Topic - Using Fair Value Instead of CMC

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Coin Marketcap presents misleading info. Use They take into account discounted supply, velocity, transactions, and other 'fair values', that
together allow the calculation of a value not based on exchange prices which are easily manipulated by whales, wash trading etc. Yet fair value and price routinely converge.
Which indicates that it is a solid model, if not fair value and price would be way different. You can even use it to see manipulation of coins! If the FV and price are too
far apart for too long, either price is higher than fv or fv is higher than price without converging, its because of manipulation! The economic paper is on the site, enjoy!
Thanks for the site, interesting to read about how they determine the Fair Value, and I wonder how they figured out that Monero FV.
It looks like the monero community has finally found a way to game fair value after all! They went from having a Fair value of $18 to $118
Overnight! The xmr comm. relies on manipulation, lies and innuendo in order to claim to be 'the best'. Even though they have the smallest anon-set of any privacy coin.
*Update, looks like there was a bug in the Monero daily sampling data...