Topic - Pricing Coins by Fair value

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We need to stop using exchanges to price our cryptocurrencies and switch to fair value. That way we can avoid tether and other whaie manipulations.
Fair value's site is here You can clearly see good coins like BCH and Dash are undervalued by exchange pricing. BCH is actually worth ~$710.93
And Dash $190.65. While monero is wildly overvalued by exchange price. Monero's fair value is only $28.679 vs an exchange price of $73.78. Fair value is an objective, math
based way of pricing our coins. By using transactions, average transaction size, velocity and total discounted supply together they can determine the actual price as the holders
of coins themselves are spending them. Thus, we get an accurate assessment of the market, free from speculative mirages like Tether, whale moves, alt market being priced in BTC
And CMC ignoring the differences in supply between coins. All of which skew the metrics and allow nefarious actors to manipulate exchange price.
Its not the "coins" that have value, its the usefulness and usability of the network, that has value. ;-)
Once the block subsidy goes low enough so that miners will stop mining these useless blockchains, and enough time passes by to make all the stupid greedy people who think that its limited amount of these (useless) "coins" that has value, cool down and realise that repeat of this bubble is not going to happen and that number of greater fools has run out, once only the utility of the network is what remains, people will see that their "coins" are useless and because of it, worthless, and that its always been the actual usability and usefulness of the network, which can only come from increasing capacity, which can only come from scaling, that has actual value, and where more value is going to pour in... so this is just matter of time.