Now I'm probably going to be called anti-semite also :-)
Yeah, the victim narrative and in-group mentality that is unfortunately so prevalent among Jews is
really toxic. So tired of the same spiel
I have a shitload of Jewish friends, so come at me collectivist thought police.
It should be possible to discuss the peculiar problems of any culture without being labeled.
As with any group of people, it is never that all of them are good or bad, but reality is that this group of Jews that do control most of the world as they are most wealthy, do exist.
My cousin is in a relationship with Jewish girl, has been for 2 decades, they never got married as her family doesn't approve it (take that as you wish).
jay, the agenda could have existed for a long time, long before IMF was formed. It is a fact that Jewish people were always "kicked out" from many different places at some point in history.
I do think there is definitely some truth to this Jewish Zionism I've been hearing about, I don't think this is just one of those crazy conspiracy theories, there is something going on...
bloodfortheskygod there's no conspiracy, jews have the most influential lobby group in US so they get the benefits of that. Anything more than that is just bullshit.
Henry Ford knew what was up.
He was both a freemason, which is a jewish kaballah organization, and at the same time a friend of Hitler and author of "The International Jew". Seems contradictory, eh?
That Rothschild guy is pretty neurotic isn't he? Not very smart in this day and age.
I am not that familiar with MacDonald's work but I don't think he talks about a "racial conspiracy" whatever that is (sounds like an attempt to belittle and strawman an idea you don't like)
Different environmental pressures selected for different groups with different mechanisms, I would argue that Judaism in contrast to Islam and Christianity is unique in being upheld by gene
Just as the west has been genetically influenced by historical enforced monogamy and the environmental criteria for success and mating, it is not possible to decouple as it is baked in.
Have any of you seen the film The Believer?