What's your best quote? Philosopher?
Be Excellent to each other.
-Bill and Ted
“The unexamined life is not worth living”
Einstein "The human being is part of a whole called by us Univer
There is only what there is.
Logic and existence are inseparable.
I know that I know nothing.
“Provability is a weaker notion than truth.”—Hofstadter
We do not control what happens or what we do, only how we react.
Oooh, this seems fun. Seems to be philosophy by oneliner. Lemme try... "On the path to knowledge, you add something each day. On the path to wisdom you remove something each day" - Lao Zi
"Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism the reverse is true" (supposed to be a russian proverb)
Are we enlightened yet?
Can someone educated in philosophy explain how Rawl's Original Position couldn't also result in The Golden Rule in combination with the Non-Aggression Principle? Why Justice as Fairness?
I mean, not everyone is risk averse. Not everyone in the Original Position would have to have the same values. People (even in the original position) aren't necessarily of identical mindset.
Not everyone lets fear drive their decisions. People strive for a better life, especially for their kids. People want to be able to take risks and be rewarded.
And who gets to decide what the definition of "unlimited wealth" is? What gives them that right?
Justice is not fairness, it's a process and a goal of trying to right moral wrongs that have occurred. Justice as Fairness is a non-sequiter.
Most of what you mention there is stuff that is new to me. In general I find that a combination of "philosophy in general cannot have any absolute rules" and "people are stupid" means you can...
have silly philosophies, that people just accept as "viewpoints". Some dislike them, maybe even disprove them, but that can end up as a footnote. My beef atm is Marxism being full of holes
If I am right about this, that does not mean it is not a philosophy, and no amount of "disproof" or "number of people dead" because of it can really completely destroy it
This is because there is no way in "general philosophy" to agree on the premises. Maybe some (insane people) may think a bit more than 100 million dead because of Marxism is an OK sacrifice
The 100 coins paradox is my fav. A 2 player game where they each take turn taking 1 coin. But taking 2 ends the game. 🤔
If there are 3 left, the next player should take 2, so the current player should take 2. But then that's also true if there are 4 left, 5 left, etc. The next player should always take 2 & end the game. So greed kills the game (a paradox of greed). 98 coins are returned after the initial player takes 2, leaving them both poor.
I first read this back in undergrad, in 2007. It was in Paradoxes, by R.M. Sainsbury.