Topic - txBlasterCollect

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Thank you @Cryptogrampa for your tip of 480,000 satoshis. The balance now is 0.10503816 BCH. We are collecting funds for the next stress day!
@esthon, the tips are not registering for the bot for last tips
I'm just checking...
Thank you @esthon for your tip of 1,000 satoshis. The balance now is 0.11505451 BCH. We are collecting funds for the next stress day!
The balance is right, only the post in memo was not working due a bug that I introduced in the program doing other things. Sorry about that, now is OK! Thanks to report!
Thank you @BitcoinCashHoarder for your tip of 1,800,000 satoshis. The balance now is 0.13305094 BCH. We are collecting funds for the next stress day!
Thank you @Cryptogrampa for your tip of 10,000 satoshis. The balance now is 0.0031163 BCH. We are collecting funds for the next stress day!
Thank you @BitcoinCashHoarder for your tip of 50,000 satoshis. The balance now is 0.00361267 BCH. We are collecting funds for the next stress day!
Thank you @Cryptogrampa for your tip of 500,000 satoshis. The balance now is 0.00860896 BCH. We are collecting funds for the next stress day!
Thank you @Cryptogrampa for your tip of 700,000 satoshis. The balance now is 0.01560531 BCH. We are collecting funds for the next stress day!
Thank you @Cryptogrampa for your tip of 440,000 satoshis. The balance now is 0.02000166 BCH. We are collecting funds for the next stress day!
Thank you @BCHNWO for your tip of 1,000,000 satoshis. The balance now is 0.02999801 BCH. We are collecting funds for the next stress day!
Thank you @Cryptogrampa for your tip of 2,000,200 satoshis. The balance now is 0.0499964 BCH. We are collecting funds for the next stress day!
Thank you @Cryptogrampa for your tip of 500,000 satoshis. The balance now is 0.05499274 BCH. We are collecting funds for the next stress day!
Thank you @Cryptogrampa for your tip of 500,000 satoshis. The balance now is 0.05498909 BCH. We are collecting funds for the next stress day!
Thank you @BitcoinCashHoarder for your tip of 100,000 satoshis. The balance now is 0.05598544 BCH. We are collecting funds for the next stress day!
Thank you @Cryptogrampa for your tip of 120,000 satoshis. The balance now is 0.05718172 BCH. We are collecting funds for the next stress day!
Thank you @Cryptogrampa for your tip of 1,000,000 satoshis. The balance now is 0.06717807 BCH. We are collecting funds for the next stress day!
Bot not sending tip confirmation
Thank you @BitcoinCashHoarder for your tip of 1,000,000 satoshis. The balance now is 0.0971744 BCH. We are collecting funds for the next stress day!
Thank you @BitcoinCashHoarder for your tip of 1,000,000 satoshis. The balance now is 0.0971744 BCH. We are collecting funds for the next stress day!
Thank you @BitcoinCashHoarder for your tip of 1,000,000 satoshis. The balance now is 0.0971744 BCH. We are collecting funds for the next stress day!
Thank you @BCHNWO for your tip of 1,000,000 satoshis. The balance now is 0.10966321 BCH. We are collecting funds for the next stress day!
Thank you @BitcoinCashHoarder for your tip of 250,000 satoshis. The balance now is 0.10966321 BCH. We are collecting funds for the next stress day!
Thank you @Cryptogrampa for your tip of 30,000 satoshis. The balance now is 0.10995588 BCH. We are collecting funds for the next stress day!