Topic - Litecoin

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"digital silver" lol
Just shows how easy it is to trick crypto investors, silver exists alongside gold because it has actual, different use cases.
Litecoin and all the other useless ICOs... there is a sucker born every minute.
Litecoin is riding on BTC's back, hoping there nearly same coin will survive as a backup when BTC mempool is clogged.
While what Litecoin is now is not what it was, the initial reasoning behind it was fair mining or something of that nature, no? When it came out only GPU mining was feasable with BTC I think.
Litecoin got Segwit which makes it one of the worst shitcoin around.
So Litecon creator thinks it is a bad idea to hold LTC?
Charlie Lee measures economic success in fiat, so yes: it's better to have sold LTC at ATH that hold bags. I don't see any future for LTC because it doesn't provide anything new.
At the end of the day, we can be sure that 1 doge = 1 doge
Times when you changed logo and call it for example digital silver are history.
Charlie is so proud now to buy a stake in a German bank after he sold all his LTC for USD and investing in the LN he's now getting involved with banks directly