Topic Threads: hmwyda - multisig can increase motivation

How multisig address may work. ANYONE can find lists with similar interests. For example - In order to create multisig address you need public keys. Only used addresses have public keys revealed (see my previous post). ... Here are 4 IMO honest lists with public keys revealed: 1) address: 1JphZzE3mNhZervKK7FspCyJq9Mk5HKvco public key: 02777e6860c204a6acb4b6f5e0bcceaf5595d8ad4a6929db1ca327b087f6d5bb55 2) address: 16uK3sX74ZHVVaBJqRSz44ZYanaQugDkRV public key: 044fc267e4fa60878ddb07708e22295cbd1738e2835817dfac7df8e5e74b335a825340fa2dd04d7e65ecfdf96ea95a4a1afce8a83243fe25392f8567c902c4f397 3) address: 1BpzhusS2w28DVA7a1BM3Dw4HdwwXhs6sa public key: 0417ab3338800325e561f964b03f26b4df49545dcba3fbbff7a8ab2cb20a5e8591af13d9f53ec21b412b738c0161c033cbd27daf597c051ef6c4b0aa79c7f39e3d 4) address: 13fSbf5RScS5dSC5SHXdUDY186qBaSW91o public key: 0303fe245cff81a5a8d288ae6ee0f347d5453eff3024deaa55ddb75ff899f8beb4 ----- ANYONE can go to and create 3-of-4 multisig address: Address: 3JMZSKYegRxxLiYuT7xJerHpafyrQTcuGC Redeem Script: 532102777e6860c204a6acb4b6f5e0bcceaf5595d8ad4a6929db1ca327b087f6d5bb5541044fc267e4fa60878ddb07708e22295cbd1738e2835817dfac7df8e5e74b335a825340fa2dd04d7e65ecfdf96ea95a4a1afce8a83243fe25392f8567c902c4f397410417ab3338800325e561f964b03f26b4df49545dcba3fbbff7a8ab2cb20a5e8591af13d9f53ec21b412b738c0161c033cbd27daf597c051ef6c4b0aa79c7f39e3d210303fe245cff81a5a8d288ae6ee0f347d5453eff3024deaa55ddb75ff899f8beb454ae ----- And that's basically all done - ANYONE can use this address in any way. Participants can top up it regularly, and potential agents will see it, and trust them together more than separately. ----- And ANYONE can initiate multisig transaction: open - paste the redeem script - and specify target address(es) and amount(s). For example I topped up 0.0041 and created an unsigned transaction which sends 0.001 to all of 4 participants: 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 ANYONE can verify it here ----- And now, any 3 of participants can sign it one by one: - sign - and publish hex string here And the third signer can broadcast it (Signing order is not important - see ) ----- Notes: - The only big problem with is calculating transaction fee. I am not sure how to do it and just added +0.0001 without calculations. (Unsigned tx is 390 bytes long, 0.0001 is 10000 satoshi, 10000/390=25 sat/byte - it should work.) - For better safety you should disconnect internet when signing tx with your private key. is a famous mature project, but you can't be too careful. - In BTC it's impossible to add-remove co-signers, but in NEM and Gnosis it is possible.

1 replies Active 1237 days ago hmwyda - multisig can increase motivation

-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- Greetings. I'm here for a long time already. I write my #hmwyda wishlist regularly. I'm really interested to know what will come from this. But I want to remain anonymous now. I’ll leave my opinion about the theme. Everything that is going here right now is the first precedent in the world, which has no analogues yet. I want to start at least with the scale of your mailing throughout the year to many addresses, including the first Bitcoin blocks, and new addresses. This characterizes you as a persistent person with incredible endurance and a clear understanding of the result you are looking for. It’s delights to be honest. The idea is perfect. It's just a reward mechanism for doing “something special”. I will not focus on the moral and ethical side of the question now. The people from the published #hmwyda wishlist don’t use these concepts in relation to citizens of their countries. They hide behind a faked democracy, faked freedom of speech, and faked principles of life are imposed in the media and the Internet every day. I propose to call what we do as “the principle of reciprocity”. This is an answer for their behavior. I would like to return to the idea that was published in this section. If we create a multi-signature wallet there is a great risk of encountering scammers who will create fake multi-wallets deliberately. The fraudster who owns the wallet will not give it to the agent. We are going to become an organized criminal community this way, and this can attract close attention. The decentralized approach seems more appropriate. In an ideal world the way what you are talking about is more attractive to agents for sure, but in a pragmatic world we can face a bunch of scammers, because multi-signature wallet will be convenient and available for them mostly. We will not be able to talk about the Pareto principle in this case, where 20% of efforts give 80% of the result, because if 13 of 15 holders signature belong to one person, it will be too easy to take the amount of the general wallet prepared for the agent. And this should not be allowed. As I can see, the project is going through a stage of formation now, it’s developing according to the Pareto principle. Other words, I am convinced that while the community is growing (emotionally, spiritually, mentally), 20% of donations will reach the goal only, but they will be crushing. No doubt! 80% will be spent for other unimportant things. It takes a time. Most people have to spend more time to reach what you are mentally ready for already. The second stage should begin then - the growth stage. I am sure that people here mostly have not yet felt the delight of the wonderful historical moment they are lucky to take a part. They will understand a little bit later. If we do not talk about the Pareto principle and assume that there are honest people mostly, there is the possibility that someone will lose the key, an accident will occur and he will die or he will steal a toy from a store and will be sent to jail. Many ridiculous things can happen. Decentralized payment mechanism “for something special” will turn into a vulnerable community, where each of the participants depends on the other. I will try to show with a simple example. We have 100 people armed with penknives, and 20 people with axes, under ideal conditions, when everyone is masterful with their weapons, the chance of victory is higher with a small weapon, but with a lot of brave hearts. A group of 100 people will also suffer losses of course. It seems to me that we shouldn’t deviate from the principles of decentralization. We do not live in a perfect world, and building communities can lead to vulnerabilities. A potential agent can be left without reward for doing “something special”. The reward can be sent not as intended by majority vote. Thanks for Your attention. -----BEGIN SIGNATURE----- 1KFJwra395simXS2UrkEZLX6z3emSpg4ZC Hz1xJ78kVSAyjLbojiPdzCviPuoUh0nh1wmQpNmCL3DAMTtZE6bus9Lv9QF9jBuWj4IB1LIsQHvu7z4UdC9ayDY= -----END BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE-----

1 replies Active 1273 days ago hmwyda - multisig can increase motivation