Can anyone contact Julian Assange and let him know this is a censorship resistant platform?
Haven't you heard of D.A.K? Where do you think pizzagate sprung forth from?
A zip file containing the backup of threads of people finding his Dead Mans Switch in the Blockchain. He's dead folks, when "he" reappeared he never cryptographically proved who he was
This is back from 2016? Where was this originally from? Julian Assange could be dead?
Saw a news article approx. 24 hours ago saying that Australian Officials have visited Ecuadorian Embassy with Assange's lawyer.
That's all rubbish. He said he was going to make 10 releases about Clinton before the election, he got to 3/10 before his internet was cut off and they tweeted their dead man's switch.
So what does that suggest?
Is there any number 2/3/4 for wikileaks? Isn't there a way to direct the information to be published on chain here on
It suggests that they "cut his internet off" in Oct 2016 and when "he" returned "he" refused to sign his PGP high security key meaning "he" doesn't have it because "he" is not Julian.
That's fascinating, depressing but fascinating.
Yes.... these are incredible times. Thank goodness platforms like this still exist and are resistant.
Can someone give me the rundown on what has been happening since?
It's almost been two years and most people still assume he's alive.
I reply to @julianassange about anytime they tweet how cenxored they might be
so Julian Assange is leaving the embassy?
at least something is happening