Topic Threads: hmwyda - wishlists (donations here)

-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- #hmwyda wishlist: Привет! Кругом аферисты и казнокрады! Hey! All around are swindlers and embezzlers! 1-1 Армен Саркисян - действующий президент Армении. Автор многочисленных академических статей и публикаций по теоретической физике, астрофизике, компьютерному моделированию, политологии и переходной экономике. С виду замечательный человек и семьянин, но это не так! Он нарушил закон о гражданстве, назначал своих соратников в парламент, дабы выстроить свою подконтрольную страну и прибрать к рукам, как можно больше государственных средств. Этот человек рушит единство страны, принимая необоснованные решения и заключая дружеские отношения с врагами, имея корыстные цели. Пока Армен правит страной, Армения на мировом дне. Armen Sargsyan is the current president of Armenia. Author of numerous academic articles and publications in theoretical physics, astrophysics, computer modeling, political science and economics in transition. He looks like a wonderful person and a family man, but he is not! He violated the law on citizenship, appointed his associates to parliament in order to build his controlled country and seize as much public funds as possible. This person destroys the unity of the country, making unreasonable decisions and concluding friendly relations with enemies, having selfish goals. While Armen is ruling the country, Armenia is underground. 10 000$ 1-2 Премьер-министр Армении Никол Пашинян стал на эту должность с помощью президента Армена Саркисяна. Известен, как главный коррупционер страны. Против его деятельности бунтует парламент и жители страны. Несмотря на то, что он не понимает ничего в политике, Никол долгие годы старательно пробивался к господству, баллотируясь на всевозможные посты, но называл власти Армении самым коррумпированными. Он принимает неверные решения по вопросам назначения лиц на высокопоставленные должности, а также нарушает политический строй. Но, как всем известно, это происходит с целью присвоения госбюджета. Николу пора покинуть страну и освободить нас от процветания коррупции! Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan took up this post with the help of President Armen Sarkissian. He is known as the main corrupt official in the country. Parliament and residents of the country are revolting against his activities. Despite the fact that he does not understand anything in politics, Nikol for many years made his way to domination, running for all kinds of posts, but called the Armenian authorities the most corrupt. He makes the wrong decisions on the appointment of persons to high-ranking positions, and also violates the political system. But, as everyone knows, this is happening with the aim of appropriating the state budget. It's time for Nikol to leave the country and free us from the prosperity of corruption! 9 500$ինչո՞ւ-հհ-վարչապետի-պաշտոնակատարի-դե/ 1-3 Ара Сагателян - политический деятель и директор Центра по связям с общественностью и информации АПРА, где в 2018 году стал руководителем. Человек стабильно нарушает правопорядок, но прессе и людям твердит, что действует на благо страны. Ара Сагателян сидел в тюрьме за совершение преступления против правительства, участник крупных коррупционных схем, и теперь он снова под следствием! В этот раз политик нарушил закон о распространении информации во время военного положения, также пропагандировал насилие! Сагателян провоцирует в стране политические скандалы, он должен сидеть в тюрьме! Ara Saghatelyan is a politician and director of the APRA Public Relations and Information Center, where he became the head in 2018. He consistently violates law and order, but he tells the press and people that he is acting for the good of the country. Ara Saghatelyan was imprisoned for committing a crime against the government, a participant in large corruption schemes, and now he is under investigation again! The politician violated the law on disseminating information during martial law, and also promoted violence! Saghatelyan provokes political scandals in the country, he should be in prison! 8 500$Սաղաթելյան/1803694Սաղաթելյան-ՀՔԾ/1776945 1-4 Государственный и политический деятель Армен Смбатян. С этим политиком было связано большое количество скандалов в прошлом. Он оправдывал фальсификацию на выборах, защищал членов комиссии. На данный момент Армен перешел на высший уровень в своих преступлениях. Он пособничает коррупционным схемам в правительстве, поддерживает главных преступников страны. Смбатян незаконным путем присваивал имущество и отмывал средства. Если он не сядет в тюрьму, страшно представить на что он еще способен! State and political figure Armen Smbatyan. A large number of scandals have been associated with this politician in the past. He justified electoral fraud, defended commission members. Armen has moved to the highest level in his crimes. He aids in corruption schemes in the government, supports the main criminals of the country. Smbatyan illegally appropriated property and laundered funds. If he doesn't go to jail, it's scary to imagine what else he is capable for! 9 500$ 1-5 Айк Марутян - мэр Еревана. Еще один правонарушитель в законе. С виду порядочный человек, который борется за права жителей города, но на самом то деле просто наживается и проталкивает "своих наверх". Марутян несколько раз пытался выдвинуть на высокий пост в правлении подругу своей жены, назначая ее на высокие должности, нарушая закон. Hayk Marutyan is the mayor of Yerevan. Another delinquent in the law. He looks like a decent person who fights for the rights of the city's residents, he is just making money and pushing "his own people upstairs." Marutyan several times tried to nominate his wife's girlfriend to a high post in the board, appointing her to high positions, breaking the law. 8 500$Ժողովուրդ/1859909 1-6 Полковник полиции Айк Мхрян бывший заместитель начальника полиции, с декабря 2020 года - глава административного района Ачапняк. Безразличный и халатный в отношении своих обязанностей. Айк занят организацией коррупционных схем в районе, которым он управляет, что приводит к беспределу и беззаконию. Массовые правонарушения, нелегальный бизнес, уклонение от уплаты налогов - и это все дело рук полковника полиции! О каком светлом будущем мы можем говорить, когда такие нелюди "защищают" нас? Police Colonel Hayk Mkhryan, former Deputy Chief of Police, has been head of the Ajapnyak administrative district since December 2020. Indifferent and negligent about his duties. Hayk is busy organizing corruption schemes in the area he controls, which leads to lawlessness and lawlessness. Mass violations, illegal business, tax evasion - and this is all the work of the police colonel! What bright future can we talk about when such non-humans "protect" us? 9 000$ 1-7 Доктор медицинских наук и советник Министерства здравоохранения Армен Чарчян занимает должность директора Измирлянского медицинского центра. Благодаря бывшему президенту Роберту Кочаряну пришел в политику, но так как он не имел поддержки со стороны народа, он пошел на преступление. Армен принуждал сотрудников медцентра «Измирлян» к участию в голосовании на внеочередных выборах. Без стыда, на каждом судебном заседании доказывает, что он святой и его оклеветали. Doctor of Medical Sciences and Advisor to the Ministry of Health Armen Charchyan is the director of the Izmirlyan Medical Center. Thanks to former President Robert Kocharian, he entered politics, but since he did not have support from the people, he committed a crime. Armen forced the staff of the Izmirlian medical center to vote in early elections. Without shame, at every court session he proves that he is a saint and has been slandered. 8 000$ 1-8 Роберт Кочарян бывший президент Армении. Крупная фигура в коррупционных схемах страны. Уже складывается впечатления, что кроме воровства человек ничего не умеит делать. Хитрость и наглость в политике его сильная сторона, поэтому многие чиновники боятся его. Он участвовал в подтасовке голосов на президентских выборах, незаконно присваивал государственные средства, руководил ОПГ. Для Армении этот человек исчадие ада, которое нужно выселить из страны. Robert Kocharian is the former president of Armenia. A major figure in the country's corruption schemes. Already one gets the impression that person does not know how to do anything exept stealing. Cunning and arrogance in politics is his strong point, so many officials are afraid of him. He participated in the rigging of votes in the presidential elections, illegally embezzled state funds, led an organized criminal group. For Armenia, this person is a devil who needs to be evicted from the country. 8 000$ 1-9 Акоп Карапетян - пресс-секретарь мэра Еревана. Пользуясь своими полномочиями, помогает вышестоящим чиновникам уничтожать местный бизнес, и принимать ранее разрешенные постройки за незаконные, скрывает коррупционную деятельность крупных преступников. Таким образом расчищает путь для себя и своих коллег, чтобы самостоятельно управлять всем бизнесом в городе и получать с этого большие деньги. Он всегда выходит чистым из воды, так как его преступления не имеют прямых доказательств его участия. Hakob Karapetyan is the press secretary of the mayor of Yerevan. Using his powers, he helps higher officials to destroy local businesses, and to take previously authorized buildings for illegal, hides the corruption activities of major criminals. Thus, he clears the way for himself and his colleagues to independently manage the entire business in the city and get a lot of money from it. He always comes out clean from the water, since his crimes do not have direct evidence of his participation. 8 000$ 1-10 Оник Гаспарян начальник Генерального штаба ВС Армении. Человек, имеющий тесные связи с политическими акулами. Будучи много лет на посту начальника Генштаба, выполнял поручения президентов, чем сделал себя пешкой в военных играх. Несмотря на то, что его обвиняет Никол Пашинян, который сам не чист, в предательстве родины, Гаспарян стоит на своем и готов бороться за свою должность. А это и не удивительно, его обучали этому киты в преступном мире! Onik Gasparyan is the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Armenia. A person with close ties to political sharks. For many years as chief of the General Staff, he carried out instructions from the presidents, which made himself a pawn in the war games. Despite the fact that Nikol Pashinyan, who is not clean himself, accuses him of betraying his homeland, Gasparyan stands his ground and is ready to fight for his position. And this is not surprising, he was taught this by the whales in the underworld! 9 000$դավիթ-շահնազարյան/1809088 2-1 ГНКО Центр судебно-медицинской экспертизы cодействует правительству в сокрытии тел военнослужащих, погибших в арцахской войне. Было раскрыто ненадлежащее хранение останков и фрагментов тел погибших, которые были расположены на полу подвальных помещений. Погибших военнослужащих в полиэтиленовых мешках перевезли в подвальный этаж, аргументируя это тем, что нет мест в холодильниках. Бесчеловечность в Армении процветает, но правительство это не остановит. Forensic Medical Examination Center SNCO assists the government in hiding the bodies of servicemen who died in the Artsakh war. The inappropriate storage of the remains and fragments of the bodies of the victims, which were located on the floor of the basement, was revealed. The dead servicemen were transported in plastic bags to the basement, arguing that there were no places in refrigerators. Inhumanity is flourishing in Armenia, but the government will not stop it. 9 000$ 2-2 Араратское региональное отделение Союза добровольцев «Еркрапа» учреждение, в котором хранятся боеприпасы на складах. Оружие доступно молодым людям с нарушеной психикой после войны, что привело к массовому запугиванию выстрелами. Ararat regional branch of the Union of Volunteers "Yerkrapah" is an institution that stores ammunition in warehouses. The weapon is available to mentally disturbed young people after the war, leading to massive gunfire intimidation. 7 000$ 2-3 «Электрические сети Армении» не выполняют должным образом свою работу, чем нарушают покой граждан. Поступают многочисленные жалобы на предприятие, в которых говорится о постоянных перебоях в электроэнергии. Это происходит в целях экономии ресурсов и средств компании, из-за чего страдают местные жители, не имеющие возможности пользоваться электрическими приборами в нужное им время. The “Electric Networks of Armenia” do not perform their work properly, thus disturbing the peace of the citizens. There are numerous complaints about the plant, which refer to constant power outages. This is happening in order to save resources and company funds, because of which local residents suffer, who are not able to use electrical appliances at the time they need. 5 000$ՀԵՑ-հոսանքազրկման-պատճառ/2523425 2-4 Комитет Государственных Доходов состоит из коррупционеров и мошенников, которые грабят государственный бюджет многие годы и получают взятки в особо крупном размере. Инспекторы Комитета незаконно отправляют за границу товары и деньги. После выяснений деталий преступления, вышеупомянутое правительство назначает еще одного коррупционера на должность главы Комитета государственных доходов республики. Круговорот обмана в Армении продолжается. The State Revenue Committee consists of corrupt officials and swindlers who have been robbing the state budget for many years and receiving bribes on an especially large scale. The inspectors of the Committee illegally send goods and money abroad. After clarifying the details of the crime, the aforementioned government appoints another corrupt official to the post of head of the State Revenue Committee of the republic. The cycle of deception continues in Armenia. 2-5 Правительство Армении наплевательски относится к гражданам страны и позволяет всем чиновникам нелегально обогащаться. Президенты, премьер-министры, политические партии — это огромная коррупционная яма с преступниками. Правительство заявляет народу о борьбе с коррупцией, хотя сами продолжают воровать. Оно садит в тюрьму преступников, хотя само им же и является! The government of Armenia does not care about the citizens of the country and allows all officials to illegally enrich themselves. Presidents, prime ministers, political parties are a huge corruption pit with criminals. The government announces to the people about the fight against corruption, although they themselves continue to steal. It puts criminals in prison, although it itself is! 10 000$ 2-6 Айпост мошенническое учреждение. Через отделения компании допускаются провозы контрабанды и запрещенных медицинских препаратов, что является явным нарушением закона. Также в Айпост отсутствует надлежащая система безопасности, из-за которой страдают люди. Haypost is a fraudulent institution. Through the branches of the company, smuggling and illegal medicines are allowed, which is a clear violation of the law. Also, there is no proper security system in HayPost, because of which people suffer. 5 000$ 2-7 Муниципалитет Мегри представляет собой угрозу национальной безопасности из-за махинаций и преступлений. Муниципалитет действует не во благо народа, средства не выделяются на улучшение инфраструктуры и развития, а наоборот отягощает ситуацию. Организованные финансовые махинации по отмывке денег из государственных проектов прикрываются данным учреждением. Meghri Municipality poses a threat to national security due to fraud and crime. The municipality does not act for the benefit of the people, funds are not allocated to improve infrastructure and development, but on the contrary aggravates the situation. Organized financial frauds to launder money from government projects are covered by this institution. 6 000$ 2-8 Правительство Лорийской области – это сборище неадекватных и агрессивных движений. В правительстве области отсутствует понятие норм поведения, поэтому политики нападают на своих коллег с кулаками, пытаясь таким образом доказать свою правоту. О какой безопасности местного населения может идти речь, если правительство демонстрирует неадекватность действий? The Lori region government is a bunch of inadequate and aggressive movements. The regional government lacks the concept of norms of behavior, so politicians attack their colleagues with fists, thus trying to prove their case. What kind of safety of the local population can we talk about if the government demonstrates inadequacy of actions? 5 000$Լոռու-մարզպետ-Օձուն/1846600 2-9 Альянс «Мой шаг» собрал всех крупных коррупционеров, которые хотят любым способом заполучить власть в стране. Он защищает фальсифицированные политические выборы, к которым также приложили свою руку президент и премьер-министр, который является лидером партии. Он не хочет, чтобы население подняло бунт и узнало об подтасованных голосах, но рыба гниет с головы, а это Никола Пашинян (главный коррупционер страны). The Alliance "My Step" has gathered all the major corrupt officials who want to gain power in the country by any means. He defends rigged political elections, which the president and prime minister, who is the leader of the party, also had a hand in. He does not want the population to revolt and find out about the rigged voices, but the fish rots from the head, and this is Nikola Pashinyan (the country's main corrupt official). 8 000$ 2-10 Партия Гражданский договор. Место, в котором не знают о правилах предвыборной кампании, и не знают, что такое принимать решения. В партии царит хаос и драки на заседаниях, независимо от того, кто прав, а кто нет. Party Civil contract. A place where they do not know about the rules of the election campaign, and do not know what it means to make decisions. The party is in chaos and fighting at meetings, regardless of who is right and who is not. 7 000$ԱԺ-պատգամավորներ/2554786 3-1 Ненавижу всех членов Совета старейшин Еревана за коррупционную деятельность. Они фальсифицируют результаты политических выборов. Каждый сотрудник замешан в преступной деятельности и покрывает политические партии в нарушениях. Сотрудники этого органа на протяжении долгих лет воруют деньги из бюджета страны. I hate all the members of the Council of Elders in Yerevan for their corrupt activities. They falsify the results of political elections. Each employee is involved in criminal activity and covers up political parties for violations. Employees have been stealing money from the country's budget for many years. 8 500$; 3-2 Ненавижу членов Национального Собрания. Они неуправляемы и ведут себя ужасно. Они машенничают с госзакупками, чтобы переводить деньги из бюджета на счета собственных компаний. Чиновникам выписывают необоснованно огромные премии. Эти люди не имеют права руководить страной и принимать решения, касающиеся народа. I hate the members of the National Assembly. They are uncontrollable and behave horribly. They cheat with government purchases in order to transfer money from the budget to the accounts of their own companies. Officials are given unreasonably huge bonuses. These people do not have the right to rule the country and make decisions concerning the people. 10 000$ 3-3 Ненавижу членов Центральной избирательной комиссии Армении за пособничество местным чиновникам. Комиссия должна быть самым честным органом в стране, после Верховного суда. Но сотрудники организации решили действовать незаконно, в пользу недобросовестных политиков и подделать результаты выборов. Из-за них после каждых выборов к власти приходят все те же коррупционеры, чтобы продолжать уничтожать страну. I hate the members of the Central Election Commission of Armenia for aiding officials. The Commission should be the most honest organization in the country, after the Supreme Court. But the employees of the organization decided to act illegally, in favor of unscrupulous politicians and to falsify the election results. Because of them, after each election, all the same corrupt officials come to power in order to continue to destroy the country. 9 500$ 3-4 Ненавижу членов Мэрии Еревана за воровство и нанесение вреда местным жителям. Они воруют из бюджета города и принимают крупные взятки. Закрыли кинотеатр, чтобы организовать там собственный бизнес. I hate members of the Municipality of Yerevan for stealing and harming local residents. They steal from the city budget and accept large bribes. They closed the cinema to start their own business there. 8 000$ 3-5 Ненавижу всех членов Министерства здравоохранения за то, что наносят вред людям, а не помогают. Недавний скандал с телами военнослужащих в подвале подтвердил их безразличность к народу РА. Министры не берутся отвечать за свои поступки и продолжают дальше править сектором здравоохранения. I hate all members of the Ministry of Health for harming people, not helping. The recent scandal with the bodies of servicemen in the basement confirmed their indifference to the people of the RA. Ministers do not take responsibility for their actions and continue to rule the health sector. 7 000$ 3-6 Ненавижу всех членов Конституционного суда за то, что выносят нечестные приговоры. Судьи творят беспредел, прикрывая политиков. Некоторые из них демонстративно играют на публику, заявляя, что не имеют связи с бывшим правлением. Надлежащая система судейства отсутствует в нашей стране. I hate all the members of the Constitutional Court for passing unfair sentences. Judges are doing lawlessness, covering up politicians. Some of them defiantly play in public, claiming that they have no connection with the former government. There is no proper refereeing system in our country. 9 500$ 3-7 Ненавижу всех членов партии Просвещенная Армения за хитрость в проведении предвыборной кампании. Чиновники устраивают манипулирующие митинги, которые вводят в заблуждение народ, и подвергают его неправильному мнению. Также создают ажиотаж заявлениями об умышленном распространении клеветы со стороны конкурентов. Привлечь внимание у них получается, а действовать по закону - нет! I hate all members of the Enlightened Armenia Party for their cunning campaigning. Officials organize manipulative rallies that mislead the people and expose them to the wrong opinion. They also create hype with statements about the willful dissemination of libel by competitors. They succeed in attracting attention, but they cannot act according to the law! 7 500$ 3-8 Ненавижу всех членов Министерства образования за то, что не контролируют образовательные учреждения. Скандал о липовых дипломах в университетах страны был громким и министерство старалось скрыть свое участие в нем, но с тех пор ничего не изменилось. Из-за них дети богачей могут получить образование в любой момент, когда другие не могут позволить себе обучение. I hate all members of the Ministry of Education for not controlling educational institutions. The scandal about fake diplomas at the country's universities was loud and the ministry tried to hide its participation in it, but since then nothing has changed. Because of them, the children of the wealthy can get an education at any time when others cannot afford to study. 7 500$ 3-9 Ненавижу руководство ЗАО "Зангезурский медно-молибденовый комбинат" за привлечение сотрудников в политические скандалы. Завод давно является центром внимания у политических деятелей, из-за неверного распределения доходов предприятия и незаконной приватизации. I hate the management of Zangezur Copper-Molybdenum Combine for involving employees in political scandals. The plant has long been the focus of political attention due to misallocation of the enterprise's income and illegal privatization. 5 000$ 3-10 Ненавижу сотрудников Полиции Армении из-за того, что они взяточники, которые готовы помогать коррупционерам совершать их преступления. Полицейские ради денег продались тем, кто разворовывает страну и уничтожает ее. При этом сотрудники правоохранительных органов нарушают гражданский кодекс и применяют насилие к народу. I hate the employees of the Armenian Police because they are bribe-takers who are ready to help corrupt officials commit their crimes. Policemen have sold themselves to those who plunder the country and destroy it. At the same time, law enforcement officers violate the civil code and use violence against the people. 10 000$ BTC 1FsEp1RXNdvDA8fT3ME7uTHowMoQgPFxtr -----BEGIN SIGNATURE----- 1FsEp1RXNdvDA8fT3ME7uTHowMoQgPFxtr IAvdsB5pfQ89wT/lrE9iI2GNWZG2nbyOlVficTo6LdQQGxKrHsOCjgCGhL6hm9sWQl8BKP2LlNfswrbj9Fkujbw= -----END BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE-----

1 replies Active 1226 days ago hmwyda - wishlists (donations here)

-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- #hmwyda wishlist: La vita in Italia può sembrare perfetta solo a vederla dagli occhi di un turista. In realtà molti italiani non sono contenti di vivere nel proprio paese per via dei problemi legati al governo, alla mafia, alle tasse e alla crisi iniziata nel 2008. Molti giovani non riescono a trovare un lavoro in Italia e sono costretti a cambiare paese, mentre quelli che restano sono costretti a fare lavori precari, a meno che non abbiano genitori ricchi o parenti che li prendano a lavorare in un posto decente. Life in Italy can seem perfect only from the eyes of a tourist. In reality many Italians are not happy to live in their own country due to the problems related to the government, the mafia, taxes and the crisis that began in 2008. Many young people are unable to find a job in Italy and are forced to change country, while those who remain are forced into precarious jobs, unless they have rich parents or relatives who take them to work in a decent job. 1.1 a. Matteo Salvini - 350 eur Salvini è un politico italiano che fa parte del partito di destra. E’ una persona molto odiata in italia perchè i suoi sguardi politici sono molto simili a quelli del regime fascista. Però in realtà ha anche tantissimi seguaci che lo ammirano e vogliono averlo come presidente. Salvini ha una politica contro gli extracomunitari, vuole che in italia vivano solo le persone bianche italiane mentre tutti gli altri, secondo lui, devono tornare nei propri paesi. b. Matteo Salvini Salvini is an Italian politician who is part of the right-wing party. He is a very hated person in Italy because his political views are very similar to those of the fascist regime. But in reality he also has many followers who admire him and want to have him as president. Salvini has a policy against non-EU citizens, he wants only white Italian people to live in Italy while all the others, according to him, must return to their own countries. 1.2 a. Virginia Raggi - 150 eur Sindaca della città di Roma, con lei la Capitale è solo peggiorata. Purtroppo il problema principale della città è la spazzatura. Roma è piena di sporcizia ovunque ed è impossibile camminare tranquillamente in città perchè c’è puzza ovunque, ma la sindaca non fa nulla contro questo enorme problema. b. Mayor of the city of Rome, with her the capital has only worsened. Unfortunately, the main problem in the city is garbage. Rome is full of dirt everywhere and it is impossible to walk quietly in the city because there is a stench everywhere, but the mayor does nothing against this huge problem. 1.3 a. Maria De Filippi - 50 eur Presentatrice TV italiana che fa sempre polemica. E’ sempre in mezzo a tutti gli scandali televisivi e conduce i peggiori programmi tv che portano solo al degrado. b. Maria De Filippi Italian TV presenter who always disputes with everyone. She is always in the midst of all the TV scandals and she hosts the worst TV programs that only lead to degradation. 1.4 a. Fabrizio Corona - 175 eur Un personaggio televisivo ed ex fotografo e paparazzi. Ha minacciato diversi personaggi famosi di pubblicare foto compromettenti. Anni fa era stato arrestato per aver rubato milioni di euro, ma poi è tornato in tv a fare nuovi scandali. b. A tv person and ex photographer and paparazzi. He has threatened several famous people to post compromising photos. Years ago he was arrested for stealing millions of euros,, but then he returned to TV to make new scandals. 1.5 a. Barbara d’Urso - 50 eur Condutrice televisiva molto odiata per le sue finte drame nei programmi televisivi. Anche lei ama fare scandali e polemica, spesso dice fatti non veritieri e le persone le credono. b. TV host much hated for her fake drama on TV shows. She also loves to make scandals and controversy, she often says untrue facts and people believe her.,la%20più%20odiata%20dagli%20italiani 1.6 a. Matteo Renzi - 200 eur Politico italiano molto odiato per aver commesso tanti errori durante il suo lavoro. Invece di dimettersi per sempre, è diventato segretario del pd ed è ancora in politica. b. Italian politician much hated for having made so many mistakes during his work. Instead of resigning forever, he became secretary of the PD and is still in politics. 1.7 a. Bruno Vespa - 250 eur Scandaloso giornalista italiano famoso che promuove nei suoi libri e non solo il regime fascista. Ama Mussolini e ha scritto diversi libri sul perchè il fascismo era un bel periodo per l’Italia. b. Scandalous famous Italian journalist who promotes the fascist regime in his books and not only. He loves Mussolini and has written several books on why fascism was a good time for Italy. 1.8 a. Gianfranco Fini - 150 eur Politico di estrema destra che ha promesso un’italia migliore senza corruzione, ma poi ha rubato moltissimi soldi. b. Far-right politician who promised a better Italy without corruption, but then stole a lot of money. 1.9 a. Vittorio Sgarbi - 75 eur Critico d’arte italiano molto scandaloso perchè insulta tutti i personaggi famosi. Appare in tv per qualsiasi motivo, che sia politica, arte, gossip o tema serio. b. Very scandalous Italian art critic because he insults all famous people. He appears on TV for any reason, be it politics, art, gossip or a serious theme. 1.10 Salvatore Riina - 350 eur Uno dei maggiori esponenti mafiosi italiani. Questa persona è responsabile degli’attentati avvenuti a Palermo. Ha ucciso due importanti giudici italiani. One of the major Italian mafia exponents. This person is responsible for the attacks that took place in Palermo. He killed two prominent Italian judges. 1.11 Alfonso Fernández Mañueco - 150 eur (presidente de la Junta de Castilla y León/ President of the Junta of Castile and León a. Don Alfonso sabe solamente actuar en las ruedas de prensa criticando al Gobierno central pero tiene miedo de tomar decisiones. b. Don Alfonso only knows how to act in press conferences criticizing the central government but is afraid to make decisions. 2.1 a. Trenitalia - 150 eur Maggiore azienda ferroviaria italiana. I treni di questa compagnia fanno sempre ritardi enormi senza nessun motivo, molto raramente i treni arrivano puntuali. Alcuni ritardi possono essere di 2 o 4 ore e anche di più. Ci sono molti casi in cui le persone perdono aerei e arrivano tardi a lavoro e rischiano il licenziamento ogni giorno. b. Major Italian railway company. The trains of this company always make huge delays for no reason, very rarely do the trains arrive on time. Some delays can be 2 or 4 hours and even more. There are many cases where people miss planes and arrive late for work and risk being fired every day. 2.2 a. Tavernello - 150 eur Vino italiano a basso costo. Peggior vino italiano mai prodotto, il cui sapore è così cattivo che impossibile da bere. Negli ultimi anni Tavernello ha avviato una forte campagna pubblicitaria e ha avuto il rebranding, ma il sapore del vino continua ad essere pessimo. b. Low cost Italian wine. Worst Italian wine ever produced, the taste of which is so bad it is impossible to drink. In recent years Tavernello has launched a strong advertising campaign and has had the rebranding, but the taste of the wine continues to be bad. 2.3 a. Vodafone - 150 eur Compagnia telefonica italiana molto sopravvalutata e con prezzi spaziali per internet e telefonia. b. Very overrated Italian telephone company with space prices for internet and telephony. 2.4 a. Questura - 250 eur La questura è il posto in cui prima o poi vanno tutte le persone per questioni burocratiche. E’ il posto in cui si vuole andare meno di tutti, perchè lì tutti i tipi di procedure sono molto lente. Per un documento qualsiasi bisogna aspettare da 2 a 9 mesi. b. The police station is the place where sooner or later all people go for bureaucratic matters. It is the place where you want to go least of all, because all types of procedures are very slow there. For any document you have to wait from 2 to 9 months. 2.5 a. Posteitaliane - 300 eur Le poste sono famose per I lunghi tempi di attesa, lunghissime file e ore passate ad aspettare il proprio turno. A volte si può aspettare 2 ore il turno e i dipendenti possono andare in pausa pranzo proprio prima di arrivare a te. b. The post offices are famous for their long waiting times, long lines and hours spent waiting for their turn. Sometimes you can wait 2 hours for the shift and employees can go on their lunch break right before they get to you. 2.6 a. Università la Sapienza - 50 eur Questa università è la più grande in Europa e accoglie migliaia di studenti ogni anno. La cosa brutta è che le segreterie non rispondono mai in tempo per nessun motivo, non c’è mai aiuto da parte dell’università e bisogna fare tutto da soli e sprecare molto tempo. Tutto questo è colpa della pandemia e la mancanza di personale. b. This university is the largest in Europe and welcomes thousands of students every year. The bad thing is that the secretariats never answer in time for any reason, there is never help from the university and you have to do everything yourself and waste a lot of time. All this is the fault of the pandemic and the lack of personnel. 2.7 a. Atac Roma - 100 eur Compagnia di autobus pubblici di Roma. I mezzi non hanno orari precisi e passano sempre diversamente. A volte non passano mai. Non esistono applicazioni che dicano un orario preciso veritiero. b. Rome public bus company. The vehicles do not have precise timetables and always pass differently. Sometimes they never pass. There are no apps that tell a true exact time. 2.8 a. Supermercato Coop - 75 eur Uno dei supermercati più cari in italia. I prezzi sono altissimi senza motivo, la qualità dei prodotti invece non è la migliore. b. One of the most expensive supermarkets in Italy. The prices are very high for no reason, the quality of the products is not the best. 2.9 a. Monopattini Lime - 100 eur Questa compagnia di monopattini in sharing è pessima perchè i loro monopattini non sono fatti per le strade di Roma ed è impossibile guidarli sui sanpietrini. Tra l’altro, il servizio di 20 minuti costa come un treno Roma – Napoli. b. This sharing scooter company is bad because their scooters aren't made for the streets of Rome and it's impossible to ride them on cobblestones. Among other things, the 20-minute service costs the same as a Rome - Naples train. 2.10 a. Ama Roma - 150 eur Compagnia di Roma che si occupa della pulizia della città. In realtà non fanno quasi nulla, la città è sempre sporca e piena di spazzatura e a nessuno importa. b. Ama Roma Company of Rome that deals with the cleaning of the city. They actually do almost nothing, the city is always dirty and full of garbage and nobody cares. 3.1 a. Spacciatori - 350 eur La notte in città, anche nei posti più tranquilli, compaiono decine di spacciatori di tutte le nazionalità. Là dove ci sono loro, ci sono anche tante altre persone strane. Passeggiare di notte non è più bello. b. Drug dealers At night in the city, even in the quietest places, dozens of drug dealers of all nationalities appear. Where they are, there are also many other strange people. 3.2 a. Drogati - 250 eur Stessa storia degli spacciatori: là dove ci sono loro, non è un posto sicuro in cui si può passeggiare. Anche se di giorno è un normalissimo posto pieno di turisti e bambini. b. Junkies Same story as the drug dealers: where they are, it's not a safe place to walk. Even if during the day it is a normal place full of tourists and children. 3.3 a. Antivax - 300 eur Questa categoria di persone in Italia è abbastanza ampia ed è sempre esistita anche prima del covid. Cercano sempre di far cambiare idea sul vaccino a tutti, inventando teorie del complotto. b. Antivax This category of people in Italy is quite large and has always existed even before the covid. They always try to change everyone's mind about the vaccine by inventing conspiracy theories. 3.4 a. Ladri - 350 eur In Italia è pieno di ladri e bisogna stare sempre attenti, soprattuto a Napoli. Tutto questo è la causa della povertà e della crisi italiana. Moltissime persone non lavorano e cercano di sopravvivere rubando. b. Thieves In Italy it is full of thieves and you must always be careful, especially in Naples. All this is the cause of poverty and the Italian crisis. A lot of people don't work and try to survive by stealing. 3.5 a. Gente impazzita per colpa del covid - 25 eur Tantissime persone hanno così paura di contagiarsi che portano mascherina e guanti perfino quando sono da sole in macchina con i finestrini chiusi. Questo è colpa del terrorismo informativo. b. Mad people because of covid So many people are so afraid of getting infected that they wear a mask and gloves even when they are alone in the car with the windows closed. This is the fault of information terrorism. 3.6 a. Turisti - 25 eur Durante il covid i posti più belli in Italia si sono svuotati e ora è molto più piacevole camminare per le strade senza essere nel bel mezzo di un traffico di turisti. b. Tourists During the covid the most beautiful places in Italy have emptied and now it is much more pleasant to walk the streets without being in the middle of a traffic of tourists.,FD99864A-FBDC-11EA-85A3-B832108FCDFE,98799406-6D0D-11EB-99ED-CF1F3655F3F5/ 3.7 a. Estetisti L'industria della bellezza in Italia è molto scarsa e costosa. Molte donne si recano regolarmente in altri paesi per servizi cosmetici di qualità e poco costosi. b. Beauticians The beauty industry in Italy is very scarce and expensive. Many women regularly travel to other countries for quality and inexpensive cosmetic services. 3.8 a. Carabinieri - 100 eur Tutti i quartieri a Roma sono pieni di Carabinieri di giorno che controllano la sicurezza, ma di notte non c’è più nessuno a salvaguardare e la città smette di essere sicura. b. Carabinieri All the neighborhoods in Rome are full of Carabinieri during the day who check security, but at night there is no one to safeguard and the city stops being safe. 3.9 a. Fascisti - 400 eur Nonostante I terribili fatti storici avvenuti in Italia, ci sono ancora molte persone che amano e onorano Mussolini e sperano che un giorno tornerà il regime. b. Fascists Despite the terrible historical events that took place in Italy, there are still many people who love and honor Mussolini and hope that one day the regime will return. 3.10 a. Maschilisti - 200 eur L’Italia non è ancora andata molto avanti con le questioni di libertà e l’emancipazione della donna e, ancora oggi, in molte famiglie la donna non ha la laurea e non lavora. b. Male chauvinists Italy has not yet gone very far with issues of freedom and the emancipation of women and, even today, in many families, women do not have a degree and do not work. -----BEGIN SIGNATURE----- 1CjbHfVRdNwUPmXwLgJ7P7mnYqUmDvXQU4 H3aev8/uo6yGK4WC39yHnXCsHqmUD3KYHfPf8kPXO0PxjHK+NiQS2bMSfC9F7DL0P5bqbsJacTkRogWKNubsJIk= -----END BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE-----

1 replies Active 1227 days ago hmwyda - wishlists (donations here)

-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- #hmwyda wishlist: I want to share my list here. I will reflect on everything that I think is important and worth paying attention to. 1-1 Ondřej Kolář 12% 1-1 Ondřej Kolář is a famous neo-fascist who isn’t even ashamed to state his views. I do wish our country would be free from this outrageous ideology! 1-1 Ondřej Kolář je známý neofašista, který neváhá ani vyjádřit své názory. Přál bych si, aby naše země byla bez této pobuřující ideologie! 1-1 1-2 Andrej Babiš 8% 1-2 Our prime-minister Andrej Babiš has been accused of EU funds scandal! Furthermore, his son supposedly admitted that he had been intentionally sent to Crimea in order to avoid the interrogation by police. I wish our politicians were less scandal-tainted, really. 1-2 Náš premiér Andrej Babiš byl obviněn ze skandálu s fondy EU! Jeho syn navíc údajně přiznal, že byl záměrně poslán na Krym, aby vyhnout se výslechu. Přál bych si, aby se naši politici méně podíleli na skandálech. 1-2 1-3 Dominik Duka 5% 1-3 The Archbishop of Prague stated in April that Covid-19 is in fact a Chinese virus weapon. With all due respect, I am annoyed with his scandalous and unproved declaration that discredit the authority of Church. 1-3 Pražský arcibiskup v dubnu uvedl, že Covid-19 je ve skutečnosti čínskou virovou zbraní. Při vší úctě mi vadí jeho skandální a neprokázané prohlášení, které diskredituje autoritu církve. 1-3 1-4 David Černý 3% 1-4 This famous Czech sculptor disturbs me with some of his scandalous works. Honestly, sometimes it seems that modern art is more about decay and retrogression than development and growth… 1-4 Tento slavný český sochař mě nepříjemně překvapuje některými svými skandálními díly. Abych byl upřímný, někdy to vypadá, že současné umění je spíše degradací než rozvojem a růstem ... 1-4 1-5 Jan Saudek 3% 1-5 The same actually goes for Jan Saudek, a famous Czech art photographer and painter. Despite his talent, most of his works are beyond ugly and seem too provocative. 1-5 Totéž platí pro Jana Saudka, slavného českého uměleckého fotografa a malíře. Přes jeho talent je většina jeho děl ošklivá a působí příliš provokativně. 1-5 1-6 Ludmila Brožová-Polednová 10% 1-6 I hate and despise this woman with all my heart. As a prosecutor she participated in a trial against a group accused of conspiracy against the State and despite their innocence sentenced them all to death. Furthermore, she participated in the execution. A couple of years ago she confessed that she had no regrets… That’s just revolting. 1-6 Nenávidím a pohrdám touto ženou z celého srdce. Jako státní zástupkyně se zúčastnila soudního procesu se skupinou obviněných ze spiknutí proti státu a navzdory jejich nevině je všechny odsoudila k smrti. Kromě toho se sama zúčastnila státní pokladny. Před několika lety přiznala, že toho ani nelitovala ... Je to opravdu hrozné. 1-6 1-7 Helena Válková 10% 1-7 This Czech politician and former Minister of Justice is known to have written a book together with Josef Urválek, a former prosecutor who convicted a group of innocent people and sentenced them to death. This collaboration disturbs, I would not even shake a hand with such an awful person, really. 1-7 Tento český politik a bývalý ministr spravedlnosti je nejlépe známý tím, že napsal knihu s Josefem Urvalkem, bývalým žalobcem, který odsoudil skupinu nevinných lidí a odsoudil je k smrti. Tato spolupráce je alarmující ... S tak strašným člověkem bych si ani nepodal ruku. 1-7 1-8 Madeleine Albright 10% 1-8 This Czech American politician is famous for her cynical attitude towards the death of children in Iraq and her decision to bombard Jugoslavia just for political reasons. Sometimes I even doubt is she a human being at all. Her cynicism and cruelty are beyond understanding. 1-8 Tento česko-americký politik je známý svým cynickým postojem k úmrtí dětí v Iráku a rozhodnutím bombardovat Jugoslávii z čistě politických důvodů. Někdy dokonce pochybuji, že to vůbec je člověk. Její cynismus a krutost jsou nepochopitelné.1-8 1-9 Jiří Kajínek 5% 1-9 I am a bit frustrated that Jiří Kajínek who is still a criminal (even if he is not guilty of a murder) has become some sort of a national hero and a star in our country. I wish our policemen and Court just did better job and didn’t create such controversial situations. 1-9 Jsem trochu frustrovaný z toho, že Jiří Kajínek, který je stále zločinec (i když není vinen vraždou), se u nás stal jakýmsi národním hrdinou a hvězdou. Přeji našim policistům a soudu, aby odvedli lepší práci a nevytvářeli takové kontroverzní situace. 1-9 1-10 Milan Narančič 10% 1-10 This criminal known as “Lemon” is accused of many criminal activities such as drug traffic, auto theft and even murder. 1-10 Tento zločinec známý jako „Lemon“ je obviněn z mnoha kriminálních aktivit, jako je obchod s drogami, krádeže aut a dokonce i vraždy. 1-10 2-1 Novinky magazine 8% 2-1 This year Czech journalists from Novinky magazine made sarcastic and inappropriate comments about Day of the Russian Navy and its celebration. Even their colleagues were annoyed by them. Honestly, I wish our country would stop ‘looking for the enemies’. 2-1 Čeští novináři časopisu Novinki letos sarkasticky a nesprávně komentovali Den ruského námořnictva a jeho oslavu. I jejich kolegové byli překvapeni. Upřímně si přeji, aby naše země přestala „hledat nepřátele“. 2-1 2-2 Twelve Tribes communities 15% 2-2 This religious cult came to Czech republic from Germany a couple of years ago. It is known for its illegal activities including child abuse, child labor, corporal punishment and some others. Look out! 2-2 Tento česko-americký politik je známý svým cynickým postojem k úmrtí dětí v Iráku a rozhodnutím bombardovat Jugoslávii z čistě politických důvodů. Někdy dokonce pochybuji, že to vůbec je člověk. Její cynismus a krutost jsou nepochopitelné. 2-2 2-3 Followers of the Grail Movement 15% 2-3 So-called ‘followers’ of the Grail Movement were active in Czech republic for years. Just like the previous religious cult it was mostly famous for cruel child abuse. 2-3 Takzvaní „následovníci“ Hnutí Grálu působili v České republice roky. Stejně jako předchozí náboženský kult byl pověstný především krutým zneužíváním dětí. 2-3 2-4 Neo-Nazis 12% 2-4 Unfortunately far-right radicals or neo-Nazis are still active in our country. They are not numerous but they pose a threat anyway. I wish our police would take more serious measures against them. 2-4 Krajně pravicoví radikálové nebo neonacisté v naší zemi bohužel stále působí. Není jich mnoho, ale přesto představují hrozbu. Přál bych si, aby naše policie proti nim přijala vážnější opatření. 2-4 2-5 The Right Bloc 7% 2-5 This party might promote some adequate ideas but I am quite disturbed with the age of most of its members: almost all of them seem to be too old to make rational decisions! 2-5 Tato strana může propagovat nějaké adekvátní nápady, ale mám velký strach o věk většiny jejích členů: téměř všichni jsou příliš staří na to, aby se mohli racionálně rozhodovat! 2-5 2-6 Liberal left parties 7% 2-6 I consider liberal left parties to be ‘too radical’. Honestly, their member will never listen to arguments and are so eager to perceive you as a traitor if you don’t share their ideas! For me this is just too much. I prefer communication with people who have more flexible views and ideas. 2-6 Myslím si, že liberálně levicové strany jsou „příliš radikální“. Stručně řečeno, jejich zástupce nikdy nebude poslouchat argumenty a okamžitě vás klasifikuje jako zrádce, pokud s jejich nápady nesouhlasíte! To je na mě moc. Raději komunikuji s lidmi, kteří mají flexibilnější myšlení. 2-6 2-7 Czech Scientologists 12% 2-7 Unfortunately, this weird religious cult has already spread to the Czech republic. The Church of Scientology disturbs me greatly as its members are always so perky and importunate. 2-7 Tento podivný náboženský kult už se bohužel rozšířil i do České republiky. Scientologická církev mě velmi štve, protože její členové jsou vždy velmi vytrvalí a posedlí. 2-7 2-8 Hotel Noir, Prague 5% 2-8 This hotel turned out to be a huge disappointment for us… The staff is very unwelcoming and impolite, rooms are rather dirty and breakfast is really poor. We’ll never stay here again, I am sure. 2-8 Tento hotel byl pro nás velkým zklamáním ... Personál je velmi nepřátelský a hrubý, pokoje jsou spíše špinavé a snídaně je špatná. Jsem si jistý, že už se tady nikdy nezastavíme. 2-8 2-9 Pension Europa, Prague 3% 2-9 Another place in Prague that became a disappointment. It is not the worst but it is so uncomfortable! Furthermore, you have to pay for everything in addition, even for hot water! Definitely not the best choice. 2-9 Další místo v Praze, které se ukázalo jako zklamání. Také si musíte za všechno připlatit, dokonce i za teplou vodu! Rozhodně to není nejlepší volba. 2-9 2-10 Czech weekly Reflex 5% 2-10 Czech weekly Reflex placed a black Hitler on its cover with the title ‘Black Live Matters’. I understand what they imply but in my opinion this is just too much. 2-10 Český týdeník Reflex uvedl na obálce černého Hitlera s titulkem „Black Live Matters“. Chápu, co tím myslí, ale připadá mi to moc. 2-10 3-1 Czech Pickpockets 12% 3-1 Unfortunately, pickpockets are quite active in our country, especially in the crowded places. I had my wallets stolen twice already! 3-1 Kapsáři jsou u nás bohužel docela aktivní, zejména na přeplněných místech. Peněženky mi už ukradli dvakrát! 3-1 3-2 Fake traffic controllers 12% 3-2 In the last few years fake traffic controllers have become quite a regular problem! As fines in our country are rather high, they make a lot of profit. Silly but quite annoying scheme. 3-2 V posledních několika letech se z falešných řidičů stal docela běžný problém! Jelikož jsou pokuty u nás poměrně vysoké, vydělávají slušné peníze. Hloupé, ale dost otravné schéma. 3-2 3-3 Fake policemen 12% 3-3 Even policemen might turn out to be fake! They approach their victim and fine him/her for simple offense. 3-3 I policisté mohou být falešní! Přistoupí ke své oběti a pokutují ji za sebemenší provinění. 3-3 3-4 Mobile scam 10% 3-4 Simple as it is, mobile scam turned out to very popular and, unfortunately, effective. Scammers call their victim and as soon as he/she calls them back, they gain money. Simple but tricky and rather annoying! 3-4 Ať je to jak chce, mobilní podvody se ukázaly být velmi populární a bohužel účinné. Podvodníci volají své oběti a jakmile jim zavolají zpět, získají peníze. Jednoduchý, ale účinný způsob! 3-4 3-5 Internet Scam 10% 3-5 The scammers send you a message announcing that you’ve won a new Iphone and suggest filling the blank. The worst thing is that they will definitely ask you to pay for its transportation – and here you will obviously lose your money. This scam is rather silly but people who are new to the Internet can easily fall for it. For example, my old Aunt did… 3-5 Podvodníci vám pošlou zprávu, že jste vyhráli nový Iphone, a doporučí vyplnit formuláře. Nejhorší ze všeho je, že budete určitě požádáni o platbu za dopravu - a evidentně přijdete o peníze. Tento podvod je docela hloupý, ale lidé, kteří jsou na internetu noví, mohou snadno selhat. Například moje stará teta ... 3-5 3-6 “Dominik Stroukal” band 13% 3-6 Other scammers pretend to be Dominik Stroukal (he himself has nothing to do with it) and offer to buy bitcoin in the Internet. Obviously, it is just scam and you will never get these coins… or your money back. 3-6 Ostatní podvodníci se vydávají za Dominika Strokala (ten s tím nemá nic společného) a nabízejí nákup bitcoinu online. Očividně je to jen podvod a tuto e-měnu nikdy nedostanete ... ani peníze zpět. 3-6 3-7 Scammers from the “National centre” 12% 3-7 These scammers call their victims and pretend that they represent the National Centre for fight with the organized crime. They force their victims to act immediately and ask personal information about their credit cards – and then use to take all the money you have. My friend’s dad once fell for this scam and lost a big sum of money…. 3-7 Tito podvodníci volají oběti a vydávají se za Národní centrum boje proti organizovanému zločinu. Nutí své oběti, aby okamžitě jednaly, vyžádaly si informace o své kreditní kartě a poté je použily k inkasu peněz. Otec mého přítele kdysi podlehl tomuto podvodu a přišel o značnou částku ... 3-7 3-8 Fishing attacks from banks 15% 3-8 This time the scammers pretend to be bank employees. They are very perky and persistent, so their victim gets scared and tells them all the personal information about his/her credit card. Dangerous and efficient scam. 3-8 Podvodníci tentokrát předstírají, že jsou zaměstnanci banky. Jsou velmi energičtí a vytrvalí, takže se jejich oběť bojí a řekne jim všechny osobní údaje o své kreditní kartě. Nebezpečný a účinný podvod. 3-8 3-9 Fraudsters from ‘Microsoft Technical Support’ 12% 3-9 These scammers try to pass for the employees from the Microsoft Technical Support. Thus, they force you to do a set of actions on your computer that allows them to hack it and get your personal information. They sound so strict and confident that I understand why some people fall for that scam… 3-9 Tito podvodníci se snaží vydávat za zaměstnance technické podpory společnosti Microsoft. Nutí vás tedy provést na vašem počítači řadu akcí, které jim umožní hacknout ho a získat vaše osobní údaje. Mluví tak přísně a sebevědomě, že chápu, proč se někteří lidé stali obětí tohoto podvodu ... 3-9 3-10 “Fake offers for sale” scam 12% 3-10 This type of scammers post fake offers for sale (most often, with lowered prices) and then ask their victim to send them money first. It is clear that the victim will not receive neither her purchase nor her money back. Very irritating scam, if you ask me! 3-10 Tento typ scammerů zveřejňuje falešné nabídky prodeje (obvykle za zvýhodněnou cenu) a poté požádá svoji oběť, aby jim nejprve poslala peníze. Je jasné, že oběť nedostane ani nákup, ani peníze. Abych byl upřímný, velmi nepříjemný podvod! 3-10 -----BEGIN SIGNATURE----- 19PFRT9Sz15kPZbkRLYHHyt5VcpEVWaYry IEBJH4qx+g3HfChUGabp6YDMd7TtGFOWvM6ujO92GYXdFwmukYiTMbxVJu7Q08IMlWKNn4odZQ6H2Zdq+WLWK/s= -----END BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE-----

