do you think this medium post is propaganda?
US v. them, righteous call to action, obsession with purity and correct actions, substitutes for real education on the issues, addressed to some vague collective, promotes irrationality etc.
Posted by a known useful idiot lol
Look at this useful idiot go.
Idk the author but at least the first few sections have links to evidence. things like lying and plagiarism are serious. would be thrown out of academia for that no matter how good his ideas.
There is an us v them aspect (isn’t that unavoidable in this case?) the obsession is with documenting and listing actions that shouldn’t be tolerated.
It isn’t a criticism of him being not enthusiastic enough or not committed enough (ie purity spiral).
What was the call to action? “now we can get back to our mission of bringing peer-to-peer electronic cash to the world”?
& by propaganda what do you mean? CSW’s behavior is his own. Does the author leave off some grand contribution CSW has made?
“Propaganda is information that is not objective and is used primarily to influence an audience and further an agenda, often by presenting facts selectively to encourage a particular synthesis
or perception, or using loaded language to produce an emotional rather than a rational response to the information that is presented.”
how religion seemingly has all the answers to your questions, at first. To see through it you need a broad perspective of what life is like inside and outside the sphere of propaganda...
Simply because you have a better idea of what reality is like.
The problem in dealing with any isolated incident of propaganda is that their web of belief is deliberately secured. A casual person is building a perception as they go, it's like...
If someone doesn't have this, you cannot instill such a perspective in them through an online medium. Cultivating a diverse set of experiences is the best defense against propagandists...
No, what I highlighted here is people responding to propaganda in the intended way. It's tough to protect yourself from this once you become vulnerable which is what I explain.
So your argument is that it is propaganda because you say it is propaganda. & you’re qualified to make such declarations because you are enlightened from your broad experience?
But you can’t actually support your claim that it is propaganda... It’s just your gut feeling.
The well known immunization to all forms of group think and instilled prejudice is a strong network of support, community, hobbies, varied interests etc. Nothing controversial about that
agree about outside networks. even reading posts here (uncensored/not manipulated) during split is nice. more varied opinions than r/btc. just wish there were more ppl weighing in of course 😊
Now, the ABC fans are busy redefining what the checkpoint was. Look for them to attach softer and more pleasant words to it over time, appeal to morals, etc.