#hmwyda wishlist:
Drugs are like a devil, destroying countless families. Stars as public figures, their every move can be said to have a great impact on society. They should be even more severely punished by law
1-1.陈羽凡,曾经吸过毒,现在还活跃在屏幕上,应该封杀。 5%
1-1.Chen Yufan, who used to take drugs, is still active on the screen and should be blocked.
1-1.More Info:
1-2.宋冬野,吸毒还不觉得不好,应该封杀。 3%
1-2.Song Dongye, drug addicts still don't know how to repent, should be banned.
1-2.More Info:
1-3.柯震东,我觉得他吸毒更出名,请惩罚他。 5%
1-3.Ke Zhendong, I think he is more famous for taking drugs. Please punish him.
1-3.More Info:
1-4.满文军,吸毒对社会影响太不好,我恨所有吸毒人员。 3%
1-4.Man Wenjun, drug use is too bad for society. I hate all drug users.
1-4.More Info:
1-5.莫少聪,竟然在演唱会上吸毒,太可恨以及嚣张了。 5%
1-5.Mo Shaocong, taking drugs at the concert, is too hateful and arrogant.
1-5.More Info:
1-6.张元导演,骄傲的说过他尝过世界上所有的毒品,造成的影响太坏,应该得到惩罚。 3%
1-6.Director Zhang Yuan proudly said that he had tasted all the drugs in the world. The impact was too bad and deserved to be punished.
1-6.More Info:
1-7.张默,厨房摆满吸毒工具,不知捡点,祸害粉丝,可恨。 2%
1-7.Zhang Mo, the kitchen is full of drug-taking tools, I don't know where to pick it up, and it is hateful to the fans.
1-7.More Info:
1-8.李代沫,吸毒后还酒后驾驶,不注意对社会的影响,应该封杀。 5%
1-8.Li Daimo, who still drunk driving after taking drugs, does not pay attention to the impact on society, and should be banned.
1-8.More Info:
1-9.高虎,吸毒17年,为什么不被封杀。 2%
1-9.Gao Hu, who has used drugs for 17 years, why not be baned.
1-9.More Info:
1-10.王学兵,14岁开始吸毒,后面竟然还出名了,为什么不封杀。 3%
1-10.Wang Xuebing, who started taking drugs at the age of 14, became famous later, why not block him.
1-10.More Info:
1-11.尹相杰,她曾说过大麻是世界上最好的毒品,作为公众人物,影响太不好了. 1%
1-11.More Info:
I was hospitalized and lost my job because I ate unclean takeaways. I hate all unqualified and unclean takeaway shops, hoping to get rectified.
2-1.悦来饭店(叶家路) 到处都是污秽,煤气灶、高压锅等厨具上满是油垢。 2%
2-1.Yuelai Hotel (Yejia Road) is dirty everywhere, and kitchen utensils such as gas stoves and pressure cookers are covered with grease.
2-2.鱼大大无骨烤鱼饭,后厨环境脏乱,灶台油垢较多,垃圾桶无盖,灶台下、墙角旁满是垃圾,墙壁油垢发霉。 1%
2-2.Boneless grilled fish rice, the kitchen environment is dirty and messy, the stove has a lot of grease, the trash can has no cover, the stove and the corners are full of garbage, and the walls are moldy with grease.
2-3.水煮超人,两名食品从业人员现场不能提供有效健康证。 5%
2-3.Boiled Superman, two food practitioners were unable to provide valid health certificates on site.
2-4.开元街沙县老店,厨房内发现过期食品,消毒柜中放置纸盒、塑料袋等杂物,未正常使用。 2%
2-4.Kaiyuan Street Shaxian Old Store, Kaiyuan Street, expired food was found in the kitchen. Paper boxes, plastic bags and other sundries were placed in the disinfection cabinet, which were not used normally.