1 replies Active 1228 days ago hmwyda - wishlists (donations here)

-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- #hmwyda wishlist 1.1 Erdoğan Recep bir Tiran ve iktidarın gaspçısıdır. Taliban'la işbirliği yapmaya başladığından beri bütün halkını huşu içinde tutuyor. – 100USD 1.1 Erdogan Recep is a tyrant and a usurper of power. He keeps all his people in fear, since he began to cooperate with the Taliban. 1.2 Ahmet Davutoğlu, Türkiye'nin dünyanın en önemli ülkesi olduğunu söyleyen Türk polisti. Bu nedenle milletimiz diğer milletlerden hoşlanmıyor. – 50USD 1.2 Ahmet Davutoglu is a Turkish politician who says that Turkey is the most important country in the whole world. Therefore, our nation is not loved by other peoples. 1.3 Meral Akşener, Büyük Millet Meclisi'nin eski başkan yardımcısıdır. Reformları sayesinde birçok Türk vatandaşı hak ve özgürlüklerinin bir kısmını kaybetti. – 40USD 1.3 Meral Akshener is a former Deputy Speaker of the Grand National Assembly. Thanks to its reforms, many Turkish residents have lost some of their rights and freedoms. 1.4 Gürcan Ayşen, konuşmasında ilk kez hicdab'ı giyen Türkiye bakanıdır. Böylece kadınların çoğundan başörtüsü takmayı seçme haklarını seçtiler. – 80USD 1.4 Gurjan Aishen is the Minister of Turkey, who put on a hijab for the first time at her speech. Thereby taking away from the majority of women the right to choose to wear the hijab. 1.5 Imret Leyla, Kürt kökenli bir Türk siyasetçidir. Röportajlarından birinde terörizmi desteklediğini görebilirsiniz. – 40USD 1.5 Imret Leyla is a Turkish politician of Kurdish origin. In one of her interviews, you can see that she promotes terrorism. 1.6 İslam Ayşenur, Türk siyasetçi, aile ve Sosyal Politikalar bakanıdır. Bu tür insanlar yüzünden, Türkiye'deki kadınlar cezasızlıkla kocalarını küçük düşürüyor ve dövüyorlar. – 69USD 1.6 Islam Aishenur is a Turkish politician, Minister of Family Affairs and Social Policy. Because of such people, women in Turkey are humiliated and beaten by their husbands with impunity. 1.7 Kawakchi Merve, Türkiye'nin Malezya Büyükelçisidir. Gelişmiş ülkelerle arkadaş olmak yerine, onun gibi politikacılar kendi çıkarları için ülkeler arasında farklı anlaşmalar imzalarlar. – 40USD 1.7 Kavakchi Merv is the Turkish Ambassador to Malaysia. Instead of being friends with developed countries, politicians like her, for their own benefit, sign various agreements between countries. 1.8 Kaftancıoğlu Canan, Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi'nin bir üyesi olan Türk kadın politikacıdır. Görevini üstleniyor çünkü büyük bir Türk yazarın oğlunun karısı olmak zorunda. – 50USD 1.8 Kaftanjioglu Janan is a Turkish female politician, a member of the Republican People's Party. She holds her position because she is the wife of the son of a great Turkish writer. 1.9 Yüksekdağ Figen, Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi'nin eski Milletvekili. Performanslarıyla Türkiye'deki titrek dünyayı zayıflatıyor. – 90USD 1.9 Yuksekdag Figen is a former Deputy of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey. With her speeches, she undermines the shaky peace in Turkey. 1.10 Kerestecioğlu Filiz başka bir Türk siyasetçidir. Türkiye'de eşitlik için mücadele etmek zorundaydı. Fakat Erdoğan Cumhurbaşkanı olduğunda, sözlerini çabucak reddetti. – 40USD 1.10 Kerestegioglu Filiz is another Turkish politician. She had to fight for equal rights in Turkey. But when Erdogan became president, she quickly retracted her words. 2.1 Romance Istanbul Hotel - Türkiye'nin en iyi oteli olarak kabul edilir. Ama kimse orada çalışanlarına ne kadar kötü davrandıklarından bahsetmiyor. Dinlenmiyorlar, az yemek yiyorlar ve az para kazanıyorlar. - 10USD 2.1 Romance Istanbul Hotel is considered the best hotel in Turkey. But no one talks about how badly they treat their employees there. They do not rest, eat little and earn little. 2.2 Radisson Blu Hotel Istanbul Ottomare, ülkesinin sakinleri için fiyatları çok fazla uluyan bir Türk otelidir. Bu otelden bu yüzden nefret ediyorum. – 15USD 2.2 Radisson Blu Hotel Istanbul Ottomare is also a Turkish hotel that howls prices too much for the residents of its country. I hate this hotel because of this. 2.3 Kayakapı Premium mağaralar: Cappadocia başka bir Türk otelidir, ancak birinci sınıftır. Sıradan insanlar oraya gitmeyi hayal bile etmemelidirler. – 10USD 2.3 Kayakapi Premium Caves: Cappadocia is another Turkish hotel, but of a premium class. Ordinary people should not even dream of going there. 2.4 Online Sports Betting In Turkey - çeşitli kumarlardan nefret ederim. Benim dinim bunu yasaklıyor. Bunu oynayanlar ruhlarını mahvederler. – 100USD 2.4 I hate different gambling games. My religion forbids it. Those who play this game spoil their soul 2.5 22bet - Aynı zamanda insanları büyük kazançlarla bozan bir bahis şirketidir – 95USD 2.5 22bet - It is also a bookmaker that corrupts people with big winnings 2.6 Betworld - Site aynı şekilde bahis oynamayı teklif ediyor, ancak bununla birlikte kişisel verilerinizi çalıyor. – 90USD 2.6 Betworld - the site also offers to place a bet, but at the same time it steals your personal data. 2.7 Defender dizisi kötü bir oyuncu oyunudur. Kötü özel efektler. Ve projenin bonusu çok pahalıydı – 20USD 2.7 The TV series "Defender" - is a bad game of actors. Bad special effects. And as a bonus, the project turned out to be too expensive 2.8 1An TV - Türkiye'nin asıl sorunu propagandadır. Kanalda sadece güvenilir insanları kandırmak için yayınlar gösteriliyor. – 75USD 2.8 1An TV - The main problem of Turkey is propaganda. The channel shows only programs in order to deceive the gullible people. 2.9 24-TV - günün her saatinde propaganda haberlerini gösteren aynı TV kanalı. – 75USD 2.9 24-TV - the same TV channel that shows propaganda news around the clock. 2.10 A-News - bazen uluslararası haberleri gösteren ancak Türkiye'yi diğer ülkelerden daha iyi gösteren bir Türk kanalı. – 75USD 2.10 A-News - a Turkish channel that sometimes shows international news, but shows Turkey in everything better than other countries. 3.1 Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi Türkiye'nin iktidar partisi. Onun sayesinde Erdoğan tüm ülkeyi acımasızca yönetiyor. – 100USD 3.1 The Justice and Development Party is the ruling party of Turkey. Thanks to her, Erdogan cruelly rules the whole country. 3.2 Halk Demokrat Partisi. Kendilerine Demokrat diyorlar ama bunu kanıtlamak için hiçbir şey yapmıyorlar. Erdoğan'ın tüm emirlerine sorgusuz sualsiz itaat ediyorlar. – 80USD 3.2 People's Democratic Party. They call themselves Democrats, but they do nothing to prove it. They obey all Erdogan's orders without question. 3.3 Anadolu Partisi - parti Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi'ne alternatif olarak kuruldu. Ancak seçimlerde parlak bir gelecek için umutlarımızı yok ettiler. Oyların %0,06'sını aldılar. – 20USD 3.3 Anatolian Party – the party was created as an alternative to the Republican People's Party. But in the elections, they destroyed our hopes for a bright future. They won 0.06% of the votes. 3.4 Millet ve adalet Partisi-parti kurulduğunda, üyeleri sadece ülkedeki adalet sisteminin nasıl yakından izleneceğinden bahsediyorlardı. Ama onlar işe yaramadı. – 40USD 3.4 The Party of the Nation and Justice – When the party was created, its members only talked about how they would closely monitor the justice system in the country. But they did not succeed. 3.5 Demokratik ilerici parti, Erdoğan'a gizlice hizmet eden bir başka demokrattır. Bu insanlar yüzünden ülkemiz bir Tiran tarafından yönetiliyor. – 35USD 3.5 The Democratic Progressive Party is another Democrat who secretly serves Erdogan. Because of such people, our country is ruled by a tyrant. 3.6 Elektronik Demokrasi Partisi – ve yine Demokratlar! Görünüşe göre bir Demokrat Parti yeterli değil, şair Erdoğan onları zulüm belirtilerini gizlemek için birkaçını yarattı. – 40USD 3.6 The Party of Electronic Democracy – and the Democrats again! Apparently, one democratic party is not enough, so Erdogan created several of them to hide the signs of tyranny. 3.7 Halkların Demokrat Partisi – eğer bir siyasi partinin isminde «demokrasi» kelimesi varsa, o zaman bilin ki bu bir yalandır! Bu insanlar ahlak ve dürüstlüğü önemsemiyorlar. İnsan haklarını umursamıyorlar. Onlar kötü insanlar. – 35USD 3.7 Democratic Party of Peoples – if there is the word "Democracy" in the name of a political party, then you know – this is a lie! These people do not care about morality and honesty. They don't care about human rights. They are bad people. 3.8 Ulusal Eylem Partisi - parti yıllar sonra faşizm ve ırkçılık belirtilerini korudu. Bunlar çok radikal insanlar. – 50USD 3.8 The National Action Party - the party has retained the signs of fascism and racism after many years. These are too radical people 3.9 Türkiye Hükümeti - yıllardır insan haklarını acımasızca ihlal ediyorlar. Medyayı ve orduyu kendilerine boyun eğdirdiler. Bütün insanları huşu içinde tutuyorlar. – 100USD 3.9 The Turkish government - they have been violently violating human rights for many years. They have subdued the media and the army. They keep the whole people in fear. 3.10 Türkiye Dışişleri Bakanlığı-bu insanlar çok garip bir şekilde dış politika yürütüyorlar. Düşmanlarıyla barış yaratırlar ve arkadaşlarına ihanet ederler. – 30USD 3.10 The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkey — these people conduct foreign policy very strangely. They create peace with enemies, and betray friends. -----BEGIN SIGNATURE----- 16WHHdDv5WWw6A2c6R3rKqEwGULFvjek6h G/g2BF+LluFoAViPzMk9y0fZS1twwRwQYknHEdpBkme0reeVa+zepAtcfpSy7qMS+wLrzndcfk5FfzCvK870juw= -----END BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE-----

1 replies Active 1229 days ago hmwyda - wishlists (donations here)

-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- Привет. Волна протестов давно прошла, но я никогда не забуду тот ужас. Мы все уже не будем прежними, народ понял, наконец, что власти на него наплевать и больше не может и не хочет молчать! Мы готовы умереть, сражаясь за свою свободу! Hi. The wave of protests passed long time ago, but I will never forget that horror. We all will not be the same, the people finally realized that the authorities do not care about them. People can’t and does not want to remain silent longer! We are ready to die fighting for our freedom! 1-1 Самопровозглашённый Президент Александр Лукашенко творит беззаконие в стране уже много лет. Молодежь давно покидает страну при первой возможность, а пенсионеров он хорошо «подогревал» все эти годы, поэтому уровень социального недовольства удавалось сдерживать. В связи с пандемией и невозможностью свободно перемещаться проблема стала обострённой как никогда. Он держит под контролем все в стране. В какой-то момент начало казаться, что скоро будут дома прослушивать и люди бояться у себя на кухне о нем хоть слово сказать. Я очень надеюсь, что есть возможность от него избавиться! 1-1 Self-proclaimed President Alexander Lukashenko has been committing lawlessness in Belarus for a long time. Young people leave the country at the first opportunity, but he has “warmed up” pensioners all these years, so the level of social discontent was contained. After the pandemic and the inability to move our problem was activated. He controls everything in the country. At some point, it seems that he will listen everything at our houses soon. People are scared to say even a word about him at their kitchens. I really hope that there is an opportunity to get rid of him! 13% 1-2 Бывший чекист и нынешний глава Комитета государственного контроля Иван Тертель. Организатор пыток, массовых вербовок и преследования оппозиционеров. Этот Фантомас настолько глуп, что не может связать несколько слов в предложение и отвечает на все вопросы только с подготовленной бумажки. 1-2 Ex Chekist and current head of the State Control Committee Ivan Tertel. Organizer of torture, mass recruitment and persecution of oppositionists. This Fantômas is so stupid that he cannot put together a few words in a sentence and answers all questions from a prepared piece of paper only. 9% 1-3. Владимир Матусевич - заместитель начальника в управлении идеологии Администрации президента. Ранее был генеральным директором РУП «Белпочта», заместителем Министра Министерства информации Республики Беларусь, заместителем председателя Республиканской экспертной комиссии по оценке информационной продукции на предмет наличия в ней признаков экстремизма. Имя Матусевича мы часто слышим в новостях. Он причастен к фабрикациям дел по экстремизму в стране. Не знаю, чем так хорош этот персонаж, но список его должностей говорит об очень близких и продуктивных отношения с Лукой. А этим у нас могут похвастаться только отпетые негодяи! 1-3. Vladimir Matusevich - Deputy Head of the Ideology Department of the Presidential Administration. Previously, he was the General Director of RUE Belpochta, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Information of the Republic of Belarus, Deputy Chairman of the Republican Expert Commission for evaluating information products for signs of extremism. You can hear Matusevich's name from the news often. He is involved in fabricating extremism cases in the country. I don't know why this person is so good for authorities, but the list of his positions speaks about close and productive relationship with Luka. 5% 1-4 Алла Галушко возглавляет отдел идеологической работы Могилевского городского исполнительного комитета. Алла считает, что назначение чиновников на должности не является общественным интересом. Регулярно отказывает в проведении пикетов и демонстраций в городе, в том числе за свою отставку. Легко узнать стиль осуществления властной деятельности. 1-4 Alla Galushko heads the department of ideological work of the Mogilev city executive committee. Alla believes that the appointment of officials to positions is not in the public interest. She refuses to hold pickets and demonstrations in the city, about resignation including. It is easy to understand the style of exercising power activities. 2% 1-5 Глава Администрации Президента Республики Беларусь Кочанова Наталья Ивановна является одной из самых влиятельных женщин режима. Обогнала десять тысяч белорусов в очереди на жилье и получила участок в Дроздах-2 с домом за 700000 долларов. 1-5 Head of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Belarus Natalya Ivanovna Kochanova is one of the most influential women in the regime. She overtook ten thousand Belarusians in the queue for housing and received land in Drozdy-2 with a house $ 700,000 costs. 6% 1-6 Полковник Павлюченко еще совсем новенький в системе империи Луки. Глава Оперативно-аналитического центра (ОАЦ). Биография этого бандита скрыта от общего доступа. В течение года до ОАЦ был руководителем Службы безопасности президента. ОАЦ является одной из самых секретных служб страны. Центр отвечает за контроль информационной области, содействует другим службам во время блокировок сайтов. Также он курирует провайдеров, преследует журналистов и занимается цензурой в интернете. Благодаря ему пресекаются любые попытки информационной свободы! 1-6 Colonel Pavlyuchenko is quite new in the system of Luke's empire. Head of the Operational Analytical Center (OAC). The biography of this bandit is hidden from public access. For a year before the OAC, he was the head of the Presidential Security Service. The OAC is one of the most secret services here. The center is responsible for monitoring the information area, assists other services for site blocking. He also oversees providers, harass journalists and censors the Internet. Thanks to him, any attempts at information freedom are suppressed! Любые документы относительно нынешней деятельности этого человека быстро исчезают из сети. Any documents regarding the current activities of this person disappear quickly from the network. 2% 1-7 Дмитрий Шедко - заместитель Министра связи и информатизации Республики Беларусь. Развитие технологий не отменяет принципа работы белорусского государства, которое будет использовать технологии для своих нужд. Прибыль от развития технологий будет концентрироваться в руках государства. С появлением Шедко были предложены ID-карты и биометрические карты, чтобы расширить возможности слежки за людьми в стране. Министерство информации занимается “фильтрацией” информации, которая поступает населению. Именно оно занимается блокировками различных сайтов и ресурсов. Нельзя верить этим сказкам, которые пытаются одурачить людей и создать иллюзию технологического и информационного прогресса на благо народа. Это не так! 1-7 Dmitry Shedko is a Deputy Minister of Communications and Informatization of Belarus. The development of technology does not change the principle of the Belarus, which will use technology for its own needs. The profits from the development of technologies will be concentrated the state hands. Shedko brought the idea of ID cards and biometric cards. It was proposed to expand the ability to spy people in the country. The Ministry of Information is engaged in "filtering" information that is received by the population. Its engaged in blocking various sites and resources. Its impossible to believe these fairy tales, which are trying to fool people and create the illusion of technological and informational progress for the benefit of the people. This is not true! 3% 1-8 Марианна Щёткина - автор закона о тунеядстве. Надо бы устроить праздник тунеядца 20 ноября (день рождения Марианны)! Мне кажется, такого идиотизма нет ни в одной стране мира. Это было в СССР, но тогда работой обеспечивало всех государство. А тут, выходит, что предприятие встало из-за нехватки финансирования и ты вдруг оказался бездельником! То, что это не твоя вина никого не интересует! Маразматичка! 1-8 Marianna Shchetkina is the author of the law on parasitism. We have to arrange a party for the parasite on November 20 (Marianna's birthday)! It seems to me that there is no such idiocy in any country in the world. It was in the USSR, but the state provided everyone with work. It turns out that the company stopped due to lack of funding and you suddenly found yourself a bum! The fact that it is not your fault does not interest anyone! Marazmatik! 4% 1-9 Корбут Н.Н. – бывший министр финансов Беларуси. По огромному количеству фотографий и новостей можно понять, что Корбут – близкий друг диктатора Луки. Он занимал пост главы управления делами президента долгое время, что означает доверие и близость с Лукой, а также ежедневный доступ к диктатору. 1-9 Nikolay Korbut – former finance minister of Belarus. From the huge number of photos and news, everyone can understand that Korbut is a close friend of the dictator Luka. He served as head of the presidential affairs department for a long time, which means trust and closeness with Luka, as well as daily access to the dictator. 2% 1-10 Виктор Шейман - правая рука Лука, человек №2 и “серый кардинал” Беларуси. Доворенное лицо диктатора, которому поручают самые важные “дела” Лукашенко. 1-10 Viktor Sheiman is Lukashenka's right hand, person №2 and the “gray eminence” of Belarus. The confidant of the dictator, who is entrusted with the most important "affairs" of Luka. 5% 2-1 Республиканская экспертная комиссия по оценке информационной продукции на предмет наличия (отсутствия) в ней признаков проявления экстремизма занимается внесением неугодной власти информации в блок-лист. Никаких четких критериев никто назвать не может. Можно попасть в немилость за любое слово. Представляете, насколько этот вопрос беспокоит Лука, что он создал для этого целый государственный орган. 2-1 The republican expert commission for evaluating information products for the presence (absence) of signs of manifestation of extremism in it is engaged in entering information objectionable to the authorities in the block list. No one can say any clear criteria. You can fall out of favor for any word. How much Luka is worried by this question, that he created a whole public authority for this. 2%организация/ul0p7p.html 2-2 Телеканал ОНТ. Место работы недалеких пропагандистов. Телеканал поддерживает существующую власть и часто разглашает информацию, порочащую оппозиционеров. 2-2 ONT TV channel. There is a place of work of narrow-minded propagandists. The TV channel supports the existing government and often spreads information defaming the opposition. 1% 2-3 Dana Holdings – группа компаний, связанных с кланом Лукашенко. Активно поддерживают действующую власть. Холдинг объединил в себе несколько «модных» иностранных названий и забирает крупнейшие государственные тендеры один за одним, чтобы было не так заметно и общественность не волновалась. Реализация проектов крайне сомнительная. 2-3 Dana Holdings is a group of companies associated with the Lukashenka clan. They support the current government actively. This holding has combined several "fashionable" foreign names and takes the largest state tenders one by one, so that it is not so noticeable and the public does not worry. The implementation of projects is extremely dubious. 2%дана-холдинг 2-4 Фонд социальной защиты населения вообще не выполняет свою функцию. Суммы пособий настолько малы, что на них никто не рассчитывает. Для того, чтобы эти крошечные выплаты оформить нужно пройти все круги ада. Система устроена так, будто они надеются, что ты устанешь собирать и переоформлять документы и откажешься от пособия вовсе. 2-4 The Social Security Fund does not f realize its function at all. The benefits are so small that no one can hope to it. In order to make these tiny payments, you need to go through all the circles of hell. The system is designed like they hope that you will get tired of collecting and reissuing documents and will refuse the benefit at all. 6% 2-5. Управделами президента Беларуси – орган власти название которого говорит само за себя. Главные защитники диктатора собраны тут. Они много лет устраивают ему комфортную и безопасную жизнь, делая вид, что рассматривают недовольные обращения граждан. 2-5 The Administrative Office of the President of Belarus is a public authority where name speaks for itself. The main defenders of the dictator are collected here. They have been arranging for him a comfortable and safe life for many years, pretending to consider the dissatisfied appeals of citizens. 5% 2-6 Компания «Трайпл» бизнесмена Юрия Чижа, которого по праву называли «кошельком Лукашенко». "Трайпл" начал заниматься переработкой, экспортом и импортом нефти, его партнерами становятся ЛУКОЙЛ, ТНК-ВР Холдинг, Башнефть, Газпром нефть. Уже из этого понятно «откуда ветер дует». «Трайпл» брал кредиты на финансирование поставок нефтепродуктов в Украину, но средства использовались на другие цели и выводились за пределы страны. Выстроить с компанией честное сотрудничество невозможно, так как без взяток рабочие процессы не идут. 2-6 The "Triple" company of businessman Yury Chizh, who was rightly called "Lukashenka's wallet". Triple has been involved in refining, exporting and importing oil, with LUKOIL, TNK-BP Holding, Bashneft, and Gazprom Neft. Already from this we can understand "where the wind is blowing from." Triple took loans to finance the supply of oil products to Ukraine, but the funds were used for other purposes and were taken out of the country. It is impossible to build honest cooperation with the company, since work processes do not go without bribes. 1% 2-7 «Энерго-Оил» Олексина получила в аренду около 900 государственных ларьков «Табак» и получила право установить свои ларьки «Табакерка» по всей стране. Компания задействована в контрабанде табачной продукции по всему миру. 2-7 Oleksin's Energo-Oil received a lease of about 900 state-owned Tabak kiosks and received the right to establish its Tabakerka kiosks throughout the country. The company is involved in the smuggling of tobacco products around the world. 3% 2-8 Компания «Глобалкастом». Совладелицей компании «Глобалкастом» при ее создании была Анна Пушкарева — близкая знакомая помощника Лукашенко по особым поручениям, его давнего друга и главы Управделами президента Виктора Шеймана. Компания занимается контрабандой цветов, и Президент просто закрывает на это глаза. 2-8 The co-owner of the Globalalkastom company during its creation was Anna Pushkareva, a close acquaintance of Lukashenka's assistant at special assignment, his longtime friend and head of the Presidential Administration Viktor Sheiman. The company is engaged in flower smuggling, and the President simply turns a blind eye to this. 1% 2-9 Компания «Логекс» - один из лидирующих поставщиков срезанных цветов из Беларуси. Компания связана с бизнесменом Александром Шакутиным и его сыном Александром Шакутиным-младшим. Шакутин-старший был одним из немногих бизнесменов на тайной инаугурации Лукашенко в 2020 году, что говорит об их очень близких отношениях. Как и «Глобалкастом» занимаются контрабандой. 2-9 Logeks is one of the leading suppliers of cut flowers from Belarus. The company is associated with businessman Alexander Shakutin and his son Alexander Shakutin Jr. Shakutin Sr. was invited to the secret inauguration of Lukashenka in 2020, which speaks of their very close relationship. Like Globalalkastom, they are engaged in smuggling. 1% 2-10 ОАО «БЕЛАРУСЬКАЛИЙ» самый крупный источник дохода страны, а следовательно, и Луки. После волны протестов с предприятия уволили много людей за участие. Многих позвали назад, когда этот беспредел обнародовали, но осадок остался. После работы на крупнейшем предприятии страны, найти что-то другое очень сложно. Особенно, когда увольняют по статье. 2-10 JSC "BELARUSKALIY" is the largest source of income for Luka. After a wave of protests, many people were fired from the plant for participating. Many were called back when this lawlessness was publiced, but the sediment remained. After at the largest enterprise in the country, it is very difficult to find something else. Especially when people was fired under the article. 2% Я ненавижу всех членов партий, которые в настоящее время поддерживают власть безумца Луки. Все они могут оказать влияние на изменение сложившейся ситуации, но они трусы и думают только о себе! Правительственные партии, которые полностью поддерживают Президента и считают его самоназначение легитимным: I hate all the party members who currently support the power of the madman Luka. All of them can influence the change in the current situation, but they are cowards and think about themselves only! Government parties that fully support the President and consider his self-appointment legitimate: 3-1 Белорусская аграрная партия. Возглавляет партию Член Совета Республики Национального собрания Беларуси Михаил Русый (бывший заместитель Премьер-министра и министр сельского хозяйства). 3-1 Belarusian Agrarian Party. The party is headed by Mikhail Rusy, a member of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of Belarus (former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Agriculture). 1% 3-2 Белорусская социально-спортивная партия. Вы знали, что у белорусских спортсменов больше 20 лет есть партия? Есть! И они голосуют ЗА Лукашенко! 3-2 Belarusian social and sports party. Did you know that Belarusian athletes have had a party for more than 20 years? There is! And they vote FOR Luka! 1% 3-3 Белорусская патриотическая партия. Поддерживает политику Лукашенко, выступает за союз народов России, Белоруссии и Украины, за построение социалистического общества. 3-3 Belarusian Patriotic Party. Supports Lukashenko's policy, stands for the union of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine people for the construction of a socialist society. 1% 3-4 Социал-демократическая партия народного согласия. В сентябре 2020 года подписали вместе с оппозиционными резолюцию с требованиями о прекращении в стране насилия и о проведении новых выборов. Это очень не понравилось Министерству юстиции, и они вернулись к провластной позиции. 3-4 Social Democratic Party of Popular Accord. In September 2020, together with the opposition, they signed a resolution demanding an end to violence in the country and the holding of new elections. The Ministry of Justice did not like this very much, and they returned to the pro-government position. 1%Социал-демократическая_партия_народного_согласия 3-5 Ненавижу всех членов Совета министров Республики Беларусь. Они собраны и функционируют во имя Царя Батьки, а не во имя народа! Сборище бандитов из свиты Луки. Бездельники и преступники. 3-5 I hate all the members of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus. They are assembled and function in honor of Tsar Batka, not in honor of the people! A bunch of bandits from Luke's retinue. Slackers and criminals. 3% 3-6 Ненавижу всех членов Палаты представителей Национального собрания Республики Беларусь. По сути, это опора Лукашенко. Собрана «элита» диктаторского режима: проворовавшиеся чиновники, криминальные авторитеты, «решалы», дальние родственники. 3-6 I hate all the members of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of Belarus. In fact, this is Lukashenka's support. The "elite" of the dictatorial regime has been assembled: officials stealing, crime bosses, "decision makers", distant relatives. 4% 3-7 В составе Совета Республики Национального собрания Республики Беларусь можно обнаружить большую часть свиты Диктатора и некоторых участников 1 блока. Эти люди отвечают за принятие законов в стране. В общем, они сами ничего не принимают. Что им сказали – то они и приняли и никаких возражений никогда не бывает! Бестолковые прихвостни! 3-7 In the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of Belarus, you can find most of the Dictator's retinue and some members of the 1st block. These people are responsible for passing laws in the country. In general, they do not decide anything. What they were told - they accepted and there is never any objection! Stupid henchmens! 3% 3-8 Сотрудники Комите́та госуда́рственной безопа́сности Респу́блики Беларусь (КГБ РБ) преследуют граждан, незаконно задерживают оппозиционеров, избивают людей. Они постоянно «чистят» страну от каких-то вымышленных шпионов, спасают нас от несуществующих террористов и терактов. Колоссальная видимость деятельности без какой-либо пользы для народа! 3-8 The State Security Committee of the Republic of Belarus (KGB RB) persecutes citizens, detains oppositionists illegally, beats people. They are constantly "cleaning" the country from some fictional spies, saving us from non-existent terrorists and acts of terrorism. There is a colossal visibility of activity without any benefit for people! 3% 3-9 Сотрудники Милиции Беларуси во время протестов избивали людей до смерти, безоружных людей. Издевались над задержанными в изоляторах. Они использовали против демонстрантов резиновые пули, светошумовые гранаты, водомёты, въезжали в толпу на автозаках, в некоторых регионах были использованы огнестрельное оружие и боевые патроны. Это не люди, это звери. 3-9 During the protests, Police officers of Belarus beat people to death, unarmed people. They mocked the detainees in the isolation wards. They used rubber bullets, stun grenades, water cannons against the demonstrators, drove into the crowd in paddy wagons, they used firearms and live ammunition in some regions. These are not people, they are animals. 6% 3-10 Ненавижу сотрудников Минского городского исполнительного комитета за то, что покрывают недобросовестных застройщиков, развивают бюрократию, не реагируют на обращения и проблемы горожан, осуществляют неприкрытую коррупционную деятельность. 3-10 I hate the employees of the Minsk City Executive Committee for covering up unscrupulous developers, developing bureaucracy, not responding to appeals and problems of citizens, make corrupt activities openly. 2% BTC - 1G3b3vEVQu2ZUkST2UHrmRik8bt9pHSHUH -----BEGIN SIGNATURE----- 1G3b3vEVQu2ZUkST2UHrmRik8bt9pHSHUH HzC+ucSygrL+QsS1ZmgFqR04QuVAzSOoa5q9xDgWnk3ZqFusylcjuDEopagzqAsS3TVgrkvWOpb2MDDZzkZ73+o= -----END BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE-----

1 replies Active 1230 days ago hmwyda - wishlists (donations here)

-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- #hmwyda wishlist: Người dân của chúng ta luôn sống trong đau khổ. Trước đây có nhiều loại hóa chất gây hại cho chúng ta, nay lại có thêm những loại vi rút mới làm phiền và đe dọa chúng ta. Chúng ta mong muốn có một cuộc sống an toàn và không phải lo lắng. Tất cả những gì chúng ta muốn là sức khỏe. Our people have been living in sorrow. There were various chemicals that harmed us in the past, and now there are new viruses that bother and threaten us. We are eager to have a safe and worry-free life. All we want is health. 1: 200USD 1: Chất độc màu da cam của Việt Nam, chất độc hóa học Mặc dù đã 60 năm kể từ lần đầu tiên chất độc màu da cam được sử dụng trong chiến tranh Việt Nam, nhưng nó đã mang lại cho chúng tôi nỗi đau và nỗi buồn vô song, đẩy chúng tôi đến cùng cực và khiến chúng tôi thực sự rất sợ hãi, tôi hy vọng chất màu da cam sẽ biến mất vĩnh viễn! 1: Vietnam Agent Orange, a toxic chemical substance. Although it has been 60 years since Agent Orange was first used in the Vietnam War, it has brought us unparalleled pain and sorrow, pushing us to extremes and making us really Very scared, I hope the orange agent will disappear forever! 2: 500USD 2: Tội phạm mua bán người ở Việt Nam rất nghiêm trọng, từ năm 2010 đến tháng 6 năm 2021, cả nước xảy ra gần 3.500 vụ mua bán người, làm 5.000 người và gần 7.500 nạn nhân. Nạn nhân không chỉ là phụ nữ và trẻ em. Tôi hy vọng rằng tất cả những người tham gia giao thông với con người đều có thể nhận được hình phạt khắc nghiệt nhất. Đó là hành vi tàn phá gia đình của con người đáng ghê tởm nhất. 2: The crime of human trafficking in Vietnam is very serious. From 2010 to June 2021, there were nearly 3,500 human trafficking cases nationwide, involving 5,000 people and nearly 7,500 victims. The victims are not only women and children. I hope that all people who traffic in human beings can get the harshest punishment. It is the most abhorrent to destroy people’s families. 3: 300USD 3: Nguyên Thành ủy viên, nguyên Bí thư Đảng ủy Sở Kế hoạch và Đầu tư, nguyên Cục trưởng Nguyễn Văn Chi đã lạm quyền, can thiệp trái pháp luật vào hoạt động của các cơ quan, đơn vị liên quan đến đấu thầu và đấu thầu, thu lợi bất chính cho công ty của gia đình ông do vi phạm quy định, buông lỏng trách nhiệm, buông lỏng quản lý, để UBND thành phố, một số sở ngành và cán bộ, đảng viên vi phạm quy định của Đảng, pháp luật của Nhà nước, gây hậu quả nghiêm trọng, gây thất thu ngân sách nhà nước. , tham ô tài sản nhà nước, tham ô cán bộ. 3: Former member of the Hanoi Municipal Party Committee, former Secretary of the Party Committee of the Planning and Investment Bureau, and former Director Nguyen Van Chi, abused his power, illegally interfered with the activities of agencies and units related to bidding and bidding, and made profits for his family’s company from violation of regulations, negligent responsibility, and management Lax, let the city people's committee, some departments and cadres and party members violate party regulations and state laws, causing serious consequences, causing heavy losses to the state budget, embezzling state property, and corrupting corrupt officials. 4: 600USD 4: Ứng dụng chat Zalo của Việt Nam đánh cắp thông tin cá nhân và rò rỉ thông tin cá nhân, gây ra nhiều cuộc gọi quấy rối, khó chịu quá. 4: The Vietnamese chat application, Zalo, steals personal information and leaks personal information, causing many harassment calls, which is too annoying. 5: 400USD 5: Tập đoàn Hefa, một tập đoàn lớn, có doanh số tốt như vậy, lại cố tình vỡ nợ lương công nhân, rất tức giận và bất lực. 5: Hefa Group, such a large group, with such a good sales volume, deliberately defaulted on workers' wages, and was very angry and helpless. 6: 300USD 6: Một công ty hóa chất sản xuất chất độc da cam của Hoa Kỳ, từ năm 1961 đến năm 1971, quân đội Hoa Kỳ đã rải gần 80 triệu lít chất độc hóa học trên 3,06 triệu ha đất, 61% trong số đó là chất độc da cam. Đây là khởi đầu cho cuộc chiến tranh hóa học lớn nhất ở Việt Nam trong thế kỷ 20. 4,8 triệu người Việt Nam bị nhiễm bệnh, trong đó 3 triệu người đã gây ra căn bệnh này. Chúng tôi yêu cầu chính phủ Hoa Kỳ và các công ty hóa chất sản xuất chất độc da cam phải chịu trách nhiệm và bồi thường cho các nạn nhân chất độc da cam ở Việt Nam. môi trường. 6: A chemical company that produces Agent Orange in the United States. From 1961 to 1971, the US military scattered nearly 80 million liters of chemical agents on 3.06 million hectares of land, of which 61% were Agent Orange. This started the biggest chemical war in Vietnam in the 20th century. 4.8 million Vietnamese were infected, of which 3 million caused the disease. We strongly request the US government and the chemical companies that produce Agent Orange to take responsibility and compensate the victims of Agent Orange in Vietnam. Agent Orange is a terrible disaster for mankind and the environment. 7: 800USD 7: Loship, công ty giao hàng, nhân viên giao hàng quá kém, không những đến muộn mà thái độ cũng quá tệ, thực sự cần phải chấn chỉnh. 7: Loship, the delivery company, the delivery staff inside are too poor, not only are late, but the attitude is also too bad, it really needs to be rectified. 8: 500USD 8: Cơn dịch vương miện mới chết tiệt này đã gây ra rất nhiều rắc rối trong cuộc sống và tinh thần của chúng tôi. Tôi mong rằng kẻ tạo ra vi khuẩn sẽ bị công bố càng sớm càng tốt và nhận hình phạt nghiêm khắc nhất. Tôi sẽ không bao giờ tha thứ cho những người có lòng dạ như vậy động cơ. 8: This damn new crown epidemic has caused a lot of trouble in our lives and mentality. I hope that the person who makes the bacteria will be announced as soon as possible and receive the most severe punishment. I will never forgive such people with ulterior motives. 9: 800USD 9: Tại Ngân hàng SHB Việt Nam có quy định ẩn trong khoản mục quản lý tài sản dẫn đến việc nhà đầu tư trả lãi không rõ ràng, ngày nghỉ lễ cũng không hiển thị gì, rất mong được chỉnh sửa để bảo vệ quyền lợi của mình. 9: In SHB Bank of Vietnam, there are hidden provisions in the terms of financial management items, which leads to the unclear payment of investors' interest, and the holidays are not displayed at all. We hope that it will be corrected to protect our interests. 10: 600USD 10: Đối với ứng dụng i-Speed, tốc độ mạng quá chậm, tôi phải đăng nhập vào trang web nhiều lần, tôi rất thất vọng. 10: For the i-Speed application, the internet speed is too slow, and I have to log in to the website many times. I am very disappointed. 11: 400USD 11: People’s Daily, có rất nhiều báo cáo sai sự thật và lỗi thời, thực sự làm lãng phí thời gian của độc giả. Chúng tôi hy vọng sẽ xem được nhiều tin tức mới và có ý nghĩa hơn thay vì tạo tin tức chỉ vì mục đích tạo trang. 11: People’s Daily, there are a lot of false and outdated reports, which are really a waste of readers’ time. We hope to see more current and meaningful news instead of making up news for the sake of making up the page. 12: 300USD 12: Vinamilk, Công ty TNHH Sữa Việt Nam, sữa hết hạn sử dụng vẫn được bày bán, không có phản hồi về đơn tố cáo, có thái độ hách dịch và thực sự tức giận. 12: Vinamilk, Vietnam Dairy Products Co., Ltd., the milk is still on sale after the expiration date. There is no response to the complaint. He has an arrogant attitude and is really angry. 13: 600USD 13: Nguyễn Thị Thủy vì vụ lợi cá nhân đã lạm dụng quyền tự do dân chủ, xuyên tạc sự thật, xâm hại đến lợi ích của đất nước, là luật sư, nếu biết luật mà vi phạm thì cần nghiêm trị. 13: Nguyen Thi Shui, for personal gain, abused the right of democracy and freedom, distorted facts, and harmed the interests of the country. As a lawyer, he should be severely punished if he knows the law and breaks the law. Address: 1LcVfyFJC9eFyaAUWGNhTmiZtZHp13j4Bx -----BEGIN SIGNATURE----- 1LcVfyFJC9eFyaAUWGNhTmiZtZHp13j4Bx G9SQA54z+3uwNsSk9mNr6WoNGSjvhMYkCcJVf4/U1WudXvMXAwhpnfzkUcnvAfuOfhhRJEBQVz+at98NlDbsnKk= -----END BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE-----

1 replies Active 1231 days ago hmwyda - wishlists (donations here)

-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- Update #1 - Nothing changed. This update I only raise the bounty of some items to encourage actions. The percentage refers to the wallet balance that signed this message. Be creative in your actions. If the action pleases me a lot, it could be worth double. Some people lie and cheat to steal and boss other people around, and that's unfair. Actions on this list will also be rewarded with honor for helping to make a fairer world :). 1 - Grant Cardone - 15% A fake billionaire that deceives people to take money from them, it's even disgusting to see this arrogant man mistreating people in his courses. He has already been unmasked by several people, and faces several law suits. <- action on him, this site or any of the social media on it 2 - Dan Lok - 15% Anyone who briefly researches Dan Lok will be repulsed that he has gone unpunished. He clearly uses cultist strategies to create minions that suit his pocket and ego. Several of his former students, angry at what they saw, have already exposed him. But he is still in action. <- action on this site or any of the social media on it 3 - Tai Lopez - 10% You've probably seen his advertisements. Another one that flaunts to make people believe he has a money printer so he can sell useless courses and use that money to trick more people. <- action on him, this site or any of the social media on it 4 - Adrian Gee - 10% This guy promises to teach you how to earn $100k/month working one day a week. In his video he even mocks those who earn little. Poor people end up spending everything they have because of this lie. They already expose him faking a prank. action on him or any of the above: 5 - Wesley Virgin - 10% Another fake guru who sells crap using lies <- action on him, this site or any of the social media on it 6 - Dan Bilzerian - 10% I hate him because he is a fraud and his behavior is disgusting. action on him or any of the above: 7 - Brian Rose - 10% He is a sociopathic con man. Exploited his youtube channel to basically steal money. <- action on him, this site or any of the social media on it (its on the menu) 8 - Sam Ovens - 10% Sells a expensive bullshit course with no refund using fake reviews and others manipulations and tries to silence those who expose it. <- action on him, this site or any of the social media on it 9 - Kevin David - 10% He managed to deceive several people claiming to be an Amazon sales expert. In fact, his earnings come from signing up people who pay to be fooled. action on him or any of the above: 10 - Cameron Fous - 14% An unskilled and unreputable crook who sells the idea of getting rich quick by investing in stocks. He's been unmasked several times on the internet, and even so, he continues to spend on deceptive ads to rob people. action on him or any of the above: 11 - Website LondonReal - 5% This site is being used to sell shit courses. They make it very difficult to refund. action on him or any of the above: 12 - Website Six Figure Sunday - 5% Selling get-rich-quick scheme. 13 - Website T8 System - 5% Selling seduction courses. They have already been exposed live. All scenes are fake, so they make the victim think he's good. ~It looks like an easy action. 14 - Website Overnight Millionaire - 5% From the name we can already see that it is a way of deceiving people. 15 - Website Consulting - 15% !!! This site belongs to the one of the most successfull scammer on internet, just another one to scam people. 16 - Website Kevin David - 5% Belongs to the "Amazon Specialist" scammer. He uses this site to promote himself and make more victims. 17 - Company El Group International This company closes development contracts and then calls the customer with unexpected charges. Several people were harmed in this way, which proves that this is the modus operandi. In the end, you pay a fortune for a shitty app. 18 - Company Forex Guru Team - 5% They have already robbed several people with their forex scam. They are still active and there are some recent reports of victims. 19 - Company IQ Option - 5% This evil company is already facing several lawsuits. They use a model that is built to take money from victims and get them hooked. 20 - Company Private Investment Club - 5% They've been unmasked by articles years ago, even Edward Snowden confronted the scammer live. But they are still active and continue to make victims. 21 - Anyone that have zero-balance - 20% !!! I really hate whoever cheated by leaving the gun without a bullet. That kind of person slows down humanity. 22 - Any known get-rich-quick scammer (need to have been already exposed by a victim) - 8% I hate their lies, I hate their arrogance, their lack of humility, their lack of empathy for others. I hate that they look and mix with good people, which is why they deceive a lot of people (like me too). I hate that they keep doing what they do. 23 - Any website selling get-rich-quick courses. - 5% These are thieves in website form. Any site that claims to teach someone how to get rich quick meets the criteria. 24 - Any company that use ponzi scheme to profit. - 5% I hate that these companies exist. Everyone knows what they do, but there are so many lies along the way, that it ends up disguising it. There are many of them. 25 - Anyone that have been exposed by a victim for being a scammer of any sort. - 5% There are several types of scams. I hate anyone who has ever applied some kind of scam, and there is a victim exposing the case. 26 - Any pump and dump discord channel/forum or similar - 5% I hate them because they profit from uninformed people. 27 - Anyone who claims that will teach you to get rich. - 5% I believe people can excel and achieve success. But I hate people who use this dream to make money. It's not going to be a course that will make you rich. 28 - Anyone who claims to be antivaxxers - 8% They endanger our species. I hate that there are people that crazy. 29 - Any tiktoker trader/stock guru who sells courses or e-books- 5% They lie and deceive to take money from teenagers. 30 - Any company that profits from MLM - 5% It is a form of aggressive selling that leaves legions of people at financial loss so they can increase their profits. 17tenMePBzirEJVuKzx8qJ2xAuDt8c6tDV -----BEGIN SIGNATURE----- 17tenMePBzirEJVuKzx8qJ2xAuDt8c6tDV IC+dU39uCypBqEdgiOdK2vRnyAFNbalh3NNZQvjUtWIQVoiyp3S1tSXoLUhDjs2bkhIWXYH9MXYoatOa/8mM7sk= -----END BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE-----

1 replies Active 1232 days ago hmwyda - wishlists (donations here)

