The ability to imagine turds are more important than the knowledge of shit. 🍋
Few are those who shit with their own anuses and feel the water splash with their butt cheeks. 🥪
Unthinking respect for sanitation is the greatest enemy of biological waste. 🥑
Try not to produce the most successful turds, focus on pressing out the most valuable turds. 🥦
I am by heritage a turd, by citizenship a shit, and by makeup a clump of mass, and only a clump of mass, without any special attachment to any turdiness or shit related identity whatsoever. 🍪
Great toilets have always encountered violent bowels filled to the brim with mediocre turds. 🍧
Not every turd that can be counted counts, and not everything that can be counted is a turd. 🍆
Everybody is a turd. But if you judge a shit by its ability to slide down the toilet like a turd, it will live its whole life believing it is shit. 🥫
Look deep into the toilet, and you will understand shit better. 🍒
Nostalgic and still ongoing series of the creme de la creme of turdwax for the ears of shit grinning kids all over the world, ourself include in the past.
Rumor has it that they used actual frozen turds to carve out the markings in the CD and that any sound system that plays it will start to smell like old deceased farts without ambition.
It is always good to take your time when you are making biological waste, just in case it turns into biological gold.
If spam filters was able to eat the mail they would produce turds filled with Viagra, it would be the most potent shit ever.
When you print out all your seeds to your BCH wallet, the paper is much softer than the BTC paper for some reason, I think it is because it should be easier to white your anus with Bcash instead of Core.
I am not pro life, I am anti-life, and I am also not pro-choice, I am anti-choice, both, at the same time, and by life I mean turds, they used to be life at one time, a sort of reverse baby of sort.
I do not believe anyone should have the choice to when turds are formed and they should not be able to reanimate the turds back into living matter.
Some of my proudest moments have been in admiring the healthy, huge, smelly monsters i shit out.
It is an act of creation that leaves an impact on the world and changes the molecular composition of the very air around you, it is also a reminder that even monsters can be a result of an act of love.
I drop symbols of the progress of my digestive tract in the hastily constructed throne of porcelain.
Two weeks without taking as single shit in the corner of this place.
You must feel quite constipated.