decodescript "565b51949360882103bbf681b891eacf39ecc98f8763c556cb11fb4be6255a29107a266c134e999064ba", you will read the redeem script above.
Its p2sh address is bitcoincash:prjjuwfpym5macvx90rxnnkfw5v8asgvxgytk8pf0t. Unluckily, when search this address in block explorer, I found that the 1 BCH fund had been claimed by others.
I send 10 cash into this address, and switch to `SPEND` tab. (If you don't send some fund into this address, you will get `no UTXO` warning)
Finally, the unlock script is <signature from Oracle> <SHA256 of you subscribe email>
Entire script is <signature from Oracle> <SHA256 of you subscribe email> 6 11 1 OP_SUB OP_ADD 16 OP_EQUALVERIFY 03bbf681b891eacf39ecc98f8763c556cb11fb4be6255a29107a266c134e999064 OP_CHECKDATASIG