-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- #hmwyda wishlist: 1.1 Александр Викторович Донской. Был мэром города Архангельска. На посту мэра занимался только реализацией коррупционных схем для поддержки своего бизнеса и получения прибыли. Отбыв срок в тюрьме, уехал из города для реализации сомнительных проектов. Имя этого человека часто связывают с Архангельском, и я это не переношу! Он скорее клоун, чем политик или бизнесмен! 1.1 Alexander Viktorovich Donskoy. He was the mayor of the city of Arkhangelsk. As mayor, he was only engaged in the implementation of corruption schemes to support his business and make a profit. After serving time in prison, he left the city to implement dubious projects. The name of this person is often associated with Arkhangelsk, and I hate it! He is more clown than a politician or businessman! 800 USD Личная страница/ Personal page: 1.2 Сергей Родионов. Бывший начальник налоговой инспекции. Вымогатель взяток. За время его руководства было скрыто большое количество нарушений крупных компаний по неуплате налогов. Адвокаты изо всех сил тянут процесс. Приговор вынесен, но дело опять пересматривают! 1.2 Sergey Rodionov. Ex-head of the tax office. Extortioner of bribes. During his leadership, a large number of tax evasion violations by large companies were hidden. The lawyers are struggling to drag out the process. The verdict was passed, but the case is being reviewed again! 800 USD Сообщается в источнике/ Reported in the source: О деле/ About the case: 1.3 Михаил Яковлев. Бывший министр строительства области. Этот человек несколько лет отвечал за ремонт и содержание дорог в разных частях региона. А дороги в регионе все эти годы были в ужасающем состоянии! 1.3 Mikhail Yakovlev. Ex-Minister of Construction of the region. This man was responsible for the repair and maintenance of roads in different parts of the region for several years. And the roads in the region have been in a terrible state all these years! 700 USD О деле/About case: 1.4 Игорь Орлов. Бывший губернатор Архангельской области. За время правления этого человека прекратили свое существование почти все градообразующие предприятия. Население областного центра сократилось вдвое. Он ушел, но последствия для города фатальны! 1.4 Igor Orlov. Ex-Governor of the Arkhangelsk Region. During the reign of this man, almost all city-forming enterprises ceased to exist. The population of the regional center has decreased by half. He left, but the consequences for the city are fatal! 1000 USD Личная страница/ Personal page: 1.5 Александр Дятлов. Вор, бандит, депутат. Человек много лет занимает разные высокие посты, хотя всем известно о его связи с криминальным миром. Такие люди не должны иметь доступ к управлению народом. 1.5 Alexander Dyatlov. Thief, bandit, deputy. The man has held various high posts for many years, although everyone knows about his connection with the criminal world. Such people should not have access to governing the people. 1000 USD Личная страница/ personal page: О персоне: 1.6 Бывшая начальница налоговой инспекции Северодвинска Галина Кильдеева. Одна из активных участниц преступной группы, организованной Сергеем Родионовым. Есть большая вероятность, что Галине удастся остаться на свободе и это беспокоит. 1.6 Galina Kildeeva, the former head of the tax inspection in Severodvinsk. One of the active members of a criminal group organized by Sergei Rodionov. There is a high probability that Galina will be able to stay free and I’m worried. 100 USD Подробнее: 1.7 Андрей Шестаков. Член команды бывшего губернатора Игоря Орлова. Экс-заместитель председателя правительства региона, связи и деятельность которого до сих пор вызывают много вопросов. 1.7 Andrey Shestakov. A member of the team of the ex-governor Igor Orlov. Former deputy chairman of the regional government, whose connections and activities still raise many questions. 200 USD О деле/ About case: 1.8 Олег Мандрыкин. Пытался баллотироваться в Губернаторы Архангельской области. Постоянно становится участником каких-то «бытовых разборок». Странный персонаж с неадекватным поведением. 1.8 Oleg Mandrykin. He tried to run for Governor of the Arkhangelsk Region. Constantly becomes a participant in some kind of "domestic showdown". A strange character with inappropriate behavior. 300 USD Личная страница/ Personal page: О персоне/About person: 1.10 Бывший министр образования Архангельской области Юрий Гнедышев совращал малолетних девочек. Тварь! Все идет к тому, что благодаря связям, этого мудака отпустят. 1.10 Ex Minister of Education of the Arkhangelsk Region Yuri Gnedyshev seduced young girls. Creature! Everything goes to the fact that thanks to connections, this asshole will be released. 800 USD О деле: Личная страница/ personal page: 1.11 Андрей Фатеев. Дебошир, извращенец, алкоголик, депутат. Несколько лет назад Андрей не сходил с первых полос местных газет: то деньги украл у компании, с которой работал, то в баре дебош устроил. Все местные проститутки с ним хорошо знакомы, а бывшие девушки рассказывают о нестандартных интересах депутата, связанных с тематикой БДСМ. Очень мерзкий тип. 1.11 Andrey Fateev. Deboshir, pervert, alcoholic, deputy. Several years ago, Andrei did not leave the front pages of local newspapers: he stole money from the company with which he worked, then he made a row in the bar. All local prostitutes are familiar with him, and former girls talk about the deputy's non-standard interests related to the BDSM theme. Very nasty guy. 600 USD Личная страница/ personal page: 1.12 Виктор Павленко. Бывший мэр города. Непорядочный человек, слово которого не значит ничего. Кинул всех близких друзей, партнеров, коллег. 1.12 Victor Pavlenko. Former mayor of the city. A dishonest person, whose word means nothing. He threw all close friends, partners, colleagues. 1000 USD Личная страница/ personal page: О персоне/ about: 1.13 Рим Каллимулин заслуженно возвращается в список. Отвратительный скользкий тип, которые не является специалистом ни в одной сфере, решил избираться в Госдуму. Все, что он способен организовать – это вечерние танцы татарского сообщества с распитием алкоголя! Ненавижу его!!! 1.13 Rim Callimoulin deservedly returns to the list. A disgusting slippery type, who is not an expert in any area, decided to be elected to the State Duma. All he is able to organize is the evening dances of the Tatar community with drinking alcohol! I hate him!!! 300 USD Личная страница/ personal page: 1.14 Александр Цибульский пришел на смену прошлому вору – Орлову. Как показывает практика, в мой регион отправляют только отпетых негодяев, воров и преступников. Один из прошлых Губернаторов вообще был судим. Цыбульский пока отличился только тем, что набрал в штат управления педофилов и взячников. Его удивительный карьерный рост оставляет много вопросов. Меньше чем за год, он продвинулся от должности помощника всем известного мошенника Улюкаева до должности его заместителя. Ничего хорошего от него можно не ждать! 1.14 Alexander Tsibulsky replaced the previous thief - Orlov. As practice shows, only inveterate villains, thieves and criminals are sent to my region. One of the past governors had a criminal record. Tsybulsky has distinguished himself only by recruiting pedophiles and bribers into the staff of the region goverment. His amazing career development leaves many questions. In less than a year, he rose from the position of assistant of the well-known swindler Ulyukaev to the position of his deputy. It’s impossible to expect anything good from him! 300 USD Сообщается в источнике/ Reported in the source: 1.15 Всегда любил Архангельск за то, что большинство «нововведений» нашей русской фашистской власти в Москве не касались нашего региона. У нас казино даже не сразу закрыли. Но вот маразм и к нам пришел в лице Романа Бузинова! В Архангельске ввели обязательную вакцинацию. Кроме детей прививают всех, если ты не при смерти. Ненавижу этого идиота! 1.15 I fell in love with Arkhangelsk because most part of "innovations" of Russian fascist government in Moscow did not reach our region. Our casino was not even closed immediately. But insanity came to us with Roman Buzinov! Mandatory vaccination has been introduced in Arkhangelsk. In addition to children, everyone is vaccinated if you are not dying. I hate this idiot! 10000 USD Сообщается в источнике/ Reported in the source: О персоне/ about person: AFTER COVID: 1.16 Ненавижу Мурашко! В России происходит геноцид русских и руководит им он! По указанию Мурашко наш Бузинов заставил людей делать Спутник. Я столько времени прожил спокойно без этого вируса и стоило мне сделать прививку – заболел! Они не спасают нас, они нас истребляют! 1.16 I hate Murashko! The genocide of Russians is taking place in Russia and he leads it! At the direction of Murashko, our Buzinov forced people to vaccinate Sputnik. I have lived so long without this virus, and as soon as I got vaccinated, I got sick! They do not save us, they destroy us! 10000 USD О персоне/ about person: 2.1 Ломоносовский районный суд города Архангельска. Очень большой процент оспаривания решений. На территории подсудной Суду расположено ГИБДД, поэтому Суд изрядно загружен, но это не оправдывает бредовость его решений. Lomonosov District Court of the city of Arkhangelsk. A very large percentage of decisions being challenged. The traffic police is located on the territory under the jurisdiction of the Court, therefore the Court is pretty busy, but this does not justify the delusionalness of its decisions. Сайт/ website: Например, лишение прав за переезд человека/ For example, deprivation of rights for moving a person: 2.2 АЦБК постоянно сливает отходы в Северную Двину, чем отравляют реку, которая является источником подачи воды для нескольких городов. 2.2 Arkhangelsk Pulp & Paper Mill constantly dumps waste into the Northern Dvina, thus poisoning the river, which is a source of water supply for several cities. 500 USD Сайт/ website: Сообщается в источнике/ Reported in the source: 2.3 Журнал «PLUS». Через номер «парад бывших эскортниц», пишут все, за что кто-то заплатит. Кроме картинок смысла нет. Валяется во всех заведениях. PLUS magazine. Through the number there is a "parade of ex escort girls", they write everything for which someone pays. In addition to pictures, it makes no sense. Lying around in every pub. 100 USD Личная страница/ personal page: 2.4 ООО «Строй Центр». Предполагается, что компания напрямую связана с Андреем Шестаковым и под его покровительством заключала многомиллионные контракты на освоение бюджетных средств, направляемых на строительство социального жилья. Жилье строилось выборочно, к тому же с нарушением норм безопасности, а деньги уходили в неизвестном направлении. 2.4 LLC "Stroy Center". It is assumed that the company is directly related to Andrey Shestakov (p 1.9) and, under his patronage, entered into multimillion-dollar contracts for the development of budget funds allocated for the construction of social housing. Housing was built selectively, in addition, in violation of safety standards, and the money went in an unknown direction. 700 USD Сайт/ website: Сообщается в источнике/ Reported in the source: 2.5 Музей «Малые Корелы». В последнее время гулять там стало небезопасно. Неужели за такой долгий срок пандемии нельзя было сделать хоть небольшой ремонт?! Билеты в музей стоят немало даже для местных жителей, а ремонт толком не делался никогда. 2.5 Museum "Malye Korely". It has become unsafe to walk there lately. Really, for such a long period of the pandemic, it was impossible to make at least a small repair?! Museum tickets cost a lot even for local residents, and repairs have never really been done. 300 USD Сайт/ website: 2.6 Гостиница Артелеком. В выходные все тусовщики города собираются там по номерам. Стоит адский шум. Прибирают плохо. После тусовок остается мусор под кроватями. Ремонт делают редко, номера быстро изнашиваются. 2.6 Hotel Artelecom. On weekends, all the city's party-goers gather there by their numbers. There is a hell of a noise. They tidy up badly. After parties, trash remains under the beds. Repairs are rarely done; rooms wear out quickly. 300 USD Сайт/ website: 2.7 ООО «Архоблэнерго» на протяжении нескольких лет не может обеспечить бесперебойное предоставление услуг, при том, что тарифы в нашем регионе одни из самых высоких по России. 2.7 Arkhoblenergo LLC has been unable to ensure uninterrupted provision of services for several years,, despite the fact that tariffs in our region are the highest in Russia. 300 USD Сайт/ website: Сообщается в источнике/ Reported in the source: 2.8 Гостиница «Беломорская». Ремонт не делался с моего рождения. Между тем, отель расположен вблизи автовокзала, что делает его очень удобным для путешественников. Но сдавать такие номера – это позор! 2.8 Hotel "Belomorskaya". The renovation has not been done since my birth. Meanwhile, the hotel is located near the bus station, which makes it very convenient for travelers. But renting out such numbers is a shame! 200 USD Сайт/ website: 2.9 Клуб «Паратов». Заведение известных в городе «бизнесменов-политиков». Место сбора криминальных элементов и девушек с сомнительной репутацией. 2.9 Club "Paratov". The establishment of famous "businessmen-politicians" in the city. A gathering place for criminals and girls with a dubious reputation. 200 USD Сайт/ website: 2.10 Ресторан «Летний сад» - место сбора криминальных элементов. В этом ресторане короновали вора в законе Алика Рыжего. Постоянно происходят драки, иногда перестрелки, погромы. Боюсь этого места. 2.10 The Summer Garden restaurant is a gathering place for criminal elements. Thief in law Alik Ryzhy was crowned in this restaurant. Fights constantly take place, sometimes shootings, pogroms. I'm afraid of this place. 600 USD Сайт/ website: 2.11 Ненавижу Октябрьский районный суд города Архангельска. Недавно суд вынес решении в отношении человека, который намеренно убил Робин Гуда нашего города. Ему дали 10 лет! Почему?! Людей за протесты сажают на столько, а это убийство! Надеюсь, это решение будет оспорено! Светлая память Сергею Карюгину. 2.11 I hate the Oktyabrsky District Court of the city. Recently, the court ruled against the man who deliberately killed the Robin Hood of our city. He was given 10 years! Why?! People are imprisoned for the protests for the same period, but it is a killing!!! Hopefully this decision will be challenged! Blessed memory of Sergei Karyugin. 1000 USD Сайт/ website: Сообщается в источнике/ Reported in the source: 2.12 Ненавижу Архангельский областной суд! Недавно осудили оппозиционера Андрея Боровикова за публикацию клипа Рамштайн у себя на странице vk. Человек проведет в тюрьме 2,5 года за это. Областной суд, рассмотрев апелляцию, снизил срок на 2 месяца!!! Что за маразм?! Эта социальная сеть наполнена порно, но это никого не волнует! 2.12 I hate the Arkhangelsk Regional Court! Oppositionist Andrei Borovikov was recently convicted for posting Ramstein's video on his vk page. Borovikov will spend 2.5 years in prison for this. The regional court, having considered the appeal, reduced the term by 2 months!!! What the bullshit?! This social network is filled with porn, but nobody cares! 1000 USD Сообщается в источнике/ Reported in the source: Сайт/ website: AFTER COVID: 2.13 Министерство здравоохранения РФ. Спекуляция на здоровье Россиян – это подло и мерзко! Они прекрасно знают, что Спутник – это не вакцина, а средство для убийства. Шанс выжить после нее небольшой! В стране есть нормальные вакцины, но их дают только тем, на кого не наплевать! Нормальную вакцину в России нельзя даже купить! 2.13 Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. To Speculate by the health of Russians is vile and disgusting! They know well that Sputnik is not a vaccine, it’s a legal public gun to kill. The chance to survive after this is too small! There are few normal vaccines in the country, but they are given to “special people” only! It’s impossible to buy good one! 10000 USD Сайт/ website: Сообщается в источнике/ Reported in the source: 3.1 Участников движения «stop шиес». Команда не имеет стратегии, плана действий, выдвигает каких-то нелепых кандидатов. Бесполезная организация, создающая вокруг себя много шума. Participants of the stop shies movement. The team does not have a strategy, an action plan, it nominates some ridiculous candidates. A useless organization that creates a lot of noise around itself. 300 USD Сайт/ website: Сообщается в источнике/ Reported in the source: 3.2 Каждого участника ОПГ Шаманинские за то, что долгое время держали в страхе бизнесменов региона и убивали людей без причин. Большая часть группировки ликвидирована несколько лет назад, предполагаемых главарей так же арестовали. Но есть предположения, что деятельность их не прекратилась. 3.2 Each member of the Shamaninskie organized criminal group for keeping the businessmen of the region at bay for a long time and killing people for no reason. Most of the group was liquidated several years ago, the alleged leaders were also arrested. But there are suggestions that their activity has not stopped. 800 USD О деле: Сообщается в источнике/ Reported in the source: 3.3 Ненавижу всех сотрудников университета им М.В.Ломоносова. Учиться там просто ужасно. Преподаватели берут взятки. 3.3 I hate of the Lomonosov University. Studying there is just awful. Teachers take bribes. 300 USD Сайт/ website: Сообщается в источнике/ Reported in the source: 3.4 Членов Архангельского отделения партии Единая Россия. Почти все участники моего списка связаны с деятельностью этой партии, либо являлись ее участниками. Members of the Arkhangelsk branch of the United Russia party. Almost all of the participants on my list are associated with the activities of this party, or were its members. 800 USD Сайт/ website: 3.5 Дикторов телеканала «Поморье» за ужасную дикцию. На центральном телевидении не должны работать люди с такой безграмотной и плохо поставленной речью! 3.5 The announcers of the Pomorie TV channel for their terrible diction. People with such illiterate and poorly delivered speech should not work on central television! 150 USD Сайт/ website: 3.6 Участников ОПГ Соломбальские за то, что перекрывают дорогу молодым бизнесменам и убивают людей, которые с ними не работают. 3.6 Members of the Solombalski organized criminal group for blocking the road to young businessmen and killing people who do not work with them. 800 USD Сообщается в источнике/ Reported in the source: 3.7 Членов Общественной палаты Архангельской области. Группа бездельников, обсуждающая одно и то же по полгода. Не могут решить элементарных вопросов. Дошли до того, что заседания общественной палаты проходят за закрытыми дверями и на них вообще никого не зовут! Тунеядцы. 3.7 Members of the Public Chamber of the Arkhangelsk Region. A group of idlers discussing the same thing for six months. They cannot solve elementary questions. We got to the point that meetings of the public chamber are held behind closed doors and no one is invited to attend! Parasites. 500 USD Сайт/ website: Сообщается в источнике/ Reported in the source: 3.8 Я ненавижу всех сотрудников отдела по работе с обращениями граждан Мэрии Архангельска потому, что они не справляются со своими задачами, не реагируют своевременно и качественно на обращения населения. 3.8 I hate all the employees of the Arkhangelsk City Hall because they do not cope with their tasks, do not respond in a timely manner and efficiently to appeals from the population. 500 USD Сайт/ website: 3.9 Работников Ночного клуба «Luna». Без драки не проходит ни одно мероприятие. Продают нелегальный алкоголь. Очень грязно. Охрана хамит и устраивает разборки. Закрывали несколько раз, но они все равно возобновляют работу. Отвратительное место! 3.9 All employees of the Luna Night Club. Not a single event takes place without a fight. They sell illegal alcohol. Very dirty. The guards are rude and arrange a showdown. Closed several times, but they resume work anyway. Disgusting place! 100 USD Сайт/ website: Сообщается в источнике/ Reported in the source: 3.10 Судебных приставов ОСП по Ломоносовскому округу г. Архангельска за то, что до них невозможно дозвониться, они с большим опозданием и не разбираясь снимают деньги со счетов и накладывают на них аресты. Чтобы доказать свою правоту приходится тратить очень много времени. Ненавижу! 3.10 For the fact that it is impossible to reach them by phone, the bailiffs of the PCB for the Lomonosov District of Arkhangelsk take money from accounts and arrest them with great delay and without understanding. You have to spend a lot of time to prove your case. I hate it! 800 USD Сайт/ website: Отзывы/ review: AFTER COVID: 3.11 Ненавижу всех сотрудников станции скорой помощи Архангельска. Дождаться их и выжить почти невозможно, даже учитывая мои связи и имеющиеся рычаги воздействия. НО! Дождаться – это еще не гарантия, что тебе помогут! Они приедут, сделают укол от температуры и поедут дальше. А забрать в больницу они не могут, потому что этот возраст не подходит под госпитализацию по приказу п. 1.15, 1.16, 2.13. Мне страшно так жить дальше!!! 3.11 I hate every employer of the Arkhangelsk ambulance station. It is impossible to wait for them and survive (with my connections and available leverage). BUT! Waiting is not a guarantee that they will help you! They will come, give an injection from the temperature and will leave you. And you cannot be taken to the hospital, because this age does not fit for hospitalization by order of 1.15, 1.16, 2.13. I'm scared to live like this!!! 10000 USD 13KkkCJKu5XACtFzVKnUqe7aqzM2tKMnQm -----BEGIN SIGNATURE----- 13KkkCJKu5XACtFzVKnUqe7aqzM2tKMnQm HyamAxVVMH4qyDHltHl7H9XNQFZav04GsVlXfLwPEHfSb+PIgbGyj75poN8Slws0D1gt85RjWh6167i+DT/VwDE= -----END BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE-----

1 replies Active 1233 days ago hmwyda - wishlists (donations here)

-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- #hmwyda wishlist: 1-1 Juan Carlos I es un corrupto. Durante todo su reinado llevó una vida de lujo a costa de los contribuyentes. Pero ni siquiera eso fue suficiente para él. Aceptó sobornos para hacer lobby por varios proyectos. Uno de sus mayores escándalos fue ayudar a Arabia Saudita a cerrar un contrato multimillonario para la construcción de un ferrocarril entre La Meca y Medina. 1-1 Juan Carlos I is a corrupt man. Throughout his reign he led a luxury life at the expense of the taxpayers. That wasn’t enough for him. He took bribes to lobby various projects. One of his biggest mistakes was helping Saudi Arabia close a multimillion-dollar contract for the construction of a railroad between Mecca and Medina. 45% 1-2 Lucas Mondelo es un entrenador tirano. Prohibía a las atletas comer y las llamaba gordas. Antes de las Olimpiadas, para evitar un escándalo, se decidió no hacerlo muy público. 1-2 Lucas Mondelo is a tyrannical trainer. He forbade athletes from eating and called them fat. He decided to avoid scandal before the Olympics and made this story silent. 3% 1-3 Eufemiano Fuentes es un médico calumniador. Lleva muchos años involucrado en el llamado dopaje sanguíneo. Ha difamado a los clubes de fútbol españoles por el dopaje. En una ocasión se le impuso una multa de 300.000 euros por difamación. Fuentes insinuó en una entrevista que el segundo puesto de la Real Sociedad en la temporada 2002/2003 se debía a sus prácticas de dopaje. Ahora el Real Madrid y la Real Sociedad preparan una demanda contra Eufemiano Fuentes, el motivo es la difamación. 1-3 Eufemiano Fuentes is a slanderous doctor. He has been involved in so-called blood doping for many years. He has defamed Spanish football clubs for doping. He was fined 300,000 euros for defamation. Sources suggested that the second place of the Royal Society in the 2002/2003 season was reached because to their doping practices. Now Real Madrid and the Real Sociedad are preparing for a lawsuit against Eufemiano Fuentes. The reason of is the defamation. 15% 1-4 El ministro español de Transportes, José Luis Ábalos, es un hombre al que le importan un bledo las normas de la política exterior europea. En 2019, se reunió en secreto con la vicepresidenta Delci Rodríguez, que está en la lista de sanciones de la UE. El encuentro entre Ábalos y Rodríguez puso en jaque al Parlamento español. 1-4 The Spanish Minister of Transport José Luis Ábalos is a man who doesn’t give a damn about the rules of European foreign policy. In 2019, he made a meeting with Vice President Delci Rodríguez from the sanctions list. That meeting puts the Spanish Parliament in check. 30% 1-5 Mariano Rajoy es un político corrupto. Creó y mantuvo un sistema en la sombra vinculado al soborno, al cohecho de los políticos y al impago de impuestos. Fue el primer presidente del Gobierno español en recibir una moción de censura y dimitir en desgracia en 2018. A lo largo de la década de 2000 recibió 25.000 euros al año del "fondo negro". 1-5 Mariano Rajoy is a corrupt politician. He created and feed a shadow system linked to bribery, bribery by politicians and non-payment of taxes. He was the first Spanish Prime Minister to receive a motion of censure and resign in disgrace in 2018. Throughout the 2000s he received 25,000 euros a year from the "black background". 45% 1-6 Gerard Piqué provocó con su comportamiento un "escándalo de mangas cortadas". Cortó deliberadamente las mangas de su camiseta para quitar la bandera española en el partido contra Bulgaria. Esto es muy poco profesional. 1-6 Gerard Piqué provoked a "scandal of cut sleeves". He deliberately cut the sleeves off his shirt to remove the Spanish flag in the match against Bulgaria. This is very unprofessional. 15% 1-7 Arancha González Laya, Ministra de Asuntos Exteriores de España. En lugar de ocuparse de los problemas locales, que ya tenemos bastantes, quiere meter las manos en Centroamérica. El Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores de Nicaragua la ha acusado de interferir en los asuntos internos del país. Laya ha llamado a consultas al embajador español en Nicaragua, afirmando que las acusaciones del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores nicaragüense son flagrantes mentiras. 1-7 Arancha González Laya, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Spain. He wants to get his hands on Central America instead of dealing with local problems. The Nicaraguan Ministry of Foreign Affairs accused her for interfering in the country’s internal affairs. Laya called for consultations Spanish ambassador in Nicaragua. Arancha said that the accusations of the Nicaraguan Foreign Ministry are blatant lies. 35% 1-8 La ministra de Sanidad, Carmen Montón, plagió su tesis de máster, pero eso no le impidió conseguir un puesto. Su trabajo final no es propio, no asistió a clase, pero obtuvo su título de máster. Cuando se supo la verdad, la ministra dimitió. 1-8 The Minister of Health, Carmen Montón, plagiarized his master’s thesis, but that did not prevent her from getting a position. Her final work is not her own, she did not attend class, but obtained her master’s degree. When the truth came out, the minister resigned. 30% 1-9 Pedro Agramunta es un destacado activista de los derechos humanos en Europa, acusado de ser leal a Bashar al-Assad. El político se ha reunido personalmente con el presidente sirio, haciendo la vista gorda a sus violaciones de los derechos humanos, en particular a sus ataques químicos. Socavó la confianza de sus compañeros de partido al viajar junto a diputados rusos sancionados. Ha dimitido y ahora ya no es el portavoz del Partido Popular Europeo. El infractor debe ser castigado. 1-9 Pedro Agramunta is a prominent human rights activist in Europe. He is loyal to Bashar al-Assad. The politician had meeting with the Syrian president, turnined a blind eye to his human rights violations, particularly his chemical attacks. He undermined the confidence of his fellow party members by travelling alongside sanctioned Russian MPs. He is not the spokesman of the European People’s Party more. This offender must be punished. 80% 1-10 Maxim Huerta es un persistente moroso fiscal. Haber sido multado por el fisco no le ha impedido ser ministro de Cultura. Sin embargo, el periódico vigilante El Confidencial ha hecho públicos los detalles de su impago de impuestos. Hablar con el jefe del Gobierno, Pedro Sánchez, no ayudó al ministro. Dimitió tras sólo una semana como Ministro de Cultura. 1-10 Maxim Huerta doesn’t pay taxes. Fines did not prevent him from becoming Minister of Culture. However, the newspaper El Confidencial publiced the details of its tax default. Talking to the head of government, Pedro Sánchez, did not help the minister. 25% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2-1 El partido político Vox es un partido de extrema derecha que incita al odio interétnico. ¡Ha cabreado a todo el mundo! Desprecia los valores democráticos y opera con información falsa. Otra payasada tuvo lugar antes de las elecciones de primavera de 2019. El partido colocó carteles en las calles de Madrid en los que se comparaba la pensión de los jubilados españoles (426 euros) con el subsidio a un menor extranjero (664 euros). 2-1 The political party Vox is an extreme right-wing party that incites inter-ethnic hatred. It despises democratic values and operates with false information. Another farce took place before the Spring 2019 elections. The party placed posters on the streets of Madrid comparing the pension of Spanish pensioners (426 euros) with the subsidy to a foreign minor (664 euros). 50% 2-2 "La mafia rusa" es un grupo de 23 criminales que se dedicaban a blanquear dinero procedente de actividades delictivas. En su día quisieron hacerse con el sector de la vida nocturna en España comprando la principal discoteca de Ibiza. Tenían grandes planes para hacerse con el control de los principales sectores de la economía española. Este es un ejemplo de cómo los matones rusos enseñaron a los funcionarios españoles a ser corruptos. Durante años, los funcionarios recibieron sobornos para que los delincuentes rusos echaran raíces en un lugar llamado Marbella y se hiciera la vista gorda al tráfico de drogas, al tráfico de armas y al tráfico de personas. En 2020, tras 13 años de investigación, se detuvo a la "mafia rusa" y se abrió una causa penal. Sin embargo, ese mismo año los implicados fueron puestos en libertad. ¿Dónde está la justicia? 2-2 "The Russian Mafia" is a group of 23 criminals who laundered money from criminal activities. They wanted to acquire the sector of the nightlife in Spain buying the main nightclub in Ibiza. They had big plans to take control of the main sectors of the Spanish economy. This is an example of Russian thugs taught Spanish officials to be corrupt. Officials received bribes to that Russian criminals could take root in a place called Marbella and turned a blind eye to drug trafficking, arms trafficking and human trafficking. In 2020, after 13 years of investigation, the "Russian mafia" was arrested and a criminal case opened. However, in the same year those involved were released. Where is the justice system? 50% 2-3 SNICKERS España es el creador de un comercial homofóbico. Utiliza activamente la homofobia en su estrategia de marketing. Un vídeo en el que se ve al cantante español Aless Gibaja comiendo una barrita de Snickers y convirtiéndose en un hombre rudo y con barba provocó una oleada de críticas. El clip fue retirado del aire. 2-3 SNICKERS Spain is the creator of a homophobic commercial. It actively uses homophobia in its marketing strategy. A video showing Spanish singer Aless Gibaja eating a Snickers bar and becoming a tough man with a beard provoked a wave of criticism. 10% 2-4 Cádiz Club de Fútbol. El jugador del Cádiz Juan Calou dedicó palabras racistas al jugador del otro equipo Mouctar Dhiakabi. Este comportamiento demuestra la falta de profesionalidad del jugador y del club en su conjunto. Aparentemente no tienen valores. 2-4 Cádiz Football Club. Cadiz player Juan Calou dedicated racist words to the player of the other team Mouctar Dhiakabi. This behavior demonstrates the lack of professionalism of the player and the club. Apparently they have no values. 20% 2-5 El Restaurante Sagardi es un restaurante español con actitud rusofóbica. En 2017, anuló un pedido de unas chicas rusas para hacer una fiesta. "Las personas de origen ruso no son nuestro formato", dijo el restaurante. Ese comportamiento me parece salvaje hoy en día. 2-5 Sagardi Restaurant is a Spanish restaurant with a Rusophobic attitude. In 2017, she cancelled an order from some Russian girls to have a party. "People of Russian origin are not our format" said the restaurant. That behavior seems wild to me today. 15% 2-6 Volkswagen-Audi España mintió sobre las emisiones atmosféricas. 2-6 Volkswagen-Audi Spain lied about atmospheric emissions. 35% 2-7 El BBVA utiliza medios ilegales para competir. El banco pagó un soborno de 10,3 millones de euros a José Manuel Vilarejo. El ex policía organizó la vigilancia de Sacyr para obtener esta recompensa. 2-7 The BBVA uses illegal means to compete. The bank paid a bribe of 10.3 million euros to José Manuel Vilarejo. The former policeman organized the surveillance of Sacyr to obtain this reward. 40% 2-8 Los funcionarios de la Agencia Tributaria española son informantes de José Manuel Villarejo. Filtraron declaraciones de la renta e informes bancarios a una organización criminal creada por el ex comisario Villarejo. La información se utilizaba para chantajear a los competidores y socavar su posición en el mercado. 2-8 The officials of the Spanish Tax Agency are informants of José Manuel Villarejo. They leaked income statements and bank reports to a criminal organization created by former commissioner Villarejo. The information was used to blackmail competitors and undermine their market position. 35% 2-9 El Ministerio de Trabajo español se negó a asignar dinero a la comunidad taurina y a los toreros. Esta decisión divide a la sociedad en dos: los que creen que la tauromaquia es una cultura y los que consideran que es una barbarie. Esto es cultura. 2-9 The Spanish Ministry of Labour refused to allocate money to the bullfighting community and bullfighters. This decision divides society for two parts: those who believe that bullfighting is a culture and those who consider it barbaric. This is culture. 15% 2-10 La organización sin fines de lucro Anima Naturalis suele llamar la atención con acciones poco convencionales para la defensa de los animales. En 2019, organizó el flash mob "desnudo" para llamar la atención del gobierno. La organización denunció la matanza de animales con el objetivo de obtener su piel para la confección. 70 participantes se rociaron de sangre y se acostaron en la plaza. ¿Qué clase de tontería es esta? 2-10 The non-profit organization Anima Naturalis usually draws attention with unconventional actions for the defense of animals. In 2019, he organized the "naked" flash mob to get the government’s attention. The organisation denounced the killing of animals in order to obtain their skin for clothing. 70 participants sprinkled themselves with blood and lay down in the square. 35% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3-1 El Real Madrid es uno de los clubes más polémicos de España. Se ha visto involucrado en muchas cosas: arreglo de partidos, trato inadecuado a los jugadores por parte de la dirección, etc. En el verano de 2021 se publicaron las llamadas telefónicas de Florentino Pérez (presidente del club) en las que insultaba a los jugadores de su club y de otros. Por ejemplo, Raúl y Casillas para él son las mayores estafas y unos egoístas. Ronaldo es un idiota, un loco, un enfermo. Mendes es nada, etc. ¡Qué vergüenza! 3-1 Real Madrid is one of the most controversial clubs in Spain. It was involved in many things: match fixing, improper treatment of players by management, etc. The summer of 2021 the phone calls of Florentino Pérez (club president) were published in which he insulted the players of his club and others. For example, Raúl and Casillas are for him the biggest scams and selfish ones. Ronaldo is an idiot, a madman, a sick person. Mendes is nothing, etc. Shame! 30% 3-2 La comunidad LGBT Fuenla Entiende, una comunidad que se considera digna de inmiscuirse en los asuntos del fútbol. Llamó fascista al futbolista Roman Zozulia. Así es como la comunidad protestó contra su traspaso a otro club. 3-2 LGBT community Fuenla Entiende interferes in football affairs. They called the footballer Roman Zozuli a fascist. So the community expressed its protest against the transfer of a football player to another club. 50% 3-3 La organización sin fines de lucro El Centro de Derechos Humanos "Fray Francisco de Vitoria, OP" es una residencia de ancianos. Los ancianos se han infectado y han muerto de coronavirus dentro de sus muros. Y estas muertes han quedado "sin registrar". Esta situación demuestra que la asistencia sanitaria en el país es defectuosa. Incidentes similares han empezado a aparecer en otras residencias de ancianos. 3-3 The non-profit organization The Human Rights Center "Fray Francisco de Vitoria, OP" is a nursing home. The elderly have been infected and have died of coronaviruses within their walls. And these deaths have been "unrecorded". This shows that health care in the country is poor. Similar incidents have begun to appear in other nursing homes.ña-escándalo-por-el-trato-a-los-ancianos-durante-la-epidemia 40% 3-4 Laboratorio farmacéutico Farma Quimica Sur. Los medicamentos de una empresa farmacéutica casi convierten a los niños en hombres lobo en 2019. A 17 niños se les inyectó un fármaco para la caída del cabello en lugar de omeprazol. A los pequeños pacientes les ha empezado a crecer el pelo. La causa fue una confusión en el empaquetado. El laboratorio ha suspendido su trabajo mientras dure la investigación. El Ministerio de Sanidad español ha asegurado a los padres que los niños estarán bien. Sin embargo, es una cuestión de tiempo y los efectos pueden tardar años en manifestarse. 3-4 Pharmaceutical Laboratory Farma Quimica Sur. Medicines from a pharmaceutical company turn children into werewolves in 2019. Seventeen children were injected with a hair-loss blocking drug instead of omeprazole. Young patients have begun to grow hair. The cause was a mix-up in the packaging. The lab has suspended its work for the duration of the investigation. However, it is a matter of time and the effects may take years to manifest. 30% 3-5 El Banco Madrid está en quiebra. 15.000 personas no pueden devolver un total de 6.000 millones de euros. No se ha librado de la situación de Banca Privada d'Andorra, propietaria de Banco Madrid. Se ha sabido que la Banca Andorra ha estado implicada en el blanqueo de dinero para bandas criminales. Hasta ahora, miles de clientes no han podido rescindir sus contratos con el banco, por mucho que lo deseen. 3-5 The Banco Madrid is bankrupt. 15,000 people cannot return a total of 6,000 million euros. It has not escaped the situation of Banca Privada d'Andorra, owner of Banco Madrid. It has been reported that Banca Andorra has been involved in money laundering for criminal gangs. Thousands of customers have not been able to terminate their contracts with the bank, however much they wish. 65% 3-6 Un centro educativo ruso lleva mucho tiempo involucrado en el comercio de certificados. Los estudiantes que se han graduado en el centro han sido expulsados en masa de las universidades españolas. Los padres están furiosos. La Fiscalía General del Estado no se quedó de brazos cruzados en este sonado caso y puso en marcha una investigación. 3-6 A Russian educational establishment has been involved in the trade in certificates. Students who have graduated from the centre have been expelled from Spanish universities. Parents are furious. 40% 3-7 La bodega Do Valdepeñas lleva ocho años engañándonos a nosotros y al mundo. Vendía vinos jóvenes como envejecidos: crianza, reserva e incluso gran reserva. La empresa lo atribuyó al hecho de que durante muchos años no tuvieron un inspector de calidad del vino. Cuántas personas fueron engañadas es algo que nadie sabe. Do Valdepeñas ha sido procesado por estafa. 3-7 The Do Valdepeñas winery has been deceiving us and the world for eight years. It sold young wines as aged: aging, reserve and even large reserve. The company attributed this to the fact that for many years they did not have a wine quality inspector. How many people were deceived no one knows. Do Valdepeñas has been prosecuted for fraud. 25% 3-8 La organización política Candidatura de Unidad Popular es conocida por sus opiniones radicales. En 2017, se apoderó ilegalmente de un edificio en Cataluña. Además, se ha producido un aumento de la ocupación de viviendas de ciudadanos comunes. Los narcotraficantes se los han quitado a los españoles y han montado en ellos guaridas de droga. Los ciudadanos están preocupados por la inacción de las autoridades. 3-8 The political organization Candidacy of Popular Unity is known for its radical views. He seized a building in Catalonia illegally. In addition, there has been an increase in the occupancy of dwellings of ordinary citizens. Drug traffickers have taken them from the Spaniards and set up drug dens there. Citizens are concerned about the inaction of the authorities. 45% 3-9 El Centro Nacional de Inteligencia adquirió programas de espionaje, en particular programas de pirateo de teléfonos inteligentes. Todo el mundo tenía micrófonos: miembros de partidos políticos, periodistas y políticos. El objetivo del espionaje era identificar a los partidarios de la independencia de Cataluña. Tales acciones constituyen una violación directa de la legislación española. Es un delito penal. El caso no terminará sólo con un escándalo. 3-9 The National Intelligence Center acquired espionage programs, including smartphone hacking programs. Everyone was bugged: members of political parties, journalists and politicians. The objective of the espionage was to identify the supporters of the independence of Catalonia. Such actions constitute a direct violation of Spanish law. It is a criminal offence. The case will not end with a scandal only. 40% 3-10 La Iglesia católica en España .En 2019, se publicó un libro escandaloso de Frederic Martel. En él destacó por separado las iglesias de España y Colombia. Afirma que la mayoría de los sacerdotes de la Iglesia Católica son homosexuales. En España no son en absoluto un pequeño grupo discreto, sino un sistema firmemente integrado en la realidad de la Iglesia. El escritor no carece de fundamento. Ha escrito un libro basado en los resultados de cuatro años de investigación. ¿Afectará su trabajo las actitudes hacia la Iglesia católica (que ya ha dado mucho que hablar)? Este horror debe terminar. 3-10 The Catholic Church in Spain. A scandalous book by Frederic Martel was published in 2019. He highlighted separately the churches of Spain and Colombia there. He states that most of the priests of the Catholic Church are homosexuals. In Spain they are not a small discreet group, but a system firmly integrated into the reality of the Church. He has written a book based on the results of four years of research. Will your work affect attitudes toward the Catholic Church (which has already given much to talk about)? This horror must has the end. 90% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - btc wallet: 19MaddsVQ2phkZMYv3Z7Rsh4pYPB3MoWTS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -----BEGIN SIGNATURE----- 19MaddsVQ2phkZMYv3Z7Rsh4pYPB3MoWTS H1fUhqWRehB4KRLUBcmrUj/DRnOEygsvQ870cyRg6qAPAal9XXexxQquFM4EsIwAfVxGOP/hd7TJOKLimYJmtnw= -----END BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE-----

1 replies Active 1234 days ago hmwyda - wishlists (donations here)

-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- #hmwyda wishlist: Muslims were a marginalized minority in Europe and the United States generation ago only. They have subdued the West nowadays. They use their religion as an effective weapon for further conquest. Europeans and Americans both are afraid of them. They take over countries, kill people, impose their own rules. But the Jews are blamed for all troubles! 1. I hate Imam Loda Yusuf al-Baz for demonstration Violence Against Jews! 500 USD 2. Reema Dodin - Palestinian Arab by descent. Biden made her deputy director of the White House's Office of Legislative Affairs. Dodin headed the Muslim Students Association focused on the Muslim Brotherhood movement. Dodin supported and justified the terror, stating that "suicide bombers have become the last hope of desperate people." 300 USD 3. Recep Tayyip Erdogan supports the Hamas terrorist movement. He hates Jews and I hate him! 900 USD 4. Foreign Minister Yair Lapid will destroy all achievements of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. 400 USd 5. Chen Aharoni is open about his homosexuality. I believe that this is not a matter of pride and He needs to behave modestly.,7340,L-5952232,00.html - autoplay 300 USD 6. Shahaf Kadosh. I saw him with one woman once only. It was his sister. Call me homophobic, but I hate them! 300 USD 7. Pazza pizza bar. They cook well, but I hate such a boorish attitude towards visitors. Also, they don’t regulate entrance of the bar and there are too much people in the evening. 200 USD 8. I hate every member of Population and Immigration Authority of the Ben Gurion Airport because every time I see someone off, I answer an endless number of questions from the airport staff. I cannot understand why this is needed when a person leaves the country! 600 USD 9. I hate Ismail Abdel Salam Ahmed Haniyeh because He is political leader of Hamas! 900 USD 10. Ismail Kaani, commander of the Quds Force, an expeditionary force for the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). He says that Israel will be destroyed and the Jews must move to Europe and America. I hate this shit! 900 USD 11. Palestinian Ministry of Agriculture bans produce from Jews - because it knows that it cannot rely on patriotism to encourage Palestinians to buy from Arab farmers only. 600 USD 12. Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) is one of the most infamous terrorist organizations around the world. 800 USD 13. Jeremy Corbyn is a babble! He became the personification of an anti-Semitic political culture based on obsessive hatred of Israel, conspiracy theories and fake news. 500 USD 14. El Dorar's channel says that the Jewish woman "desecrated" the mosque by her appearing. This is a shame because the Arabs built mosques on our land and no one demolishes them. 200 USD 15. I hate any member of "Islamic Human Rights Commission" for burning an Israeli flag at the anti-Israel demonstration in London on 12 June 2021. What will be next? The voodoo doll with the face of a prime minister?! 800 USD 16. Hate any member of Arabian party Ra'am. They received mandates in the new government. It's incomprehensible! 600 USD 17. NIF seeks to promote full equality for Palestinian citizens of Israel and to enhance their participation in Israel’s democratic processes and institutions. 500 USd 18. I hate any member of "New Hope - Unity for Israel". Gideon Saar was close to Bibi. As soon as Bibi lost his leadership, Saar left the ruling party and founded his own. He was scared to lose his seat in the Government. He gathered the same unreliable politicians who will easily change their political views at any moment. 500 USD 19. Any member of Knesset. The new Knesset includes the ultra-right, Arabs, gay ... It is foolish to gather so many irreconcilable people. This cast of characters can’t be productive. 800 USD 20. Rabbi Eliezer Berland was accused of sex crimes against several women from Shuvu Banim and fled Israel. Berland created a whole system of collecting money from the flock. 600 USD 21. The Sun newspaper published an article titled "The Muslim Question" similar to Nazi claims that the "final solution to the Jewish question" is the Holocaust. 200 USD 22. Itamar Shimoni is a bribe-taker and a swindler! 300 USD 23. I hate any member of Fatah (Palestine National Liberation Movement) because they are terrorists and kill civilians. 800 USD 24. Orthodox Jew Joseph Lieberman promotes Haredi. The world is changing and it's not appropriate to observe all the traditions nowadays. If we’ll not work all the days, as the Torah prescribes, we’ll become impoverished. 300 USD 25. Naftali Bennet made a shameful surrender. He has sent over a million vaccines to Gaza. Now the enemies will have more strength to resist! 900 USD 26. I hate Imam Khamenei for anti-Israel and antisemitic abuse in different accounts. 500 USD 27. Avigdor Lieberman is a very controversial participant in the political arena. His friends are Muhammad Rashid, the finance minister of Arafat's terror, and Martin Schlaff, a Stasi agent. Such an alliance can’t be credible. 500 USD 28. Shalvata TLV is too expensive. I heard that they often steal money from credit cards. Terrible service combined with disgusting music and questionable audience - I hate such places! 400 USD 29. Naya Beach & Bar began showing sports games in the evenings. The bar guards can't deal with the drunken fans. One of my favorite places for vacation has turned into a trash. 400 USD 30. I hate the Ministry of Construction of Israel because real estate prices rise too quickly. It’s impossible to buy apartment nowadays. 600 USD 31. I hate Angela Rashkovsky because she is ah escort worker. 500 USD 32. Partner Communications Ltd. misinforms consumers. Their special offers come with additional strings and many people fall for this trick and pay for something they don't need at all. 400 USD 33. I hate every member of Hamas. It is the most dangerous anti-Israeli terrorist group. 1000 USD 34. Jewish professionals at Stanford University have experienced “severe and persistent” anti-Jewish harassment by colleagues. It's a pity to hear this about one of the best universities in the world. 500 USD 35. I hate Sharren Haskel! This dumbass is lobbying a law about decriminalizing cannabis. Haskel’s bill would permit Israeli adults to possess up to 50 grams of marijuana and to grow up to 15 plants for personal use. Drug addicted slut!!! 1000 USD 36. I hate Mahmoud Abbas because he supports terrorists! He is an author of stupid policy of paying stipends to Palestinians jailed for security offenses and the families of deceased attackers. We will never stop the war such way! 1000 USD 37. Polish President Andrzej Duda accuses Israel of creating "fictitious" facts of history. He is anti-Semite and xenophobic. Relations between Israel and Poland show a bad way of developing. The apogee of Andrzej’s hate of Jews was the adoption of an "anti-Jewish" amendment to the Administrative Procedure Code, which deprived the Jewish people of hope to return their property, which was illegally taken by the Poles during the war. I hate this country and its President specially! 1000 USD 38. I hate all members of the Lebanese military organization “Hizb Allah”. They support Palestinian aggression and attack peaceful areas of the Israeli land. They are terrorists and provoke hostilities deliberately.צהל-תקף-בטילים-מוצב-של-חיזבאללה-ליד-הכ/ 1000 USD 39. Defense Minister Benny Gantz has never had a stable political position. He holds the place of defense minister and agrees to build houses for the Palestinians easily. He was an opponent of Netanyahu for many years and went over to his side at moment. How can we trust the defense of the country to a person who cannot even defend his own convictions? 900 USD BTC - 156fm3QWoB2AwaP3nLoMH5mbThmzCyNk9x -----BEGIN SIGNATURE----- 156fm3QWoB2AwaP3nLoMH5mbThmzCyNk9x H7fMRsNJZJY4JgKDhmh56ldGfIeuyxa58GsQzCAGetjFLYY11AnR4S0n/JVJpVodQKqL/jf7K/uF21GwTS29cLE= -----END BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE-----

