"I support @CobraBitcoin's proposal 2 rewrite the Bitcoin (BTC)...
...Whitepaper. It gives impression BTC is cash, nodes r miners,...
...SPV is for users, and that hash power both enforces and defines...
...the consensus rules. This characterization applies only to BCH...
...BTC needs its own Whitepaper! ~ Peter Rizun
...BTC needs its own Whitepaper!" ~ Peter Rizun
sounds like they would have to hard-fork to anti-asic hash-algorithm
Bitcoin is neither capitalistic nor communistic, but a new form of economic communication with z power 2 disintermediate z immense bureaucracies that both cap. & comm. came 2 rely on." ~ Peter Rizun
"Bitcoin is neither capitalistic nor communistic, but a new form of economic communication with z power 2 disintermediate z immense bureaucracies that both cap. & comm. came 2 rely on." ~ Peter Rizun
"With the disintermediation of the bureau, the structural violence that maintains our current economic systems & social structures will begin to lose its power over our imaginations." ~ Peter Rizun
"And with our imaginations freed, entirely new economic and social systems will be born that we cannot even begin to imagine today." ~ Peter Rizun
"The miners are considering using part of the block reward to fund development (which I think is probably a good thing)...
...But it means the hash majority will redirect part of the income of the hash minority _for the co-operative_ (unless they fork). Is this not Marxist in spirit?" ~ Peter Rizun
"The reality is that large bureaucracies formed in both capitalism and communism for control purposes. Proponents of each argue it was because it wasn’t _true_ capitalism/communism." ~ Peter Rizun