Topic - PoS or dPoS takeover.

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PoS or DPoS will takeover. PoW is just to lure miners in. PoW takes up too much time and energy for world usage. Thoughts?
Imo PoW for distribution, then PoS or DPoS after maturity or PoW all the way. Don't go PoS or DPoS since beginning.
PoW is intentional because it is a scalable incentive for large institutional investors (who will jump into BCH) to create renewable energy for production of coins worth $2M+ each.
What is the proper amount of energy usage to secure our money? Money is so important that it is worth spending a lot of energy on, but how much is too much?
PoS only seems to favor whales with big stake in coin.
This narrative of "too much energy usage" seems to be spreading suspiciously quickly
PoS := Pay Our Selves - what part of getting paid for having money do people just not understand ? Truth, CryptoSoppe: "PoS only seems to favor whales..."
PoS := Pay Our Selves - What part of getting paid for having money do people just not understand ? Truth, indeed, @CryptoShoppe: "PoS only seems to favor whales..."
POW is the only type I will ever support.
If the security and centralization issues of PoS and dPoS can be solved, it would definitely be interesting. It doesn't seem like the incentives have all been figured out yet.
pow is the most secure; it has also been time-tested. when you are deciding where to store your millions, will you go with the shady, slightly-discounted place?
pos has its uses, but definitely not in the very foundation of money on the internet; in my opinion it first needs to be tested out on something with lesser stakes for like a decade
POS once all coins have been mined. Energy will be solved.
Read the Bitcoin Whitepaper and take a look at history to see why Proof-of-Work is the foundation for crypto working. PoS will be tulips in the future.
“Proof-of-work has the nice property that it can be relayed through untrusted middlemen. We don’t have to worry about a chain of custody of communication.
It doesn’t matter who tells you a longest chain, the proof-of-work speaks for itself.” — Satoshi Nakamoto