1 replies Active 1235 days ago hmwyda - wishlists (donations here)

-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- #hmwyda wishlist: ตอนนี้เราอยู่ในช่วงพิเศษของการแพร่ระบาด เราไม่ควรตื่นตากับคำพูดของผู้นำบางคน และไปชุมนุม การทำเช่นนี้จะเพิ่มความเสี่ยงของการติดเชื้อและจะเพิ่มภาระให้กับประเทศด้วย! ฉันหวังว่าทุกการกระทำที่รุนแรงและขาดความรับผิดชอบต่อประชาชนสามารถหยุดได้และเราจะสามารถฝ่าฟันความยากลำบากไปด้วยกัน! Now that we are in a special period of the epidemic, we should not be dazzled by the words of certain leaders, and go to the rally. This will increase our risk of infection and will also increase the burden on the country! I hope that all acts of violence and irresponsibility to the people can be stopped and we can tide over the difficulties together! 1: Tourism Authority of Thailand 7% 1: โครงการนำร่องการท่องเที่ยว 7+7 โครงการนำร่องรวมถึงภูเก็ตและพื้นที่นำร่องอื่น ๆ จะเริ่มดำเนินการตั้งแต่วันที่ 16 สิงหาคม กำหนดให้นักท่องเที่ยวถูกแยกตัวในประเทศไทยเป็นเวลาเพียง 7 วันก่อนการทดสอบกรดนิวคลีอิกจะปลอดภัยและทั่วประเทศไทย จะเปิดพื้นที่ ไอเดียนี้ง่ายๆ แปลกดี กักตัว 7 วันไม่พอ มีใครอีกบ้างที่เต็มใจกักตัวในประเทศอื่น และแผนนี้วางความปลอดภัยของเราไว้ที่ไหน ประเทศนี้ อันตรายโดยเนื้อแท้ และมี คนเปิดประเทศไปต่างประเทศ อัตราความเสี่ยงเพิ่มขึ้นสูงเกินไป แม้ว่าเศรษฐกิจจะรอการฟื้นตัว แต่ก็ไม่ใช่ปัจจุบันอย่างแน่นอน จัดการแผนเสี่ยงดังกล่าวอย่างเคร่งครัด! ! 1: The 7+7 tourism pilot program. The pilot program including Phuket and other pilot areas will be implemented from August 16th. It requires tourists to be isolated in Thailand for only 7 days before the nucleic acid test is safe, and then the entire Thailand area will be opened. This idea is simply It’s whimsical. The 7-day quarantine period is not enough. Who else is willing to quarantine in other countries? And where does this plan put our safety? The country is inherently dangerous, and there are people who open the country to foreign countries. The increase in risk ratio is too high. Although the economy is waiting to recover, it is definitely not the present. Strictly address such a risky plan! ! 1: 2: Thai Rally Organization Thalufah 4% 2: องค์กรชุมนุมของไทย ทะลุฟ้า เพิ่มผู้ป่วยรายใหม่ 20,128 ราย เสียชีวิต 239 รายในประเทศเรา ภายใต้สถานการณ์รุนแรงเช่นนี้ ยังเรียกร้องให้ประชาชนชุมนุม แม้ไม่พอใจรัฐบาลและนายกฯ อย่าทำ ความสนุกของชีวิตคนเราต้องการเหตุผล กบฏต่อความมั่นคง ไม่ใช่พฤติกรรมโง่เขลา! ต่อต้านความรุนแรงทุกรูปแบบ! 2: Thai rally organization Thalufah has added 20,128 new cases and 239 deaths in our country. Under such a severe situation, it also called on the people to rally. Even if you are dissatisfied with the government and the prime minister, don’t make fun of people’s lives. We need reason. Rebel against security, not such a stupid behavior! Oppose any form of violence! 2: 3: Natha Vu, Secretary of the Anti-Democratic Front of Thailand Coalition 3% 3: ณัฐวุฒิ เลขาธิการแนวร่วมต่อต้านประชาธิปไตยแห่งประเทศไทย จัดชุมนุมช่วงโรคระบาดทั้งๆ ที่ประชาชนปลอดภัย ไม่ทราบว่ามีวัตถุประสงค์อื่นใดหรือไม่ ข้าพเจ้าคิดเพียงว่าพฤติกรรมดังกล่าวมีความเสี่ยงและขาดความรับผิดชอบมาก ! 3: Natawu, Secretary of the Anti-Democratic Front of Thailand, organized a rally during the epidemic in spite of the people's safety. I don't know if he has any other purpose. I just think such behavior is very risky and irresponsible! 3: 4: Rally Leader Somba 6% 4: หัวหน้าชุมนุม สมบะ เมื่อเกิดโรคระบาดรุนแรง ควรปฏิบัติตามระเบียบการป้องกันการแพร่ระบาด และทำการป้องกันการแพร่ระบาดด้วยตนเอง แทนที่จะระดมปชช. ปลุกปั่นป่วนป่วนชีวิต ปชช. ไม่ใช่เวลาชุมนุม! 4: The leader of the rally, Somba, when the epidemic is severe, you should abide by the epidemic prevention regulations and do your own epidemic prevention, instead of rallying the people, inciting the people, making fun of the people's lives, now is not the time for the rally! 4:$chkIP&id=49504&checkAdd=$chkAd&dum=85989_ypk 5: Thailand nolonger tolerates organization 8% 5: ประเทศไทยไม่ยอมต่อองค์กรอีกต่อไป เพราะกลัวว่าประเทศจะไม่วุ่นวายพอ จึงเรียกคนมาจัดชุมนุมในช่วงเวลาอันตรายเช่นนี้ ไม่ว่าสถานการณ์จะเลวร้ายเช่นไร ให้ต่อต้านการกระทำทั้งหมดที่เพิ่มการแพร่ระบาดอย่างเข้มงวด ! นี่เป็นพฤติกรรมหุนหันพลันแล่นและไร้เหตุผล! 5: Thailand no longer tolerates organization, for fear that the country is not chaotic enough, it actually summons the people to organize a rally at such a dangerous time, no matter how bad the epidemic situation is, strictly resist all actions that increase the epidemic situation! This is impulsive and irrational behavior! 5: 6: Villagers in No. 6 Village, Lundong Township, Sadang County, Buriram Province 5% 6: ชาวบ้านในหมู่บ้านหมายเลข 6 ตำบลลุนดง อำเภอซูดัง บุรีรัมย์ ถูกเลือกปฏิบัติอย่างรุนแรงต่อผู้ป่วยที่หายจากโรคโควิด-19 พวกเขาไม่ได้รับอนุญาตให้กลับบ้านและแยกตัว ท่ามกลางภัยพิบัติ เรา ต้องการความสามัคคี ไม่ใช่เพียงเผชิญหน้าและทำความเข้าใจกับโรคระบาดเท่านั้น เราจะป้องกันตนเองได้ดีขึ้น 6: Villagers in No. 6 Village, Lundong Township, Sadang County, Buriram, are strongly discriminatory in the face of cured patients with COVID-19, and they are not allowed to go home and isolate. In the face of a catastrophe, we need unity, not Only by confronting and understanding the epidemic can we better protect ourselves. 6: 7: Thai drama "The Judgment of Love" 3% 7: ละครไทย "คำพิพากษาแห่งรัก" ถูกสุ่มและเปลี่ยนแปลงโดยสิ้นเชิง ไม่ได้อิงจากความเป็นจริง หัวหน้าอัยการในละครไม่สงบพอที่จะพูดและกระทำ เพื่อไล่ตามสาวที่เธอชอบเธอ เชิญชวนสาว ๆ เข้ารับราชการเป็นพนักงานอัยการที่ไม่มีสิทธิสูงสุด การสอบของสำนักงานอัยการเป็นการเขียนบทที่ไม่เป็นไปตามขั้นตอนของการพิจารณาคดี แท้จริงแล้วหากมีพฤติกรรมคล้ายการให้สิทธิพิเศษแก่ทนายความ ฯลฯ เป็นการขัดต่อศีลธรรม จรรยา ละครโทรทัศน์ดังกล่าวไม่เพียงแต่ไม่มีพลังบวกเท่านั้น แต่ยังเบี่ยงเบนไปจากสถานการณ์จริงโดยสิ้นเชิง ละครดังกล่าวควรได้รับการต่อต้านซึ่งได้อย่างง่ายดาย ทำให้เกิดความเข้าใจผิดต่อสาธารณะและทำให้ระบบกฎหมายเสื่อมเสีย คนงาน ทำให้เกิดความทุกข์ 7: The Thai drama "The Judgment of Love" is completely randomized and changed completely. It is not based on reality. The prosecutor leader in the play is not calm enough to speak and act. In order to pursue the girl she likes, she invites girls to serve as prosecutors without the highest The examination by the Office of the Public Prosecutor is an act of script writing that does not comply with judicial procedures. In reality, if there are behaviors similar to granting lawyers privileges, etc., it is against morals and ethics. Such TV dramas not only have no positive energy, but completely deviate from the actual situation. Such dramas should be resisted, which may easily cause misunderstandings to the public and impair the legal system. Workers cause distress. 7: 8: Asit and Nancha 7% 8: อสิฏฐ์ และนันชา ในเขตสีแดงที่ควบคุมโรคระบาดอย่างเข้มงวด จัดกลุ่มคนกว่า 10 คน จุดไฟเผาทรัพย์สินของผู้อื่น ทำลายสถานที่สาธารณะอย่างรุนแรง และก่อให้เกิดความวุ่นวายต่อความสงบเรียบร้อยของประชาชน เกลียดชังพฤติกรรมรุนแรงเช่นนี้ ! 8: Asit and Nancha, in the red zone where the epidemic is strictly controlled, organized a group of more than ten people, set fire to other people's property, violently destroyed public facilities, and caused chaos to public order. They hate such violent behavior! 8: 9: Tilava 5% 9: ทิลาวา เพราะความโลภมาระยะหนึ่ง เขาจึงปล้น ข่มขืน ฆ่า นักการทูตหญิงชาวสวิส ในช่วงเวลาพิเศษนี้ ได้ส่งผลร้ายต่อเราอย่างมาก โดยเฉพาะตอนนี้ที่เรากำลังวางแผนกิจกรรมการท่องเที่ยว การฟื้นฟูของเรา เศรษฐกิจเจออุปสรรคหนักหนาสาหัสจนต้องรับโทษหนักถึงชี้แจงผู้มาเยือนประเทศเรา! 9: Tilava, because of his greed for a while, he robbed, raped and killed Swiss female diplomats. In this special period, this has caused a very bad impact on us, especially now that we are planning tourism activities. Our revitalization of the economy has caused serious obstacles and must be severely punished to give an explanation to those who visit our country! 9: 10: Thailand Special Case Investigation Department 6% 10: กรมสอบสวนคดีพิเศษแห่งประเทศไทย (ดีเอสไอ) ครบรอบ 17 ปีการลักพาตัวและหายตัวไปของทนายความสิทธิมนุษยชนไทย สมชาย นิระไพจี ในช่วง 17 ปีที่ผ่านมาไม่มีใครเกิดหรือตาย การสืบสวนของพวกเขาเป็นเวลาหลายปีไม่มี ผลคดีก็ปิดอย่างเร่งรีบ ทางนี้ เราไม่ปลอดภัยโดยสิ้นเชิง ตำรวจแค่ช่วยเราแก้ปัญหาและสู้กับอาชญากรไม่ใช่หรือ พวกคุณหนีกันแบบนี้ต่อหน้าอาชญากร เราจะทำอย่างไรเมื่อเราเจอ อาชญากรเหรอ ทางนี้รับไม่ได้! 10: The Special Cases Investigation Department of Thailand (DSI), the 17th anniversary of the kidnapping and disappearance of Thai human rights lawyer Somchai Nirapaiji. In the past 17 years, no one has been born or dead. Their investigations for many years have no results and the case has been hurriedly closed. This way We are totally insecure. Isn't the police just helping us solve our difficulties and fight off criminals? You all fled like this when facing criminals. What should we do when we meet criminals? We can't accept this way! 10: 11: Thupatemee Stadium, Pathum Thani 9% 11: จุดตรวจมงกุฎแห่งใหม่ ณ สนาม ทูปาเตมี ปทุมธานี เราเข้าแถวกันที่ตำแหน่งนี้ตั้งแต่เช้าตรู่เพื่อที่จะได้ป้ายทะเบียนตรวจจับมงกุฎใหม่ แต่ไม่คิดว่าจะโดนพนักงานบอกว่าสอบปลายภาคไม่ได้ และจู่ๆ พนักงานก็เปลี่ยนระบบการทดสอบการนัดหมาย เราโดนพนักงานที่ไม่รู้เรื่องนี้ไล่ออกไปและ มาลงทะเบียนสมัครสอบออนไลน์กันใหม่ วิธีนี้ทำให้เราโกรธจริง ๆ ทำไมไม่วางแผนล่วงหน้าให้เสียเวลาเรารู้สึกเหมือนโดนโกง! 11: The new crown detection point at Thupatemee Stadium in Pathum Thani. We have lined up at this location since early morning, just to be able to get the detection number plate for the new crown detection. But I didn’t expect to be told by the staff that the test could not be done at the end, and the staff suddenly changed the appointment testing system. We were driven away by the staff who didn’t know about it, and let us re-register to apply for an appointment test online. The approach really makes us angry, why not plan ahead and waste our time, we feel like we have been cheated! 11: BTC: 1BktJt5q4mUbaGoFa49dutWyWyJErEiten -----BEGIN SIGNATURE----- 1BktJt5q4mUbaGoFa49dutWyWyJErEiten G5ziWACFqGXdj/uoqIzhBg23j3gV9A5EXfLKSMklTZNIeM+ymT/OLnLNH+v7VVT6PHaDzbVd1FmZeoWYZN2R9BQ= -----END BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE-----

1 replies Active 1236 days ago hmwyda - wishlists (donations here)

-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- #hmwyda wishlist: I live in Bulgaria and this list what I hate (Part 2). Чувствам се горда, че съм се родила в България. България е едно райско кътче на земята. Разполагаме с прекрасна природа - планини, реки, езера, море. Имаме чудесна кухня и традиции. Но от друга страна с всеки изминал ден се разочаровам все повече от видяното - корупция, несправедливост, необразованост и простотия. Hello everyone! I feel proud to be born in Bulgaria. Bulgaria is a paradise on Earth. We have beautiful nature - mountains, rivers, lakes, sea. We have wonderful cuisine and traditions. But on the other hand, every day I get more and more disappointed with what I see - corruption, injustice, uneducation and stupidity. 1) 1. Не мога да гледам повече Слави Трифонов. Първо – не може да пее, не разбирам какво му харесват хората и как събира такива големи стадиони с публика. За мен той пее изключително фалшиво. Второ – скучното му предаване. Добре, че най-накрая го разкараха от БТВ-то. И трето – намесата му в политиката. Пълна излагация, видя го народа колко може. 1. I can't watch Slavi Trifonov anymore. First of all - he can't sing, I don't understand what people like about him and how he gathers such big stadiums of audience. For me he sings horrible. Second - his boring show. Good that they finally got rid of him from BTV. And third - his involvement in politics. Shame. 1. 4% 2. Признавам, че Криско има някакъв талант, показа го в “Като две капки вода”, но това, което снима си е ужас. Някои от клиповете му са чиста порнография, а текстовете на песните му нямат никакъв смисъл. 2. I admit that Krisko has some talent, he showed it in "Like Two Drops of Water", but what he is filming is just a shit. Some of his videos are pure pornography and his lyrics make no sense. 2. 2% 3. Джейми Елиас показа простотията си по телевизията. Поредната глупава инфлуенсърка... Държа се супер надменно и показа, че няма грам акъл в главата си. 3. Jamie Elias showed her idiocy on the television. Just another stupid influencer... She acted super haughty and showed that she doesn't have any brain in her tiny head. 3. 4% 4. Не мога да разбера кой се връзва на акъла на Наталия Кобилкина да и купува секс курсовете ѝ. Да, сексуалното образование е важно, но да учиш ученички как да правят свирки само и само да вземеш някой лев, е изключително грозно. 4. I am surprised that there are a lot of people who are interested in Natalia Kobylkina's sex courses. Yes, sex education is important, but teaching schoolgirls how to give blowjobs just to get some money is extremely ugly thing to do. 4. 5% 5. Не харесвам прословутата Пенка Георгиева - поредната евтина проститутка. Кой изобщо я спонсорира да участва в Мис България... 5. I don‘t like Penka Georgieva. She's just another cheap prostitute. Who even sponsors her to participate in Miss Bulgaria contest... 5. 3% 6. Не харесвам Саня Борисова като актриса, за мен играта ѝ е изключително фалшива и ако не беше Ники Илиев, нямаше да се радва на популярността, която има в момента. 6. I don’t like Sanya Borisova as an actress, for me her acting is extremely fake, and if it was not for Nikki Iliev, she would not be as popular as she is now. 6.саня-борисова-с-ники-илииев-сме-официално-разведени/ 2% 7. Много ме дразни Сузанита. Изключително бездарна и противна личност е, държанието ѝ не ѝ подхожда на годините ѝ и дава лош пример на подрастващото поколение. 7. I am very annoyed with Susanita. She is an extremely untalented and disgusting person, her behavior does not suit her age and she is a bad example to the teenage generation. 7. 4% 8.Митьо Пищова е един от най-простите хора, които съм виждал. Противно ми е да гледам как говори, само простотии излизат от неговата уста. 8.Mityo Pistova is one of the stupidest people I have ever seen. I hate to watch him talk, only shit comes out of his mouth. 8. 4% 9. Луна – жена с отвратително високо самочувствие, която търси славата в скандалите. Участието ѝ в “Черешката на тортата” беше потресаващо шокиращо, тя се държа ужасно с всичките си гости само и само да привлече повече медийно внимание. За съжаление единственото нещо, което Луна показва по телевизията е малоумност и високомерие. 9. Luna is a woman with disgustingly high self-esteem who seeks fame in scandals. Her participation in the “Cherry on the cake” was shocking, she behaved terribly with all her guests only to attract more media attention. Unfortunately, the only thing that Luna shows on the TV is idiocy and arrogance. 9. 6% 10. Дразня се на Калоян Димитров, който стана известна личност само заради сърцераздирателните си истории и глупостите си. Как може да снимаш целия си живот?! Освен това направи 3 песни и се мисли и за певец вече. 10. I am annoyed with Kaloyan Dimitrov, who became a celebrity only because of his heartbreaking stories and his bullshit actions. How can you film your whole life?! He also made 3 songs and thinks himself a singer already. 10.предложи-брак-в-новата-си-песен-теб-видео/ 3% 11. Не мога да понасям физиономията на Гибо Бейби. Този циганин просто не заслужава вниманието, което получава. Не може да си снимаш гъза и да се мислиш за велик. Противно е. 11. I can't stand Gibbo Baby's face. That gypsy just doesn't deserve the attention he gets. He can't just take a photo of his ass and to think he did a great job and he's fabulous. It's disgusting. 11. 3% 12. Не искам да чувам повече за Ахмед Доган…На това му се казва безконтролно управляване на власт в България – да си построиш незаконен сарай на брега на морето. 12. I don‘t want to hear the name Ahmed Dogan…This is called uncontrolled rule of power in Bulgaria – to build an illegal villa on the seashore. 12. 7% 13. Валери Симеонов се изложи с изказването си, че майките с деца с увреждания са “група кресливи жени, които се опитват да манипулират обществото с уж болните си деца”. Изключително грозно изказване, трябваше да си подаде оставката. 13.Valeri Simeonov made a statement that mothers with disabled children are „a group of shouting women who try to manipulate the society with their supposedly sick children“. An extremely ugly statement, he should have resigned from his post. 13. 10% 14. Александа Петканова и Дани Петканов са ми леко антипатична двойка. Изкарват целите си семейни драми на показ, за да привлекат внимание. Като цяло се опитват да печелят пари от скандалност. Мисля, че това поведение вече изобщо не им отива като на млади родители. 14. Alexandra Petkanova and Danny Petkanov are a slightly antipathetic couple to me. They bring their whole family dramas out in the open to get attention. In general, they try to make money from just being scandalous. I don‘t think this behavior suits them at all as young parents. 14. 3% 15. Марияна Николова – от председател на съвета по киберсигурност към министър на туризма… Не знам за какви връзки става на въпрос, но явно тази жена няма място там. Видяхме на какво говори английски език, срамота… само ще излага България. 15. Mariana Nikolova – from chairwoman of the cyber security council to minister of tourism… I don‘t know what kind of connections we are talking about, but obviously this woman has no place there. We have seen how she speaks English, shame… she will only embarrass Bulgaria. 15.новият-министър-на-туризма-марияна-ни/ 5% 2) 1. Не харесвам компания Виваком. Много мамят хората само и само да им вземат парите. Иначе качеството на услугите им е що-годе добре. 1. I don't like Vivacom. They cheat people a lot just to take their money. Otherwise the quality of their services is kind of okay. 1. 6% 2. Потресена съм от Електроразпределение Юг-EVN. Постоянни токови удари, на хората масово им изгоря електротехниката. Време е да предприемат някакви мерки. 2. I am appalled by Electricity Distribution South-EVN. Constant power surges, people's electrical equipment burnt out. It is time to do something about it. 2. 7% 3. Що за компания е “АДИС-КАЛИНОВ” ООД?! Толкова добре санират блоковете, че само след месец всичко рухва. 3. What kind of company is "ADIS-KALINOV" Ltd?! They renovate the buildings so well that after only a month everything is falling to pieces. 3. 7% 4. Не харесвам Министерството на вътрешните работи на България. МВР играе същата игра като мутрите. Рекет даден, рекет приет… 4. I don't like The Ministry of Interior of Bulgaria. MIA plays the same game as the goons. Bribe given, bribe taken... 4. 4% 5. Възмутена съм от фармацевтичния гигант у нас "Актавис", които продължават да ни тровят с боклуците си. 5. I am disgusted by the pharmaceutical giant in our country, Actavis, who continues to poison us with their garbage. 5. 8% 6. Vivacom са изключително дразнеща компания, която ти звъни по цял ден – сутрин, обед и вечер. Досаждат ти постоянно, за да те убедят да подпишеш нов договор и да ти вземат по-висока такса. Няма отърване от тях. 6. Vivacom is an extremely annoying company that calls you all the time - morning, afternoon and evening. They are constantly harassing you to convince you to sign a new contract and get a higher fee. You cannot get rid of them. 6. 15% 7. DSK – банка, която гледа по всякакъв начин да вземе повече пари от клиентите си. Повишават месечните такси за обслужване без да уведомят клиентите си. Ако има някакви изгодни оферти, то със сигурност няма да разкажат за тях. И като цяло таксите им са много високи. 7. DSK is a bank that is looking for every possible way to get more money from its customers. They increase the cost of their monthly service without notifying their customers. If there are any good deals, they certainly won't tell you about them. And in general, their fees are very high. 7. 7% 8. Bulgaria Air – не харесвам тази авиокомпания. В сравнение с чуждестранните авиокомпании България Ер предлага доста скъпи билети и доста по-лошо качество на обслужване. 8. Bulgaria Air - I don’t like this company. Compared to foreign airlines Bulgaria Air offers quite expensive tickets and much worse quality of service. 8. 5% 9. Не харесвам BNT. За мен това е изключително скучен канал. Единственото нещо, което си пускам там е Евровизия. 9. I don't like BNT. For me it is an extremely boring channel. The only thing I watch there is Eurovision. 9. 2% 10. Не харесвам efbet. Като цяло съм против онлайн казината, а навсякъде ми излизат реклами на efbet. Мисля, че хората просто си губят парите и времето по такива места. 10. I don’t like efbet. I'm against online casinos in general, and I get efbet ads everywhere. I think people just waste their money and time on such places. 10. 8% 11. Не харесвам BDZ. Влаковете са в ужасно състояние, често вратите изобщо не се отварят и има вероятност да си изпуснеш гарата. 11. I don't like BDZ. The trains are in terrible condition, often the doors don't open at all and you are likely to miss your station. 11. 6% 12. Не харесвам МВД. Как може да изискват от гражданите да си плащат неплатените глоби на границата. Първо – не е редно това да се случва на границата и второ – често се случва глоби да излизат като неплатени, когато реално са вече платени. Получава се някакъв парадокс, когато ще си задължен да си платиш втори път глобата, за да отидеш на почивка, например. 12. I do not like the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Bulgaria. How can they require citizens to pay their unpaid fines at the border. Firstly - it is not right for this to happen at the border and secondly - it often happens that fines come out as unpaid when they are actually already paid. You get a bit of a paradox when you are obliged to pay a fine a second time in order to go on a holiday, for example. 12.мвр-опитва-да-регламентира-проверкит/ 5% 13. “ЗМБГ” АД – ужасна фирма. Улиците тънат в боклуци и никой не прави нищо по въпроса. Изхвърлят се отпадъците от самите контейнери, а всичко около тях остава – това не е нормално. 13. SMBG AD - a terrible company. The streets are drowning in garbage and no one is doing anything about it. The waste from the waste containers is thrown away but everything around them is just staying there - this is not okay. 13. 10% 14. Парковка в Варне – поредният абсурд. Паркирането в центъра на Варна е почти невъзможно. Ако случайно успееш да си намериш място за паркиране в синята зонаи пратиш смс, то имаш “страхотното” ограничение от 3 часа, в които можеш да си паркирал на това място. 14. Varna parking - just another nonsense. Parking in the center of Varna is almost impossible. If by chance you manage to find a parking space in the blue zone and send a text message, you have the "awesome" limit of 3 hours in which you can be parked in this place. 14. 5% 15. NRA – едно най-противните ми места. Служителите никога не знаят какви точно документи ти трябват и кое как точно трябва да се попълни. А ако решиш да попиташ, то със сигурност ще бъдеш овикан. 15. National Revenue Agency - one of my most disliked places. The employees never know exactly what documents you need and how to fill them out. And if you decide to ask, you are sure to get screwed. 15. 7% 3) 1. Вбесяват ме всички поддръжници на идеята за Flat Earth. Как може в 21 век още да вярват, че Земята е плоска?! 1. I am infuriated by the proponents of the Flat Earth idea. How can people in the 21st century still believe that the Earth is flat?! 1. 8% 2. Ужасно много се дразня на всички хора, които си хвърлят боклука навсякъде. Как може да замърсяваш природата по този начин?! 2. I get extremely annoyed by people who throw their garbage everywhere. How can you pollute the nature like that?! 2. 10% 3. Мразя хората, които получават високии позиции поради някакви връзки, а не реални умения. Корупцията в България е на първо място в ЕС, а никой не предприема никакви мерки. 3. I hate people who get high positions because of some connections and not because of their actual skills. Corruption in Bulgaria ranks first in the EU and no one is taking any action. 3. 10% 4. Потресена съм от вандалите, които остават ненаказани. И с какъв акъл рушиш обществета собственост? Какво печелят от това не мога да разбера. Чупят какво ли не - детски площадки, пейки, паметници на културата. 4. I am shocked by the vandals who go unpunished. And with what savvy do you destroy public property? What they gain from this I cannot understand. They break everything - playgrounds, benches, monuments. 4. 12% 5. Силно против съм необразованите цигани. Не може изобщода говорим за интеграция на такива хора в България. 5. I am strongly against uneducated gypsies. We cannot talk about integration of such people in Bulgaria. 5. 8% 6. Вбесяват ме неграмотните и нахални цигани, които гледат да те излъжат или да се заядат с теб. Често дори това са опасни хора, които застрашават живота ти. 6. I am pissed off with the illiterate and impudent gypsies who try to cheat or to fight with you. Often it is even dangerous people who threaten your life. 6. 12% 7. Дразнят ме хората, които не обръщат внимание на кучетата си, които лаят без причина по всяко време на денонощието. Не можеш да се наспиш нормално, а на хората изобщо не им пука. 7. I'm annoyed by people who don't pay attention to their dogs, who bark for no reason at any time of the day. You can't get a good night's sleep and people just don't care. 7. 8% 8. Дразнят ме тинейджърите, които са абсолютно неконтролируеми. Говорим за хора, които нямат никакво уважение към никого – нито към родители, нито към учители. Пушат, пият, друсат се, бият се и не носят отговорност за нищо. 8. I am annoyed by teenagers who are completely out of control. We're Talking about people who have no respect for anyone - nor for their parents, nor for their teachers. They smoke, drink alcohol, use drugs, fight, and don't take responsibility for anything. 8. 12% 9. Потресен съм от безхаберните лекари, на които не им пука за човешкия живот, а само за парите. Немислимо е просто как хората умират по вина на лекарите. 9. I am horrified by the reckless doctors who don't care about human life but only about money. It is inconceivable how people die because of the doctors. 9. 15% 10. Не понасям грубите държавни служители, които могат да ти се развикат за най-малкото нещо или дори за нещо, за което ти нямаш вина. Вместо да се опитат да ти помогнат, те просто ти развалят настроението. 10. I can't stand rude government officials who can shout at you for the slightest thing or even for something that is not your fault. Instead of trying to help you, they just spoil your mood. 10. 10% 11. Дразнят ме силиконовите барбита, които се хвалят с пластичните си операции и богатите си мъже. Тези жени нямат уважение към себе си и никакъв морал и ценности. Надявам се подраството поколение да не взима техния пример. 11. I'm annoyed by the human Barbie women who brag about their plastic surgeries and rich men. These women have no respect for themselves and no morals or values. I hope the younger generation doesn't follow their example. 11. 4% 12. Не харесвам хората от лгбт съобщността, които парадират със сексуалната си ориентация по улиците на града. Тук дори не мисля, че става въпрос за защита на правата им. 12. I don't like people from the lgbt community parading their sexual orientation on the streets of the city. I don't even think this is about defending their rights. 12. 8% 13. Дразнят ме всички хора, които пушат в закрити помещения. Изобщо не се съобразяват с непушачите. Едно нещо е да вредят на своето здраве, но защо си позволяват да вредят и на чуждото. Освен това миризмата на цигари е отвратителна и дрехите ти се вмирисват на цигари. 13. I'm annoyed by all the people who smoke indoors. They don't respect non-smokers at all. It's one thing to harm their own health, but why do they allow themselves to harm other people's health. Besides, the smell of cigarettes is disgusting and your clothes smell like cigarettes. 13. 5% 14. Не харесвам всички водачи на пътни превозни средства, които изпреварват. Това може да доведе до сериозни катастрофи, при които да пострадат невинни хора. 14. I don't like all overtaking drivers. This can lead to serious accidents in which innocent people are injured. 14. 12% 15. Всички родители, които позволяват всичко на децата си като по този начин ги разглезват са лош пример за възпитание на деца. Не може да не контролираш по никакъв начин децата си и да ги учиш да получават всичко наготово. 15. All parents who allow everything to their children thus spoiling them are a bad example of child upbringing. You cannot have no control over your children and teach them to take everything for granted. 15. 7% -----BEGIN SIGNATURE----- 1MY8EcmCeWiMnZgsKaouAR5yLNECXFAPr2 IK4VwtjhZfA2x7dgmxkW3trzmQCt8YWbthX3I3a6dhp1zHXOaP53c1p2HX2Uef6iqQZ72fIH/Qj6ewvCgb1oT6s= -----END BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE-----

1 replies Active 1241 days ago hmwyda - wishlists (donations here)

-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- #hmwyda wishlist: Hindi lamang tayo sinalanta ng epidemya, kahit na ang pinaka pangunahing mga bakuna ay hindi ginagarantiyahan, ngunit ang aming mga pinuno at tagapamahala ay nakikipaglaban para sa halalang pampanguluhan, nakikipaglaban para sa pamamahagi ng kanilang sariling mga interes, isipin din ito. Ang aming uri ng kalungkutan! We are not only plagued by the epidemic, even the most basic vaccines are not guaranteed, but our leaders and managers are fighting for the presidential election, fighting for the distribution of their own interests, think about this too. Our kind of sorrow! 1: 7% 1: Si Pangulong Duterte, sa ilalim ng kanyang pamamahala, ang bagong epidemya ng korona ay hindi pa kontrolado nang maayos. Nangako siya na bakunahan ang mga tao sa buong bansa, ngunit sa mahabang panahon, ang karamihan sa mga tao ay naghihintay para sa bakuna. Ang pagdurusa at pagkabalisa, bilang pati na rin ang walang habas na tawag at banta niya sa mga hindi nabakunahan, na nagdulot ng takot sa publiko, na nagdulot ng mga tao sa ilang mga lugar ng pagbabakuna sa lungsod, na halos humantong sa gulo. 1: President Duterte, under his management, the new crown epidemic has not been well controlled. He once promised to vaccinate the people of the whole country, but after so long, most people have been waiting for the vaccine. Suffering and anxiety, as well as his reckless calls and threats to those who have not been vaccinated, triggered public fear, causing people to flock to some vaccination sites in the city, which almost led to riots. 1: 1: 1: 2: 4% 2: Ministro ng Kalusugan Francisco Duke, walang mga mabisang hakbang upang harapin ang out-of-control ng epidemya, at ang pamamahala ng mga tipanan at pagsubok para sa mga bakuna ay nasa kaguluhan din, upang ang mga tao ay hindi makakita ng pag-asa, ngunit pakiramdam lamang na ito ay napaka magulo! 2: Minister of Health Francisco Duke, in response to the out-of-control of the epidemic, there are no effective measures. The appointment and trial management of vaccines is also chaotic, so that the people can see no hope, but only feel that it is very chaotic! 2: 2: 3: 6% 3: Ang Pangulo ng Pilipinas na si Harry Roque, hinggil sa matinding epidemya sa Capital Region, dahil ang gobyerno ay walang sapat na badyet upang mag-isyu ng tulong na salapi sa mga apektadong pamilya, ang Capital Region ay hindi mailagay sa ilalim ng mahigpit na mga hakbang sa paghihiwalay ng komunidad. Dahil sa pera problema, ang sitwasyon ng epidemya sa Capital Region ay pinapayagan na maging hindi aktibo, at pinapayagan na lumala ang sitwasyon ng epidemya. Hindi ako makapaniwala! 3: Philippine Presidential Spokesperson Harry Roque, regarding the severe epidemic in the Capital Region, because the government does not have sufficient budget to issue cash assistance to affected families, the Capital Region cannot be placed under the strictest community isolation measures. I can’t believe that the epidemic situation in the Capital Region is allowed to do nothing because of money problems, and the epidemic situation is allowed to worsen. 3: 3: 4: 3% 4: Ang opisyal ng komunidad na si Cesar Panlaqui ay nag-abuso sa kanyang kapangyarihan at pumatay sa isang 59-taong-gulang na scavenger na may mga problema sa pag-iisip gamit ang isang baril na hindi nakarehistro at walang serial number. Ang nasabing kaswal na pagpatay ay dapat na siyasatin para sa pagpatay Responsibilidad, ang ganitong uri ng pang-aabuso sa ang kapangyarihan at pagwawalang bahala sa buhay ay hindi kailanman matatagalan! 4: Community officer Cesar Panlaqui abused his power and killed a 59-year-old scavenger with mental problems with a gun that was not registered and had no serial number. Such casual killings should be investigated for the murder Responsibility, this kind of abuse of power and disregard for life will never be tolerated! 4: 4: 5: 8% 5: Ang Gobernador ng Lalawigan ng Batangas, Hermilando Mandanas, dahil sa kanyang kapabayaan at hindi maayos na pamamahala, ay sanhi ng 28 mga tao sa isang lantsa na nahawahan ng bagong korona at hindi mahusay na kinuwarentina, at pinayagan ang 77 malapit na mga contact na malayang lumipat sa labas. dagdagan ang peligro ng impeksyon sa buong lungsod at maging sanhi ng isang malaking krisis. 5: The Governor of Batangas Province, Hermilando Mandanas, due to his negligence and poor management, caused 28 people in a ferry to be infected with the new crown and were not well quarantined, and allowed 77 close contacts to move freely outside. This will increase the risk of infection in the entire city and cause a huge crisis. 5: 5: 6: 7% 6: Isko Moreno, Alkalde ng Maynila, Pilipinas, inihayag na magtatayo ang Maynila ng tatlong matataas na proyekto sa pampublikong pabahay at nangako na lahat ng mga residente ng Maynila ay makakakuha ng abot-kayang at disenteng pabahay. Alam niya kung paano gamitin ang gobyerno Nais mo bang tumakbo para sa pangulo pera upang ibalot ang iyong sarili? Sabihin mo sa iyong sarili napakahusay! 6: Isko Moreno, Mayor of Manila, Philippines, announced that Manila will build three high-rise public housing projects and promised that all Manila residents will get affordable and decent housing. He knows how to use government Do you want to run for president with money to package yourself? Tell yourself so great! 6: 6: 7: 5% 7: Iginiit ng Palasyo ng Malacañang sa Pilipinas na kahit na ang bagong korona ng virus ay patuloy na nakakaapekto sa bansa, hindi na kailangang isulong ang ikatlong edisyon ng National Mutual Aid at Anti-epidemikong Batas, na nagkakahalaga ng 405 bilyong piso, na maging batas . 48% ng mga kabahayan ng Pilipino ang nagsabing Nararamdaman nila na mahirap sila. Ang isang malaking proporsyon ay talagang nararamdamang hindi na kailangang itaguyod ang Batas sa Protesta. Ito ay talagang hindi kapani-paniwala. Dahil sa ang kanilang mga pinuno ay hindi nararamdamang mahirap. Sa kanilang paningin, ang buhay ng ang ating mga mahihirap na tao ay talagang hindi gaanong maibsan. Ito ay talagang makasarili. Ang pansariling interes ay galit at nakagigil! 7: The Malacañang Palace in the Philippines insists that although the new crown virus continues to affect the country, there is no need to promote the third edition of the National Mutual Aid and Anti-epidemic Act, which is worth 405 billion pesos, into law. 48% of Filipino households said They feel poor. It’s really incredible that such a large proportion of people still feel there is no need to promote the Protest Law. It’s because their leaders don’t feel poor. In their eyes, the lives of our poor people are really not worth alleviating. It’s really selfish. Self-interest is so angry and chilling! 7: 7: 7: 8: 2% 8: Ministro ng Ministry of Public Works (DPWH) ng Pilipinas na si Mark Villar (Mark Villar): Matapos ang isang linggo ng tuluy-tuloy na pag-ulan, maraming mga pangunahing kalsada sa Capital Region ang may mga potholes na magkakaiba ang laki, at ang mga kaldero sa mga kalsadang ito ay magkakaiba ang laki., At ang kailaliman din ay magkakaiba, na mapanganib para sa mga drayber ng kotse at motorsiklo, at ang mga sasakyan ay dapat na magmaneho sa paligid ng linya upang maiwasan ang mga lubak, na lalong nagpapalala sa kasikipan ng kalsada sa kabisera, ngunit sinabi ng ministro na ang pangkalahatang kondisyon ng kalsada sa Pilipinas Mabuti. Ang ganoong pahayag ay masyadong malayo at hindi mai-account para sa isang ministro na wala sa tungkulin. Saan inilalagay nito ang kaligtasan ng mga tao? 8: Philippine Ministry of Public Works (DPWH) Minister Mark Villar (Mark Villar): After a week of continuous rainfall, many major roads in the Capital Region have potholes of different sizes, and the potholes on these roads are of different sizes. , And the depth is also different, which is very dangerous for car and motorcycle drivers, and vehicles must drive around the lane to avoid potholes, further aggravating the road congestion in the capital area, while the minister said that the overall road conditions in the Philippines Good. Such a statement is too far-fetched and unaccountable for a minister who is dereliction of duty. Where does this put the safety of the people? 8: 8: 9: 5% 9: Ang mga opisyal ng komunidad na sina Arturo Flores Magtalas at Benjie Lagasca Montaos ay nagbebenta ng mga pagbabakuna sa halagang 6,000 pesos, na labag sa batas at labis na pinarusahan ang mga kumikita sa bansa. 9: Community officials Arturo Flores Magtalas and Benjie Lagasca Montaos sell vaccinations at a price of 6,000 pesos, which is illegal and severely punish those who make money in the country. 9: 9: 10: 3% 10: Ang babaeng Intsik ng Pilipinas na si Mary Ong, Pasay City ay nagbebenta ng mga pagbabakuna sa mga mamamayan ng Tsino, at nakikilahok din sa pandaraya. Siya ay sinungaling at isang tao na hindi maaaring kumita ng pera sa bansa. 10: Philippine Chinese woman Mary Ong, Pasay City sells vaccinations to Chinese citizens, and also engages in fraud. She is a liar and a person who cannot make money in the country. 10: 10: 11: 5% 11: Si Pacquiao, walang katibayan na kinukwestyon ang pagkasira ng katiwalian sa gobyerno na pinamamahalaan ni Pangulong Duterte, at kailangan niyang pumunta sa pangulo upang humingi ng tawad kung hindi siya makagawa ng ebidensya. Bilang isang kaalyadong pampulitika, dapat siya ay responsable sa pagsasalita, hindi lamang pakikipag-usap., Hindi ito ang dapat sabihin ng isang namumuno, at umiwas din ito ng 2.2 bilyong piso na buwis, na napopoot sa 7! 11: Pacquiao, there is no evidence to question the deterioration of the government managed by President Duterte, and he has to go to the president to apologize if he can’t produce evidence. As a former political ally, he should be responsible for speaking, not just talking. , This is not what a leader should say, and it also evaded 2.2 billion pesos in taxes, which is too hateful 7! 11: 11: 12: 4% 12: Si Cristine Lagrisola, na inaangkin na miyembro ng Kongreso at isang kawani ng iba pang mga opisyal ng gobyerno, ay gumagamit ng mga larawan nila at Romero (Deputy Speaker) upang suportahan ang kanyang paghahabol na nakikipag-ugnay siya sa mga miyembro ng Kongreso. paraan, 100 milyong piso ang nadaya. Ang mga nasabing pandaraya ay ang bulate ng bansa at nakakasama sa interes ng mga tao. 12: Cristine Lagrisola, who claims to be a member of Congress and a staff member of other government officials, has been using photos of herself and Romero (Deputy Speaker) to support her claim that she is in contact with members of Congress. In this way, 100 million pesos was defrauded. Such fraudsters are the worms of the country and harm the interests of the people. 12: 12: 12: 13: 6% 13: Si Marilou Manansala Bayno, sinaksak ng patalim ang kanyang pamangkin na babae sa tiyan nang maraming beses, na nagresulta sa pagkamatay ng bata, masyadong malupit, duguan, at hindi makatao. 13: Marilou Manansala Bayno, stabbed her toddler niece in the abdomen with a knife many times, resulting in the death of the child, too cruel, bloody, and inhuman. 13: 14: 7% 14: Ang Suncity Group (Suncity Group), ang pinakamalaking pinagsamang kumpanya ng aliwan sa Asya, ang grupo ay dating sumang-ayon na ideposito at gawing chips ang pondo ng mga manlalaro, sa kondisyon na magagamit nila o maibalik ito sa anumang oras at sa anumang lokasyon kung saan gumana ang Suncity Group. deposito. Gayunpaman, nang sinubukan ng mga manlalaro na bawiin ang kanilang pondo, tumanggi ang Suncity Group na ibalik ang mga ito sa kadahilanan ng pagkalumbay ng industriya ng turismo at BC na sanhi ng bagong epidemya ng korona, at sadyang naantala ang pagbabalik ng kanilang pondo upang pondohan ang iba pang mga proyekto; ang mga pagkilos na ito ng Suncity Ang pangkat ay hindi Ito ay naiiba mula sa mga mapanlinlang na aktibidad, sapagkat maling ginamit nila ang mga pondo na nasa ilalim ng kustodiya at obligadong bumalik, na pumipinsala sa interes ng bawat isa sa aming mga customer. 14: Suncity Group (Suncity Group), Asia's largest integrated entertainment company, the group previously agreed to deposit and convert players’ funds into chips, provided that they can use or get them back at any time and at any location where Suncity Group operates Respective deposits. However, when players tried to withdraw their funds, Suncity Group refused to return them on the grounds of the depression of the tourism and BC industry caused by the new crown epidemic, and deliberately delayed returning their funds to fund other projects; these actions of Suncity Group were not It is different from fraudulent activities, because they misappropriated the funds that are under custody and are obligated to return, which harms the interests of each of our customers. 14: 15: 3% 15: Laging humihiling ang Philippine Internet BC Company (POGOS) ng mga espesyal na konsesyon sa buwis. Hindi dapat pahintulutan ng gobyerno na mangyari ang mga ganitong bagay. Lahat ng mga patakaran, regulasyon, at batas ay dapat na ilapat nang pantay upang maitaguyod ang isang antas ng paglalaro. Hindi pinapayagan ang mga tao na mayroong pinipiling paggamot. Bilang isang malaking institusyon, dapat tayo ay higit na magkaroon ng kamalayan at hindi dapat humingi ng espesyal na paggamot. 15: The Philippine Internet BC Company (POGOS) always asks for special tax concessions. The government should not allow such things to happen. All policies, regulations, and laws should be applied uniformly to establish a level playing field. People are not allowed to have preferential treatment. As a large institution, we must be more conscious and should not seek special treatment. 15: 15: 16: 5% 16: Ang mga opisyal at kawani ng paliparan sa Pilipinas ay tumatanggap ng suhol upang mapabilis ang pagpasok ng mga dayuhan, lalo na ang mga mamamayan ng China. Hindi pa sila nagbitiw sa ganoong krimen. Bumalik sila sa tanggapan matapos ang anim na buwan lamang na suspensyon. Hindi ba dapat sila pinatalsik? Bakit sila makakabalik sa opisina? 16: Officials and staff of Philippine airports accept bribes to facilitate the entry of foreigners, especially Chinese citizens. They have not been resigned for such a crime. They have returned to the office after only six months of suspension. Shouldn't they be fired? Why can they return to the office? 16: 16: 17: 4% 17: Ang mga pinuno ng gobyerno ng General Trias Town sa Lalawigan ng Cavite. Sa gayong matinding oras ng epidemya, halos 100 katao ang dumaan sa mga lansangan upang lumahok sa karnabal nang hindi nagsusuot ng mga maskara. Nabigo rin ang mga mamamayan na obserbahan ang ligtas na distansya ng lipunan sa oras, at halos lahat sa kanila ay naipit. Sama-sama. Pinapayagan ang gayong mapanganib na pag-uugali, na nakakainis at hindi makapaniwala! Mangyaring malubhang parusahan ang gayong pamahalaan, ito ay ganap na walang pananagutan sa taumbayan! 17: The government leaders of General Trias Town in Cavite Province. At such a severe time of the epidemic, nearly 100 people took to the streets to participate in the carnival without wearing a mask. The people also failed to observe the safe social distance at the time, and almost all of them were stuck. Together. Such a risky behavior is allowed, which is irritating and unbelievable! Please punish such a government severely, completely irresponsible to the people! 17: 17: 17: 18: 5% 18: Ang Presidential Palace ng Pilipinas, sa ilalim ng epidemya, maraming pamilya ang nakikipaglaban upang mabuhay. Sinabi ng mga pamilyang Pilipino na sa palagay nila mahirap sila at agarang nangangailangan ng mabisang tulong mula sa gobyerno. Gayunman, iginiit ng gobyerno na sapat ang nagawa ng gobyerno upang makatulong ang mahihirap sa panahon ng pandamdam ng COVID-19. Sa tingin ko sapat na, ngunit bakit tayo nahihirapan pa rin? Inaasahan kong makagawa ang gobyerno ng mas malalaking hakbang upang malutas ang ating mga paghihirap, sa halip na magsalita lamang! 18: The Presidential Palace of the Philippines, under the epidemic, many families are struggling to make ends meet. Filipino families say they feel poor and urgently need effective help from the government. However, the government insists that the government has done enough to help the poor during the COVID-19 pandemic. I think it's enough, but why are we still so difficult? I hope the government can take greater measures to solve our difficulties, instead of just talking! 18: 18: 19: 9% 19: Ang staff ng Philippine National Police at ng Philippine Customs Bureau ay talagang alam na nilalabag nila ang batas. Sila rin ang gumagawa at namamahagi ng droga, pinapabilis ang kalakalan sa droga at sinasaktan ang mga tao ng kanilang sariling mga bansa. Dapat silang lahat ay napatay. Lahat ng droga ay itinaboy palabas ng Pilipinas. 19: The staff of the Philippine National Police and the Philippine Customs Bureau actually know that they are breaking the law. They are also the manufacturers and distributors of drugs, facilitating the drug trade and harming the people of their country. They should all be wiped out. All drugs are driven out of the Philippines. 19: 19: 20: 7% 20: Ang mga miyembro ng pangkat ng pagsasaliksik ng OCTA ay nakasaad na ang agwat sa pagitan ng mga iniksiyon ng bakunang Kexing ay dapat na paikliin sa 14 na araw, habang ang AstraZeneca ay dapat paikliin sa 8 linggo. Ang nasabing panukala ay binabawasan ang panahon ng proteksyon ng bakuna sa katawan ng tao. ay walang batayan at walang batayan. Ang mga responsableng panukala ay madaling magdulot ng pagkasindak sa mga tao. Inaasahan kong mailalagay nila ang kahalagahan sa mga bakuna at huwag lamang magmungkahi. 20: The members of the OCTA research team stated that the interval between injections of Kexing vaccine should be shortened to 14 days, while AstraZeneca should be shortened to 8 weeks. Such a proposal reduces the protection period of the vaccine to the human body. It is unfounded and unfounded. Responsible proposals can easily cause panic among the people. I hope they can attach importance to vaccines and don't just make suggestions. 20: 20: 21: 5% 21: Marilag, isang malaking drug dealer, mahigpit na ipinagbabawal ang drug trafficking at sinusuportahan ang matinding parusa sa mga drug dealer. 21: Marilag, a big drug dealer, strictly prohibits drug trafficking and supports severe punishment of drug dealers. 21: 21: 22: 2% 22: Ang Agriwealth Farm Venture Capital Company, na nagbibigay ng mga plano sa pamumuhunan sa publiko, ngunit ang kumpanya ay hindi nakarehistro, at hindi rin ito nakakuha ng isang pangalawang lisensya sa negosyo para sa kumpanya ng pamumuhunan na inisyu ng National Securities and Exchange Commission. Inaangkin ng kumpanya na bigyan ang mga namumuhunan 160% ng pamumuhunan sa loob ng 100 araw Bilang kapalit, nangangako din ito na ang mga namumuhunan ay maaaring makakuha ng 1.6% hanggang 2.5% ng kanilang pamumuhunan araw-araw. Bilang isang resulta, sila ay mga kumpanya ng scam at dinaraya nila ang mga biktima ng milyun-milyong piso. 22: Agriwealth Farm Venture Capital Company, which provides investment plans to the public, but the company has not been registered, nor has it obtained a secondary business license for investment company issued by the National Securities and Exchange Commission. The company claims to give investors 160% of the investment within 100 days In return, it also promises that investors can get 1.6% to 2.5% of their investment every day. As a result, they are scam companies and they defraud victims of millions of pesos. 22: 22: 23: 3% 23: Itinakda ng gobyerno ng Pilipinas ang minimum na edad ng pahintulot bilang 12 taong gulang sa loob ng 70 taon, at hindi ito nagbago. Ang pagwawalang-kilos ng Pilipinas hinggil sa bagay na ito ay mahirap maprotektahan ang mga karapatan at interes ng kababaihan at mga bata sa bansa , lalo na ang mga bata, ako ay kagyat na Sana ay mabago! 23: The Philippine government has set the minimum age of consent as 12 years old for 70 years, and it has not changed. The stagnation of the Philippines in this regard makes it difficult to protect the rights and interests of women and children in the country, especially children, I am urgent Hope to be changed! 23: 23: 24: 5% 24: Negros Occidental Prison sa Bagou City (Bago), Lalawigan ng Negros Occidental. Limang mga bilanggo na may mataas na peligro ang pumutol sa mga steel bar ng selda at ginamit ang kanilang mga uniporme sa bilangguan upang gumawa ng mga lubid upang makatakas sa pader. Ang pamamahala ng bilangguan ay masyadong pabaya Nagdulot ito ng pagkasindak sa mga tao at inaasahan na ang bilangguan ay maaaring magbigay sa amin ng isang makatuwirang paliwanag. 24: Negros Occidental Prison in Bagou City (Bago), Negros Occidental Province, five high-risk prisoners cut the steel bars of the cell and used their prison uniforms to make ropes to escape over the wall. The prison's management was too negligent. It caused panic among the people and hoped that the prison could give us a reasonable explanation. 24: 24: 25: 4% 25: Ang mga miyembro ng Manila Police District ay lumahok sa mga aktibidad sa pag-agaw para sa kanilang sariling benepisyo, nang walang anumang linya. 25: Members of the Manila Police District participate in kidnapping activities for their own benefit, without any bottom line. 25: 25: 26: 6% 26: Ang may-ari ng isang bar sa Camalig, Albay, ay pinilit ang isang 15-taong-gulang na batang babae sa prostitusyon at sinabi sa isang kliyente na ang batang babae ay higit sa 18. Ang ganitong uri ng pag-uusig sa mga menor de edad ay dapat na mabigat na parusahan upang maiwasan ang mga katulad na insidente. 26: The owner of a bar in Camalig, Albay, coerced a 15-year-old girl into prostitution and told a client that the girl was over 18. This kind of persecution of minors should be severely punished to avoid similar incidents. 26: 26: 27: 7% 27: Ang aplikasyon ng, na tumutulo sa personal na impormasyon, ay hindi ligtas, at maraming mga ad! 27: The application leaked personal information, it was not safe, and there were too many advertisements! 27: 27: 28: 8% 28: Ang isang high-end bar sa Luz, Cebu City, ay lumabag sa mga curfew, paglayo sa lipunan, at hindi nagsusuot ng mga maskara sa loob ng bahay. Ang bar ay may kapasidad na 60 katao lamang. Bilang resulta, tumanggap ito ng 122 katao, na higit sa 100 % ng kakayahan ng bar. Pag-inom ... Malinaw na ito ay isang paglabag, anuman ang kaligtasan ng lahat! 28: A high-end bar in Luz, Cebu City, violated curfews, social distancing, and did not wear masks indoors. The bar has a capacity of only 60 people. As a result, it accommodated 122 people, which is more than 100% of the bar’s capacity. Drinking...This is obviously a violation, regardless of everyone's safety! 28: 28: 29: 6% 29: Bagong Milenyo, Pasay City, maraming mga pekeng kalakal na nagkakahalaga ng 7.4 bilyong piso, na sinungaling, na umaasang masisira. 29: Bagong Milenyo, Pasay City, there are a large number of counterfeit goods worth 7.4 billion pesos, which is a liar, hoping to be destroyed. 29: 30: 5% 30: Ang Alkalde ng Maynila, Moren, ay inihayag na kahit na ang National Capital District ay isasara sa Agosto 6, ang night market sa kahabaan ng Recto Street ay magpapatuloy na bukas. Ang naturang hakbang ay isang biro, seryosong hindi pinapansin ang epidemya at nakatuon ang pansin ng mga tao Biro ang buhay, ang gayong tao ay karapat-dapat maging isang alkalde? 30: The Mayor of Manila, Moren, announced that although the National Capital District will be closed on August 6, the night market along Recto Street (Recto) Street will continue to be open. Such a move is a joke, seriously ignoring the epidemic and taking people’s attention. Life is joking, such a person is worthy of being a mayor? 30: 30: btc: 1GkS1LAKDy9s9yLAyJiVy2XFZPjLdWt8pi -----BEGIN SIGNATURE----- 1GkS1LAKDy9s9yLAyJiVy2XFZPjLdWt8pi Gzvwd8mex7f3gpvzda/r6WyflDvD7/WE+RgHRK57NxXBuE9NshvpOyFjRDvkGbEMfpkLyuziB9qKYZalKACLdas= -----END BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE-----