2-5.豪哥肉蟹煲,正准备供顾客使用的集中式消毒餐具已过期,消毒柜未接通电源,未见使用。 3%
2-5.Hao Ge Crab Pot, the centralized disinfection tableware that is being prepared for customers has expired, and the disinfection cabinet is not connected to the power supply and has not been used.
2-6.神仙居早餐,操作间面粉、食用油等食品着地放置,物品摆放凌乱,地上有垃圾,操作间台子上放置的一包已开封的肉松,内发现有蟑螂。 1%
2-6.Shenxianju breakfast, flour, edible oil and other foods were placed on the ground in the operation room. The items were placed in a mess. There was rubbish on the ground. A package of opened meat floss was placed on the table in the operation room. Cockroaches were found inside.
2-7.爱尚黄焖鸡米饭,厨房内无防尘防蝇设施,物品摆放凌乱。 2%
2-7.Yellow Braised Chicken Rice, There are no dust-proof and fly-proof facilities in the kitchen, and the items are placed in a mess.
2-8.多加米炒饭,操作间内直接设置卫生间。 5%
2-8.Doga Rice Fried Rice, The toilet is directly set in the operation room.
2-9.轻食与沙拉,冰箱、盛放食品的容器污秽不洁,墙面有霉斑油垢。 2%
2-9.Refrigerators and food containers are dirty and dirty, and there are mildew and grease stains on the walls.
2-10.七星西鹭鸭胫店,盗用别人餐厅名称,谋取暴利。 3%
2-10.Seven Star Xilu Duck Shann Shop, Misappropriating other people's restaurant names for huge profits.
3-1.山西省运城市住房公积金管理中心的员工,强制要求缴存单位购买第三方数字证书认证服务 1%
3-1.Employees of the Housing Provident Fund Management Center in Yuncheng City, Shanxi Province, compulsorily require depositors to purchase third-party digital certificate authentication services
3-2.内蒙古自治区包头市公安局的员工, 强制电动自行车由指定企业安装智能防盗系统和车牌并收费。 3%
3-2.Employees of the Public Security Bureau of Baotou City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, forced designated companies to install smart anti-theft systems and license plates for electric bicycles and charge a fee.
3-3.内蒙古自治区鄂尔多斯市伊金霍洛旗自来水公司员工, 违规向用户收取更换水表费用。 5%
3-3.Employees of Yijinhuoluo Banner Water Supply Company in Ordos City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region charged users for water meter replacement in violation of regulations.
3-4.安徽省蚌埠市劳动保障事务服务中心的员工, 违规收取人事档案保管费。 1%
3-4.Employees of Bengbu Labor and Social Security Affairs Service Center in Anhui Province charged personnel file storage fees in violation of regulations.
3-5.合肥市兴泰融资担保集团有限公司领导, 通过购买银行理财产品等方式获利,非法占有应退还开发商或支付给公积金管理中心利息收入。 2%
3-5.The leader of Hefei Xingtai Financial Guarantee Group Co., Ltd. makes profits by purchasing bank wealth management products. The illegal possession should be returned to the developer or paid to the provident fund management center for interest income.
3-6.山东省临沂市沂水县民政局婚姻服务中心员工, 违规收费,临沂市沂水县民政局婚姻登记处以结婚登记证照片要统一“编码”为由,强制要求婚姻登记须到指定的沂水县婚姻服务中心冲洗带有“编码”的照片。 3%
3-6.An employee of the Marriage Service Center of the Yishui County Civil Affairs Bureau of Linyi City, Shandong Province, charged illegal fees. The marriage registration office of the Yishui County Civil Affairs Bureau of Linyi City forced the marriage registration to go to the designated Yishui County on the grounds that the photo of the marriage registration certificate should be uniformly "coded." The marriage service center develops photos with "codes".
3-7.中国电信河南郑州分公司员工, 限制“靓号”用户携转,并要求收取高额违约金。 2%
3-7.The employees of China Telecom Henan Zhengzhou Branch restricted the portability of “pretty account” users and demanded high liquidated damages.
