Just your daily reminder that TAXATION IS THEFT. A claim to value produced by another human being, obtained without their permission, is slavery.
The IRS sent me a letter last year asking why I didn't submit a 1040. I sent them back a copy of the Constitution with the 13th Amendment highlighted in yellow.
I read somewhere that taxes in US are not obligatory, but ppl are threatened not to pay them... i wonder if it's true.
income tax is a good thing, it's just being used to take outr money and we are complicit because of ignorance
As written, the “income tax” laws leave unprivileged earnings and receipts untouched, never crossing the line into the realm of capitations. As written, ...
... the “income tax” remains a proper excise, and as such, doesn’t apply to the earnings of most Americans."
"Plainly, had the 16th Amendment actually been meant to authorize a universal tax, we would have seen income tax filings by every adult American no later than ...
... 1914 and every year from there forward."
"In reality though, only 9.36% of all money-making Americans had occasion to file any kind of tax document in any year from 1913 to 1939, on average."