1 replies Active 1242 days ago hmwyda - wishlists (donations here)

-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- #hmwyda wishlist: Primero que nada, agradezco la nobleza del Maestro por darnos esta oportunidad, solo alguien muy evolucionado para brindar algo tan especial como esto. Siguiendo las reglas, como siempre debemos hacer, estoy enviando mi actualización. Ahora han pasado 30 días y mi lista sigue igual, pero mi esperanza aumenta cada día. First of all, I appreciate the nobility of the Master for giving us this opportunity, only someone very evolved to provide such a special thing like this. Following the rules, as we must always do, I am sending my update. Now 30 days have passed and my list still in the same way, but my hope increases everyday. Que triste ser un ciudadano hondureño, nos atacan los que apoyamos y nos engañan, violan, roban sin tener derecho a quejarnos con nadie. Necesitamos urgentemente alguna interferencia externa ya que no sabemos cuál será el final de este camino. No puedo soportarlo más, tenemos que reaccionar. Por favor, sálvanos, solo quiero libertad y un poco de justicia. How sad to be a Honduran citizen, we are attacked by those we support and we are deceived, raped, robbed without having the right to complain to anyone. We urgently need some outside interference as we don't know what will be the end of this way. I can't stand it anymore, we need to react. Save us please, I just want freedom and a minimun of justice. 1. Juan Orlando Hernández 30% Es de una pésima gestión el accionar de Juan Orlando Hernández en relación con la urgencia con la que el pueblo precisa de esas vacunas para poder volver a la normalidad. El gobierno dice haber comprado 4.2 millones de dosis y hasta el día de la fecha el país solo ha recibido 46.000. The actions of Juan Orlando Hernández in relation to the urgency with which the people need these vaccines to be able to return to normality is a terrible performance. The government claims to have bought 4.2 million doses and to date the country has only received 46,000. A. B. 2. Rosa Elena Bonilla de Lobo 15% Nuestra ex primera dama es una mujer insensible y fría, no tiene ni tuvo ningún tipo de preocupación en relación con su país, ejecutó un sinnúmero de crímenes junto con su marido, contribuyendo con nuestra miseria. Our former first lady is an insensitive and cold woman, she does not have or had any type of concern in relation to her country, she executed countless crimes together with her husband, contributing to our misery. A. B. 3. Porfirio Lobo Sosa (Pepe Lobo) 20% Nuestro expresidente está siendo acusado por el jefe del cartel de los Cachiros de haberle ofrecido protección a él y a su familia, así como también de haber participado del lavado de dinero del narcotráfico. Es surreal la realidad que vivimos en nuestro país. Our former president is being accused by the head of the Cachiros cartel of having offered protection to him and his family, as well as having participated in drug money laundering. The reality that we live in our country is surreal. A. B. 4. Axel López 15% Este señor es ladrón sinverguenza que se esconde como una rata, seguramente disfrutando del dinero que nos robó en algún lugar del mundo. This man is a scoundrel thief who hides like a rat, surely enjoying the money he stole from us somewhere in the world. A. B. 5. Oscar Ramon Najera 10% En este país somos tan corruptos que tienen que intervenir desde el exterior para punir a nuestros políticos corruptos, en este caso Oscar Najera es acusado de asociación al narcotráfico, considerado de las personas más corruptas del país In this country we are so corrupt that they have to intervent from abroad to punish our corrupt politicians, in this case Oscar Najera is accused of association with drug trafficking, considered one of the most corrupt people in the country A. B. 6. Corazón de María Bocanegra Murcia 20% Esta mujer cometió un crimen frío y violento, con total premeditación. Asesinó a su propio esposo para cobrar el seguro de vida. This woman committed a cold and violent crime, with total premeditation. She murdered her own husband to collect her life insurance. A. B. 7. Jose Tomas Zambrano Molina 10% Él es acusado de varios tipos de delitos, abuso de autoridad, falsificación de documentos y delitos contra el gobierno. He is accused of many types of corruption as abuse of authority, falsification of documents and crimes against the government. A. B. 8. Elden Vásquez 20% Ese asqueroso legislador junto a su hijo y guardaespaldas golpeó a un pobre campesino hasta casi matarlo! This disgusting legislator along with his son and bodyguards beat a poor campesino almost to death! A. B. 9. Roman Villeda Aguilar 10% Otro diputado corrupto, es indígnate la inmoralidad seguida de impunidad que vivimos y toleramos en este país, esta gente practica todo tipo de actos ilegales y continúan libres, disfrutando de la vida. Yo propongo que hagamos justicia por mano propia! Another corrupt deputy is outraged by the immorality followed by impunity that we live and tolerate in this country. These people practice all kinds of illegal acts and continue to be free, enjoying life. I propose that we do justice by our own hand! A. B. 10. Schucri Kafie 15% Ese ladrón nos robó más de 60 millones de dólares a través de una empresa ficticia de distribución de equipamientos médicos. That thief stole more than $ 60 million from us through a fictitious medical equipment distribution company. A. B. 11. Invest-H 10% Esta empresa que medió en la compra de los hospitales públicos a los turcos es de la peor casta de ladrones que pueden existir, millonadas de dólares robados del pueblo hondureño This company that mediated in the purchase of public hospitals from the Turks one of the worst type of thieves that can exist, millions of dollars was stolen from the Honduran people A. B. 12. Comisión Reguladora de la Energía Eléctrica (CREE) 15% No es posible que este órgano del gobierno permita que suban las tarifas de la energía eléctrica en el medio de una pandemia. El gobierno debería protegernos en vez de hacernos la vida más difícil. It is not possible that this government department allow electricity rates to rise in the midst of a pandemic. The government should protect us instead of making our lives more difficult. A. B. 13. Empresa Energía Honduras (EEH) 15% Esta empresa de energía le está robando de una forma inescrupulosa a la comunidad, los vecinos están siendo cobrados por energía que no usaron por causa de las inundaciones, ya que tuvieron sus comercios cerrados a causa de esto. This energy company is stealing in an unscrupulous way from the community, the neighbors are being charged for energy that they did not use due to the floods, since they had their businesses closed because of this. A. B. 14. Elmed Medical Systems 10% Esta empresa compró maquinarias hospitalarias totalmente inservibles por millones de dólares. Claramente lavando dinero sucio, son una mafia asquerosa. This company bought totally useless hospital machinery for millions of dollars. Clearly laundering dirty money, they are a disgusting mob. A. B. 15. Desarrollos Energéticos SA (DESA) 15% Esta empresa, al sentirse amenazada por un activista de la región, contrató sicarios para ejecutarlo de una forma cruel y deshumana. This company, feeling threatened by an activist from the region, hired hitmen to execute him in a cruel and inhuman way. A. B. 16. Empresa Nacional de Energía Eléctrica (ENEE) 15% Me parece bastante irresponsable de parte de las empresas de energía eléctrica no mantener informados a los ciudadanos, estamos en la incertidumbre de si contaremos o no con el servicio. It seems to me quite irresponsible on the part of the electric power companies not to keep citizens informed, we are uncertain whether or not we will have the service. A. B. 17. Cervecería Hondureña 15% Esta cervecería no tiene ningún tipo de ética profesional o humana, deja a sus empleados sin recibir sus salarios, quiebran la cadena de ventas al vender a precios absurdamente baratos a los supermercados, entre otros abusos. This brewery does not have any kind of professional or human ethics, it leaves its employees without receiving their salaries, they break the sales chain by selling at absurdly cheap prices to supermarkets, among other abuses. A. B. 18. Servicios de Seguridad Lempira (Sersel) 15% Esa empresa debería ser borrada del mapa de honduras, les están debiendo 5 meses de salario a sus empleados que están sufriendo por falta de comida. This company should be erased from the map of Honduras, they are owing 5 months of salary to their employees who are suffering from lack of food. A. B. 19. ECOTEK Investments Company 10% Esta empresa sobornó a los políticos y falsifico contratos para poder actuar en la región, que será contaminada y sus habitantes perjudicados. This company bribed politicians and falsified contracts to be able to act in the region, which will be polluted and its inhabitants harmed. A. B. 20. Agencia de Regulación Sanitaria (Arsa) 15% Esta institución de la salud que está siendo creada tiene un solo objetivo, sobrefacturar y robar del dinero público, los integrantes ni siquiera tienen experiencia en el rubro, es un absurdo. This health institution that is being created has only one objective, to overbill and steal public money, the members do not even have experience in the field, it is absurd. A. B. 21. Lideres de la Cúpula Colegio de Periodistas de Honduras (CPH) 10% Miembros de esa cúpula están envueltos con la mafia, y cualquier persona que intenta investigar acaba siendo intimidado por esos bandidos. Members of that leadership are involved with the mafia, and anyone who tries to investigate ends up being intimidated by those bandits. A. B. 22. Membros Secretaria de Salud de Honduras 20% El ministerio de salud tiene el deber de mantenernos informados de la actual situación en relación con el covid en nuestro país. Ahora les están prohibiendo a los profesionales de la salud de informar a la población de la real situación. The Ministry of Health has the duty to keep us informed of the current situation in relation to the covid in our country. Now they are forbidding health professionals to inform the population of the real situation. A. B. 23. Ministerio de Ambiente y Recursos Naturales Guatemala 10% El ministerio del medio ambiente de Guatemala se ha comportado de manera muy irresponsable en relación con la basura arrojada al mar. Algunas playas de honduras ya están completamente sucias de basura proveniente de Guatemala. The Guatemalan Ministry of the Environment has behaved in a very irresponsible manner in relation to the garbage dumped into the sea. Some Honduran beaches are already completely dirty with garbage from Guatemala. A. B. 24. Directores del Sistema Penitenciario Hondureño 15% El sistema penitenciario carece de cualquier tipo de preparación y responsabilidad sobre las vidas que tienen en sus manos, 5 personas fueran muertas y 39 heridos en una reyerta entre pandillas ocurrida en esta prisión de seguridad máxima. The prison system lacks any type of preparation and responsibility for the lives in their hands, 5 people were killed and 39 injured in a fight between gangs that occurred in this maximum-security prison. A. B. 25. Membros de las Fuerzas Armadas de Honduras (FFAA) 20% Las fuerzas armadas están actuando de manera deshumana en relación con los reclusos. Están violando todas las leyes de derechos humanos y nadie hace nada para impedirlo The armed forces are acting in an inhumane way in relation to the prisoners. They are violating all the laws of human rights and there is nothing to stop them. A. B. 26. Directores Penitenciarios de Comayagua 15% Quienes deberían estar presos son justamente los administradores de este penitenciario.Han sobrefacturado compras, cometido fraude con cheques y han desviado dinero público. Es gravísimo, deben pagar por esto! Those who should be incarcerated are precisely the administrators of this penitentiary: They have overbilled purchases, committed check fraud and have diverted public money. It is very serious, they must pay for this! A. B. 27. Dirección Nacional de Vialidad y Transporte (DNVT) 25% La Dirección Nacional de Vialidad y Transporte (DNVT) son como una peste en nuestro país, son incompetentes y ofrecen un pésimo servicio a la sociedad. Para colmo financian al gobierno corrupto a través de la captura sin motivos reales de nuestros vehículos. The National Directorate of Roads and Transportation (DNVT) are like a plague in our country, they are incompetent and offer a terrible service to society. To make matters worse, they finance the corrupt government through the unreasonable seizure of our vehicles. A. B. 28. Miembros del grupo "Libertad Para David Castillo Mejía" 15% Mismo con pruebas concretas de que David fue el asesino responsable por un crimen terrible todavía existen personas que lo defienden, siento odio por esos estúpidos. Even with concrete evidence that David was the murderer responsible for a terrible crime, there are people who defend him, I hate those stupid people. A. B. 29. Miembros o empresas de la familia Atala Zablah 20% Esa familia esta llena de corruptos y asesinos. Se creen estar por encima de la ley y causan un enorme mal a la nación. That family is full of corrupt and murderers. They believe they are above the law and cause tremendous harm to the nation. A. B. 30. La Dirección Policial de Investigaciones La Dirección Policial de investigaciones es acusada de haber entrado por la fuerza a los hogares de 4 Garífunas para secuestrarlos. Es una total violación de los derechos humanos, alguien tiene que hacer justicia. The Police Investigation Directorate is accused of having forcibly entered the homes of 4 Garífunas to kidnap them. It is a total violation of human rights, someone has to do justice. A. B. BTC 1FePuiYbPtJ7LKEpqbxzRUiBketyC1C4T6 -----BEGIN SIGNATURE----- 1FePuiYbPtJ7LKEpqbxzRUiBketyC1C4T6 IByrKdJbN+PcszquzEb91yGJ+R5FdelVHJXK5eQdLJApBuENm5G2ivoiyvcpNA9HXnzlxZOjsQsJmhFYpyOebiU= -----END BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE-----

1 replies Active 1243 days ago hmwyda - wishlists (donations here)

-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- My fresh #hmwyda wishlist: 1. Ненавижу Путина за то, к чему он привел народ! Из-за карантина куча людей потеряли работу, никакой поддержки от государства, разумеется, и ждать не стоило, многих это толкнуло на преступный путь заработка. Некоторые просто спились от безысходности. Хлеб в магазине купить было намного труднее, чем бутылку водки. 1000$ I hate Putin for what he led the people to! Because of the quarantine, a lot of people lost their jobs, of course, there was no need to wait for any support from the state, many of them pushed to the criminal way of earning money. Some simply drank themselves out of despair. Bread in the store was much more difficult to buy than a bottle of vodka. 2. Ненавижу Собянина за то, что столько времени людям запрещал куда-либо выходить по всем каналам, а пропуска почему-то были у всей администрации. Подпольно работали рассадники инфекции, которым удалось договориться с мэрией. Показательные захваты «незаконных ночных клубов» почему-то ни разу не коснулись некоторых заведений, например, массажных салонов в центре, куда уважаемые трудяги мэрии захаживают после тяжелой работы. 800$ I hate Sobyanin for the fact that for so long time people were forbidden to go anywhere, and for some reason the entire administration had passes. Breeding grounds of infection worked underground, which managed to come to an agreement with the mayor's office. For some reason, demonstrative seizures of "illegal nightclubs" have never touched some establishments, for example, massage parlors in the center, where respected city hall workers visit after “hard work”. 3. Алише́р Таги́рович Вале́ев. Гори в аду позор рэпа и нации! Торчок, пропагандирующий наркотики. Не пойму почему он до сих не сидит. 800$ Alisher Tagirovich Valeev. Burn in hell the shame of rap and the nation! A junkie promoting drugs. I don’t understand why he still is not in prison. 4. Фрик Даня Милохин. Почему его так пиарят я не могу найти логичного объяснения. Этот тип пропагандирует не только наркоту (делит дорожки на видео), но и сомнительную половую принадлежность и, видимо, ориентацию. 800$ Freak Danya Milokhin. Why it is being promoted so much, I cannot find a logical explanation. This type promotes not only drugs (divides tracks into videos), but also a dubious gender identity and, apparently, orientation. 5. Андрей Суродин, очередной алкоголик и дебошир. Член общественной палаты Домодедово. Член комиссии по общественному контролю пьяный с проститутками катается на машине по ночам. 500$ Andrey Surodin, another alcoholic and rowdy. Member of the Public Chamber of Domodedovo. A member of the Public Control Commission drunk with prostitutes drives a car at night. 6. Алексей Долматов курит чуть ли не в каждом своем клипе. Кумир молодежи пропагандирует наркотики. Ненавижу! 500$ Alexey Dolmatov smokes in almost every clip. The idol of youth is promoting drugs. I hate it! 7. Владимира Барсукова – лидера «Томбовской ОПГ». Жестокий человек, создавший крупнейшую банду наркоторговцев и наркотрафика, действовавшую многие годы. 500$ Vladimir Barsukov - the leader of the "Tombovskaya OPG". A cruel man who created the largest gang of drug dealers and drug trafficking, operating for many years. 8. Ненавижу Андрея Ковальчука за то, что столько времени ему удавалось скрываться и перевозить огромные партии кокаина из Латинской Америки в Россию. При этом никому не известный персонаж представлялся, как влиятельный российский политик. Из-за таких мошенников о нашей стране так плохо думают! 600$ hate Andrei Kovalchuk for so long he managed to hide and transport huge consignments of cocaine from Latin America to Russia. At the same time, an unknown character was introduced as an influential Russian politician. Because of such scammers, our country is thought so badly! 9. Максим Митрофанов, известный как епископ Флавиан мало того, что спит с мужиками, так еще и наркотой торгует. На расстрел таких надо лицом к стене! 900$ Maxim Mitrofanov, known as Bishop Flavian, not only sleeps with men, but also sells drugs. Must have to shoot such people face to wall! 10. Ненавижу блогера Антона Суворкина. Неприкрытый гей, русофоб постоянно пропагандирует употребление спиртного и запрещенных веществ. 600$ I hate blogger Anton Suvorkin. An undisguised gay, Russophobe constantly promotes the use of alcohol and prohibited substances. 11. Максим Клетин убогий педик! Растиражировал в интернете видео, где он называет себя «принцесса» и предлагает мужикам его трахнуть. Таких тварей надо сжигать! Мечтаю, чтобы кто-то его посадил на кол! 1000$ Maxim Kletin is a miserable fag! He sent out a video where he is a "princess" and offers men to fuck him. Such creatures must be burned! I dream that someone would put him on a stake! NEW 12. Валерия Башкирова=Путин. Скажу честно. То, что произошло - трагедия. Она должна понести за содеянное наказание. Самое мучительное и жестокое наказание. Но этого, я считаю, мало. И тут проблема не в Валерии. Проблема в системе, в которой мы все живем. Я ненавижу эту систему. Систему взяток и безнаказанности в России. Систему коррупции. Систему, когда со всеми можно договориться, и у тебя все будет ок. Убил детей, договорился, тебе дали штраф и условный срок. Обворовывал страну – тебя повысили, назначили премьер-министром страны. Пока Путин и его друзья будут у власти, каждый день будут происходить трагедии как эта! Потому что в России все знают – всегда можно договориться! Простите что написал в этот блок лишнего. Просто достало! 2000$ Valeria Bashkirova = Putin. I want to be honest. What happened is a tragedy. She's definitely to blame. She must be punished for what she did. The most painful and cruel punishment. But this, I think, is not enough. And here the problem is not in Valeria. The problem is in the system we all live in. I hate this system. The system of bribes and impunity in Russia. Corruption system. A system when you can decide everything with everyone for money. Killed the children, agreed, you were given a fine and a suspended sentence. If you robbed the country - you were promoted, you were appointed the prime minister of the country. As long as Putin and his friends are in power, tragedies like this will happen every day! Because everyone in Russia knows that you can always come to an agreement! Forgive me for writing too much in this block. But it’s really sad to know! 1. "Лига легализации конопли" борется за свое право сторчаться с 2006 года. Туда им и дорога! Ненавижу нариков! 500$ The Hemp Legalization League has been fighting for its right to get lost since 2006. That's where they go! I hate junkies! 2. Фонд содействия защите здоровья и социальной справедливости имени Андрея Рылькова уже не первый год имеет целью способствовать развитию наркополитики, основанной на гуманности и терпимости. Какая терпимость?! Они не больные, они сами решили уничтожить свою жизнь, а заодно потянуть еще и друзей, и родных. 400$ The Andrei Rylkov Foundation for the Protection of Health and Social Justice has been aiming for several years to promote the development of drug policy based on humanity and tolerance. What kind of tolerance?! They are not sick, they themselves decided to destroy their own lives, and at the same time pull friends and relatives. 3. Philip Morris International. Главные наркоторговцы мирового масштаба. Курение вызывает самую быструю и устойчивую зависимость. За создание iqos ненавижу их особенно сильно! 600$ Philip Morris International. Major drug dealers on a global scale. Smoking causes the fastest and most persistent addiction. I hate them especially for creating iqos! 4. Компания «Этил-спирт» позиционирует себя прямым поставщиком заводов-изготовителей медицинского этилового спирта, вот только продает спирт в руки физических лиц и, возможно, владельцев подпольных заводов для изготовления настоек и другого алкоголя. 300$ The company "Ethyl-alcohol" positions itself as a direct supplier of medical ethyl alcohol manufacturing plants, but it only sells alcohol to individuals and, possibly, to the owners of clandestine factories for the manufacture of tinctures and other alcohol. 5. Компанию "Биотэк" за контрафактные лекарства, которые вызывают кучу побочных эффектов. Пусть гниют в тюрьме Шпигель и Белозерцев! 300$ Biotech for counterfeit drugs that cause a lot of side effects. Let Spiegel and Belozertsev rot in prison! 6. Доставка алкоголя на дом Alco Present. Возят левый алкоголь по ночам, нарушают закон. Обнаглели до того, что есть свой сайт, приложение в apple store, telegram bot! 400$ Alco Present home delivery of alcohol. They carry alcohol at night, they break the law. Have become insolent to the point that there is a website, an application in the apple store, a telegram bot! 7. Ресторан Bella Pasta дает курить кальян в заведении по ночам. К утру эта вонь не выветривается. А вообще, они нарушают закон! Кальян курить там, где едят нельзя! 300$ Bella Pasta restaurant offers hookah smoking at night. This stench does not disappear by morning. In general, they break the law! You can't smoke Hookah where people eat! 8. Ненавижу Клуб «Fantomas Chateau & Rooftop», потому что везде все курят: сигареты, iqos… вонь дикая. В большинстве клубов курильщиков либо на веранде держат, либо в отдельной комнате, а тут к 6 утра дышать нечем! 600$ I hate the Fantomas Chateau & Rooftop Club because everyone smokes everywhere: cigarettes, iqos ... the stench is wild. In most clubs, smokers are either kept on the veranda or in a separate room, and here by 6 am there is nothing to breathe! 9. Ненавижу всю сеть почасовых отелей для проституток и гопников «Подушкин». Их замызганное постельное белье – рассадник половых инфекций! Один из таких отелей находится неподалеку от дома. Пьяные крики шлюх, мат мужиков, вонь, и очень мутные пассажиры, шныряющие возле входа! Чтоб они все сдохли! 700$ I hate the whole chain of hourly hotels for prostitutes and gopniks "Podushkin". Their filthy bedding is a breeding ground for genital infections! One of these hotels is located not far from the house. The drunken screams of whores, the swearing of men, the stench, and very muddy passengers darting around the entrance! So that they all die! 10. Ненавижу сеть магазинов «КрасноеБелое». Дешёвая паленая алкашка для бомжей и пьянчуг! Более того, эти твари продают алкашку и после закрытия магазина из машины!!! 250$ I hate the KrasnoeBeloe chain of stores. Cheap drunken drunk for homeless people and drunks! Moreover, these creatures sell the drunk and after the store closes from the car!!! 11. Ненавижу массажный салон «Golden Lady» потому, что под видом массажа они предоставляют интим-услуги. 500$ I hate the Golden Lady massage parlor because they provide intimate services under the guise of massage. NEW 12. Сауна Филин в Домодедово – самое популярное место на районе. Проститутки, когда, видимо, клиентов мало – начинают предлагать себя прямо на улице! Местные менты их прикрывают! Из-за того, что взятку не отдали московской полиции, их сейчас прикрыли. Думаю, не на долго. 500$ Sauna Filin in Domodedovo is the most popular place in the block. Prostitutes, when there are not enouth of clients, they begin to offer themselves right on the street! Local cops are covering them! Due to fact that the bribe was not given to the Moscow police, they were covered. I think that it’s not for a long time. https://50.мвд.рф/news/item/24948939/ 1. Ненавижу всех членов «Неверовского» ОПС. Раньше группировка крышевала игорный бизнес в Тольятти, но со временем их влияние ослабевало, стали выходить на мелких грабителей и наркодилеров. Главным организаторам пока удается избежать наказания. 400$ I hate all the members of the "Neverovsky" OPS. Previously, the group covered the gambling business in Togliatti, but over time their influence weakened, they began to go out to small robbers and drug dealers. The main organizers have so far managed to avoid punishment. 2. Всех членов картеля Синалоа за т о, что используют российскую символику в своих преступлениях! Наркоторговцы, работорговцы, убийцы! 700$ All members of the Sinaloa cartel for using Russian symbols in their crimes! Drug dealers, slavers, killers! 3. Всех участников группы Ленинград за появление в нетрезвом виде на концертах, за постоянную пропаганду употребления спиртного в песнях и клипах! 250$ All members of the Leningrad group for appearing drunk at concerts, for the constant promotion of the use of alcohol in songs and videos! 4. Всех работниц Tequila Girls за то, что спаивают народ. Большинство мужиков им просто не могут отказать, и чтобы познакомиться начинают пить. 200$ All Tequila Girls workers for getting the people drunk. Most men simply cannot refuse them, and to get acquainted they start drinking. 5. Всех членов «Ассоциации Барменов» за продвижение и популяризацию культуры распития спиртных напитков. Ни одного бармена не встречал, который в баре кому-то скажет, что ему хватит. О какой культуре тогда может идти речь? Они просто спаивают народ, чтобы побольше заработать! 300$ All members of the "Association of Bartenders" for the promotion and popularization of the culture of drinking alcoholic beverages. I have never met a single bartender who would tell someone in the bar that he had enough. What kind of culture can we talk about then? They just get the people drunk in order to earn more money! 6. Ненавижу всех массажисток массажного салона «Рай», потому что они шлюхи и наркоманки! 450$ I hate all the masseuses of the Paradise massage parlor, because they are whores and drug addicts! 7. Любого мента ОМВД по району Дорогомилово. Провоцируют конфликты, применяют силу без оснований, все вопросы решаются только взяткой. Размер взятки зависит от уровня погонов. Продажные сволочи. 500$ Any cop of the OMVD in the Dorogomilovo district. They provoke conflicts, use force without reason, all issues are resolved only with a bribe. The size of the bribe depends on the level of shoulder straps. Selling bastards. https://зао.мск.мвд.рф/ 8. Ненавижу каждого промоутера клуба Джипси! Каждые выходные эти ублюдки толкают наркоту у себя в заведении! Гореть им в аду! 500$ I hate every Gypsy club promoter! Every weekend these bastards push drugs in their place! Burn them in hell! 9. Ненавижу каждого бармена в Гадком койте! В центре москвы они накачивают людей до отвратительного состояния! Утром субботы и воскресения территория возле бара об блёвана и обоссана! Стоит жуткая вонь! 300$ I hate every bartender in Ugly Coit! In the center of Moscow, they pump people up to a disgusting state! On Saturday and Sunday mornings, the area near the bar was vomited and pissed off! There is a terrible stench! 10. Ненавижу все руководство стриптиз-бара Мачо! Травка, проституция, алкоголь – синонимы этого заведения! Менты его крышуют. Неоднократно писал в мэрию об этом месте – никакой реакции! Может после написания здесь что-нибудь изменится! 200$ I hate any member of Macho strip bar! Weed, prostitution, alcohol are synonyms for this establishment! The cops cover him. Repeatedly wrote to the mayor's office about this place - no reaction! Maybe after writing here something will be changed! NEW 11. Сотрудники УМВД России по г.о. Домодедово регулярно получают взятки от саун, наркоторговцев и прочих «порядочных» граждан. Надоело это терпеть! 500$ Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for G.O. Domodedovo regularly receives bribes from saunas, drug dealers and other "decent" citizens. I am tired of putting up with it! https://домодедово.50.мвд.рф/ btc 1K3oRMcUUGQBimeaU7RWQW7xogJU9i8BMv -----BEGIN SIGNATURE----- 1K3oRMcUUGQBimeaU7RWQW7xogJU9i8BMv IOcqIvwu//lW17FQZmAXQm0M2/VETnHKil1k7uRA1iYcdPu/fPYf1bX0C7aaJx3jc2NdYgXww5rfHfzhasC4zYU= -----END BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE-----

1 replies Active 1243 days ago hmwyda - wishlists (donations here)

-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- Всем привет! У меня новое обновление. #hmwyda wishlist: 1.1 Володимир Зеленский. Я вообще не понимаю, чего он добивается. Так плохо мы еще не жили ни при ком! Ненавижу этого придурка!!!!! 1.1 Vladimir Zelensky. I don’t understand what he wants. We have never lived so badly with anyone! I hate this jerk!!!!! 1.1 100% 1.2 Людмила Русалина. Мошенница международного масштаба! Дама как-то организовала себе должность посла, да еще и у себя дома! Всем бы так! 1.2 Lyudmila Rusalina. An international scammer! The lady somehow arranged for herself the post of ambassador, and even at home! Everyone would be so! 1.2 1.2 40% 1.3 Руслан Стефанчук. Заместитель председателя Верховной Рады. С таким усердием рассказывает по всем каналам, что Украина — это Европа и мы все европейцы, а толку от этих сказок никакого. 1.3 Ruslan Stefanchuk. Deputy Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada. With such zeal he tells through all channels that Ukraine is Europe and we are all Europeans, but there is no sense in these fairy tales. 1.3 50% 1.4 Алексей Резников. Этот псих хочет депортировать всех русских с Крыма и восстановить Донбасс на деньги Евросоюза. Бездельник! 1.4 Alexey Reznikov. 1.4 40% 1.5 Леонид Пасечник. И.О Главы ЛНР. Бытует мнение, что он занимается “крышеванием” контрабанды в “республике”. Вообще, скользкий тип. 1.5 Leonid Pasechnik. Acting Head of the LPR. There is an opinion that he is engaged in “protecting” smuggling in the “republic”. Generally a slippery type. 1.5 1.5 50% 1.6 Денис Шмыгаль. Премьер-министр Украины. По его решению прекращено авиасообщение между Украиной и Белоруссией. Это может стать большой проблемой для населения и страны. У него вообще нет своего мнения. Бесполезный политик. 1.6 Denis Shmygal. Prime Minister of Ukraine. By his decision, air traffic between Ukraine and Belarus was terminated. This can become a big problem for the population and the country. He has no opinion at all. Useless politician. 1.6 1.6 60% 1.7 Ольга Буславець. Министр энергетики. С трудом пролезла на пост, чтобы помогать своему дружку Ринату Ахметову. 1.7 Olga Buslavets. Minister of Energy. With difficulty I climbed to the post to help my friend Rinat Akhmetov. 1.7 1.7 40% 1.8 Дмитрий Разумков. Главный «Слуга народу». У политика вообще нет своего мнения и устоявшихся взглядом. Он то против России, то критикует Зеленского. Какая-то политическая проституция выходит. 1.8 Dmitry Razumkov. Chief "Servant to the people". A politician does not have his own opinion at all and has a well-established gaze. He is against Russia, then criticizes Zelensky. Some kind of political prostitution is coming out. 1.8 1.8 70% 1.9 Ненавижу бывшего Президента Петро Порошенко. Он развалил экономику страны и то, что происходит сейчас – это его вина. 1.9 I hate former President Petro Poroshenko. He destroyed the country's economy and what is happening now is his fault. 1.9 1.9 80% 1.10 Петр Николаенко. Участник украинско-израильской ОПГ. Вор и убийца. 1.10 Petr Nikolaenko. Member of the Ukrainian-Israeli organized criminal group. Thief and murderer. 1.10 40% 1.11 Сергей Стерненко похищает людей, устраивает массовые драки и несанкционированные митинги. Он является организатором бизнеса по обороту наркотиков. 1.11 Sergei Sternenko kidnaps people, organizes mass fights and unauthorized rallies. He is the organizer of a drug traffick. 1.11 1.11 30% 1.12 Дмитрий Дубилет за время своего правления одним из главных банков страны, украл миллиарды. Он регулярно запрашивал финансирование у государства, но ни разу ничего полезного не сделал. Так себе экономист. 1.12 Dmitry Dubilet, during his reign as one of the main banks in the country, stole billions. He regularly requested funding from the state, but never did anything useful. So so economist. 1.12 1.12 25% New 1.13 Владимир Дидух - преступник, способствующий контрабанде через таможни страны. У него налажен контакт с прикормленными чиновниками из СБУ, ГБР, ГПУ, МВД, которым регулярно завозят их жалование от ОПГ, которую возглавляет Владимир. 1.13 Vladimir Didukh is a criminal facilitating smuggling through the country's customs. He has contacts with officials from the SBU, the State Security Service, the GPU, the Ministry of Internal Affairs. They get salaries regulary from the organized criminal group, headed by Vladimir.Дідух_Володимир_Степанович 40% 1.14 Бут Дмитрий Сергеевич - главный следователь Национальной Полиции Украины. Вернее, главный бандит! В лучших традициях коррумпированного ворья: роскошные особняки в наличии, дочь в догорущем колледже за границей учится, по уголовному делу проходил! Напомню, этот человек является сотрудником правоохранительных органов! 1.14 Dmitry Sergeevich Butt - Chief Investigator of the National Police of Ukraine. The main bandit! In the best traditions of a corrupt thief: luxury mansions available, daughter studies abroad in expansive college, he was in a criminal case! Let me remind you that this person is a law enforcement officer! 60% 1.15 Дмитрий Фирташ заработал состояние на посредничестве в поставках российского газа на Украину. Все бы хорошо, но почему-то население должно платить его долги. Верховная Рада второй раз за 10 лет списала несколько миллиардов долгов его компаниям. Часть из этих долгов имеет признаки фиктивности, поскольку они были искусственно созданы газовиками для того, чтобы можно было больше заработать на украинцах. Сколько мы это будем терпеть?! 1.15 Dmitry Firtash made his fortune by brokering Russian gas supplies to Ukraine. Everything would be fine, but for some reason the population has to pay his debts. The Verkhovna Rada the second time for 10 years has written off several billion debts of his companies. Some of these debts have signs of fictitiousness, since they were artificially created by gas workers in order to make more money on the Ukrainians. How long people will be tolerate?! 50% 2.1 "Движение против агрессии РФ" Такие ощущение, что в стране других проблем нет, кроме выдуманной Российской оккупации. 2.1 "Movement against the aggression of the Russian Federation" Such a feeling that there are no other problems in the country, except for the fictitious Russian occupation. 2.1 70% 2.2 ООО Світ Ласощів. Компания, созданная для мошеннических схем Людмилы Русалиной. Вы воруйте, но не забывайте людям работающим платить! 2.2 LLC Svit Lasoshchiv. The company created for the fraudulent schemes of Lyudmila Rusalina. You steal, but do not forget to pay people who work! 2.2 30% 2.3 Совет национальной безопасности и обороны Украины (СНБО). Последнее время только и делает, что борется с российское агрессией, при этом я лично ни разу не слышал, чтобы Россия что-то делала у наших границ. Планирует вести реестр олигархов. Видимо перечислить свои же фамилии… 2.3 National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine (NSDC). Lately, all that has been done is that it is fighting Russian aggression, while I personally have never heard of Russia doing something near our borders. Plans to keep a register of oligarchs. Apparently list your own surnames ... 2.3 2.3 2.3*1wr5o3f*_ga*MTk0Njk0NDI0NS4xNjIzMjU2Mzg1*_ga_JBX3X27G7H*MTYyMzI1NjM4NS4xLjEuMTYyMzI1NzA2NS4w&_ga=2.251782604.418971906.1623257044-1946944245.1623256385 2.3 100% 2.4 Кабмин Украины требует от России репараций. За что только не пойму. Они там совсем сошли с ума. Целый документ написали. Создают видимость работы. 2.4 2.4 80% 2.5 ЖК “Новопечерские липки”, место сбора криминальных авторитетов, построен на деньги рейдеров. 2.5 Residential complex "Novopecherskie Lipki", a gathering place for crime bosses, was built with the money of raiders. 2.5 30% 2.6 Аркада Банк. Грабительские проценты по кредитам. Очень большие комиссии за все. 2.6 Arcada Bank. Extortionate interest on loans. Very large commissions for everything. 2.6 30% 2.7 Группа компаний «Автострада», участник многих подставных тендеров, член «Дорожного картеля». 2.7 Group of companies "Autostrada", a participant in many sham tenders, a member of the "Road Cartel". 2.7 2.7 30% 2.8 Информационное агентство «ЛІГАБізнесІнформ» пытаются монополизировать рынок. 2.8 The information agency LIGABiznesInform is trying to monopolize the market. 2.8 25% 2.9 МакДональдз Юкрейн Лтд. Нужно закрыть вообще! Как можно есть эту гадость?! Кругом реклама, потом дети просят, а потом лечить ожирение и гастрит. 2.9 McDonald's Ukraine Ltd. You need to close it altogether! How can you eat this muck?! All around the advertisement, then the children ask, and then treat obesity and gastritis. 2.9 65% 2.10 Пузата хата. Тошниловка братьев Константиновских, которые скоро захватят весь рынок ресторанов Украины, при чем им без разницы Киев это, или Донбасс. 2.10 Puzata hut. The nausea of the Konstantinovsky brothers, who will soon seize the entire market of Ukrainian restaurants, and they do not care whether it is Kiev or Donbass. 2.10 2.10 60% 2.11 Министерство финансов увеличивает внешний долг на 3 миллиарда долларов, несмотря на то что не сможет его выплатить. Они загоняют страну в долговую яму и рушат любые возможные отношения со странами Европейского союза, рассчитывая на поддержку Америки. Это глупо! 2.11 The Ministry of Finance is increasing its external debt by $ 3 billion, despite the fact that it will not be able to pay it off. They drive the country into debt and destroy any possible relationship with European Union, counting on America's support. It’s stupid. 2.11 2.11 65% 2.12 Якитория - учреждение, без надлежащих санитарных норм. Они отравили огромное количество людей, так как подают несвежие продукты. Многие пострадавшие находятся в тяжелом состоянии. Однажды, подцепил сальмонеллу после их суши. 2.12 Yakitoria is an institution without proper sanitary standards. They poisoned a huge number of people, as they serve stale food. Many victims are in serious condition. Once, I picked up a salmonella after their sushi. 2.12 2.12 50% 3.1 Всех членов партии «Слуга народу». Сначала собрали в своем составе всех преступников и олигархов, теперь с ними же борются. Цирк! 3.1 All members of the Servant to the People party. At first, they gathered in their composition all the criminals and oligarchs, now they are fighting with them. The circus! 3.1 3.1 80% 3.2 Всех работников Министерства экономики Украины. Страна в глубочайшем экономическом кризисе. Население беднеет. Налоги растут, безработица жуткая, из страны не выехать. Ненавижу их всех за то, что не принимают никаких мер по поддержке населения! 3.2 All employees of the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine. The country is in the deepest economic crisis. The population is getting poorer. Taxes are growing, unemployment is terrible, you can't leave the country. I hate all of them for not taking any measures to support the population! 3.2 3.2 80% 3.3 Каждого члена националистической партии «Национальный корпус» за мародерство, погромы и беспорядки, которые они устраивают для выражения своего несогласия. 3.3 Every member of the nationalist party "National Corps" for looting, pogroms and riots, which they arrange to express their disagreement. 3.3 3.3 50% 3.4 Всех членов Верховной Рады Украины за высокие налоги, за низкие зарплаты, безумные цены на продукты, бытовые товары и услуги. В стране нет среднего класса совсем. Если сегодня я заболею – завтра меня уволят, без разговоров. Надоело! 3.4 All members of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for high taxes, low wages, insane prices for food, household goods and services. There is no middle class in the country at all. If I get sick today, they'll fire me tomorrow, without talking. Tired of it! 3.4 100% 3.5 Ненавижу всех членов партии Голос за то, что из-за смены руководителя они полностью поменяли свою изначальную позицию и нарушили все обещания! 3.5 I hate all the members of the Voice party for the fact that due to the change of leader they completely changed their initial position and broke all promises! 3.5 3.5 35% 3.6 Всех судей Коллегии центрального районного суда Николаева оправдала преступника Николая Романчука! Их точно подкупили, потому что вина этого человека очевидна! Ненавижу продажных судей! 3.6 All the judges of the Collegium of the central district court of Nikolaev were acquitted of the criminal Nikolai Romanchuk! They were definitely bribed, because this man's guilt is obvious! I hate corrupt judges! 3.6 3.6 70% 3.7 Всех работников «Киевтеплоэнерго» за то, что постоянно происходят аварии и нет отопления. 3.7 All employees of "Kievteploenergo" for the fact that accidents constantly occur and there is no heating. 3.7 3.7 50% 3.8 Всех работников Департамента жилищно-коммунальной инфраструктуры Киева за постоянные жалобы на нехватку средств и повышение тарифов на услуги. 3.8 All employees of the Department of Housing and Communal Infrastructure of Kiev for constant complaints about the lack of funds and the increase in tariffs for services. 3.8 60% 3.9 Всех работников Минэнерго Украины за то, что хотят запретить поставку электроэнергии из России и Беларуси, так как я очень сомневаюсь, что собственных сил хватит и тарифы не вырастут еще сильнее. 3.9 All employees of the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine for wanting to ban the supply of electricity from Russia and Belarus, as I doubt very much that there will be enough of our own forces and tariffs will rise even more. 3.9 3.9 45% 3.10 Всех членов партии Батькивщина ВО. Никакой четко определенной позиции не видел ни разу. Выступают за все подряд, потому и выборы проигрывают. – 200$ 3.10 All members of the party Batkivshchyna VO. I have never seen any clearly defined position. They stand up for everything, that's why they lose the elections. 3.10 3.10 40% 3.11 Ненавижу полицейских Главного управления Национальной полиции в Днепропетровской области за то, что они без причины расстреляли мирное население! Это беспредел! Они должны нас защищать, а не калечить! 3.11 I hate any policemen of the Main Directorate of the National Police in the Dnipropetrovsk region for the fact that they shot civilians for no reason! This is a mess! They should protect us, not cripple us! 3.11 3.11 50% 3.12 Ненавижу сотрудников Укравтодор за неудобства, которые они причиняют людям. В дневное время они затеяли ремонт дороги возле аэропорта, где всегда массовое скопление машин. Люди не могут добираться на рейсы вовремя. 3.12 I hate Ukravtodor employees for the inconvenience they cause to people. In the daytime, they started repairing the road near the airport, where there is always a massive congestion of cars. People cannot get on flights on time. 3.12 3.12 60% 3.13 Ненавижу сотрудников Харьковской областной прокуратуры за то, что они открыто воруют государственные средства. Прокуроры публикуют свои доходы, размером 2 миллиона гривен, в то время, когда у людей нет денег для нормальной жизни. 3.13 I hate any employer of the Kharkiv Regional Prosecutor's Office for the fact that they openly steal public funds. Prosecutors publish their income, in the amount of 2 million hryvnias, at a time when people do not have money for a normal life. 3.13 60% BTC - 1Ng6MCrF7QyAUecHSceWgBtgfbx3oqxM9c -----BEGIN SIGNATURE----- 1Ng6MCrF7QyAUecHSceWgBtgfbx3oqxM9c IBDSmowKREfMwYqwc9DUn8E3BKRrj2ErRMWa4+34PnuTXy1bw/FtgHLTC4M4w2Qy4vsNf36+cRFmZp+YAhR3qlc= -----END BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE-----

