I'm actually amazed it's not being discussed about. .edi
Mainstream media are deafening.
The hope of sub-saharan Africa rests on the success of South Africa, the breadbasket of the continent. If there is forceful repatriation without compensation.
It would mean that there is little to no hope for there to ever be a prosperous Africa without there being an outside political force like China.
seems white South Africans think reports in international news are over blown?
the white South Africans I've talked to are not concerned by the governments talk of taking white farmers land or the brutal murders of white farmers
idk not my opinion just relaying what I've heard. though they have an 'evacuation to the border plan' so I guess they've thought at least a bit about it.
Looks like your friends are in denial.
Not necessarily, depends on where they are, it is extremely hard to get good statistics (and that is the only thing we have to go by) in South Africa since they-
as far as I know (correct me if I am wrong) do not have self reported victimization polls that is broken down by ethnicity.
And last I check there was no official statistics for the last year, so even if it was the case, and noted, it would be unknown until later.
I would put a 1000 sat bet (generous I know) that there will be forced expropriation without compensation (Any potential compensation is decided by state) 2025.
If I were a white south african, I would be moving my capital to foreign bank accounts and/or cryptocurrency so it's easier to escape when the jackboots come.
Looks like it would not be so easy to move your bank account of of South Africa, they have pretty stringent Capital Controls.
Yeah well maybe BCH could fill the gap.
Could be, but the problem is to get money into BCH as there are KYC and restrictions on the Exchanges and strict laws on bank transfers in SA. Hard part get started