Topic Threads: Ed

I changed my mind about Wikileaks Now, before you attack me, listen to the whole video. I am not saying I am against telling/publishing the truth or that journalists should be jailed for doing so, but now I understand that Wikileaks is not actually telling us the whole truth, the way Bitcoin system would, if we were to all use it, which explains why Wikileaks has attacked Craig Wright also, called him a fraud, effectively showing that they are not either for an adoption of a system which can expose all corruption, they have shown (to me anyway) that they are just controlled opposition also, same how Roger Ver and rest of the Bitcoin ABC traitors betrayed original Bitcoin system, and started attacking Craig Wright by calling him a fraud, and wanting to create a deliberate split again, in order to kick him out. Bitcoin, the original system, is under attack from all sides, even from those who, on the first glance, seem to be the good guys... and its is because these supposed "good guys" have attacked Bitcoin also, is how I now see that they have a secret agenda also and that they are not really any better then existing establishment. This is why we need to adopt a system which removes power from everyone, and we no longer have this centuries long, real life, "Game of Thrones" crap that we have to this day. And as soon as someone starts attacking original Bitcoin protocol, saying how its leading to centralisation of mining, and how it doesn't work, etc, that should be a red flag, signal that they are likely to have some hidden agenda also, and/or someone secretly funding them in order to say those things... and unless we adopt a system which can no longer allow anyone to hide such funding,, we will keep having crooks, and pretending to be "the good guys", scenario, where no matter who gets in control, we are still under someone else's control This is why I ask every good and honest person out there to come join me in support of the Bitcoin system and its creator and defenders.

1 replies Active 2047 days ago Ed

No problem mate, its done

5 replies Active 2301 days ago Ed