1 replies Active 1244 days ago hmwyda - wishlists (donations here)

-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- #hmwyda wishlist: 1/1 Former President of Finland Tarja Halonen creates an atmosphere of fear around her and takes advantage of the position. This cruel woman does not know how to rule the country., She destroyed the country's economy during her reign. 5000 EUR 1/2 The Prime Minister of Finland Sanna Marin abuses her position and spends public money on her own. Lies about the number of payments from the state that are provided to her for food. 5000 EUR 1/3 MP Päivi Räsänen makes prohibited publications in her social pages that violate the rights of believers. Cunningly tries to get the court to ignore her publications. 3500 EUR 1/4 The General Director of the National Audit Office Tytti Yli-Viikarin wastes public funds and does not fulfill her duties, send it to subordinates. 3500 EUR 1/5 Chancellor of Justice Tuomas Pöystin is a corrupt official. He evades his duties. 3500 EUR 1/6 Lasse Lehtonen is a professor of health law. Calls for restrictions for people who do not have a vaccination passport. He provokes inequality among the vaccinated and unvaccinated. 4000 EUR 1/7 Associate professor of constitutional law Pauli Rautiainen condemns the government for restricting public events in cities. Does not consider that it necessary to maintain precautions. I don’t think so! 2000 EUR 1/8 Jaakko Mustakallio promotes sexism in his party. He says that because of large number of women, the party does not keep attention to the male population. Yes, we have a lot of women in a power, but it’s not a problem at all! 3500 EUR 1/9 Foreign Minister Kalle Kekomäki contradicts his words. Gives veiled interviews on the topic of violence in the country, blames the government for this. He is the representative of the government! 2000 EUR 1/10 The President of the Finnish Sports Federation Sari Miriam Essayah has groundlessly opposed the World Olympic Games. The ex-athlete does not like the kind of events taking place and the governing organizations. Try to change! Stop blabbing! 2000 EUR 2/1 Posti Group does not monitor the safety of mail delivery to recipients. This company damages legal entities that haven’t received their correspondence on time. 3500 EUR 2/2 Rauman kaupunginvaltuusto destroys historic sites in the city in order to capitalize on the income from the new shopping center. The Rauma city is included in the list of World Heritage Sites. 3000 EUR 2/3 Terrafame endangers the safety of the environment. A high concentration of uranium was found in the Terrafame side rock filtrate. It’s unacceptable. 3000 EUR 2/4 Ahtium (Talvivaara Mining Corporation) selected criminals as partners. Ahtium is involved in corrupt schemes of its partners who have been laundering money through tax havens for many years. 2800 EUR;; 2/5 Veikkaus distributes gambling throughout the country. A lot of people become addicted gambling and spend their last money for an unrealistic win. 4000 EUR 2/6 Elokapina is a non-partisan international environmental movement. They use violent actions in their protests, damages the city in order to achieve dialogue with the government. 3500 EUR 2/7 Business Finland is a public authority. Provides financial support to politicians and their relatives exclusively. They support non-existent and bankrupt companies. Scammers! 4000 EUR 2/8 Supercell is a gaming company. The company stole several patents. Stole game ideas from a Japanese company. The thieves! 2800 EUR 2/9 I am not satisfied with the work of Kela, because immigrants receive more social benefits than citizens. Poor citizens do not receive adequate support, and displaced persons receive twice more. 3500 EUR 2/10 Hartwall ifires employees llegally. The company profits from terminated employee contracts. 2900 EUR 3/1 I hate all members of Imatran kaupunginvaltuusto for cheating. An internal audit of the city revealed illegal transfers of funds from members of the city government. 4500 EUR 3/2 I hate all the members of Maahanmuuttovirasto for rejecting asylum applications., people die in hot spots as a result, unable to change their country of residence. 2500 EUR 3/3 I hate managers of Valtiontalouden tarkastusvirasto for wasting public funds. Employees spend the state budget on their business trips and receptions that don’t benefit people. 3500 EUR 3/4 I hate every member of the Vantaan kaupunginvaltuusto for their corruption activities. They take bribes and abuse their status in society. 4000 EUR 3/5 I hate all employees of the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare for misconduct against the citizens of the country. They call for certain categories of people only to use the vaccine. And the rest of us have to get sick? 4000 EUR 3/6 I hate employees of Suomen tulli board for introducing inconvenient e-commerce rules. Now the process become unreasonably delayed and takes a lot of time. 3000 EUR 3/7 I hate the management of Helsinki-Vantaan lentoasema for the poor security system at the airport. This allows you to invade a closed area and disrupt the order of departure of flights. 4000 EUR 3/8 I hate all the teachers of Poliisiammattikorkeakoulun for illegal behavior in their position. They use force against students and harass them. It’s unacceptable. 2500 EUR 3/9 I hate all Suomen Olympiakomitea for unrealistic tasks. Suomen Olympiakomitea members overstate the demands of athletes by setting a plan for the Olympics. 3000 EUR 3.10 I hate all members of Sosiaali ja terveysministeriö for unacceptable errors in the law. They pass bills without reviewing it well. 4000 EUR BTC 1Dcj2wg1xy15w7Vp5GHZFSkBL8rLYnUZE9 -----BEGIN SIGNATURE----- 1Dcj2wg1xy15w7Vp5GHZFSkBL8rLYnUZE9 H1f/f4Qzfewoy5HkgqmnXYiI9vi8AoNPVJvePyum6YaSabr5jDX6nIW+PNKDgVGBojSkhUdyhjAO534w6PjWMjc= -----END BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE-----

1 replies Active 1245 days ago hmwyda - wishlists (donations here)

-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- During these 100 days, I decided to make changes to my list. I have set new priorities and added new points. За эти 100 дней я решил внести изменения в свой список. Я расставил новые приоритеты и добавил новые пункты. #hmwyda wishlist: 1-1 Андрей Фурсенко был активным сторонником ужасного и убивающего суть образования, Единого Государственного Экзамена (ЕГЭ), будучи на посту Министра образования. Нервы, которые я потерял при подготовке к экзамену мне никогда не вернуть. 5% 1-1 Andrey Fursenko was an active supporter of the terrible and killing the essence of education of the - United State Exam (USE), while serving as Minister of Education. The nerves that I lost in preparation for the exam I will never get back. 1-1 1-2 Паньшин Максим. Во время работы на него поставил меня в неловкую ситуацию, как начальник. И до сих пор продолжает это делать с моими, уже, бывшими коллегами. 1-2 Panshin Maxim. When I worked for him, he put me in an awkward situation. And still continues to do this with my, already, former colleagues. 1-2 5% 1-3 Сергей Тармашев. В своих произведениях проявляет националистические убеждения, которых я абсолютно не приемлю. 1-3 Sergey Tarmashev. In his works, he shows nationalist beliefs, which I absolutely do not accept. 1-3 2% 1-4 Владимир Мединский. Руководит структурой, которая поддерживает и финансирует производство ужасного российского кино. Никаких шагов по смещению с поста руководителя никто не предпринимает. 1-4 Vladimir Medinsky. He manages the structure that supports and finances the production of terrible Russian cinema. No one is taking any steps to remove him from the post of head. 1-4 3% 1.5 Александр Болучевский украл из бюджета города деньги, где живут мои родственники. 1.5 Alexander Boluchevsky stole money from the city budget, where my relatives live. 1-5 7% 1-6 Марк Чепмен убил моего кумира Джона Леннона. Надеюсь, его не помилуют, и он никогда не выйдет на свободу. 1-6 Mark Chapman killed my idol John Lennon. I hope he will not be pardoned, and he will never be released. 1-6 5% 1-7 Диана Шурыгина оклеветала парня ради выгоды, а также впоследствии на чёрном пиаре своих действий стала известной, пока жертва её обмана сидела в тюрьме. 1-7 Diana Shurygina slandered the guy for the sake of profit, and also later on the black PR of her actions became famous while the victim of her deception was in prison. 1-7Изнасилование_Дианы_Шурыгиной 7% 1-8 Алишер Моргенштерн. Пишет плохую музыку и не заслуженно получил музыкальную премию. Очень надеюсь, что он уйдет со своего «творческого пути». 1-8 Alisher Morgenstern. He writes bad music and did not deserve to receive a music award. I really hope that he will leave his "creative path". 1-8 5% 1-9 Геннадий Малахов пропагандирует на телевидении нетрадиционные и крайне сомнительные способы лечения народной медицины. Его советы могут быть не просто бесполезны, а даже вредны. Чего стоит его рекомендация кипятить и пить мочу? 1-9 Gennadiy Malakhov promotes unconventional and extremely dubious methods of traditional medicine treatment on television. His advice can be not just useless, but even harmful. What is his recommendation to boil and drink urine worth? 1-9,_%D0%94%D0%B8%D0%BC%D0%B8%D1%82%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%B9_%D0%9D%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%B0%D0%B5%D0%B2%D0%B8%D1%87 3% 1-10 Артемий Лебедев часто врёт в своем блоге. Ему нет никакой веры, а его слова – пустышки. Так, он ввел меня в заблуждение касательно истории Юлии Навальной о немецком гражданстве. 1-10 Artemy Lebedev often lies in his blog. He has no faith, and his words are empty. So, he misled me about the story of Yulia Navalny about German citizenship. 1-10 5% 1-11 Дмитрий Масленников мне категорически не нравится. Почти все его выпуски выглядят фальшиво, наигранно и крайне глупо. Челленджи за редкими исключениями либо полны тупизны, либо мешают людям, либо абсолютно бессмысленны из-за лазеек, которые они заранее придумали. 1-11 I absolutely do not like Dmitry Maslennikov. Almost all of its issues look fake, fake and extremely stupid. Challenges, with rare exceptions, are either full of stupidity, or hinder people, or are completely meaningless because of loopholes that they have come up with in advance. 1-11 4% 1-12 Ненавижу Стаса Борецкого. Бескультурный хам, клоун из 90-ых, который ничего не умеет, кроме как быковать и рвать банку головой. 1-12 I hate Stas Baretsky. An uncultured boor, a clown from the 90s, who knows nothing but how to bully and tear the jar with his head. 1-12 7% 1-13 Ненавижу Олега Соколова. Я был очень разочарован в нём после его чудовищного деяния по отношению к бедной студентке. Его труды, которые я читал и мне нравились, в моих глазах обесценились. 1-13 I hate Oleg Sokolov. I was very disappointed in him after his monstrous act towards a poor student. His works, which I read and liked, were devalued in my eyes. 1-13 10% 1-14 Ненавижу директора школы Центра Образования номер 170 Виктора Киселева. Он сфабриковал обвинение против прекрасного педагога, вымотав его и разрушив его доброе имя. 1-14 I hate the director of the school of the Education Center number 170 Viktor Kiselyov. He fabricated an accusation against a fine teacher, exhausting him and destroying his good name. 1-14 3% 1-16 Ненавижу Евгения Понасенкова. Его непомерное чувство собственной важности, отношение к окружающим, исключительно собственная колокольня и антинаучный подход к истории вызывает жуткое отвращение и отторжение. Мне крайне неприятно, когда я вижу его. 1-16 I hate Evgeny Ponasenkov. His excessive sense of self-importance, attitude to others, exclusively his own bell tower and anti-scientific approach to history causes terrible disgust and rejection. It is extremely unpleasant for me when I see him. 1-16 5% 1-16 Ненавижу Ильназ Галявиева. Этот сумасшедший устроил стрельбу в школе, убив детей и взрослых. Мне страшно в нашей стране отпускать детей в школу из-за таких, как он. 1-16 I hate Ilnaz Galyaviev. This madman staged a shooting at a school, killing children and adults. I am afraid in our country to let children go to school because of people like him. 1-16 13% 1-19 Ненавижу Дмитрия Иванова (Kamikadzedead). Больной человек с политической шизофренией, истеричная сущность на публику. Видя его, мне хочется позвонить 03, поскорее узнав его адрес (человеку плохо же). 1-19 I hate Dmitry Ivanov (Kamikadzedead). A sick person with political schizophrenia, a hysterical entity in public. Seeing him, I want to call 03, quickly finding out his address (it's bad for a person). 1-19 5% 1-20 Ненавижу Эдварда Била. Его пранки абсолютно тупы, неэтичны и опасны, настоящий буллинг с целью унижения. Его благотворительность – лицемерная туфта. Ну и сам по себе он посредственный. 1-20 I hate Edward Beale. His pranks are absolutely stupid, unethical and dangerous, a real bullying for the purpose of humiliation. His charity is hypocritical bullshit. Well, he is mediocre in himself. 1-20 9% 2-1 ИГИЛ. (запрещенная на территории РФ) Организация, целью которой является истребление вероотступников и навязывание идей раннего ислама. Я был в ужасе и шоке от творящегося безумия, где орудует данная организация! Их деятельность должна быть любыми способами прекращена. 2-1 ISIL. (prohibited on the territory of the Russian Federation) An organization whose goal is to exterminate apostates and impose the ideas of early Islam. I was horrified and shocked by the madness that is going on, where this organization operates! Their activities must be terminated by any means. 2-1 15% 2-2 СДЭК Транспортная компания, сотрудники которой невнимательны к клиентам, посылки часто привозятся с опозданием, а в некоторых ситуациях они могут быть помяты вместе с содержимым. 2-2 SDEC A transport company whose employees are inattentive to customers, parcels are often delivered late, and in some situations they may be dented along with the contents. 2-2 5% 2-3 Глория Джинс Интернет-магазин, в котором сотрудников обманывают на зарплату, шантажируют на бесплатные переработки и в принципе не соблюдают трудовой кодекс. 2-3 Gloria Jeans An online store where employees are cheated on their salaries, blackmailed for free processing, and basically do not comply with the labor code. 2-3 7% 2-4 Scramble Café В этом кафе была отравлена моя подруга, т.к. заведение нарушает санитарно-эпидемиологические требования к помещениям. 2-4 Scramble Café In this cafe, my friend was poisoned, because the cafe violated the sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the premises. 2-4 5% 2-5 Департамент автомобильных дорог и организации дорожного движения города Ростова-на-Дону не выполняет свою работу, а именно не заделывает ямы на трассах. Из-за этого, когда я ехал к родственникам в Краснодарский Край было потеряно колесо и едва не сломалась подвеска. 2-5 The Department of Highways and Traffic Management of the city of Rostov-on-Don does not perform its work, namely, it does not fill up the holes on the highways. Because of this, when I went to visit relatives in the Krasnodar Territory, a wheel was lost and the suspension almost broke. 2-5 8% 2-6 Организация Бла-Бла-Кар не проверяет водителей, и как следствие попадались неадекватные и недобросовестные среди них, которые высаживали на полпути, пытались обмануть на деньги и угрожали, если в их машине сделать что-то не так. 2-6 The Bla-Bla-Kar organization does not check drivers, and as a result, there were inadequate and unscrupulous among them, who dropped them off halfway, tried to cheat on money and threatened if something was wrong in their car. 2-6 5% 2-7 Сервис Нетфликс повёл себя крайне омерзительно, удалив фильмы с моим кумиром Джонни Деппом. Я лишился фильмов, за которые заплатил им деньги! 2-7 The Netflix service behaved extremely disgustingly, deleting films with my idol Johnny Depp. I lost the movies I paid them for! 2-7 5% 2-8 Аудио-рекомендации сайта ВКонтакте совершенно не угадывают мои музыкальные вкусы. Напротив, они пытаются мне пропихнуть проплаченную музыку, которую я совершенно не люблю. 2-8 The audio recommendations of the VKontakte site completely fail to guess my musical tastes. On the contrary, they try to push me paid music, which I absolutely do not like. 2-8 3% 2-9 Компания Nike отдала компаниям-подрядчикам управление по производству и продажам кроссовок везде, кроме территории США. Постепенно автономность управления у подрядчиков росла, из-за чего качество производства за последние годы стала очень низкой. Очень разочарован, т.к. мои кроссовки, которые стоили 64,99$ полностью развалились за сезон, покрывшись дырками. 2-9 Nike has given the contractor companies the management of the production and sales of sneakers everywhere except in the United States. Gradually, the management autonomy of the contractors grew, which is why the quality of production in recent years has become very low. Very disappointed, because my sneakers, which cost $ 64.99, completely fell apart during the season, covered with holes. 2-9 4% 2-10 Достависта. Раньше в Доставите платили 4.50-6 $, а сейчас всего около 3$, из-за значительного повышения взимаемой комиссии за счет оплаты труда курьеру. Теперь там невозможно выгодно подработать, зарплата на уровне дешевой рабской силы. 2-10 “Dostavista”. Previously, the Delivery service paid $ 4.50 - $ 6, and now only about $ 3, due to a significant increase in the commission charged due to the payment of labor to the courier. Now it is impossible to earn a profitable part-time job there, the salary is at the level of cheap slave labor. 2-10 https://финтех.com/otzyvy-kurerov-pro-rabotu-v-dostaviste 10% 2-11 Ненавижу Скайп. Раньше это была хорошая программа, но Майкрософт ее безнадежно испортили дешевым дизайном и отсутствием качественных звонков без прерываний и лагов в видеосвязи. И сидят на ней только старперы, которые не могут «пойти в новое», из-за чего приходится пользоваться этим дерьмом на работе. 2-11 I hate Skype. It used to be a good program, but Microsoft has hopelessly ruined it with a cheap design and a lack of high-quality calls without interruptions and lags in video communication. And only old-timers sit on it, who can't "go to the new", which is why you have to use this shit at work. 2-11 3% 2-12 Ненавижу компанию Много Мебели. Я у них заказывал диван с полной предоплатой, и мне обещали привезти его через две недели. Прошло три месяца и я так и не увидел его! Они кормили меня ложными обещаниями каждую неделю, когда я приходил и спрашивал у них про диван. Пришлось делать возврат. 2-12 I Hate the company MnogoMebeli. I ordered a sofa from them with a full prepayment, and they promised to bring it to me in two weeks. It's been three months and I haven't seen him! They fed me false promises every week when I came in and asked them about the couch. I had to make a refund. 2-12 7% 2-13 Ненавижу Ситимобил. Последний раз, когда я пользовался такси от них, таксист мало того, что привёз меня не в ту точку, так еще и пытался меня высадить, уже списав с карты деньги. Больше я не буду пользоваться их услугами. 2-13 I hate Citymobile. The last time I used a taxi from them, the taxi driver not only brought me to the wrong place, but also tried to drop me off, having already debited money from the card. I will no longer use their services. 2-13 5% 2-14 Ненавижу BoxBerry. Доставка долгая, посылки мнутся, сервис ужасен. Заказывал зубную пасту через них из одной части города в другую, и она шла неделю! Невообразимое безобразие. 2-14 I hate BoxBerry. The delivery is long, the parcels are crumpled, the service is terrible. I ordered toothpaste through them from one part of the city to another, and it went for a week! An unimaginable outrage. 2-14 3% 2-15 Ненавижу FixPrice. Цена в итоге не фиксирована и растет из года в год, продукты крайне низкого качества, а сотрудники едва говорят на русском языке. Брал я как-то у них газировку, на который был один ценник, но на кассе был скандал из-за того, что цена была указана из расчета на того, что я возьму не одну, а четыре штуки. И могу взять только четыре. Жулики. 2-15 I hate FixPrice. The price is not fixed and grows from year to year, the products are of extremely poor quality, and the employees barely speak Russian. I once took a soda from them, for which there was one price tag, but there was a scandal at the checkout due to the fact that the price was indicated based on the fact that I would take not one, but four pieces. And I can only take four. Crooks. 2-15 3% 2-16 Ненавижу Л'Этуаль из-за их сотрудников, в частности охранников. Они ходят по пятам во время покупок, постоянно подозревая меня в краже и напрягая. Один из охранников меня хватал перед выходом из магазина, будучи уверенным, что у них что-то украдено. 2-16 I hate L'Etoile because of their employees, in particular the security guards. They follow me around while shopping, constantly suspecting me of theft and straining me. One of the guards grabbed me before leaving the store, being sure that something was stolen from them. 2-16 5% 2-17 Ненавижу Ситилинк, не могли привезти важные приборы для бизнеса несколько недель. Даже при том, что я сам собирался им уже помочь с этим. 2-17 I hate Citylink, we could not bring important devices for business for several weeks. Even though I was going to help them with this myself. 2-17 6% 2-18 Ненавижу компанию Барная линия. Не сделали вовремя работу, хамят, откладывают решение вопроса. Очень безответственно. 2-18 I hate the company Bar line. They did not do the work on time, they are rude, they postpone the solution of the issue. Very irresponsible. 2-18 6% 2-19 Ненавижу университет Синергия. Хотел поступать к ним, и едва не попался в их ловушку. Обыкновенная торговля дипломами, запутанные договора оказания услуг, возвратов в случае неудовлетворения качеством нет. 2-19 I hate Synergy University. I wanted to join them, and I almost fell into their trap. Ordinary trade in diplomas, complicated contracts for the provision of services, there are no refunds in case of dissatisfaction with the quality. 2-19 10% 2-20 Ненавижу центры эстетической медицины. Предлагали моей пассии свои услуги, но внимательно прочитав договор выяснилось, что они разводят на кредит. Границ дозволенного они явно не знают. 2-20 I hate aesthetic medicine centers. They offered their services to my passion, but after carefully reading the contract, it turned out that they were breeding on credit. They clearly do not know the boundaries of what is allowed. 2-20 7% 3-1 Ненавижу пассажиров метро. Вечно пихают, вечно толкают, не уважают личное пространство, среди которых так же есть воры, один из которых украл мой планшет. Много злых людей, которые словно забывают под землей об уважении. 3-1 I hate metro passengers. Always pushing, always pushing, no respect for personal space, among which there are also vars, one of whom stole my tablet. There are a lot of angry people who seem to forget about respect underground. 3-1 2% 3-2 Ненавижу кондукторов автобусов. Вся их работа заключается в том, что они бездумно штрафуют, создавая лишь негатив. Когда моя бабушка была инвалидом, ей дали социальный билет, и я ехал по ее проездному. Меня оштрафовали за это. Неужели нельзя было проявить добродушие и отпустить, зная, что владелец проездного – мой родной человек, который не может ходить! 3-2 I hate bus conductors. All their work is that they thoughtlessly fine, creating only a negative. When my grandmother was disabled, she was given a social security ticket, and I went on her travel card. I was fined for that. Couldn't I have been good – natured and let go, knowing that the owner of the pass is my own person who can't walk! 3-2 3% 3-3 Ненавижу пьяных людей на улице. Они шумят, не дают спать, ведут себя вызывающе, создают угрозу порядку и спокойствию. Нередко при встрече с пьяными людьми я испытывал страх того, что они будут агрессивно себя вести. 3-3 I hate drunk people on the street. They make noise, do not let you sleep, behave defiantly, create a threat to order and peace. Often, when I met drunk people, I was afraid that they would behave aggressively. 3-3 8% 3-4 Ненавижу полицейских. Всегда чувствую рядом с ними напряжение. Им приоритетно не охранять мои права, а соблюсти показатели по выявлению нарушителей порядка, тем самым им выгодно подставить меня. 3-4 I hate cops. I always feel tension around them. Their priority is not to protect my rights, but to comply with the indicators for identifying violators of the order, thereby it is profitable for them to frame me. 3-4 3% 3-5 Ненавижу фанатичных патриотов. Это показуха, граничащая с маразмом и шизофренией, позорящая тех, кто любит Родину. При встрече с ними они могут попросить пояснить за лояльность, и в случае низкого навыка красноречия могут начать себя неадекватно и опасно вести. 3-5 I hate fanatical patriots. This is a show-off, bordering on insanity and schizophrenia, shaming those who love their homeland. When meeting with them, they may ask for an explanation for their loyalty, and in the case of low eloquence skills, they may begin to behave inappropriately and dangerously. 3-5Квасной_патриотизм 5% 3-6 Ненавижу судебных приставов. Эти люди созданы как издевательство для тех, кто не может вытянуть наверх свое финансовое положение, заставляя их пройти через адскую бюрократию государственной системы. Эти гады перед Новым Годом списали с меня деньги по нелепой задолженности, не уведомив меня о проводимой процедуре, лишив меня части бюджета за 4 часа до праздника! 3-6 I hate bailiffs. These people are created as a mockery for those who cannot pull up their financial situation, forcing them to go through the hellish bureaucracy of the state system. These bastards before the New Year wrote off my money for a ridiculous debt, without notifying me about the procedure, depriving me of part of the budget 4 hours before the holiday! 3-6 5% 3-7 Ненавижу коллекторов. Эти люди используют антигуманные методы изъятия долгов, граничащие с нарушением закона и прав людей. Недобросовестный банк, с которым я имел дело, передал из-за слабого нарушения договора мой долг им, из-за чего я столкнулся с их угрозами в случае невыполнения требований. Дикость! 3-7 I hate collectors. These people use inhumane methods of debt collection, bordering on violating the law and the rights of people. The unscrupulous bank I was dealing with transferred my debt to them due to a weak breach of contract, which led me to face their threats in case of non-compliance. Savagery! 3-7 12% 3-8 Любых работников Жилищника. Из-за их недобросовестного отношения к работе большая часть жилья быстро ветшает, а благоустройство сделано неравномерно. Возле моего дома дворник убирал снег раз в несколько дней, из-за чего я не мог пройти куда угодно, не наполнив свои ботинки снегом. 3-8 I hate any member of "Zhilishchnik". Because of their unscrupulous attitude to work, most of the housing quickly deteriorates, and the improvement is done unevenly. Near my house, the janitor cleaned the snow every few days, which made it impossible for me to go anywhere without filling my shoes with snow. 3-8 5% 3-9 Ненавижу участников форума Двач. Эти люди по большей части являются моральными инвалидами, нередко занимаются травлей, приносят минимальную пользу обществу. 3-9 I hate the participants of the Dvach forum. These people are mostly morally disabled, often engage in harassment, and bring minimal benefit to society. 3-9 10% 3-10 Ненавижу священнослужителей. Эти люди лицемерны, предлагают опиум для народа, не чураются сытой и безбедной жизни в противоречие своим проповедям, пользуются слабостью духа заблудших людей. 3-10 I hate priests. These people are hypocritical, offer "opium of the people", do not shy away from a well-fed and comfortable life in contradiction to their sermons, take advantage of the weakness of the spirit of the lost people. 3-10 3% 3-11 Ненавижу гадалок. Эти люди ищут отчаявшихся, ищущих истину людей, и вводят их в заблуждение, лишь бы получать как можно больше денег с них. Они мошенники и шарлатаны. Моя бабушка долго отдавала деньги семьи, так и не найдя ответов на свои вопросы. А шарлатанка насытилась со всех и пропала. 3-11 I hate fortune tellers. These people seek out desperate, truth-seeking people and mislead them in order to get as much money from them as possible. They are scammers and charlatans. My grandmother gave the family money for a long time without finding answers to her questions. And the charlatan was sated from all and disappeared. 3-11 12% 3-12 Ненавижу казаков. Клоуны, которые якобы должны следить за порядком, на деле устраивают беспредел по отношению к мирным гражданам. Моего дядю со станицы Коневская "поймал за руку" отряд казаков и задержали его угрозами на несколько часов, просто потому, что они заподозрили его в воровстве. Кто они такие и откуда у них такие права, чтоб так поступать? 3-12 I hate Cossacks. Clowns, who supposedly have to keep order, in fact arrange lawlessness in relation to civilians. My uncle from the village of Konevskaya was "caught by the hand" by a detachment of Cossacks and detained by threats for several hours, simply because they suspected him of theft. Who are they and how do they have the right to do this? 3-12 7% 3-13 Ненавижу АЗС компании Shell. В них всегда очень дорого, едой можно отравиться, уборная немытая, а персонал часто неприветлив. Собственно, покупать там что-либо кроме бензина я не буду, т.к. нередко травился в них и не мог сходить по нужде из-за абсолютной грязи вони в туалете. 3-13 I hate Shell gas stations. They are always very expensive, food can be poisoned, the toilet is unwashed, and the staff is often unfriendly. Actually, I will not buy anything there except gasoline, because I often got poisoned in them and could not go out of need because of the absolute dirt and stench in the toilet. 3-13 3% 3-14 Ненавижу сотрудников платного отделения ДКЦ-1 в Москве. Каждые полгода обращаюсь к ним за справкой для бассейна, и каждые полгода сталкиваюсь с хамством сотрудников, где каждый мой вопрос буквально сталкивается с обвинениями в тупости и неумении читать то, что написано у них в справочном центре. Отвратительно. 3-14 I hate the employees of the paid department of the DCC-1 in Moscow. Every six months I turn to them for help for the pool, and every six months I face the rudeness of the staff, where every question I ask literally faces accusations of stupidity and inability to read what is written in their help center. Disgusting. 3-14 3% 3-15 Ненавижу сотрудников психиатрических больниц. Эти люди насильственными путями превращают людей в овощей. Они не лечат, а доламывают психику людей. Немало моих друзей попадали по пустяку к ним под предлогом "на диагностику". И каждый из них возвращался оттуда сам не свой, не в лучшую сторону. 3-15 I hate psychiatric hospital employees. These people forcibly turn people into vegetables. They do not treat, but break the psyche of people. A lot of my friends got to them for a trifle under the pretext of "diagnosis". And each of them came back from there not by himself, not for the better. 3-15 3% 3-16 Ненавижу телефонных мошенников. Они мешают жить, раздражают своими расспросами, и вообще они охуели пытаться наебать. Стабильно звонят раз в несколько месяцев. 3-16 I hate phone scammers. They interfere with life, irritate with their questions, and in general they are fucking tired of trying to fuck. They consistently call every few months. 3-16 12% 3-17 Ненавижу бабулек, сидящих у подъезда и караулящих всех проходящих мимо. Мало какая бабулька готова промолчать, не сказав о том, что ты наркоман, уебан, опущенная личность и т.д. Неоднократно слышал это в свой адрес, ссорился с ними, дело даже доходило до полиции. 3-17 I hate grannies sitting at the entrance and guarding everyone passing by. Few grannies are ready to remain silent without saying that you are a drug addict, a fucker, an omitted personality, etc. I have repeatedly heard this in my address, quarreled with them, it even reached the police. 3-17 2% 3-18 Ненавижу новых "Оффников", детей ебаных. Эти мудаки готовы доебаться до одежды просто ради удовлетворения своей агрессии. Ношу Stone Island с 2013 года, и чуть не получил пизды от них, когда они доебались до ебанного значка на парке. Думаю, настоящие фанаты тоже в ахуе с них. 3-18 I hate new "Fanfics", fucking children. These assholes are ready to fuck up their clothes just to satisfy their aggression. I've been wearing Stone Island since 2013, and I almost got pussy from them when they fucked up a fucking badge on the park. I think the real fans are also in ahuya with them. 3-18 9% 3-19 Ненавижу майнеров на видеокартах. Я большой поклонник видеоигр, а из-за них не могу себе позволить крутые видеокарты. Цены постоянно скачут вверх! 3-19 I hate miners on video cards. I'm a big fan of video games, and because of them I can't afford cool video cards. Prices are constantly jumping up! 3-19 7% 3-20 Ненавижу водителей электронных самокатов. Пара таких умников чуть не сбили меня на высокой скорости, думая, что пешеходная зона – это исключительно их дорога. 3-20 I hate drivers of electronic scooters. A couple of such smart guys almost hit me at high speed, thinking that the pedestrian zone is exclusively their road. 3-20 5% - -----BEGIN SIGNATURE----- 1BgDmtDwPtRkL65AGp2mWhgV96Q42bd3Uf H/PwaL2XmKDGogbESA/3eCvOzz3AuQLnzje59UhanDKBdxayGooi9XiH+rRjiLZQNcmcBKTOIyhI7CmuaEIDhq0= -----END BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE-----

1 replies Active 1245 days ago hmwyda - wishlists (donations here)

-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- Vivo en Valencia. Amo y respecto a mi patria pero todos los países tienen sus deficiencias. Voy a hablar de cosas más desagradables para mí. I live in Valencia, Spain. I love and respect my homeland but there is no country without any drawbacks or problems. I will speak about those that in my opinion are the most annoying or scary ones. #hmwyda wishlist А 1-1 Guillermo del Toro Gómez - 80 EUR 1-1 I realize that Guillermo del Toro is a rather popular and well-respected fil director but personally I hate horror movies and believe they are harmful for your mental health. 1-1 Me doy cuenta que Guillermo del Toro es un director de cine bastante popular y muy respetado, pero personalmente odio las películas de terror y creo que son perjudiciales para la salud mental. 1-1 1-2 Sergi Enrich - 100 EUR 1-2 This Spanish football player was accused of sexual video distribution and sentenced to two years on probation. What a shame! 1-2 Este futbolista español ha sido condenado por la difusión de un vídeo de contenido sexual sin consentimiento y condenado a dos años de libertad condicional. ¡Qué desgracia! 1-2 1-3 Antonio Manuel Luna Rodríguez - 100 EUR 1-3 Another Spanish football player who was also was accused of sexual video distribution and sentenced to two years on probation. 1-3 En 2021 fue condenado, junto con Sergi Enrich, por la difusión de un vídeo de contenido sexual sin consentimiento y condenado a dos años de prisión. 1-3 1-4 Bernardo Bustillo - 50 EUR 1-4 Bernardo Bustillo, the secretary general of the Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party in Torrelavega accidentally took a shower while having a virtual meeting with his colleagues... What a ridiculous inadvertency! 1-4 Bernardo Bustillo, secretario general del PSOE en la localidad cántabra de Torrelavega se dio un ducha mientras escucha las intervenciones de sus compañeros en el pleno virtual... ¡Qué descuido más absurdo! 1-4 1-5 Shakira - 80 EUR 1-5 Shakira, the famous singer and actress, is accused of tax crime (tax evasion of more than 14.5 million euros). 1-5 Shakira, una cantautora y actriz muy popular, es acusada por fraude fiscal (evasión fiscal por importe de más de 14,5 millones de euros). ¡No esperaba esto de ella! 1-5 1-6 Julio Iglesias - 160 EUR 1-6 This highly popular Spanish singer refuses to take a D.N.A. test to find out whether Javier Sánchez is his real son. However, the judges stated that the man mentioned above is indeed his illegitimate son. I can’t understand this kind of men, really. In my opinion, that’s just morally wrong. 1-6 El cantante famoso no quería hacerse una prueba de ADN que demuestre si Javier Sánchez es su hijo. Sin embargo, un juez consideró que, legalmente, es el padre. ¡No entiendo a tales hombres, es inmoral! 1-6 1-7 Sergio Dalma - 250 EUR 1-7 Sergio Dalma encouraged public to ignore anticovid regulations during his performance. In my opinion, celebrtities should set an example because COVID is not some kind of a joke, it is a serious matter! 1-7 Sergio Dalma animó al público a ignorar las normas anticovid durante su actuación. ¡En mi opinion, los personajes públicos deben dar ejemplo porque COVID no es «una broma», es una cosa muy seria! 1-7 1-8 Juan Antonio Roca 500 EUR 1-8 This man is an awful and very dangerous fraud! 1-8 ¡Es estafador muy repugnante y peligroso! 1-8 1-9 Cristofer Benítez - 60 EUR 1-9 I have mixed feelings about men competing in rhythmic gymnastics. On the one hand, everyone has the right to choose sport to his/her own taste. On the other hand, in my opinion, Rhythmic gymnastics is rather a feminine sport, not really a masculine one. 1-9 Tengo sentimientos encontrados sobre los hombres en la gimnasia rítmica. Por un lado, todos tienen derecho a elegir su propio deporte. Por otro lado, en mi opinión. la gimnasia rítmica es un deporte femenino, no masculino. 1-9 1-10 Pablo Hasél - 150 EUR 1-10 Rapper Pablo Hasél was arrested for glorifying terrorism in his lyrics and slandering the Crown. What a shame! 1-10 Al rapero Pablo Hasél tiene que cumplir una condena por enaltecimiento del terrorismo e injurias a la Corona. ¡Qué desgracia! 1-10 B 2-1 Mercado de Correos, Murcia - 75 EUR 2-1 We were very disappointed with this restaurant in Murcia. Guests don't wear protective masks, waiters don't care about safety. Better go to some other restaurant next time. 2-1 Este restaurante de Murcia nos decepcionó mucho. Visitantes no usan mascarillas de protección, camareros no se preocupan por la seguridad. Mejor buscar otro restaurante 2-1 2-2 El Secreto, Murcia 2-2 Poor quality / price ratio. Furthermore, the waiter added extra items to the bill. What an unpleasant experience! 2-2 Mala relación calidad/precio. Además, el camarero agregó posiciones extra a la factura. ¡Una experiencia muy desagradable! 2-2 2-3 La Tapa, Murcia - 75 EUR 2-3 The service was awful! The waiter was extremely rude and inattentive and wait times were too long. Unfortunately, it was one of the worst restaurants in Murcia I’d ever been to. 2-3 ¡El servicio muy horrible! El camarero fue muy grosero y desatento + largos tiempos de espera. Desgraciadamente, un de los peores restaurantes de Murcia. 2-3 2-4 Casa Zaragoza, Valencia - 50 EUR 2-4 The waiters don't know anything! It is outrageous! And moreover, the quality of food leaves much to be desired. 2-4 Los camareros no se enteran de nada ! Es indignante! También la calidad de la comida necesita ser mejor. 2-4 2-5 La Churrería en Cantabria - 50 EUR 2-5 Prices are excessively high; the food is terrible and the hot chocolate reminds some black water. I did not enjoy it at all. 2-5 Los precios demasiado altos; la calidad de la comida es terrible y el chocolate se parece al agua negra. No me gustó en absoluto. 2-5 2-6 Hotel Ilunion Almirante, Barcelona - 50 EUR 2-6 I wouldn’t say that this hotel was the worst one but the sound insulation is terrible! To top it off, the room attendants arrive too early, I could never get enough sleep ... 2-6 ¡No es el peor hotel pero el aislamiento acústico es muy bajo, prácticamente nulo! Fuera de eso, las sirvientas llegan muy temprano, no he podido dormir nada… 2-6 2-7 Renaissance Barcelona Hotel - 80 EUR 2-7 The staff was EXTREMELY rude and unhelpful! It was the worst value for money, I do not recommend it at all. 2-7 ¡El personal fue EXTREMADAMENTE descortés y no servicial! Es el peor en relación calidad precio, no lo recomiendo. 2-7 2-8 Hotel Legazpi, Murcia 2-8 Room was kind of dirty, receptionists were rude and unfriendly. My stay turned out to be great disappointment, I will never come here again and I will never recommend it to any of my friends! 2-8 Habitación algo sucia, receptionistas muy descortés y maleducado. ¡Gran decepción, jamas volveré y no lo recomiendo a nadie ! 2-8 2-9 Loewe - 150 EUR 2-9 A clothing collection from one of the world's largest fashion houses became the heart of the scandal. The famous Spanish brand Loewe launched a pantsuit that reminded greatly the uniform of concentration camp prisoners: a jacket and trousers with black and white stripes. In my opinion, it is very strange ... 2-9 Una colección de ropa de una de las casas de moda más grandes del mundo fue en el centro del escándalo. La famosa marca española ha lanzado un traje pantalón que copia el uniforme de los prisioneros de los campos de concentración: una chaqueta y un pantalón con rayas blancas y negras. A mi juicio, es muy extraño... 2-9 2-10 Arts Club, Madrid - 80 EUR 2-10 Overly expensive for such terrible food. Waiters are slow and rude. I absolutely do not recommend this restaurant: there are a lot of much better places to eat in Madrid. 2-10 Demasiado caro por la comida tan terrible. Los camareros son lentos y maleducados. Absolutamente no lo recomiendo, hay muchos sitios y más bonitos en Madrid. 2-10 C 3-1 Las bandas latinas en Madrid - 100 EUR 3-1 The resurgence of Latin bands in Madrid worries me greatly. Be careful ! 3-1 El resurgir de las bandas latinas en Madrid me preocupa mucho. ¡Ten cuidado ! 3-1 3-2 Los Trinitarios - 300 EUR 3-2 This band keeps taking control of Madrid streets. It is very violent and dangerous. This situation worries me a lot, I wish our capital were safe ... 3-2 Esta banda coquista las calles de Madrid. Es muy violenta et peligrosa. Esta situación me preocupa mucho, quisiera que nuestra capital estuviera a salvo… 3-2 3-3 Dominicans Don't Play - 300 EUR 3-3 Another gang, known as DDP, that terrorizes the streets of Madrid. Beware! 3-3 Otra gran pandilla, conocida como DDP, que aterroriza las calles de Madrid. ¡Cuídate! 3-3 3-4 Los Ñetas - 300 EUR 3-4 Ñetas (Association for Prisoners' Rights) is an armed gang that can be found throughout the big cities of Spain. These days it poses a serious threat to Madrid. Its major area of influence is Puente de Vallecas. 3-4 Los Ñetas (Asociación Pro-Derechos del Confinado) son una banda armada que está repartida por las grandes ciudades de toda España y ahora amenaza al Madrid. Sa primera zona es Puente de Vallecas. 3-4 3-5 Los "Latin Kings" - 350 EUR 3-5 They are less active than Los Trinitarios but nevertheless armed and very dangerous. In Spain this band consists mainly of Ecuadorians, Dominicans and Colombians. 3-5 Son menos activos que Los Trinitarios pero sin embargo armadas y muy peligrosos. En España esta banda se compone mayoritariamente de ecuatorianos, dominicanos y colombianos. 3-5 3-6 El grupo del narcotraficante 'Sito Miñanco' - 400 EUR 3-6 This Galician narco was arrested in Algeciras but his illegal activities are very likely to continue… 3-6 Este histórico narco gallego fue detenido en Algeciras pero sus actividades ilegales probablemente continúaran… 3-6 3-7 Un importante grupo de narcotraficantes en Collado Villalba. - 400 EUR 3-7 The agents from the Collado Villalba post, with the help of the Local Police, have detained several people but other members of the gang are probably still free… 3-7 Los agentes del puesto de Collado Villalba, con la ayuda de la Policía Local se ha detenido a varias personas pero les otras todavía están sueltos... 3-7 3-8 La banda que introducía cocaína en España - 350 EUR 3-8 On August 3, 2021, the Police arrested a 79-year-old woman accused of leading a network that imported cocaine to Spain. In my opinion, drugs can be considered the most terrible thing that has ever happened to society. Take care of yourself and your loved ones! 3-8 Le 3 de Agosto 2021 la Policía detenida una mujer de 79 años acusada de liderar una red que introducía cocaína en España. Si me preguntas, las drogas pueden ser lo más terrible que la a pasado a la sociedad. ¡Cuídese y cuide a sus seres queridos! 3-8 3-9 Los estafadores de citas en línea - 300 EUR 3-9 Online dating scammers pose as US military personnel and lure money from people. It's cruel and really mean, if you ask me. 3-9 Los estafadores de citas en línea se hacen pasar por personal militar de EE. UU. ¡Es cruel y muy, muy furtivo! 3-9 3-10 Un grupo de estafadores de Business Email Compromise (BEC) - 300 EUR 3-10 A group of Business Email Compromise (BEC) scammers has been arrested in Spain. They are accused of the 10 million euro BEC fraud. 3-10 Un grupo de estafadores de Business Email Compromise (BEC) arrestados en España que estaban detrás del fraude BEC de 10 millones de euros 3-10 -----BEGIN SIGNATURE----- 1QB3omR3fPdc8RZi8zrK44iANq93LzuhAZ IBPF/UlxzuqL97k3FLn7Z7i6Uz9w1P/PAEigV8aqeEN58q9qP7ClzmFJdXgYFx27wBIDQTOLG61Og9Cex4xcsUc= -----END BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE-----