3-8.潍坊市住房和城乡建设局及其下属事业单位职员, 未认真落实清理评比达标表彰活动要求,默许潍坊市建设工程质量安全协会违规组织评比达标表彰活动并变相收取费用。 5%
3-8.The staff of the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau of Weifang City and its affiliated institutions failed to seriously implement the requirements for the clean-up evaluation and commendation activities, and acquiesced to the Weifang Construction Engineering Quality and Safety Association to organize the evaluation and commendation activities in violation of regulations and charge fees in disguise.
3-9.潍坊市住房和城乡建设局及其下属事业单位员工, 违规将自身应承担的建筑起重机械备案铭牌制作费用转嫁给市场主体承担,潍坊市建设工程质量安全协会借用政府部门行政权力垄断铭牌制作业务并收费敛财。 5%
3-9.The staff of Weifang Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau and its affiliated public institutions violated the regulations and transferred the production cost of construction hoisting machinery registration nameplates to market entities. Weifang Construction Engineering Quality and Safety Association borrowed the administrative power of government departments to monopolize the production of nameplates. And collect money through fees.
3-10.潍坊市建设工程质量安全协会成员, 财务管理极为混乱,违规为潍坊市住房和城乡建设局下属事业单位及个人报销大量款项,有关单位和人员大肆挥霍、侵占社团资产。 3%
3-10.Members of the Weifang Construction Engineering Quality and Safety Association have extremely chaotic financial management. They violated regulations to reimburse a large amount of money for institutions and individuals affiliated to the Weifang Housing and Urban-Rural Construction Bureau. The relevant units and personnel squandered and infringed on the assets of the association.
3-11.浙江省嘉兴市部分初中学校的老师, 推行“平板教学”存在违规分班变相强制捆绑销售。 2%
3-11.Teachers in some junior high schools in Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province, implemented "flat-panel teaching" in violation of regulations and forced bundle sales in disguised form.
1 replies
Active 1371 days ago
hmwyda - wishlists - China
#hmwyda wishlist:
很多人为了自身的利益去做了很多伤天害理的事情, 我希望他们得到惩罚。
Many people have done a lot of detrimental things for their own benefit, and I hope they will be punished.
1:朱付强, 为节约成本, 给客户供应过期的汉堡。 3%
Zhu Fuqiang, in order to save cost, supply customers with expired hamburgers.
2:肖祖, 开的美容公司, 坑了我很多很多钱。 4%
Xiao Zu, a beauty company, cheated me a lot of money.
3:刘洲成, 在老婆怀孕以及月子中对老婆六次家暴, 没有人性。 3%
Liu Zhoucheng, six times of domestic violence against his wife during his wife's pregnancy and confinement, has no humanity.
4:张默, 对女友童谣大打出手, 导致其骨折, 渣男。 5%
Zhang Mo, the girl's nursery rhyme fight, leading to his fracture, slag male.
5:孙志浩, 与老婆吵架把丈母娘推下楼梯, 讨厌家暴男。 4%
Sun Zhihao, quarrels with his wife and pushes his mother-in-law down the stairs.
6:李阳, 数次殴打妻子, 还洋洋得意, 渣男。 3%
Li Yang, beat his wife several times, but also complacent, slag man.
7:黄毅清, 渣男一个, 家暴妻子。 5%
Huang Yiqing, a scum man, family Violence.
8:刘贵乔, 殴打女友, 欺负弱小。 4%
Liu Guiqiao beat his girlfriend and bullied the weak.
9:陈威陶, 殴打妻子, 渣男。 3%
Chen Weitao, beating his wife, scumbag.
10:达伦·科里森, 家暴妻子, 渣男。 4%
Darren collison, beat his wife, scum man.
1:北京招彩旺旺信息技术有限公司, 在用户不知情的情况下,偷偷窃取用户信息。 1%
Without the user's knowledge, secretly steal the user's information
2:嗨学网, 欺骗客户交钱, 后面不兑现承诺, 退钱难, 欺骗客户。 2%
Hixuewang, cheating customers to pay money. If they don't fulfill their promises, it's hard to refund money and cheat customers.
