Figured we could get a good conversation going about whether or not psychology is real. Is psychology a real science or is it a survey of present thought reinforced as "normalcy"? Discuss!
Well as a student of psychology I can say that there are certain aspects of psychology that is real but a lot of it is just generalization.
What do you think are the axioms we should accept?
One thing we know for sure is that the brain is completely programmable using psychological techniques such as conditioning.
That programming has also been shown to be erasable through the physical plasticity of the brain. LSD isn't conditioning but can change the perceptive nature of ones reality for the long run.
Psychology is mostly bullshit. Too much extrapolation of barely reproducible, poorly cont experimental results. You learn more about the human brain on 5g of shrooms than getting a psych degree.
5g of shrooms 💥🌈✨ is a sick amount
But it does not mean that it cannot be programmed, another way of saying 'erasable' would be that the brain is re-programmable,I agree a lot of psychology is bullshit and its just generalization
True! I was mostly stating the fact that the conditioning can be undone by other means as well! Glad the brain can change - just a painful af process without conditioning lol.