everything for free, your more delusional than i thought.
I don't know if money is involved. But people will pay, one way or another. No one works for free.
I think LR or ED have been using the word money to mean fiat money. someone said bitcoin was a resource & trading it (basically as money) was part of a resource based economy.
maybe its a resource because its finite? idk.
Pseudo-science. I know it because Peterson told me.
What happened here. I saw this topic and it piqued my interest because it's allegedly my exact profile, but it looks like the Capitalism topic has leaked.
Started by a commie who got frustrated in "Capitalism" by anti-communist arguments, then decided to moan "poor misunderstood genius INTJ" and fantasise about sending dissidents to space gulags.
Also, sweet "allegedly" bro: I, too, enjoy obsessive use of caveats to express all my uncertainties. Not sure if that's a coincidence or meant to be an INTJ trait.
thanks for the summary Pedantic. what would you like to talk about modulus?
Science is a matter of opinion. Some opinions are better informed than others.
If God wanted there to be a ruling class, he wouldn't have made us mortal.
That test didn't work well for me. Said I was INTF/J with the f/J score being a balanced 0.
strange how INTJ seems to always be the first myers briggs type to make online forums or is the most active or prominent.
Wait a second. It was INFJ with the and t being balanced... It was an interesting test.
I am going to have to learn to proof read what I type more on this platform. Memo noobs and spelling errors will be common. lol
People told they have a "rare" personality type that represents <2% of the population constitute 90% of online discussion of personality type. Pareto would be proud 🙄
this might as well be r/iamverysmart but unironic lol
I think the cringe related reddits, like "Iamverysmart" and "niceguys" are filled with people who remiss over their past as gatekeepers and point collecting fedora tippers. Nostalgic.
I mean I can relate but I outgrew that after 4th grade