3:中科智联科技有限公司, 窃取信息, 打骚扰电话。 5%
Zhongke Zhilian Technology, steals information and makes harassing calls.
4:上海氪信信息技术有限公司, 在用户不知情的情况下,偷偷窃取用户信息。 3%
Without the user's knowledge, steal the user's information secretly.
5:壹鸽科技, 私自窃取信息, 打骚扰电话。 4%
YiGe technology steals information and makes harassing calls.
6:融360, 虚假信息多, 欺骗客户贷款。 5%
Financial 360, fake information, cheat customers loans.
7:金蝉钱包, 窃取客户信息, 虚假宣传。 2%
Jinchan wallet, stealing customer information, false publicity.
8:纸坊电器售后服务公司, 售后明修暗骗, 没有任何道德。 3%
Zhifang electrical after-sales service company, after-sales repair insidious cheat, there is no morality.
9:聘证网, 租借医药师证, 罔顾人命。 5%
PinZheng net, rent pharmacist certificate, regardless of human life.
10:猎正网, 租借医药师证, 欺骗群众, 给生命造成伤害。 2%
Liezheng net, renting medical certificate, cheating the masses, causing damage to life.
1:汉堡王(香港)发展有限公司的职工, 过期汉堡重新贴上标签给顾客吃, 没有道德。 1%
Any employee of Burger King (Hong Kong) Development Company. are unethical to re label expired burgers for customers.
2:山东即墨海参养殖基地, 用敌敌畏养殖海参, 为了利益没有任何道德。 3%
Any member of Shandong Jimo Sea Cucumber Breeding Base uses dichlorvos to breed sea cucumbers, There is no morality for profit.
3:河北永亮纺织品有限公司, 生产的毛巾以假充好, 谋取不正当利益。 5%
Any member of Hebei Yongliang Textile Company, used fake towels as good ones to seek illegitimate benefits.
4:五菱汽车股份有限公司, 生产的宝骏560变速箱完全不合格, 以次充好。 2%
Any staff of The Baojun 560 gearbox produced by Wuling Automobile Company, was completely unqualified and was shoddy.
5:广州鸿力筑工科技有限公司连, 事故应急救援预案不合规, 完全不尊重生命。 5%
Any member of Guangzhou Hongli Construction Technology Company, did not comply with the accident emergency rescue plan and did not respect life at all.
6:广州市万卓置业有限公司, 修的房子竟然还要漏水, 为了利益完全豆腐渣工程, 欺骗大众钱财。 1%
Any staff of Guangzhou Wanzhuo Real Estate Company, does't meet the requirements of the construction, caused water leakage, garbage project, and deceived the public with money.
7:江西登云健康美业互联有限公司, 欺骗客户, 虚假宣传。 3%
Any member of Jiangxi Dengyun Health & Beauty Interconnection, deceives customers and makes false publicity.
8:兰考县宁远食品有限公司, 生产问题辣条, 生产车间满是垃圾, 没有道德。 2%
Any member of Lankao County Ningyuan Food Company, has a problem with the production of spicy strips. The production workshop is full of garbage and there is no morality.
9:馆陶县振堂蛋鸡养殖有限公司, 生产假的土鸡蛋, 没有道德。 5%
Any member of Guantao County Zhentang Laying Hen Breeding Company, produces fake eggs without morality.
10:金得利, 生产黑心纸尿裤, 没有任何责任心, 太讨厌了。 3%
Any member of Jindeli produces black-hearted diapers without any sense of responsibility, which is too annoying.
1 replies
Active 1375 days ago
hmwyda - wishlists - China
Part 1:
In our country, some officials and businessmen have no bottom line in corruption and bribery, causing irreparable losses to the development of the country and social progress. It is because of these worms that our lives are so difficult.
1.罗小军,因为受贿,没有被惩罚还成为了广安新鸿集团总经理,这样的法治社会居然有这样的漏洞。 5%
Luo Xiaojun became the general manager of Guang'an Xinhong Group without being punished because of taking bribes. Such a society under the rule of law has such loopholes.
