Interesting that two years isn't as fucking long as eight. Fucking disingenuous shithead.
yeah, couldnt find a good graph that had all of them.
It seems Trump has been actively working against Anerica's military alliances, and strengthening the positions of America's enemies. Look at how bad he handled North Korea.
>Look at how bad he handled North Korea
At least this is just the backing of the US, and other nations, and not actual interference from them.
true, though I imagine the pledged support would come with strings which would be used by people to say the US would be 'meddling'
Ya the "Look how bad he handled North Korea" comment made me laugh. How deranged must you be to consider peace and nuclear disarmament "bad".
What do you guys think Bitcoiners consist of: majority of anarchists? majority of neo-liberals? majority of communists? what % is Christian? (I remember mining at Eligius lol)
SVers- High IQ, mostly conservative. BTC/BCHers- Low IQ anarchists and communists and generally confused individuals. Thats my best guess.
"SVers- High IQ, mostly conservative." The LOL-train never stops. Chooo Chooo!
Tyranny returns for the day marking Independence from tyranny...
Wars are not going to start themselves
The big issue I see in politics today is that so many fall for PC ideas and other things that in practice are more harmful than good, and that they actively filter out information of this fact