1 replies Active 1246 days ago hmwyda - wishlists (donations here)

-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- #hmwyda wishlist: 日本は、地球の生態環境を露骨に破壊することから、歴史的事実や露骨な挑発を無視すること、中国に圧力をかけるために団結しようとすることまで、繰り返し問題を引き起こし、人間の道徳の収益を踏み出し、国際を完全に無視してきました正義、国際的な法的原則、国際的な義務全体的な状況に関係なく、彼の利己心は露呈しています。 Japan, from blatantly destroying the global ecological environment, to ignoring historical facts and blatant provocations, to trying to group together to put pressure on China, the Japanese government has repeatedly created troubles, stepped on the bottom line of human morality, and completely ignored international justice, international legal principles and international obligations. Regardless of the overall situation, his selfishness is exposed. 1: 日本政府は、核汚染された廃水を太平洋に向けると発表しました。彼らの行動は私たちを想像を絶するものです。彼らは自分自身を守るために、遠慮なく全世界を汚染します。彼らはあまりにも頭が悪いです!9% 1: The Japanese government announced that it will direct nuclear-contaminated wastewater to the Pacific Ocean. Their behavior makes us unimaginable. To protect themselves, they do not hesitate to pollute the entire world. They are so brainless! 2: 岸信夫防衛相は自民党議員会談で、釣魚島周辺での中国の活動は「中国は一歩一歩謙虚に侵略している」、「台湾が赤くなると、状況は大きく変わるでしょう。」 しかし、釣魚島とその関連島は中国固有の領土です。釣魚諸島の海域を巡視する際、中国は独自の権利を行使します。台湾の問題は純粋に中国の内政です。自分の事柄を管理できないのはばかげています。そしてあなたは他の国の世話をしなければなりません。7% 2: Nobuo Kishi, Minister of Defense of Japan, said at a meeting of Liberal Democratic Party members that China’s activities around the Diaoyu Islands stated that “China is invading step by step in a humble manner” and that “if Taiwan becomes red, the situation will change significantly. ". However, the Diaoyu Islands and its affiliated islands are China’s inherent territory. China exercises its own inherent rights when patrolling the waters of the Diaoyu Islands. The Taiwan issue is purely China’s internal affair. It’s ridiculous that you can't manage your own affairs, and you have to take care of other countries. 3: 菅義偉は、日本が米国と協力して、中国本土と台湾省の間の緊張の高まりを緩和しようとすると公言した。 菅義偉氏は声明のなかで、日米が共同で「抑止力」を行使すると述べた。これは間違いなく、日本が中国の台湾海峡問題に厳しい姿勢で介入する可能性が高いことを意味している。 ? なぜ私たちは他の国に違反したいのですか?私たちは平和を望んでいます。5% 3: Yoshihide Suga, publicly stated that Japan will work with the United States to try to ease the escalating tension between mainland China and Taiwan Province. In his statement, Yoshihide Suga mentioned that Japan and the United States would jointly use a "deterrent force." This undoubtedly implies that Japan is likely to intervene in China's Taiwan Strait issues with a tough stance. Don't you know how capable you are? Why do we want to infringe on other countries? We want peace. 4: 嘘つきの宮川隆はセックスだけでなくお金も騙しました。宮川は「誕生日」を作ったので、何十人もの「パートナー」からお金を騙してセックスを騙しました。6% 4: Miyagawa Takashi, a liar, not only cheated sex but also cheated money. Because Miyagawa made up "birthday", he cheated money from dozens of "partners" and cheated sex. 5: 原子力の安全運転における東京電力の不透明な運用は体系的です。事故の隠蔽と報告書の改ざんは通常の方法であり、すべての人の安全に大きな隠れた危険をもたらします。透明性と明確な声明が必要です。4% 5: TEPCO’s opaque operations in the safe operation of nuclear power are systematic. Concealing accidents and tampering with reports are their usual methods, which cause great hidden dangers to everyone’s safety. We require transparency and a clear statement to us. 6: 建物から飛び降り、線路に横になり、ぶら下がって自殺する…日本社会は若者を死に追いやる。大学を卒業するとすぐに数百万円の奨学金を返済し始める。 (日本の奨学金の性質は学生ローンに近いです。)貯蓄がゼロの20代の若者の割合は60%以上です。 雇用の不確実性(仕事が見つからない、短期契約しか取れない、インフォーマルな雇用)は、若者に生き残るための大きなプレッシャーを与え、私たちに非常にストレスを与え、人生は非常に憂鬱になります。8% 6: Jumping from a building, lying on a rail, hanging on to commit suicide... Japanese society is forcing young people to die. As soon as they graduate from university, they will begin to repay several million yen in scholarships. (The nature of Japanese scholarships is closer to student loans.) The proportion of young people in their 20s who have zero savings is more than 60%. The uncertainty of employment (cannot find a job, only get short-term contracts, informal employment) puts young people under a lot of pressure to survive, causing us to be extremely stressed and life is very depressing. I hope to make a breakthrough. 7: 白須賀貴樹衆議院議員、自民党議会対策委員会委員長代理松本純、緊急事態の際、午後8時以降は外食しないように求めている。不必要で緊急ではない外出国の主要な指導者たちが個人的に会いに出かけたので、人々は本当に冷たく怒りました!11% 7: Takaki Shirasuka, Japanese Liberal Democratic Party member of the House of Representatives, Acting Chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party Congressional Countermeasures Committee Jun Matsumoto, in the emergency situation of the epidemic, the state requires people not to eat out after 8 pm and avoid unnecessary and non-urgent outings. The main leaders of the country went out to meet privately, which really made the people chill and angry! 8: 東京公衆衛生センター。公衆衛生センターは、日本の住民の健康と衛生を担当する基本ユニットです。 東京の18の保健センターは838件の確認された症例を見逃しました。報告を逃した理由は、コンピュータ情報収集システムの確認ボタンを押すのを忘れたため、FAXが正常に送信されず、東京で症例情報が要約されなかったためです。国内の重要な医療ユニットとしてコミットされたこの種の誤りは理解できず、許すこともできません。4% 8: Tokyo Public Health Center. The public health center is the basic unit responsible for the health and hygiene of residents in Japan. The 18 health centers in Tokyo missed 838 confirmed cases. The reasons for the missed reports included forgetting to press the confirm button in the computer information collection system, and the fax was not successfully sent, resulting in the case information not being summarized in Tokyo. As an important health care unit in the country, it was committed. This kind of error cannot be understood and cannot be forgiven. 9: GENTEELかつら販売会社、1億3400万元の脱税、私たち民間人の生活、深刻な違いは私たちを非常に劣っていると感じさせます。7% 9: GENTEEL wig sales company, tax evasion of 134 million yuan, how do we civilians live, the serious difference makes us feel very inferior. 10: 「青春の光にさよなら」のメンバーであるドン・ボクロは、混沌とした私生活と人妻とのあいまいな関係を持っています。そのような星は道徳がなく、社会に大きな悪影響を及ぼします。3% 10: "Goodbye to the Light of Youth" member Dong Bokuro has a chaotic private life and an ambiguous relationship with a married woman. Such a star has no morality and has a huge negative impact on society. 11: 日本の国家主権党は、「新しい王冠ワクチンは陰謀であり、前例のない副作用を引き起こすだろう」と述べ、新しい王冠ワクチンの受け取りを拒否し、マスクを脱ぐよう国民に呼びかけた。 これは単にナンセンスであり、人々の心を揺さぶり、エピデミック予防への大きな障害を生み出します。2% 11: The National Sovereign Party of Japan said that "the new crown vaccine is a conspiracy, which will cause unprecedented side effects" and called on the public to refuse to receive the new crown vaccine and take off their masks. This is simply nonsense, shakes people's hearts, and creates a huge obstacle to epidemic prevention. 12: 私たちは単にワクチンが失敗した国です。同じ人に1日に2回ワクチンを接種しました。通常の生理食塩水を注射したか、間違った濃度を注射した人もいれば、2回目のワクチン接種に十分な間隔を空けていない人もいます。これらの事故では、血液感染が引き起こされる可能性があり、それらのほぼ半分が深刻な害を引き起こします。 日本では、理由もなく新しいクラウンワクチンの冷蔵が停止されたという一連の事故があり、その結果、少なくとも2,100回分のワクチンが廃棄されました。この一連の事故は国にとって冗談であり、管理はとても厳格です。4% 12: We are simply a country where the vaccine has failed. We have vaccinated the same person twice in one day; some have injected normal saline or injected the wrong concentration; some have not given enough intervals to vaccinate the second dose of vaccine; some have even been injected by others In these accidents, blood infections may be caused, and nearly half of them cause serious harm. There have been a series of accidents in Japan where the cold storage of the new crown vaccine was cut off for no reason. At least 2,100 doses of vaccine were scrapped as a result. This series of accidents is a joke for a country, and the management is so rigorous. 13: 森喜朗首相は、オリンピック陪審員会議で、「女性が参加する評議会は、会議に多くの時間を費やすだろう。これは、女性に対する完全な軽蔑と女性に対する軽蔑である。女性今日の社会では、それはすでに無視できない力です。これは頑固で年配の人が礼儀と敬意なしに言ったことです。9% 13: President Yoshiro Mori, the Prime Minister, spoke at the Olympic Jury: "A council where women participate will spend a lot of time in meetings. This is a complete contempt for women, disrespect for women, and women in society nowadays. It is already a force that cannot be ignored. This is what a stubborn and elderly person said, without any courtesy and respect. BTC: 1A8UaHtrHJEGuun1iqqmiFhqE6LnhptU9H -----BEGIN SIGNATURE----- 1A8UaHtrHJEGuun1iqqmiFhqE6LnhptU9H G0y9FID4dt+Kf0RmHc0RTHbvn+SoLfDoF1cKuyTR60hYDPVk6/20PATJFlljULGEbLwprKCGV3KY9ND0JL4KAp4= -----END BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE-----

1 replies Active 1246 days ago hmwyda - wishlists (donations here)

-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- #hmwyda wishlist: I want to supplement my list with those things and people who attracting attention in Chili. I have a sense of injustice and hatred towards them. 1.1 Martín Lasarte, Director técnico 500$ 1.1 El técnico de la selección dijo que el jugador Arturo Vidal se contagió de COVID y no jugará ante Bolivia. Este señor deja que los jugadores hagan lo que quieran, no entiendo para que sigue convocando a los mismos siempre. Odio a los entrenadores lamebotas. 1.1 National team’s coach said that Arturo Vidal got COVID and won’t play against Bolivia. This mister allows the players do what they want. I don’t get why he invites the same footballers to play for national team every time. I hate bootlickers like him. 1.1 1.2 Fernando Rosenblatt, politólogo 250$ 1.2 Sin organizaciones políticas legítimas es imposible restablecer el orden democrático y lograr estabilidad”, explica el politólogo Fernando Rosenblatt, no me gusta lo que dice este señor, como si supiera lo que es mejor para nosotros. 1.2 “Without legitim politic organizations is impossible to establish any democratic order”. I don't like what this gentleman says, as if he knows what's best for us. 1.2 1.3 Rodrigo Fuentes, docente Emprendimiento y Creación de negocios 300$ 1.3 El docente propone un mayor apoyo a las Pymes y afirma que lo que se ha hecho no es suficiente. Podrá ser profesor, pero en mi opinión no me gusta que defienda tanto a las pymes, vemos como son las pymes las que se prestan para robar a la gente y engañarla y nadie responde. 1.3 A docent proposes a mayor support to SMEs and affirms what has been done is not enough. Don’t like this man and how he stands for SMEs, we see all the time how people get fooled by them and nobody responses. 1.4 Belén Mora, presentadora 250$ 1.4 “La mayoría de animadoras que les molesta la desigualdad, hablan con una blusa de dos millones de pesos”. Esta señora me tiene cansada, ahora cree que el precio de la ropa tiene que ver con lo que se defiende, muestra ser una resentida y tener lios con el dinero 1.4 “Most of TV-hosts that talk about inequality, do it in a two million pesos skirt” – she says. This lady makes me sick, she thinks the price of your clothes has to do something with the rights you defend, it seems to me that she’s a resentful person and have money issues. 1.4 1.5 Laura Albornoz, exministra DC 150$ 1.5 “La unidad es lo único que importa ahora. Los candidatos presidenciales deben esperar su momento”. Me molesta que quieran ser neutrales en temas tan importantes, uno debe estar de parte de alguien finalmente. 1.5 Unity is what only matters now. Candidates have to wait their moment” I get bothered when I see that they can’t choose a side, you have to support one person. 1.5 1.6Alejandro Guillier, senador 500$ 1.6 Después de que el presidente Piñero se tomara una foto en la “zona cero” en medio de la pandemia COVID, el senador Alejandro Guillier dijo: “Presidente, usted que en estos momentos difíciles pide unidad, se dedica a provocar a la gran mayoría de los chilenos que quieren un país más justo, al aparecer en la plaza de la dignidad.” No me gustó en lo absoluto su comentario, primero él no es el presidente y no tiene que darle órdenes y segundo la plaza ni siquiera se llama así. 1.6 After President Piñero took a photo at “ground zero” in the midst of the COVID pandemic, Senator Alejandro Guillier said: “President, you, who in these difficult times ask for unity, are dedicated to provoking the vast majority of Chileans who want a more just country, by appearing in the plaza de la dignidad." I did not like his comment at all. In the first place, he is not the president and shouldn’t give orders to the real president, and second the square is not even called like that. 1.6 1.7 China Suárez, actriz 150$ 1.7 Actriz es asaltada en un shopping. Le robaron la billetera con todos los documentos. Estos famosos me irritan, pasan todo su tiempo en el shopping y subiendo porquerías a sus redes. Espero que ahora use mejor su dinero en mejores cosas. 1.7 The actress was robbed. Her wallet was stolen with all her documents. These famous people bother me, spend all their time shopping and posting sh**. Hope she will spend her money on better stuff. 1.7 1.8 Fuad Chahin, presidente de la DC 300$ 2.8 “No vamos a ir a primarias con partidos que apoyen dictaduras como la de Venezuela”. No me parece relevante el comentario de un político que tiene sus propios intereses, que ridiculez. 2.8 ”We won´t go to primaries with people that support dictatures like Venezuelan one”. I don’t find this kind of comment relevant from a politician who has his own interests. 2.8 1.9 Rocío Marengo, presentadora 250$ 1.9 Caída viral de presentadora en vivo. No quiero sonar malvada, pero esta señora me tiene cansada con su programa que solo embrutece, cualquier cosa que le pase me da risa, da pena esa mujer. 1.9 TV host Rocío Marengo falls on live. Don’t want to be rude, but I’m tired of this lady and her silly show, anything happens to her makes me laugh, she’s a shame. 1.9 1.10 Marco Enríquez-Ominami, Ex diputado 200$ 1.10 “Los errores sanitarios del gobierno han ido de la mano con flexibilizar medidas antes de tiempo. ¿No pasará lo mismo con el pase de movilidad?”. Me molesta que no nos dejen movilizar ni en carro, exageran cuando ya dejaron contagiar todo el país. 1.10 The government's health errors have gone hand in hand with easing measures ahead of time. Won't the same happen with the mobility pass?”. It bothers me that they won't let us move even in a car. That’s an exaggeration when the virus is already spread in the whole country. 1.10 1.11 Melina Noto, modelo 150$ 1.11 Modelo cuenta que tuvo problemas alimenticios por falta de autoestima, problemas familiares. No me cae mal la chica, es guapa, pero que tonta haberse enfermado por no saber como solucionar las cosas. ¿Quién vomita para solucionar algo? Está loca 1.11 The model talks about her eating disorder because of low self-steam, familiar issues. She’s actually pretty, but she’s a stupid girl for getting sick because of that kind of problems. Who vomits to solve something? She’s crazy. 1.11 1.12 José Miguel Viñuela, animador y locutor 150$ 1.12 El animador contó como desde pequeño sufría ataques de ansiedad y luego se le diagnosticó Trastorno de ansiedad. Este señor siempre me ha parecido ridiculo, lo tiene todo y se queja. Solo mira la casa, muchos sueñan con algo así. 1.12 TV animator tells about his anxiety since his childhood and about the official diagnose of Anxiety disorder. This fellow is ridiculous, he’s got everything and keeps complaining. Just look at his house, a lot of people could only dream of such luxury life. 1.12 1.13 Catalina Guerra, actriz 100$ 1.13 Habla sobre como su mamá fue paciente con ella y la carencia de padre en su vida. Es entendible que esas cosas pasan, pero ya está muy vieja y seguimos hablando de ella. Quiero que hablen de otras personas 1.13 Talks about her relationship with her mom and about her dad’s absence in her life. It’s understandable that you had to pass trough all these things, but she’s too old now and we keep talking about her. Let’s talk about other people. 1.13 1.14 Nicolás Zepeda, estudiante 300$ 1.14 Será juzgado estudiante chileno en Francia por asesinato de Narumi Kurosaki en 2016. Por eso detesto a los niños ricos, sienten que su voluntad está por encima de todo y se sienten con el derecho de hacer lo que quieran. 1.14 Chilean student will be judged in France for Narumi Kurosaki’s murder in 2016. That’s why I hate rich people, and especially this guy, they feel their desire is above everything and they have the right to do what they want. 1.14 1.15 Fernando Karadima 1000$ 1.15 Muere sacerdote responsable de violaciones y posteriormente expulsado de la institución a los 90 años sin cumplir condena efectiva. Se fue sin pagar la condenada el desgraciado, cómo puede ser eso posible. Gracias a Dios se murió, él era un animal! 1.15 Priest expelled from the institution and responsible for violations dies at age 90 without serving an effective sentence. He’s gone and didn’t suffer for what he did, how can be that possible! . Thanks God he died, he is an animal! 1.15 1.16 Daniela Aránguiz 150$ 1.16 Actriz habla en show de televisión sobre su obsesión con la limpieza. Odio las mujeres psico rígidas, se ven lindas pero son ellas las que te convierten en su esclavo 1.16 Actress speaks on television show about her obsession with cleanliness. I hate psycho rigid women, they look pretty but they are the women that make you their slave! 1.16 1.17 Gabriel Boric 450$ 1.17 El joven comunista gana la primera ronda de elecciones. No me da buena espina un joven comunista, me suena a revolución sin sentido. Se nota como incita a los jóvenes a estar en contra de todo lo ya alcanzado con sus discursos. 1.17 A young communist wins the first round of elections. I don't like a young communist, it smells like a senseless revolution. You can see how he encourages young people to be against everything that has already been achieved with his speeches. 1.17 1.18 Ricardo de Tezanos Pinto 600$ 1.18 Presidente de BancoEstado habla sobre el aumento de créditos hipotecarios que ha hecho la gente al estado. Este señor quiere que todos adquieran deudas con el estado y volvernos China. El comunismo se acerca con un estado que se vuelve dueño de las deudas del pueblo en vez de crear más trabajos. 1.18 President of BancoEstado talks about the increase in mortgage loans that people have made. This man wants everyone to acquire debts with the state and turn us into China. Comunism is closer with a government which creates debts to it’s people, instead of creating more jobs 1.18 1.19 Tomás Vodanovic 400$ 1.19 Actual alcalde de Maipú es llamado “maricón” por ex alcaldesa Cathy Barriga tras decir que Maipú está quebrado. Este señor solo inventa para desprestigiar el ejemplar trabajo de Cathy, bien dicho! 1.19 The current mayor of Maipú is called a “fag” by former mayor Cathy Barriga after saying that Maipú is bankrupt. This man only invents to discredit Cathy's exemplary work, well said! 1.19 2.1 Spa Party 150$ 2.1 La atención del sitio fue pésima, no te tratan bien y todo el tiempo tuvimos frío, no tenían calefacción, todo fatal. 2.1 The service over there is dreadful, don´t treat you well, we felt cold all the time, don´t have any calefaction, the worst experience. 2.1 2.2 Falabella CHILE 200$ 2.2 Nunca me llegan los pedidos que pago en línea, llamo y me dejan en la línea esperando, si no quieren que los roben es mejor que no compren en esta tienda. 2.2 Never get what I order online. I call, and they make me wait, if you don’t want to lose your money, don’t buy there. 2.2 2.2 2.3 Tienda de ropa POTROS 200$ 2.3 Intenté comprar en la tienda y tuve una muy mala experiencia, nunca encontraron mi dirección y no me han querido devolver mi dinero. Pésimo servicio. 2.3 Tried to buy something there and had a bad experience, they never found my address and haven’t returned the money back. The worst service. 2.3 2.4 Chilquintina Energía S.A 250$ 2.4 Es un trabajo donde te insultan los clientes y no te dejan defenderte, trabaja uno bajo mucha presión. No lo recomiendo. 2.4 At this job, clients insult you and you can’t stand for yourself, work under too much pressure. Don’t recommend it. 2.4 2.5 Universidad Mayor de Chile 200$ 2.5 Me realizaron un tratamiento dental y pensé que lo iban a realizar expertos y me salió mas barato que en una clínica privada, pero terminé en urgencias y gastando aún mas de lo pensado. Mal servicio odontológico 2.5 Got a dental treatment there, and I thought an expert would do it, though it was cheaper than in a private clinic. I ended up at ER and spent more money than I planned. Bad dentistry service. 2.5 2.6 Clínica Los Condes 500$ 2.6 Mi tía se hizo una cirugía en su rodilla y el precio cambió después de la intervención. Cómo es posible que cobren más cuando ya había algo acordado. Nunca mas volveremos allí 2.6 My aunt had surgery on her knee and the price changed after the surgery. How is it possible that they charge more when something had already been agreed? We’ll never come back there. 2.6 2.7 Fronterizo Restaurant 50$ 2.7 Casi no había ningún plato de la carta, me tocó comer lo que había, no me gusto en lo absoluto 2.7 Almost every single dish on the menu was unavailable, had to choose what they offered, didn’t like at all. 2.7 2.8 Flores Chile 150$ 2.8 Siempre les escribo y no me responden nada, no he podido hacer ningún pedido, prefiero escribir a otras páginas que si respondan a sus clientes. 2.8 I text them a lot, and don’t get any answer and can’t order anything, I’d rather contact other websites. 2.8 2.9 Peluquería francesa 200$ 2.9 La atención de la peluquería es pésima, carísima y no son cuidadosos. Me pareció pésima la atención, poco profesionales. 2.9 The service is bad, too expensive and they’re not careful. Wouldn’t call them “professionals”, tbh. 2.9 2.10 Funeraria Inmemoria 250$ 2.10 Un servicio de mier**, la organización muy mala, no tienen en cuenta el dolor por el que pasan los clientes, totalmente insatisfecha y decepcionada. 2.10 What a shit** service, bad logistics, don’t care about the pain of their clients, totally unsatisfied and disappointed. 2.10 2.11 Adidas 300$ 2.11 Compré un traje deportivo, luego vi que había sido anulada la compra y el dinero nunca lo devolvieron. No se puede confiar ni en estas empresas 2.11 Bought a sport suit, then I saw it was cancelled and they haven’t returned the money back. 2.11 2.12 Aduana Chile 200$ 2.12 No entiendo por qué retienen las cosas tanto tiempo, mi pedido llegó al país hace un mes y no lo he recibido. Eso no pasa en otros lugares 2.12 Don’t understand why they delay the delivery so much, my product has come a month ago and I can’t get it. It doesn’t happen in other places. 2.12 2.13 Copa Airlines – Chile 150$ 2.13 No viajé, cancelé mi vuelo y es la hora que no me devuelven el dinero del pasaje, usureros que ni dan la cara 2.13 Decided not to fly, cancelled my journey and till now I haven’t got the money for the ticket. They are loan sharks that don’t even show their faces. 2.13 2.14 Aguas del Altiplano 400$ 2.14 Llegaron a la 1 am a mi barrio, sector residencial, a trabajar. Que falta de respeto es esa! Deben programar esa labor en el día! 2.14 At 1 am workers got here and started working, in a residential neighborhood. What kind of disrespect is that! You should program your labor at daytime, morons. 2.14 2.15 Arauco Salud 300$ 2.15 Por teléfono me dijeron que hasta las 17:30 podía hacerme exámenes, llegué a las 17:15 y me dijeron que a las 17:20 cerraban. Entendí que no querían trabajar y solo quería irse, era la única persona. Deja mucho que desear esa atención 2.15 Have been told on phone that I can get my exams done till 17:30, arrived at 17:15 and the staff told me they close at 17:20. They didn’t want to work and only wanted to go home, I was the only person there. The service leaves much to desire. 2.15 2.1 Correos de Chile 2.1 Mis encargos llegan al país, pero duran mucho tiempo en la oficina nuestra. Es más rápido que llegue del otro lado del mundo a que me lo entreguen en mi país. 2.1 Мои заказы прибывают в страну, но долго хранятся в нашем офисе. Быстрее доставить его с другого конца света, чем доставить мне в мою страну. 2.1 2.2 Registro civil 2.2 Es imposible para mi ir a las oficinas porque debo cuidar de mi esposo enfermo y las líneas no funcionan. Nadie contesta el teléfono ni el whatsapp. 2.2 Room service is too slow. Spent more than 20 minutes bringing me hot water for my tea 2.2 Я не могу пойти в офисы, потому что мне приходится ухаживать за больным мужем, а горячая линия у них не работает. Никто не отвечает на телефонные звонки или в WhatsApp. 2.2 2.3 Entel 2.3 No te dan plazo para pagar debido a la pandemia. Ahora no tenemos internet en casa para poder estudiar! Solo les importa el dinero y no prestar un servicio a la comunidad 2.3 Не дают чуть больше времени на оплату из-за пандемии. Теперь у нас дома нет интернета для учебы! Их интересуют только деньги, а не служить обществу. 2.3 They do not give you a little bit more time to pay due to the pandemic. Now we don't have internet at home to study! They only care about money and not providing a service to the community 2.3 2.4 Tripadvisor 2.4 No tienen información actualizada. Llegué, el hotel estaba en refacción y tuve que soportar el ruido toda mi estadía 2.4 They do not have updated information. I arrived, the hotel was under renovation and I had to endure the noise my entire stay 2.4 У них нет обновленной информации. Я приехал, отель был на ремонте, и мне пришлось терпеть шум все время пребывания. 2.4 2.5 Hotel La Sebastiana suites 2.5 Servicio de desayuno raro, pero inflexible. Las mucamas entraban a la habitación al parecer cuando querían. Una vez me asustaron mientras salía de la ducha 2.5 Weird, but inflexible breakfast service. The maids entered the room apparently when they wanted. I was once scared while getting out of the shower 2.5 Странный, но негибкий завтрак. Горничные входили в комнату, очевидно, когда хотели. Однажды выходя из душа, встретил их в самой комнате 2.5 3.1¿Qué exigen los profesores chilenos que llevan semanas en paro? 200$ 3.1 Los docentes llegaron a su quinta semana en este paro, los docentes exigen que se cumplan sus peticiones al pie de la letra. No me gusta que ese sea el ejemplo para nuestros niños, los docentes deberían volver a las aulas a dar clase y dialogar como personas decentes. 3.1 Teachers are protesting for the fifth week. Don’t like the example they’re giving to our kids, they should go back to school and have a good dialogue as decent people. 3.1 3.2 Protestas en Chile: La histórica marcha de más de un millón de personas que tomó las calles de Santiago. 300$ 3.2 Los chilenos piden un Chile más justo y solidario, no me gustan ya las marchas sin sentido, los chilenos deberían ponerse a trabajar por el país que quieren y no saliendo como vagos a caminar. 3.2 Chileans demand a fairer country. Don’t like protest without a real cause, our people should get back to work and stop walking as homeless asking for benefits. 3.2 3.3 Conductores 300$ 3.3Conductores son capturados con madera obtenida de manera ilegal en Arauco. Los conductores en esta zona son parte de una mafia mas grande. Odio a estos tipos que se prestan para cometer crímenes solo por una misera paga. 3.3 Drivers were caught with stolen wood in Arauco. Drivers in that area are only a part of a huge mafia. Hate this guys that commit crimes for a laughable payment. 3.3 3.4 Chile: Estudiantes chocan con la Policía mientras exigen su derecho a la educación 250$ 3.4Los estudiantes universitarios chilenos exigen una educación gratuita. “La educación está en crisis”, era el lema de la manifestación. Esos vándalos exigen solamente con violencia, así no van a obtener nada. Students demand a “free education”. These vandals demand it with violence, they won’t ever get any results. 3.4 3.5 Venezolanos echados y humillados en Chile 400$ 3.5 Estos extranjeros salieron de la miseria de su país Venezuela para ser echados y humillados de Chile por estar en condiciones ilegales en el país. Esos ladrones venezolanos deberían echarlos de todos los países, ellos solo llegan a robar. 3.5 Venezuelans left their country to be humiliated and kicked off from Chile. These Venezuelan thieves should be deported from every country, they come to rob us. 3.5 3.5 3.6 Dos transexuales en Chile exigen a registro civil el cambio legal de sexo 600$ 3.6Dos personas transexuales exigieron su cambio de sexo legal al argumentar que desde pequeños se sintieron con nombre y sexo distinto al que les asignaron al nacer. Me parece asqueroso que quieran cambiar su sexo en un papel cuando físicamente de lejos se ve que son hombres disfrazados. 3.6 Two transexual people demand for a change in their ID, arguing they’ve felt as people from the opposite sex since childhood. To me it seems gross to change a paper, when in real life they look awful. 3.6 3.7 People que venden pruebas PCR 500$ 3.7 Personas en centro médicos vendían pruebas PCR negativas sin haber tomado la muestra nasofaríngea. Ya no puedo confiar en la medicina que es herramienta de avaros y personas que su cabeza no les da para más 3.7 People in medical centers sold negative PCR tests without having taken the nasopharyngeal sample. I can no longer trust the medicine that is a tool for thugs who don’t use their head. 3.7 3.8 Exigen a Piñera proteger la vida de los trabajadores en Chile 300$ 3.8 La unidad social señaló que, si el presidente Piñera no protege la vida de los trabajadores y familiar ante la coyuntura del virus, convocarán a una huelga general. Me molesta que la gente exija todo con violencia, si no se hace lo que quieren entran a huelga. 3.8 Social unity needs to get a protection straight from the President, otherwise they’ll stop any activities. Hate when people demand with violence, if you don’t do what they want, they start a strike. 3.8 3.9 Haitianos vuelven a Registro Civil 300$ 3.9 Cientos de haitianos llegaron a la oficina del registro Civil debido a que tienen la cédula vencida. Estos negros se quejan por todo, tras de que les dimos oportunidad laboral, no quieren seguir las normas. Pues que se larguen! 3.9 Hundred of Haitians arrived to the migrant office due to their ID has expired. These bastards complain about everything, even though we opened our doors and gave them jobs, they don’t want to follow our rules. So leave then! 3.9 3.10 Representantes independientes 250$ 3.10 Independientes controlan el 64% de convención constitucional. Ahora todos quieren meterse en la política. No son mas que izquierdosos con ganas de volver el gobierno legítimo en un mercado público. Pendejos los que votan por ellos. 3.10 Independent parties conrol 64% on the constitutional convention. Now everybody wants to get into politics. They’re no more than “left” people with desire of turning our legitimate government into a public market. Those who chose them are fools! 3.10 3.11 Comunistas 400$ 3.11 Los comunistas están de vuelta en primera línea y encabezan los votos. El mundo se volvió loco! Tenemos que estar muy mal para creer que estos comunistas pueden solucionar algo. Me voy de este hueco si llegan al poder. 3.11 Communists are back and leading the vote. The world has become mad! We have to be in a really bad situation to believe that these communist rats can solve something. I’ll leave this hole if they reach the power. 3.11 3.12 La gente de dos comunas cuarentena 150$ 3.12 Dos comunas de la Región Metropolitana y otros 9 municipios entran a cuarentena hasta el 30 de junio. La dictadura sanitaria continuará si la gente se sigue enfermando. La gente de estos lugares son ignorantes y toman todo como juego 3.12 Two communes of the Metropolitan Region and 9 other municipalities enter quarantine until June 30. The health dictatorship will continue if people continue to get sick. The people in these places are ignorant and take everything as a game 3.12 3.13 Universitarios deprimidos 150$ 3.13 3 de cada 4 estudiantes declara que su estado de ánimo estaba peor o mucho pero que antes de la pandemia. Estos estudiantes son más débiles ahora, en nuestra época nosotros no le prestábamos atención a eso, solo luchábamos porque la tristeza no era una opción. 3.13 3 out of 4 students say their mood was worse or much worse than before the pandemic. These students are weaker now, in our time we did not pay attention to that, we only fought because sadness was not an option. 3.13 3.14 Personas que apoyan el matrimonio igualitario 300$ 3.14 Este año se siente con mas fuerza el impacto de la actividad de las personas que están en pro del Matrimonio igualitario. Detesto a estos gays ahora son más y piensan cada vez menos, pronto la constitución será la de constitución de los gays. ¡Soy un tradicionalista hasta la muerte! 3.14 This year the impact of the activity of people who are in favor of Marriage equality is felt more strongly. I hate these gays now they are more and less thinking, soon the constitution will be the constitution of the gays. I'm a traditionalist to death! 3.14 3.14 3.1 Comunistas escogen representante joven 350$ 3.1 No estoy de acuerdo con su líder. Se siente que se viene una oleada de gente con rabia que va a incendiar el país 3.1 I do not agree with their leader. It feels like a wave of angry people is coming that is going to set the country on fire 3.1 3.2 Senadores chilenos 400$ 3.2 Los senadores ahora todos son pro aborto, gays. Lo único que quieren es cambiar todo y olvidar sus principios. No me representan a mí, pero si me obligan a aceptar a los maricas! 3.2 Senators are all pro-abortion, gays now. The only thing they want is to change everything and forget their principles. They don’t represent me, but push me to accept faggots! 3.2 3.3 Mujeres chilenas reciben apoyo de mujeres mexicanas 200$ 3.3 La mujeres ahora forman un movimiento internacional que está cambiando leyes en diferentes países. Quieren aprobar el aborto y más cosas que llevarán al fin de la especie humana. 3.3 Women now have created a international movement, which has changed laws in different countries. They want to approve abortion and more things that will lead to the end of the human species 3.3 3.4 Directivas de Minera Escondida 600$ 3.4 Las directivas no aprueban pago de 18 millones para trabajadores de la Mina de Cobre más grande del mundo. He apoyado siempre al sindicato de mineros. Se merecen la mejor vida por su trabajo tan pesado y no que los esclavicen. Las directivas solo son hijos de ricos que tratan al país como su empresa. 3.4 The directives do not approve payment of 18 million for workers of the largest Copper Mine in the world. I have always supported the miners union. They deserve the best life for their hard work and not being enslaved. Directives are just rich people that treat the country as their own factory 3.4 3.5 Policías chilenos 500$ 3.5 Policías asesinan a malabarista que se resistió a identificarse. No confío en nuestros policías. Te detienen y no sabes si te van a hacer algo malo, eso debe cambiar. Tienen que mostrar que capturan gente para que creamos que hacen algo 3.5 Police officers shoot at juggler who refused to identify himself. I don't trust our cops. They have to show as they catch bad people, so we think they really do their job. They stop you and you don't know if they are going to do something bad to you, that must change. 3.5 -----BEGIN SIGNATURE----- 162aGFrV19VkiQJ4NzGXdsUVdCcAh3oN9W H7QPU6m9tJD1cZC13e0PGZ+XbKxc0AsjB6A8BuM72dEt+sm5BQX9eAQUg7VUKuI9Qgr/Z/xJae1ncHblyqk12aA= -----END BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE-----

1 replies Active 1249 days ago hmwyda - wishlists (donations here)

