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So many very badly educated and uneducated sheeple in Capitalism. Don't even know the difference between State enforced Private Property and territory of animal world and natural order, which Capitalism is 100% not. Capitalism is literally the most unnatural system there is. You people are soo badly misinformed about what Capitalism is (as well as Communism and Socialism) that you can't even tell which principle Capitalism and Communism use, regarding PoS vs PoW concept. You people are completely clueless. You read some propaganda, and you take it as truth, that crap of Communism killing 100 million people is such crap. I'll mention it again, every single war since WWI, WWII included was created by Capitalists... and these wars have killed way more that 100 million people.... but you stupid sheeple don't know how to think and see the true reality.
@RealBitcoinClub just observe animals (stray dogs for example) and you will see they definitely have property. It's called territory. They also have hierarchy, which is property related.
100 years, 100 million killed by communism #CommunismKills
Just observe animals and you will realize none of them thinks about property. That's why animals don't go to war or enslave each other. We are confused animals which lost their instincts.
I dont undrstnd how ppl can look at a forest & see all of nature living in communal harmony. evrytng in the forest is competing over limited resources & to lose is to die. It is the freest market