Some people say, ''USA just want the oil'' probably thats true, but dont think that Russia and China are here for eating arepas,
Cuba receives 49000 oil barrels from Venezuela monthly FOR FREE, while people here dies in the hospitals without medicines, children die starving, which kind of human being is Maduro? a psycho.
He probably says it to sound big. I doubt he is dumb enough to fire on the American army. He would have signed his own death warrant.
Venezuela has adopted Crypto.If the US interferes in Venezuela,distrupting the gov and establishing their own gov will it have an affect on crypto?
4 days national blackout, It was a total chamos, Maduro is saying It was an electromagnétic attack from the US, they always blame the opposition for their mistakes
Maduro is a dictator, Venezuela's government lies, no matter when you read this, remember, THEY LIE
We MUST not allow this to go un-answered in our own backyard. We must act.
Can I help by selling Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrencies in Venezuela ... or am I going to be seen as trying to profit from the devastation.

I have been in Venezuela here for 45 days, the value of 1 USD in bolivar has inflated from 5500 to 6200 during that time and people are selling mangoes on the streets for 10-20 cents per kilo.
People here have certainly enough to eat and there is no intervention from the outside necessary at all!!! People get a free food basket each month in addition to a monthly free basic income.
People do not have to work at all but they get all kinds of services for free like: Metro, Gas, Electricity, Housing and even Food!
Of course there are poor people and homeless people like everyhwere in the world, at least the homeless people here are working and not hanging around drunk on the street wasting time.
I find the situation in Venezuela absolutely ok, I have traveled 10 different countries worldwide, I have seen chaos in Italy, Greece, Germany, USA, Thailand... they are all fucked up!
We dont receive a food basket where I live because we dont support government, so dont talk about what you dont know, that basket is only for the people who supports Maduro, so i
So if you dont support communist you dont deserve that food that is paid with taxes? please man, people has enough money for having an unhealthy diet, and the food that they give in that basket
is low quality food, and it only last for 1 week, if you say something against the government in the street, you get jailed, so what paradise are you talking about, bro? you dont know nothing.
Alberto, I see very clearly now that you are enemy of your own people, you are a traitor, you are literally wanting a private foreign control of the natural resources which is pretty fucked up.
You are likely a supporter of that CIA asset Guaido... which puts you in same basket as other Fascist collaborators. You should NEVER go against your own people. Shame on you.
I can stop hearing helicopters all day, looks like Maduro is preparing for the U.S military intervention
As an outsider, it is SO hard to know whom to trust on issues like this. Either side (or both) could be lying through their teeth. I know whom I believe must be telling the truth though (Alberto)
The large picture though, is rather simple. Socialism ends up making people dependent on the state, and makes the state big and fat. It invites all kinds of abuse. Like "no food basket for you"
This makes people subservient to the state (and therefore its leaders). So even if I did not believe Alberto here, this is the natural way a country like Venezuela would be going over time
I could go on and on about socialism, but I believe those who want to believe already believe, those who don't will choose not to believe. On both sides many people act like religious zealots
@White men are people to: You get it all wrong. Socialism doesn't make people dependent on government.... government IS THE PEOPLE... that is, when Government works for the people, which is what Socialism is. When Government works for the BUSINESS OWNERS, ie CAPITALISTS, that is when you have DEEP STATE, people who are not in the Government, who do not represent the interests of the people, who actually control the Government and it no longer represents the people. So is it not Socialism that is bad or evil, it is Capitalism. And who can you trust? Really? You think you can trust American media and politicians who are all proven liars for decades? Are you kidding me? There is absolutely nothing that someone from America said, that turned out to be true... and this is going back to WWI at least, if not more. Who you should trust is people who are victim of the Fascist Capitalist Imperialism of USA, and its NATO allies... the evil AXIS forces... this is what they really are. Even...
Oh and one more thing for your ignorant head: if you want to talk about DEPENDENCY... look at Capitalism you stupid fuck... who are people dependent in Capitalism? THE CAPITALISTS... there is no democracy in Capitalism for this very reason, because Capitalists have corrupted everything... EVERYTHING. Government is meant to provide jobs... using tax from the people... building services and jobs for the people... so that people can benefit from their own work... this is a closed sustainable cycle... and it is because Capitalists and Monarchs who remove this balance and sustainability, and instead of everything workers produce coming back to the people who produced it, there are now PARASITES (Capitalists... and Monarchs also) who exploit work of the people and extract wealth their produce, then hoard this wealth for themsleves... and that is CANCER OF SOCIETY, and it is the ROOT CAUSE of every shit that happens in the world for the past 2 centuries.