Topic - Short story - Compass

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The dog seemed like always smiling.
It was rather curious, no one knew exactly why. The dog appeared many times by the door of the bar for food and company.
As far as I knew Tuna, named for no special reason other than preferring that fish over anything else, didn't belong to anyone.
The owner of the bar a friend of mine, began to call him that two weeks after the beginning of summer.
It was hot as hell. And everything seemed to move slower.
Even the few cars that arrived at the village. They were followed by a twist of head from Tuna and immediately return to rest, with his head between his paws.
I looked at the time.
The train was leaving tomorrow.
I felt with no energy, but I knew it was what I ought to do,
Tuna was going with me, I had a tent, 2 grand in my pocket, one litter of water and a compass. Plus the rest and my notebook it would not total for more than 8 pounds at my back.
I was as ready as I would be, to change my world, go swim at the lakes, and maybe, who knows, come back from the other side. From the West a few years later.