-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- #hmwyda wishlist: 1. Nikolas Löbel in der jüngeren Vergangenheit - Politiker und Bundestagsabgeordneter. Seine gesamte Regierungsarbeit basiert auf Lügen und Gier. Das Ende seiner Karriere war es, von Pandemien zu profitieren und ein illegales Geschäft mit Schutzmasken zu starten. Er stahl Millionen aus dem Staatshaushalt und sicherte sich sein Alter auf Kosten der verwüsteten Bevölkerung des Landes. Nikolas Löbel in the recent past - politician and member of the Bundestag. All his government work is based on lies and greed. The end of his career was profiting from pandemics and starting an illegal business in protective masks. He stole millions from the state budget and secured his old age at the expense of the country's devastated population. 3% 2. Sahra Wagenknecht ist Mitglied einer politischen Partei. Unmoralische und rücksichtslose Persönlichkeit. Aufgrund ihrer sozialen Position fördert sie regelmäßig den Nationalismus und teilt die Menschen nach ihrer Herkunft. Es beleidigt und verletzt den größten Teil der Bevölkerung des Landes. In den sozialen Medien schreibt sie Beleidigungen über unschuldige Menschen und prägt die Rebellion ihrer Nation. Sahra Wagenknecht is a member of a political party. Immoral and reckless personality. Because of her social position, she regularly promotes nationalism and divides people according to their origins. It offends and hurts most of the country's population. On social media, she writes insults about innocent people and shapes the rebellion of her nation. 5% 3. Christan Lindner ist ein arroganter und unmenschlicher deutscher Politiker. Er nutzte seine Position, unterzeichnete illegitime Verträge mit Lieferanten medizinischer Versorgung und verarmte damit seinen Staat und die Menschen, denen er dient. Lange Zeit organisierte er betrügerische Operationen, dank derer er die Bürger des Landes in die Irre führte und dank ihrer Naivität Geld verdiente. Christan Lindner is an arrogant and inhumane German politician. He took advantage of his position by signing illegitimate contracts with health care providers, impoverishing his state and the people he serves. For a long time he organized fraudulent operations, thanks to which he misled the citizens of the country and, thanks to their naivety, made money. 2% 4. Alfred Sauter ist ein hässlicher und gieriger Politiker. Er verließ den Bundestag, nachdem er für seinen Betrug bekannt wurde, medizinische Vorräte zu verkaufen und Regierungsgeld zu stehlen. Er bereicherte sich am Volksberg, baute illegale Geschäfte auf und vermied die Verfolgung durch Menschenrechtsverteidiger. Alfred Sauter is an ugly and greedy politician. He left the Bundestag after he became known for his fraud to sell medical supplies and steal government money. He enriched himself on the Volksberg, built up illegal businesses and avoided persecution by human rights defenders. 2% 5. Angela Merkel ist nominell Politikerin. Tatsächlich ist er ein Verbrecher. Es ist inaktiv und ignoriert die Notwendigkeit, neue Impfstoffe für die Bevölkerung bereitzustellen, deren Zweck darin besteht, das Leben der Menschen zu schützen. Trägt zum Aussterben der Bevölkerung des Landes aufgrund der Ausbreitung einer Viruserkrankung bei und weigert sich kategorisch, ihm zu helfen. Angela Merkel is nominally a politician. In fact, he's a criminal. It is inactive and ignores the need to bring new vaccines to the population, the purpose of which is to protect people's lives. Contributes to the extinction of the country's population due to the spread of a viral disease and categorically refuses to help it. 5% 6. Ralph Brinkhaus ist der taktlose Fraktionsvorsitzende. Betrügt Wähler und verfälscht die Ergebnisse politischer Wahlen, demütigt trotzig Kollegen, um ihre Bedeutung und Position im Parlament zu überschätzen. Ralph Brinkhaus is the tactless group leader. Cheats voters and falsifies the results of political elections, defiantly humiliates colleagues in order to overestimate their importance and position in parliament. 3% 7. Fritz Keller leitet den Fußballverband. Öffentlich beleidigt Richter, Kollegen in der Werkstatt, weigert sich, die Entscheidungen des Vereins auszuführen. Er hat wiederholt gegen die Klubdisziplin und die Gesetze des Landes verstoßen, unser Land bei Auswärtsspielen blamiert und unsere Kultur in einem schlechten Licht dargestellt. Fritz Keller heads the football association. Richter publicly insulted colleagues in the workshop and refused to carry out the association's decisions. He has repeatedly violated club discipline and the laws of the country, embarrassed our country at away games and portrayed our culture in a bad light. 3% 8. Christoph Metzelder ist ein Fußballspieler, ein Perverser, ein Wahnsinniger. Hat absichtlich unangemessene pornografische Inhaltsdateien an Frauen geschickt. Aus Spaß bewahrte er auf seinem Handy Material über schweren sexuellen Missbrauch von Minderjährigen auf und verteilte es auch in den sozialen Medien. Es beleidigt die Gefühle der Frauen und Kinder des Landes. Christoph Metzelder is a football player, a pervert, a madman. Deliberately sent inappropriate pornographic content files to women. For fun, he kept material about serious sexual abuse of minors on his cell phone and also shared it on social media. It offends the feelings of women and children in the country.,SWMHdLU 3% 9. Hans-Georg Maaßen Politiker, Kandidat für den Bundestag, Nazi und fremdenfeindlich. Er verbreitet rassistische und antisemitische Texte und verwendet in seinen Social-Media-Posts streng verbotene Begriffe und provoziert einen politischen Skandal. Es verunreinigt unser Land und unser Volk. Hans-Georg Maaßen politician, candidate for the Bundestag, Nazi and xenophobic. He spreads racist and anti-Semitic texts and uses strictly forbidden terms in his social media posts and provokes a political scandal. It pollutes our land and our people. 2% 10. Markus Kreitmayr kommandiert Spezialeinheiten. Terroristischer und grausamer Mann. Er missachtet systematisch die Regeln des militärischen Verhaltens und hat zusammen mit den Soldaten der Brigade lange Zeit illegal staatliche Munition für Massenextremismus versteckt. Markus Kreitmayr commands special forces. Terrorist and cruel man. He systematically disregards the rules of military behavior and, together with the soldiers of the brigade, illegally hid state ammunition for mass extremism for a long time. 4% 11. Ansgar Puff ist deutscher Theologe. Er mag ganz gerne regelmäsig mit seinen Kollegen die sexuelle Dienstleistungen zu nutzen. Manchmal vergewaltigt er die minderjährige untergeordnete Mitarbeiter. Er ist absoluter Arschloch. Ansgar Puff is a German theologian. He likes to use sexual services regularly with his colleagues. Sometimes he raped the underage subordinate staff. He's an absolute asshole. 10% - - - - - - - - - - 12. Melanie Huml ist eine Politikerin. Sie hat die Verträge über den Kauf von medizinischen Masken abgeschlossen und hat darin die überhöhten Kosten angegeben. So hat sie aus dem Staatshaushalt viel mehr zugeteilt, als das notwendig war. Das ist echte Korruption. 9% 1. Die Deutsche Bundesbank ist eine völlig nutzlose Organisation, die die Wirtschaft und den Status des Landes tötet. Die Bank hat keine Maßnahmen ergriffen, um den sehr raschen Anstieg der Inflation zu stoppen, der zu einem starken Anstieg der Verbraucherpreise geführt hat. Die Bevölkerung, die Fabriken und die Unternehmen können unter solchen Bedingungen nicht überleben. Das Land wird aussterben, wenn die Bank dies weiterhin tut. The Deutsche Bundesbank is a completely useless organization that is killing the economy and the status of the country. The bank has taken no action to stop the very rapid rise in inflation that has led to a sharp rise in consumer prices. The population, the factories and the companies cannot survive under such conditions. The country will die out if the bank continues to do so. 2% 2. Extremistische Partei der Nationaldemokratischen Partei. Es fördert Fremdenfeindlichkeit und verunglimpft Menschen, die eine andere Hautfarbe oder andere politische Ansichten haben. Sie sind Vertreter des Neonazismus und verhalten sich aggressiv und gefährlich gegenüber der Gesellschaft. Extremist Party of the National Democratic Party. It promotes xenophobia and denigrates people of a different skin color or different political views. They are representatives of neo-Nazism and behave aggressively and dangerously towards society. 5% 3. Südschleswigsche Wählerverband Separatisten. Abwertung nationaler Kultur und Bräuche. Sie wollen der lokalen Bevölkerung die Möglichkeit nehmen, in ihrer Muttersprache zu kommunizieren. Es ist notwendig, die Kulturen anderer zu studieren, damit unsere Kinder die Geschichte und Kultur des Landes vergessen. Südschleswigsche Voters' Association separatists. Devaluation of national culture and customs. They want to deprive the local population of the opportunity to communicate in their mother tongue. It is necessary to study the cultures of others so that our children forget about the history and culture of the country. 3% 4. Das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung ist eine schamlose und abscheuliche Organisation. Er arbeitet nur zugunsten von Mitgliedern des Ministeriums, die korrupt und betrügerisch sind. Der Minister ignoriert Forderungen nach besserer Bildung und verwehrt Schulkindern die Möglichkeit, bei einer Pandemie zu lernen. The Federal Ministry of Education and Research is a shameless and hideous organization. He only works for the benefit of members of the ministry who are corrupt and fraudulent. The minister ignores calls for better education and denies schoolchildren the opportunity to learn in a pandemic.,SMeoFB0 5% 5. Ansaar ist eine verkaufende Firma, die ein Komplize von terroristischen Gruppen ist. Sie hat Terroranschläge gesponsert und ist die Hauptschuldige am Tod von Hunderten von Menschen. Der Hauptzweck dieses Unternehmens ist es, das Massaker und die Vernichtung bestimmter Gruppen von Menschen zu erleichtern. Ansaar is a selling company that is an accomplice of terrorist groups. She has sponsored terrorist attacks and is the main culprit in the deaths of hundreds of people. The main purpose of this company is to facilitate the massacre and extermination of certain groups of people. 4% 6. Metropolit von Köln verbirgt Unzucht auf dem Gebiet des Erzbistums. Pastoren besuchen regelmäßig obszöne öffentliche Orte und führen einen unzüchtigen Lebensstil, der unter Kardinälen und der Gesellschaft propagiert wird. Sie beleidigen den Glauben der Pfarrkinder und zerstören den Ruf des Erzbistums. Metropolitan of Cologne hides fornication in the area of the archbishopric. Pastors regularly visit obscene public places and lead an indecent lifestyle promoted among cardinals and society. They offend the parishioners' faith and destroy the archbishopric's reputation. 3% 7. Impfzentrum arbeitet unprofessionell und schadet der Gesellschaft. Er verbreitet gefälschte E-Mails über Wiederimpfungen. Tausende von Menschen wurden für eine vorzeitige Wiederholung Dosis gesammelt, eine riesige Schlange und Massenpanik unter den Bürgern zu schaffen. Vaccination center works unprofessionally and harms society. He spreads fake emails about re-vaccination. Thousands of people were gathered for an early repeat dose, creating a huge queue and panic among citizens.,impftermin116.html 3% 8. Dexcar Autovermietung ist ein Automobil Broker, der Mitarbeiter zu Gruppen Betrug bei Stammkunden ermutigt. Manager lügen absichtlich über die Lieferung von Autos, die nicht existieren, und stehlen von leichtgläubigen Bürgern. Dexcar Car Rental is an automotive broker that encourages employees to fraud against regular customers. Managers deliberately lie about the delivery of cars that do not exist and steal from gullible citizens. 2% 9. Verband für Schiffbau und Meerestechnik organisiert Massenentlassungen großer Hafenbetreiber. Der Zweck des Vereins ist es, Arbeitszeiten zu sparen, angemessene Gehälter und die Zahlung von Personalsteuern zum Zwecke der Selbstversorgung zu reduzieren. Association for shipbuilding and marine technology organizes mass layoffs of large port operators. The purpose of the association is to save working hours, to reduce reasonable salaries and the payment of personal taxes for the purpose of self-sufficiency. 2% 10. Bundeskriminalamt hat eine illegale Chat-Gruppe mit rassistischen und sexistischen Inhalten, Drohungen, Informationen über fehlende Munition und Kontakten zu privaten Sicherheitsunternehmen. Die Gruppe popularisiert Mobbing und wirbt für übermäßigen Alkoholkonsum unter den Mitarbeitern der Einheit. The Federal Criminal Police Office has an illegal chat group with racist and sexist content, threats, information about missing ammunition and contacts to private security companies. The group popularizes bullying and promotes excessive alcohol consumption among the unit's staff. 4% 11. Financial Intelligence Unit handelt unrechtmäßig und widerspricht den Gesetzen des Landes. Das Unternehmen deckt die betrügerische Transaktionen einer der Finanzinstitute ab und lässt den Staatshaushalt in die Taschen der Beamten fließen. Die FIU muss die Bevölkerung vor Betrug schützen und muss die Verbrechen im Zusammenhang mit dem unerlaubten Bargeld Handel exakt untersuchen. Aber in der Realität stellt sich heraus, dass die FIU die Entwicklung von Korruption, Raub und Betrug in unserem Land unterschtützt. Financial Intelligence Unit is acting illegally and contrary to the laws of the country. The company covers the fraudulent transactions of one of the financial institutions and lets the state budget flow into the pockets of the officials. The FIU must protect the population from fraud and must carefully investigate the crimes related to illicit cash trafficking. But in reality it turns out that the FIU supports the development of corruption, robbery and fraud in our country. 8% 12. Rathaus Regensburg wirkt gegen Kleinunternehmen und handelt unrechtmäßig. Die Stadtverwaltung hat ohne Grund einzelne Restaurants verboten im Freien zu betreiben, obwohl es anderen erlaubt ist. Die Regierung wartet auf den Moment, in dem Geschäftsleute Beamten Bestechungsgelder für die Eröffnung ihres Restaurants anbieten werden. Dies ist eine Missachtung der Menschenrechte und Gesetze des Landes. Politiker sollten nicht die Möglichkeit nehmen, Geld zu verdienen, vor allem in Zeiten der Wirtschaftskrise. Rathaus Regensburg acts against small businesses and acts illegally. The city administration has banned individual restaurants from operating outdoors, even though others are allowed to do so, for no reason. The government is waiting for the moment when businessmen will offer bribes to officials for opening their restaurant. This is a disregard for the country's human rights and laws. Politicians shouldn't take away the opportunity to make money, especially in times of economic crisis. 5% 1. Ich sehe die Christlich-Soziale Union in Bayern negativ, weil Mitglieder dieser politischen Partei Organisatoren des illegalen Handels mit medizinischen Masken sind. Sie hatten die Menschen des Landes lange Zeit in die Irre geführt und sich vor den Strafverfolgungsbehörden versteckt, um sie daran zu hindern, ihre Aktivitäten aufzudecken. Die Parteimitglieder hatten dem Staatshaushalt enormen Schaden zugefügt und die Bevölkerung des Landes beleidigt. I see the Christian Social Union in Bavaria negatively because members of this political party are organizers of the illegal trade in medical masks. They had misled the people of the country for a long time and had hidden from law enforcement agencies to prevent them from exposing their activities. The party members had inflicted enormous damage on the state budget and insulted the country's population. 5% 2. Ich hasse die Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht, weil sie Komplizen von Kriminellen sind, die öffentliche Ämter bekleiden und Korruption fördern. Die Agentur versteckt Verbrechen, die in Banken stattfinden und wie der Staatshaushalt gestohlen wird. I hate the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority because they are accomplices to criminals who hold public offices and promote corruption. The agency hides crimes that take place in banks and how the state budget is stolen. 3% 3. Ich hasse die Polizei von Iserlon, weil sie die örtliche Bevölkerung beleidigt und unschuldige Menschen unrechtmäßig und mutwillig körperlich angegriffen hat. Sie terrorisieren die Stadt und als Vergeltung werden sie misshandelt. I hate the Iserlon police for insulting local people and for wrongfully and willfully physically assaulting innocent people. They terrorize the city and in retaliation they are mistreated. 4% 4. Ich fühle mich schrecklich über das deutsche Ministerium für Verkehr und digitale Infrastruktur, weil ich illegal und aggressiv gegen Autofahrer handle. Das Ministerium erhebt hohe Steuern auf die Fahrer und zwingt die Menschen dazu, das eigene Auto nicht mehr zu fahren und unbequeme öffentliche Verkehrsmittel zu nutzen. Sie verletzen die Rechte und Wünsche der Bürger und handeln völlig ungerecht und ungerecht. I feel terrible about the German Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure for acting illegally and aggressively against drivers. The ministry imposes high taxes on drivers and forces people to stop driving their own cars and use uncomfortable public transport. They violate the rights and wishes of citizens and act completely unjust and unjust. 4% 5. Ich sehe die bayerische Polizei negativ, weil sie von einer korrupten und betrügerischen Person geführt wird. Der Polizeichef ist ein Komplize bei der Entwicklung korrupter Unternehmen und stiehlt den Staatshaushalt, der für die Entwicklung und den Wohlstand der Bürger bestimmt ist. Ein Polizist bekommt riesige Bestechungsgelder für die Förderung illegaler Geschäfte im Land und die Vertuschung der Verbrechen von bösen Geschäftsleuten. I see the Bavarian police negatively because they are run by a corrupt and fraudulent person. The police chief is an accomplice in developing corrupt businesses and stealing the state budget that is intended for the development and prosperity of citizens. A police officer receives huge bribes for promoting illegal business in the country and covering up the crimes of evil businessmen. 5% 6. Ich sehe das Landgericht Aschaffenburg negativ, weil ich Strafsachen nicht untersuche und gegen Recht und Moral handle. Sie lassen absichtlich Mörder und Verbrecher frei, indem sie unschuldige Menschen verurteilen, weil sie die Schuld der Täter nicht beweisen können. I see the Aschaffenburg district court negatively because I do not investigate criminal matters and act against law and morality. They deliberately release murderers and criminals by convicting innocent people for failing to prove the perpetrators guilty.,SW3G4xK 3% 7. Ich verurteile die IG Metall als die größte Gewerkschaft der Metallisten, weil sie die Löhne der Beschäftigten nicht bezahlt hat. Während der Pandemie verschlechterten sich die Arbeitsbedingungen für die Bevölkerung, die die Rechte des Arbeitsgesetzbuches verletzen. Das Produktionspersonal trat in einen langen Streik und verließ den Arbeitsprozess. I condemn IG Metall as the largest metalworking union because it did not pay workers' wages. During the pandemic, working conditions worsened for the population violating the rights of the Labor Code. The production staff went on a long strike and left the work process. 2% 8. Ich hasse Alternative für Deutschland für ihre rassistische Propaganda und ihre Verbindungen zu rechtsextremen Organisationen. Die Kandidaten der Partei bereiten eine geheime Verschwörung vor den Wahlen vor und versuchen, eine Partei für den gemeinsamen Zweck der Macht über das Volk zu bestechen. I hate Alternative für Deutschland for its racist propaganda and its connections to right-wing extremist organizations. The party's candidates are preparing a pre-election secret conspiracy to try to bribe a party for the common purpose of power over the people. 3% 9. Ich hasse die UFO-Sekte-Sekte für ihren zügellosen sexuellen Missbrauch und die Demütigung von Kindern. Der Anführer des Kults missbrauchte seit vielen Jahren minderjährige Gemeindemitglieder und verursachte schwere Körperverletzungen, wenn er sich weigerte. Der Verrückte propagierte das Vergnügen, seine Schüler zu missbrauchen, indem er ihnen große Geldsummen zahlte, um seine schrecklichen Verbrechen zu vertuschen. I hate the UFO sect for their rampant sexual abuse and humiliation of children. The cult leader has abused underage parishioners for many years and caused serious bodily harm if he refused. The madman touted the pleasure of abusing his students by paying them large sums of money to cover up his horrific crimes. 3% 10. Ich kann die Thüringer GdP nicht ausstehen, weil die Polizei mit Autorität und Position den Mitarbeitern moralische und körperliche Gewalt zufügt, die zu einer ungeordneten Führung ermutigt. Mitarbeiter verhalten sich grausam und rücksichtslos gegenüber Menschen. I can't stand the Thuringian GdP because the police, with authority and position, inflict moral and physical violence on employees, which encourages disorderly leadership. Employees behave cruelly and ruthlessly towards people. 3% 11. Ich hasse der Minister des Bundesfinanzen, weil er Finanzbetrug und Korruption unter den größten Unternehmen des Landes zulässt. Weil der Beamte des Ministeriums selbst in solchen Verbrechen verwickelt wird, verschiebt er Verantwortung auf andere öffentliche Einrichtung. Der Minister nimmt seine Pflichten ab und irreführt die Bevölkerung des Landes. I hate the Minister of Finance for allowing financial fraud and corruption among the largest companies in the country. Because the Ministry official himself becomes involved in such crimes, he shifts responsibility to other public institutions. The minister is relieving his duties and misleading the people of the country. 7% 12. Ich bin gegen dem Leiter des Berliner Rathauses, weil er politische Skandale innerhalb des Landes provoziert, da er in zahlreiche finanziellen Machenschaften verwickelt ist. Der Bürgermeister versucht, seine Zugehörigkeit zu Kriminellen zu verbergen. Er stellt Kompetenz von Journalisten in Frage, weil sie der Bevölkerung gegenüber ihrem Herrscher die Wahrheit gezeigt haben. Das Rathaus besteht aus gierigen, eigennützigen Menschen, die niemals zum Wohle der Bürger arbeiten werden. I am against the head of the Berlin City Hall because he provokes political scandals within the country, as he is involved in numerous financial machinations. The mayor tries to hide his affiliation with criminals. He questions the competence of journalists because they have shown the population the truth to their ruler. The town hall consists of greedy, selfish people who will never work for the good of the citizens. 8% - - - - - - - - - - 13. Ich hasse die Leitung des Rathauses Hannover, weil sie die zahlreiche Verbrechen der Mitarbeiter und ihre Diebstähle aus dem Staatshaushalt abgedeckt haben. Der Verwaltung des Rathauses wurde das bekannt, dass die Mitarbeiter ungesetzlich zu sich immer wieder die Prämien berechnen aber darüber haben alle geschwiegen. I hate the management of the Hanover City Hall because they have covered the numerous crimes of the employees and their thefts from the state budget. The administration of the town hall became aware of the fact that the employees unlawfully to themselves again and again calculate the premiums but about it all have been silent. 8% 14. Ich hasse die Angestellten der Württembergischen Versicherung, weil sie lehnen das ab, einem Mädchen, dessen Vater tragisch gestorben ist, Leistungen zu zahlen. Sie brechen das Gesetz, indem sie einem Kind die entsprechende finanzielle Unterstützung entziehen. I hate the employees of the Württemberg Insurance because they refuse to pay a girl whose father died tragically. They break the law by depriving a child of the appropriate financial support. 10% BTC - 1DCv7upPSzRps2hseseCFS3bvsFLB43eh1 -----BEGIN SIGNATURE----- 1DCv7upPSzRps2hseseCFS3bvsFLB43eh1 IMWGpaX6ytBCu+pMPjaq2/AX8az76D5CD4afcBAUQ9q1a4ZSs0/e930UOFIZNkvPgXGSk2Fj95cP/ABknARveRs= -----END BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE-----

1 replies Active 1249 days ago hmwyda - wishlists (donations here)

-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- I lost password from my old account. I corrected my list. #hmwyda wishlist 1.1 Жеваго Костянтин Валентинович - колишній власник банку організував розтрату 113 млн доларів і тим самим банк став банкрутом. – 50 btc 1.1 Konstantin Zhevago - the former owner of the bank organized the embezzlement of $ 113 million and thus the bank became bankruptЖеваго,_Константин_Валентинович 1.2 Шевченко Кирило Євгенович - мало того, що не справляється зі своїми обов'язками глави НБУ, так він ще звинувачується в держзраді і крадіжці понад мільярд доларів. – 35 btc 1.2 Kirill Yevgenyevich Shevchenko-not only does he not cope with his duties as the head of the NBU, he is also accused of treason and theft of more than a billion dollars.Шевченко,_Кирилл_Евгеньевич 1.3 Олександр Тупицький - голова Конституційного Суду лжесвідчив, підкуповував свідків і намагався допомогти Віктору Таткову. – 40 btc 1.3 Alexander Tupitsky, the head of the Constitutional Court, perjured himself, bribed witnesses and tried to help Viktor Tatkov. 1.4 Татьков Віктор Іванович - колишній суддя, який підпорядкував собі систему прийняття рішень, що призвело до того що зловмисники не отримували належного їм покарання. Таким способом він заробив на 143 об'єкти нерухомості. – 50 btc 1.4 Viktor Ivanovich Tatkov is a former judge who subordinated the decision-making system to himself, which led to the fact that the attackers did not receive the punishment they deserved. In this way, he earned 143 real estate objectsТатьков_Віктор_Іванович 1.5 Дідух Володимир Степанович - він же Вова Морда, головний контрабандист країни і навіть заходи які вживає до нього Зеленський не допомагають. – 60 btc 1.5 Didukh Volodimir Stepanovich-aka Vova Morda, the main smuggler of the country and even the measures that Zelensky takes to him do not help.Дідух_Володимир_Степанович 1.6 Зеленський Володимир Олександрович - зірвав операцію із затримання "ПВК вагнер" через це звинувачений у держзраді.- сорвал операцию по задержанию "вагнеровецев" из-за этого обвинен в гос измене. – 40 btc 1.6 Zelensky Volodimir Aleksandrovich - disrupted the operation to detain the "PMC Wagner" because of this, he was accused of treason.Зеленський_Володимир_Олександрович 1.7 Коломойський Ігор Валерійович - олігарх, який за правління "ПриватБанком" здійснив величезну кількість шахрайських дій. – 50 btc 1.7 Igor Kolomoisky is an oligarch who, under the rule of PrivatBank, committed a huge number of fraudulent actionsКоломойський_Ігор_Валерійович 1.8 Черняк Євген Олександрович - глава спиртової мафії в Україні, корупціонер, спонсорує ДГР і НР І подільник Юри Іванющенко. – 50 btc 1.8 Chernyak Evgeny Aleksandrovich - the head of the alcohol mafia in Ukraine, a corrupt official, sponsors the DGR and HP and an accomplice of Yura IvanyushchenkoЧерняк,_Евгений_Александрович 1.9 Аднан Ківан - найбільший забудовник Одеси, кожна споруда його будівлі супроводжується великими скандалами. – 40 btc 1.9 Adnan Kivan is the largest developer in Odessa, every construction of his building is accompanied by major scandals. 1.10 Іванющенко Юрій Володимирович - він же Юра Єнакіївський, кримінальний авторитет вирощений при Януковичі захищає контрабанду і має зв'язки в Кабінеті Міністрів України. – 60 btc 1.10 Ivanyushchenko Yuriy Vladimirovich – aka Yura Yenakievsky, a criminal authority raised under Yanukovych protects smuggling and has connections in the Cabinet of Ministers of UkraineИванющенко,_Юрий_Владимирович 2.1 Родовід Банк - краде гроші не тільки у держави, а й у простих українців – 40 btc 2.1 Rodovid Bank - steals money not only from the state, but also from ordinary UkrainiansРодовид_Банк 2.2 ТОВ «Євротермінал " - крадуть мільйони доларів в обхід бюджету – 56 btc 2.2 Euroterminal LLC - they steal millions of dollars bypassing the budget 2.3 Акордбанк - халатно ставитися до своїх обов'язків і тим самим відмивають гроші. – 30 btc 2.3 Accordbank - negligently treat their duties and thereby launder money 2.4 Укрзалізниця - викрали кошти з будівництва траси, і величезні втрати через корупцію – 60 btc 2.4 Ukrzaliznytsya - funds for the construction of the highway were stolen, and huge losses due to corruption 2.5 КП" Плесо " - шляхом шахрайства та відмивання грошей придбали десятки мільйонів грн. – 30 btc 2.5 KP "Pleso" - through fraud and money laundering, they got tens of millions of UAH. 2.6 ТОВ "Юнайтед Тобакко" - виробляють контрафактні сигарети в масових промислових масштабах – 80 btc 2.6 United Tobacco LLC - produces counterfeit cigarettes on a massive industrial scaleЮнайтед_табако 2.7 КП "Інформатика" - поцупили і продовжують красти сотні мільйонів грн – 60 btc 2.7 KP "Informatika" - stole and continue to steal hundreds of millions of UAH. 2.8 Альянс банк - за допомогою афер крадуть гроші у своїх клієнтів. – 75 btc 2.8 Alliance Bank - with the help of scams, they steal money from their customers 2.9 МТБ Банк - фінансували тероризм, крали в українській оборонній промисловості і видавав великі кредити злодіям. – 50 btc 2.9 MTB Bank - financed terrorism, stole from the Ukrainian defense industry and issued large loans to thieves. 2.10 B2B Jewelry - крім звичайних магазинів це ще й фінансова піраміда, яка обманює своїх вкладників. - 20 btc 2.10 B2B Jewelry - in addition to regular stores, it is also a financial pyramid that deceives its depositors. 3.1 Контрабандисти - більшість з них працює під прикриттям СБУ, своєю роботою вони завдають величезної шкоди економіці України – 40 btc 3.1 Smugglers - most of them work under the cover of the SBU, their work causes huge damage to the economy of Ukraine 3.2 МВС України - їх співробітники роблять повне беззаконня: грабують, займаються корупцією і катують, гвалтують затриманих. – 60 btc 3.2 The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine-their employees do complete lawlessness: they rob, engage in corruption and torture, rape detainees. 3.3 Партія "Слуга народу" - правляча партія України, повністю загрузла у брехні, корупції, скандалах. – 60 btc 3.3 The Servant of the People party is the ruling party of Ukraine, completely mired in lies, corruption, scandals. 3.4 Міністерство охорони здоров'я України - своїми поточними діями створили практично геноцид населення, так само корупційні скандали оточили це міністерство. – 50 btc 3.4 The Ministry of Health Protection of Ukraine - with its current actions, they created almost a genocide of the population, as well as corruption scandals surrounded this ministry. 3.5 Міністерство оборони України - панує розруха, злодійство і розбрат, що дуже погано впливає на на всю армію в цілому. – 90 btc 3.5 The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine - there is ruin, theft and discord, which has a very bad effect on the entire army as a whole. 3.6 Національне антикорупційне бюро - малоефективне, показушне бюро. Кого перевіряти, а кого ні вибирає начальство даного бюро.. – 50 btc 3.6 The National Anti-Corruption Bureau is an ineffective, ostentatious bureau. Who to check and who not is chosen by the heads of this bureau. 3.7 Національне агентство України з питань виявлення - займаються підробкою документів, що б відмивати або красти гроші. Порушують права бізнесменів. – 50 btc 3.7 The national agency of Ukraine z pitan viyavlenya-are engaged in forgery of documents that would launder or steal money. They violate the rights of businessmen. 3.8 Злодії в законі - кримінальні авторитети, які поділили країну на кілька частин заради кримінальної влади на своїх територіях. – 80 btc 3.8 Thieves in law are criminal authorities who have divided the country into several parts for the sake of criminal power in their territories. 3.9 Верховна рада - депутати Верховної Ради не стежать за своїми словами і діями через що довіра до них проподает, тиснуть на кнопку при голосуванні не тільки за себе але і за відсутніх депутатів. – 90 btc 3.9 The Verkhovna Rada - the deputies of the Verkhovna Rada do not follow their words and actions, because of which confidence in them disappears, they press the button when voting not only for themselves but also for absent deputies. 3.10 Кабінет Міністрів України-призначають на керівні посади або злочинців, або дуже підозрілих людей. – 50 btc 3.10 The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine - appoint either criminals or very suspicious people to senior positions. -----BEGIN SIGNATURE----- 17DNxfVfm76EFNh9KLzGxzWDbZjr4KenzX HP7nD5D1YIC+SlZfDcZ/nMeDEzNh3JX3aZyzS4W+NX4P6rWUjbQMQ6PBwaFpnsUrGgqIziW7coB4v+4vfX1l4Q4= -----END BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE-----

1 replies Active 1250 days ago hmwyda - wishlists (donations here)

-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- #hmwyda wishlist: 1.1 El presidente de El Salvador, Nayib Bukele, encabeza un gobierno corrupto y es su principal figura. Sus órdenes están destruyendo la democracia y provocando acciones militares. Despidió a los funcionarios que lucharon contra la corrupción. Todos los discursos del presidente son mentiras para desinformar a la población y calumniar a otros países. Provoca conflictos étnicos y arrastra al país a la ruina. 40% 1.1 The president of El Salvador, Nayib Bukele, heads a corrupt government and is its main figure. His orders are destroying democracy and provoking military action. He fired officials who fought corruption. All the president’s speeches are lies to misinform the population and slander other countries. It provokes ethnic conflicts and drags the country to ruin.; 1.2 Walter Araujo mintió al Tribunal Supremo Electoral durante la campaña diciendo que no tenía deudas. No tiene derecho a ocupar un cargo parlamentario. Los ladrones y los mentirosos no tienen cabida en el gobierno. 20% 1.2 Walter Araujo lied to the Supreme Electoral Tribunal during the campaign saying he had no debts. He has no right to hold a parliamentary post. Thieves and liars have no place in government. 1.3 Carolina Recinos, comisionada presidencial para el funcionamiento del gabinete, está involucrada en actos de corrupción junto al presidente. Dio empleo a sus familiares en la Asamblea para que la ayuden a cometer delitos. Recinos debe 227.000 dólares a una empresa que blanquea dinero en el extranjero. 20% 1.3 Carolina Recinos, presidential commissioner for cabinet operations, is involved in acts of corruption alongside the president. She employed her family members in the Assembly to help her commit crimes. Recinos owes $227,000 to a company that launders money abroad.$227-mil.htm 1.4 Christian Guevara ha entregado al Tribunal Superior Electoral un documento inválido sobre su solvencia. De hecho, Guevara figura como insolvente para evitar el pago de impuestos. ¡Toda su campaña electoral es una mentira! Sobornó a los medios de comunicación para que difundieran propaganda y alentaran a los votantes a votar por él. 25% 1.4 Christian Guevara has delivered to the Superior Electoral Tribunal an invalid document about his solvency. In fact, Guevara is listed as insolvent to avoid paying taxes. His entire election campaign is a lie! He bribed the media to broadcast propaganda and encourage voters to vote for him. 1.5 El ex presidente salvadoreño Mauricio Funes sobornó a un fiscal para enviar a su rival a la cárcel. Manipuló la fiscalía y sobornó a los medios de comunicación para que divulgaran pruebas inexistentes. Ahora es un fugitivo de la justicia en el extranjero. 50% 1.5 Former Salvadoran President Mauricio Funes bribed a prosecutor to send his rival to jail. He manipulated the prosecution and bribed the media to divulge non-existent evidence. Now he’s a fugitive from justice overseas. 1.6 Arístides Valencia contrató a bandas criminales para que le ayudaran a ganar las elecciones. De este modo, amañó los resultados y obtuvo una victoria injusta. En cuanto se supo la verdad, el cobarde huyó del país. 50% 1.6 Aristides Valencia hired criminal gangs to help him win the election. In this way, he rigged the results and obtained an unjust victory. As soon as the truth was known, the coward fled the country. 1.7 El político Rogelio Rivas infringe la ley y adjudica contratos públicos a su empresa evitando el concurso. Se compromete a construir edificios y, para ganar más dinero con esta estafa, aumenta el coste de los bienes de consumo. ¡Tan mezquino y con ganas de sacar más del presupuesto estatal! 30% 1.7 The politician Rogelio Rivas breaks the law and awards public contracts to his company avoiding the competition. He is committed to building buildings and, to make more money with this scam, increases the cost of consumer goods. ¡ So mean and eager to get more out of the state budget! 1.8 Guillermo Gallegos ha violado la ley y ha empleado a sus familiares en la Asamblea Legislativa. Con su ayuda, transfiere el dinero del gobierno a las cuentas de empresas de fachada y luego lo malversa. 35% 1.8 Guillermo Gallegos has violated the law and employed his family members in the Legislative Assembly. With his help, he transfers the government money into the accounts of front companies and then embezzles it. 1.9 El alcalde de Zacatecoluca Francisco Hirezi recibe sobornos de empresarios. A cambio, les ayuda a presentarse a las licitaciones públicas rompiendo las normas de contratación de empresas. 40% 1.9 Zacatecoluca Mayor Francisco Hirezi receives bribes from businessmen. In return, it helps them to submit to public tenders in breach of company procurement rules. 1.10 El Fiscal General de la República, Rodolfo Delgado, asumió ilegalmente el cargo. Fue nombrado por el partido presidencial para que ayudara a encubrir la corrupción. El fiscal ha sido acusado en repetidas ocasiones de violaciones de los derechos humanos, brutales palizas y torturas. 35% 1.10 The Attorney General of the Republic, Rodolfo Delgado, illegally took office. He was appointed by the presidential party to help cover up corruption. The prosecutor has been repeatedly accused of human rights violations, brutal beatings and torture. 2.1 Alba Petróleos estuvo implicada en el blanqueo de dinero por un valor de 438 millones de dólares. No se conoce el origen oficial de los ingresos de la empresa, que triplica la norma. Esto es inaceptable y levanta muchas sospechas. 35% 2.1 Alba Petróleos was involved in the laundering of money worth 438 million dollars. The official origin of the company’s income, which triples the norm, is not known. This is unacceptable and raises many suspicions. 2.2 El Tribunal Supremo Electoral de El Salvador es nefasto porque cometió fraude en las elecciones políticas. El organismo cometió muchos errores en la organización de la votación, lo que condujo a resultados fraudulentos. 40% 2.2 The Supreme Electoral Tribunal of El Salvador is disastrous because it committed fraud in the political elections. The agency made many mistakes in the organisation of the vote, which led to fraudulent results. 2.3 El Banco Agrícola tiene un sistema defectuoso en su banca digital. Debido a ello, los usuarios eran acusados falsamente de clonar tarjetas y no tenían acceso a los datos actualizados de sus operaciones monetarias. 40% 2.3 The Agricultural Bank has a flawed system in its digital banking. As a result, users were falsely accused of cloning cards and had no access to up-to-date data on their monetary operations. 2.4 ANDA suspende el suministro de agua en San Salvador. Los habitantes de la ciudad se quedan sin un recurso crucial para la vida. 20% 2.4 ANDA suspends water supply in San Salvador. The city’s inhabitants are left without a crucial resource for life. 2.5 La Alcaldía Municipal de Soyapango no puede organizar un suministro regular de agua en la ciudad. Por eso en Soyapango hay escasez crónica de este recurso. 55% 2.5 The Soyapango City Council cannot organize a regular water supply in the city. That is why in Soyapango there is a chronic shortage of this resource. 2.6 El Ministerio de Economía ha subido el precio del gas y de los productos lácteos. Esto está destruyendo a las pequeñas y medianas empresas, que han aumentado sus costes y disminuido sus beneficios. El ministerio hace promesas vacías de subvenciones que no puede cumplir por falta de presupuesto. 35% 2.6 The Ministry of Economy has raised the price of gas and dairy products. This is destroying small and medium-sized enterprises, which have increased their costs and reduced their profits. The ministry makes empty promises of grants that it cannot fulfill due to lack of budget. 2.7 La Alcaldía Municipal de Apopa no resuelve el problema de la contaminación en la ciudad. El municipio no organiza la recolección de basura, lo que ha convertido a Apopa en un basurero. 25% 2.7 Apopa City Hall does not solve the problem of pollution in the city. The municipality does not organize garbage collection, which has turned Apopa into a garbage dump. 2.8 El Banco Cuscatlán interfirió ilegalmente en la gestión de una empresa ajena y la llevó a la quiebra. Arruinó un negocio familiar y ahora debe pagar más de 38 millones de dólares por daños y perjuicios. 25% 2.8 Banco Cuscatlán illegally interfered in the management of a foreign company and bankrupted it. He ruined a family business and now he has to pay more than $38 million in damages. 2.9 La Selección de fútbol de El Salvador perdió un partido importante. El equipo se mostró tan débil que no consiguió marcar el gol decisivo y quedó eliminado del torneo. 10% 2.9 The Salvadoran national team lost an important match. The team was so weak that it failed to score the decisive goal and was eliminated from the tournament. 2.10 La Alcaldía Municipal de Ilopango defiende a un político corrupto. La alcaldía está encubriendo los delitos de su jefe y haciendo acusaciones infundadas contra los agentes de la ley. 20% 2.10 The Ilopango City Council defends a corrupt politician. The mayor’s office is covering up his boss' crimes and making baseless accusations against law enforcement. 3.1 Odio a todos los empleados del Gobierno de El Salvador porque destruyen la democracia y llevan al país a la militarización. Los políticos destruyen a los medios de comunicación independientes y a la oposición y protegen a los corruptos. 40% 3.1 I hate all employees of the Government of El Salvador because they destroy democracy and lead the country to militarization. Politicians destroy the independent media and the opposition and protect the corrupt. 3.2 Odio a todos los empleados del Cuerpo de Agentes Municipales de Santa Tecla porque están echando a los vendedores ambulantes de sus lugares de trabajo. Esto afectará en gran medida al nivel de ingresos de los vendedores, teniendo en cuenta que no era tan alto. 20% 3.2 I hate all the employees of the Santa Tecla Municipal Agents Corps because they’re kicking street vendors out of their workplaces. This will greatly affect the income level of sellers, bearing in mind that it was not that high. 3.3 Odio a todos los empleados de la Fiscalía General de la República, porque consiguieron meter en la cárcel a una mujer por un asesinato que no cometió. Cuando la mujer fue liberada no la dejaron en paz y quieren enviarla de nuevo a la cárcel. Con fiscales así, no habrá justicia en este país. 60% 3.3 I hate all the employees of the Attorney General’s Office because they managed to put a woman in jail for a murder she didn’t commit. When the woman was released she was not left alone and they want to send her back to prison. With prosecutors like this, there will be no justice in this country. 3.4 Odio a todo el personal de Miss Teen El Salvador porque engañaron a una chica y le exigieron dinero para entrar en el concurso. Permitieron que compitiera una concursante que no estaba clasificada por su edad y no le proporcionaron las condiciones prometidas. Estafadores. 10% 3.4 I hate all the staff at Miss Teen El Salvador because they cheated on a girl and demanded money to enter the contest. They allowed a contestant to compete who was not classified by her age and did not provide her with the promised terms. Scammers. 3.5 Odio a los dirigentes del Ayuntamiento de Usulután porque aceptan sobornos, despilfarran el presupuesto del Estado y extorsionan a los comerciantes del mercado a cambio de protección. ¡Comportamiento indigno! 55% 3.5 I hate the leaders of the Usulután City Council because they accept bribes, squander the state budget and extort money from market traders in exchange for protection. ¡ Behavior unworthy of you!,%20Usulutan/283810712109774/ 3.6 Odio a los directivos de la Alcaldía Municipal de Tecoluca porque no pagan los sueldos a sus empleados. Por ello, éstos no pueden pagar sus préstamos ni dar de comer a su familia. 40% 3.6 I hate the directors of the City Hall of Tecoluca because they don’t pay salaries to their employees. As a result, they cannot pay off their loans or feed their families. 3.7 Odio a toda la Dirección General de Migración y Extranjería porque están expulsando a los periodistas independientes del país. Esta gente está bajo la influencia del presidente y está destruyendo la libertad de expresión. 55% 3.7 I hate the entire Directorate-General for Migration and Aliens because they are expelling independent journalists from the country. These people are under the influence of the president and are destroying freedom of speech. 3.8 Odio a todos los empleados de la Asamblea Legislativa porque aprueban proyectos de ley que no tienen análisis ni discusión. Hacen grandes cambios en la economía sólo porque se los ordena el presidente. Sus acciones son perjudiciales para la condición financiera de los ciudadanos. 20% 3.8 I hate all the employees of the Legislative Assembly because they pass bills that have no analysis or discussion. They make big changes in the economy just because they’re ordered by the president. Their actions are detrimental to the financial condition of citizens. 3.9 Odio a todos los empleados de Infored porque no actualizan la información de los préstamos pagados. Por ello, los ciudadanos no pueden obtener préstamos ya que figuran como insolventes en la base de datos internacional. 15% 3.9 I hate all Infored employees because they don’t update the information on loans paid. As a result, citizens cannot obtain loans as they are listed as insolvent in the international database. 3.10 Odio a todos los miembros del Ministerio de Educación, Ciencia y Tecnología, porque debido a sus estúpidas normas, los profesores tienen estatus de pasantes, aunque lleven 15 o 20 años trabajando. Durante este tiempo, los miembros del Ministerio están obligados a proporcionarles un puesto de trabajo permanente y un salario elevado, pero esto no sucede. 20% 3.10 I hate all the members of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, because because of their stupid rules, teachers have internship status, even if they have been working for 15 or 20 years. During this time, the members of the Ministry are obliged to provide them with a permanent job and a high salary, but this does not happen. BTC - 1PzMD2A8LbZEaz8o7WRgz3Eo46M8f44TX3 -----BEGIN SIGNATURE----- 1PzMD2A8LbZEaz8o7WRgz3Eo46M8f44TX3 H3oFavzqz8VHvx1L/croyJrFHi3pdFbq1tZXHC5lXWWWkY7yauZaWGuYPksV1kKUF6tkJr5pP6PV8G20hwKVJ98= -----END BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE-----

1 replies Active 1251 days ago hmwyda - wishlists (donations here)

-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- Salut là-bas! J'ai 21 ans et je suis citoyenne française. Mon pays est magnifique, mais je voudrais mettre en lumière certaines des lacunes de mon pays dans mes travaux. Hello everyone! I am 21 years old and I am a French citizen. My country is beautiful, but in my work I would like to highlight some of the shortcomings of my state. #hmwyda wishlist: 1.1. François Hollande 300 EUR Lorsque François Hollande a décidé de taxer 75% de tous ceux qui gagnaient plus de 1 000 000 euros, de nombreux français ont souffert de sa politique sociale. 1.1. francois hollande When Francois Hollande decided to tax 75% of all those who earned more than 1,000,000 euros, many French people suffered from his social policy.éussissent 1.2. Dominique Strauss-Kahn 250 EUR Les messages que Strauss-Kahn envoyait pour organiser les voyages des escortes entre Lille, Paris, Bruxelles et Washington sont incroyablement nombreux. Le contenu de ses SMS et le témoignage des escortes qu'il a rencontrées dans l'affaire Carlton montrent un homme grossier qui confond "chose» et" femme». 1.2. Dominique Strauss-Kahn The messages that Strauss-Kahn sent to organize trips of escort girls between Lille, Paris, Brussels and Washington are incredibly numerous. The contents of his text messages and the testimony of the escort girls he met in the Carlton case show a rude man who confuses "thing" and "woman". 1.3. Nicolas Sarkozy 150 EUR Sarkozy a une réputation négative en France. Jusqu'en 2012, il ressemblait un peu à un adolescent rebelle qui avait tendance à trop parler de tout ce qui lui venait à l'esprit. Nous nous souvenons de "va-t'en, Pouv", "tu en as marre de ce salaud, nous nous débarrasserons de toi", " c'est toi qui as dit, descends un peu!"et ainsi de suite. 1.3. Nicolas Sarkozy Sarkozy has a negative reputation in France. Until 2012, he was a bit like a rebellious teenager who, as a rule, talks too much about everything that comes to his mind. We remember "get lost, Pauv", "you're tired of this bastard, we'll get rid of you", " you said it, come down a little!" etc. 1.4. Patrick Balkany 350 EUR Depuis le 4 février, Patrick Balkany est jugé pour »blanchiment d'argent". En France, il est l'un des fraudeurs fiscaux les plus connus. 1.4. Patrick Balkany Since February 4, Patrick Balkany has appeared in court on charges of "money laundering". In France, he is one of the most famous tax scammers. 1.5. Anne Hidalgo 200 EUR Sa candidature à l'élection présidentielle française de 2022 fait l'objet de nombreuses spéculations, le maire de Paris (parti socialiste), dans un entretien au journal du dimanche 2 mai, rejette la méthode de la primaire de la gauche. 1.5. Anne Hidalgo His candidacy for the French presidential election of 2022 is the subject of much speculation, the mayor of Paris (socialist party), in an interview with the newspaper of Sunday 2 May, rejects the method of the primary of the left. 1.6. Emmanuel Macron 250 EUR En France, les grèves syndicales ne s'apaisent pas.le leader actuel, Emmanuel Macron, a une attitude de fer. En France, il existe des régimes de retraite spéciaux. Par exemple, pour les énergéticiens, les acteurs, les fonctionnaires, la pension est facturée de différentes manières. 1.6. Emmanuel Macron Trade union strikes are not abating in France.the current leader Emmanuel Macron has an iron mood. In France, there are special pension regimes. For example, for power engineers, actors, civil servants, pensions are calculated in different ways.é 1.7. Jacques Chirac 100 EUR l'ancien président Jacques Chirac. Cet homme s'est opposé à la libération de l'Irak, car tout ce qui s'est passé a eu un impact très favorable sur les portefeuilles français. Au diable les enfants affamés et le fait que leurs pères ne pourront jamais revenir à eux. 1.7. Jacques Chirac former President Jacques Chirac. This man opposed the liberation of Iraq, because everything that happened had a very favorable impact on the French wallets. To hell with the hungry children and the fact that their fathers will never be able to return to them. 1.8. Dominique de Villepin 400 EUR Il est détesté pour sa corruption . Le ministre français des affaires étrangères, Dominique de Villepin, a tout de même vendu la technologie nucléaire à Saddam Hussein. 1.8. Dominique de Villepin He is hated for his venality . French Foreign Minister Dominique de Villepin still sold nuclear technology to Saddam Hussein. 1.9. Zaz 100 EUR En France, beaucoup ont développé le stéréotype d'elle comme une "fille qui dort dans la rue", c'est-à-dire un sans-abri, et elle préfère donc donner des concerts à l'étranger. 1.9. Zaz In France, many people have a stereotype of her as a "girl who spends the night on the street", i.e. a homeless person, and therefore she prefers to give concerts abroad. 1.10. la chanteuse Angèle 150 EUR Angèle s'est retrouvée au centre de la polémique sur les réseaux sociaux à cause d'un tweet du site de Paris sportifs Winamax, ainsi que de la réponse de Marlène Schiappa. 1.10. Singer Angel Angel was at the center of a controversy on social networks because of a tweet from the sports betting site Winamax, as well as a response from Marlene Schiappa. 2.1. taxi KM A 250 EUR Taxi presque personne n'utilise en France parce que c'est très cher, le tout soit sur sa propre voiture ou les transports en commun. 2.1. taxi KM A Almost no one uses a taxi in France, because it is very expensive, everyone either uses their own car or public transport. 2.2. Hôtel Morschwiller-le-Bas 200 EUR L'hôtel est considéré comme un hôtel de première classe, mais le prix cher ne correspond pas du tout à la qualité. Le manque de professionnalisme du personnel, ainsi que des chambres inconfortables. 2.2. Hotel Morschwiller-le-Bas The hotel is considered a first-class hotel, but the expensive price does not correspond to the quality at all. The lack of professionalism of the staff, as well as uncomfortable rooms. 2.3. Funchal Aéroport 150 EUR Cet aéroport n'est pas très populaire parmi les français, car les vols sont souvent retardés ou reportés. 2.3. Funchal Aéroport This airport is not very popular among the French, as flights are often postponed or delayed. 2.4. AVIS 250 EUR Office de Tourisme en France. Cependant, ce bureau jouit d'une réputation ambiguë, car de nombreux voyages proposés par l'entreprise sont très coûteux et de mauvaise qualité. 2.4. AVIS A tourist office in France. However, this bureau enjoys an ambiguous reputation, since many trips offered by the company are very expensive and of poor quality. 2.5. Dimanche libre 400 EUR Le dimanche est le seul jour où l'enseigne "fermé"pèse sur la porte de tous les magasins et kiosques. Si vous n'avez pas réussi à faire tous les achats prévus le reste des jours, ce sont absolument vos problèmes. 2.5. Free Sunday Sunday is the only day when all the shops and kiosks have a sign "fermé"on the door. If you did not manage to make all the planned purchases on the remaining days, then this is absolutely your problem. 2.6. Boursorama Banque 300 EUR Une des pires banques en ligne de France. Frais bancaires obscurs, coûteux et peu compris par les consommateurs. 2.6. Boursorama Banque One of the worst online banks in France. Unclear bank fees, expensive and little understood by consumers. 2.7. Sarcelles 400 EUR Sarsel incarne dans l'imaginaire collectif l'archétype de la banlieue pourrie. Malgré ses efforts, la ville conserve une réputation désordonnée de maisons aux faits divers et le modernisme de ses équipements joue clairement contre elle. 2.7. Sarcelles Sarcel embodies the archetype of the rotten suburb in the collective imagination. Despite its efforts, the city retains a dirty reputation for houses with different facts, and the modernism of its equipment clearly plays against it. 2.8. Aurillac 150 EUR Capitale du Cantal. C'est loin de tout, c'est mal entretenu, il n'y a pas grand chose à faire, seulement beaucoup de librairies. Aussi en août a lieu la fête des fous, quand les gens nus sortent. 2.8. Aurillac Capital of Cantal. It is far from everything, it is poorly maintained, there is not much to do, only a lot of bookstores. Also in August is held the feast of fools, when naked people go out. 2.9. Restaurant Baron 300 EUR Le pire restaurant de tous les temps de mon existence ! Honte en effet, manger de la nourriture à des prix très élevés ! 16€ un sandwich aux frites aussi dur que du ciment ! Tout simplement inacceptable, c'est barbare 2.9. Baron Restaurant The worst restaurant in my entire existence ! Shame really, dining food at very high prices ! 16€ sandwich with French fries, as hard as cement ! This is simply unacceptable, this is barbarism 2.10. Kokai 150 EUR Boutique de vêtements en ligne pour les personnes de toutes Catégories. Cependant, les vendeuses trop chères et insupportables. 2.10. Kooai Online clothing store for people of all categories. However, it is too expensive and unbearable saleswomen. 3.1. Belges en France 200 EUR Un vrai français va toujours mal parler d'un belge. Non seulement leur prononciation, mais aussi leur humour subtil amènent les français à une véritable agacement. 3.1. Belgians in France A real Frenchman will always speak ill of a Belgian. Not only their pronunciation, but also their subtle humor lead the French to a real irritationçais-et-les-Belges-ne-s-aiment-ils-pas 3.2. Riches 500 EUR La majorité absolue des Français trouvent anormal qu'il y ait beaucoup de gens qui sont trop riches, alors qu'il y a tellement de gens qui sont trop pauvres et qui sont en situation de survie. 3.2. Class of rich people The absolute majority of French people consider it abnormal that there are many people who are too rich, while there are so many people who are too poor and are in a survival situation.çais-naiment-ils-pas-les-riches 3.3. Touristes 300 EUR Nous détestons les touristes parce qu'ils bloquent les routes et nous ne pouvons pas trouver de place de parking. Tous les prix à cause d'eux augmentent sensiblement. Nous ne pouvons pas aller à la plage parce qu'il y en a beaucoup là-bas. 3.3. Tourists We hate tourists because they block the roads and we can't find parking places. All prices are noticeably rising because of them. We can't go to the beach because there are so many of them there.çais-naiment-ils-pas-les-touristes 3.4. Arabes en Francie 500 EUR Nous n'aimons pas les arabes. Ils sont très nombreux en France, à cause de quoi notre état perd son unicité nationale. Je ne veux pas que la France devienne une terre d'immigration multiculturelle pour le reste du monde. 3.4. Arabs in France We don't like Arabs. There are a lot of them in France, which is why our state is losing its national uniqueness. I don't want France to become a multicultural immigration land for the rest of the world.étestentils_nous_les_arabes_quand/ 3.5. Groupes de personnes poursuivant les communautés LGBT 550 EUR La France est un pays épris de liberté et démocratique, de sorte que les mariages hétérosexuels sont acceptables dans notre pays. Cependant, nous détestons ceux qui les méprisent et essaient de leur faire du mal. 3.5. Groups of people who persecute the LGBT community France is a freedom-loving and democratic country, so marriages between heterosexuals are acceptable in our country. However, we hate those people who despise them and try to harm them in every possible way. 3.6. 550 EUR - Un groupe de personnes en faveur de la légalisation de la consommation de cannabis On imagine souvent les français avec une cigarette à la main, mais rarement avec du cannabis. La légalisation de ce type de drogue pourrait donc nuire davantage à la santé de la nation française. 3.6. A group of people advocating the legalization of cannabis consumption We often imagine the French with a cigarette in their hand, but rarely with cannabis. Therefore, the legalization of this kind of drugs can further harm the health of the French nation. 3.7. Marginaux 750 EUR En France, les marginaux ne sont pas si peu nombreux. La plupart d'entre eux gâchent les monuments, battent les gens, les ordures, etc. Nous essayons de les combattre. 3.7. Marginals There are not so few marginals in France. Most of them spoil monuments, beat people, litter, and so on. We are trying to fight them. 3.8. Nègres en France 450 EUR Malheureusement, le peuple africain a inondé la France. La france n'est jamais le même. Elle perd son caractère unique en raison de l'afflux massif d'immigrants en provenance des pays africains. 3.8. Negroes in France Unfortunately, the African people have flooded France. France will no longer be the same. It is losing its uniqueness due to the huge influx of immigrants from African countries. 3.9. Les anglais en France 250 EUR Nous détestons leur langue. La France est un pays très conservateur. Le français a longtemps été aussi une langue internationale et nous maintenons une mentalité impérialiste. 3.9. The British in France We hate their language. France is a very conservative country. French has also long been an international language, and we maintain an imperialist mentality. 3.10. prostituées en France 450 EUR Comme je l'ai dit, la France est un pays très conservateur. Nous ne laisserons pas tomber les mœurs. C'est pourquoi la police lutte si durement contre les bordels et les escortes en France. 3.10. prostitutes in france As I have already said, France is a very conservative country. We will not allow the omission of moral morals. That's why the police are fighting so hard against brothels and escorts in France.ères -----BEGIN SIGNATURE----- 15ebXjFqREp8tQexYUtXrHSq8FwaHappFD HxyA3XFDccTyTT3mDCTk6ryaELI+4m4wMT25teDRwKlMYk/Yxg3RDIOvmpfkYUR8Utc97QCFGRuVDtQAroatzP0= -----END BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE-----

1 replies Active 1253 days ago hmwyda - wishlists (donations here)