Topic - Stellar and Mt Gox

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Jed McCaleb (from Mt Gox) is a big player in Stellar. Wasn't Mt Gox a scam or they had a coding error that clipped people's funds?
Somehow keys got stolen. Not sure about a scam. They were hacked for years. I tried releasing a token on Stellar. Easy tech but their PoS is expensive to create many wallets & trustlines
When people were going "Stellar to the Moon!" while I was trying to build, i was like, "NOOOOO!!!! I GOTTA STAKE THESE WALLETS!!!" Never again.
Jed McCaleb originally started Mt. Gox, but sold the business to Mark Karpeles. All questionable Mt. Gox activity happened under Mark.
Everyone who's in to crypto should read "Digital Gold" by Nathaniel Popper. It covers Jed, Mark, Roger, Gavin, and the rest of the early players in the space extremely well.
Stellar Lumens (XLM) could be the new virtual banking system. You trade and receive assets via credits (like IOUs). Works with XLM and other stuff like fiat ect.
Bankers will adapt and not become defunct. Or at least not go down without a fight.
Yes, it could be the new banking system. At least, is more decentralized than XRP.
There will be all different types of services we can't even think about. Old money is old money. It's not going to go anywhere, however, HOPEFULLY, their power might be diminished