Topic - twitter censorship

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1/Not sure if this is something normal for twitter, but recently i am being prevented from replying to twits created by pro-BTC ppl. First my account was suspended, now i am getting
2/ a message that my twit looks like an automated message and to protect ppl from spam they will not allow my twit to go through. I don't write many twits so this seems obvious to me
/3 that I'm being censored because I am more BCH guy, what is not welcome in the pro-BTC environment.
4/ has anyone else experienced the same issues, and how you have overcame them? I won't be able to reach anyone falsely beliving in BTC, since I cannot interact with them...
They shadowban people and put them under more replies.
I've seen a person whose tweet I couldn't retweet on Twitter. She doesn't seem to be a big BCH fan.