Topic - entrepreneurs

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bch and entrepreneurship are symbiotic, therefore this topic must exist on memo
Should bch ideas go here on in another topic.... hmm. Here is as good as anywhere I suppose. Many entrepreneurs have the will to execute but not necessarily the creativity.
An app or service idea that coincides with a post in "earn bch" topic is an HR app that does "direct deposit" to a bch address, so that employers could offer this to employees and save on fee
Are you a BCH entrepreneur yourself?
I'm working toward it, but not actively working on a project yet.
Idea: based partly on what some have done here. Blockchain Books. Script out posting the world's greatest books to memo and a reader app or add-on to consume them back.
Probably economicly nonsensical given the wide distribution of free sources of public domain great works already... but in case of the worst, where blockchain lives but censorship dominates
That combination, where blockchain lives and censorship dominates concurrently, may be difficult for some to imagine, but anything is possible. Anyway, there are other angles as well.
Blockchain apps that offer competitive solutions to conflict resolution would be worth pursuing.