2.白恩培,受贿超2亿,为他人在房产开发,获取矿圈,以及职务晋升上谋取利益,对于其他人,是非常不公平的。 0.5%
Bai Enpei, who has taken over 200 million bribes, seeks benefits for others in real estate development, acquisition of mining circles, and job promotion. It is very unfair to others.
3.谷俊山,贪污受贿,挪用公款。 9%
Gu Junshan, embezzled and accepted bribes, embezzled public funds.
4.刘铁男,贪污受贿24亿余元。 5%
Liu Tienan, embezzled more than 2.4 billion yuan in bribes
5.于凡,受贿1.2亿元,损害他人的利益。 2%
Yu Fan took 120 million yuan in bribes, harming the interests of others.
6.萧元,担任广州美术学院图书馆馆长期间贪污画作,涉案金额过亿元。 6%
Xiao Yuan embezzled paintings during his tenure as the library curator of the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, involving more than 100 million yuan in the case.
7.马超群,贪污受贿,损害他人的利益。 8%
Ma Chaoqun, embezzled and accepted bribes, harming the interests of others.
8.张新,受贿1.24亿,严重贪污受贿。 8%
Zhang Xin received 124 million bribes and was heavily embezzled.
9.杨秀珠,贪污受贿,还逃至国外,危害他人。 2%
Yang Xiuzhu, embezzled and accepted bribes, fled abroad and endangered others.
Xu Chaofan stole 483 million bank funds through various methods, jeopardizing the rights and interests of others
Part 2:
Children belong to a disadvantaged group, and they are also the hope of every family. People and things that hurt children are inexcusable, and I hope they will be punished.
1.长春长生生物科技有限责任公司,生存狂犬和百白破疫苗造假,危害婴儿生命。 5%
Changchun Changsheng Biotechnology Co., Ltd. Falsified the survival rabies and DPT vaccines, endangering the lives of babies
2.武汉长生生物科技有限责任公司,百白破疫苗造假,危害儿童生命。 8%
Wuhan Changsheng Biotechnology Co., Ltd. faked the DTP vaccine and endangered the lives of children.
Jiangsu Quanhu national flag vaccine produces fake vaccines, ignoring life.
Dalian Golden Port Andy Company produces crooked vaccines and does not respect life.
5.玉溪沃森生物疫苗,生产不合格疫苗,不尊重生命。 5%
Yuxi Watson Biological Vaccine produces substandard vaccines and does not respect life.
6.海南博鳌银丰康养国际,非法走私9价疫苗,抵制不合法疫苗。 6%
Hainan Boao Yinfeng Health International has illegally smuggled 9-valent vaccines to resist illegal vaccines.
The US-China Outpatient Department purchases vaccines that have not been quarantined and sells them to the outside world without respect for life.
Hebei Fuer Biopharmaceutical Co., Ltd. produces substandard human rabies vaccines, which endangers the society.
9.江苏延申生物科技股份有限公司,生产不合格人用狂犬疫苗,造成人员伤害。 8%
Jiangsu Yanshen Biotechnology Co., Ltd. produced substandard human rabies vaccines, causing personal injury.
Beijing Huawei Industrial Development Company has caused many tragedies of childhood vaccinations, which is really hateful.
Part 3:
I am often harassed by many MLM calls because our information has been leaked by unscrupulous merchants. I hope they can be rectified and return us to a quiet home.
1.科勒卫浴的员工,开发人脸识别系统,精确抓住消费者人脸信息,年龄等,出卖给第三方。 2%
The employees of Kohler Sanitary Ware develop a facial recognition system to accurately capture consumer facial information, age, etc., and sell it to a third party.
2.万店掌的员工,未经消费者同意把个人信息出卖给第三方,侵犯消费者的隐私和财产安全. 6%
Employees of Wandianzhang sell their personal information to third parties without the consent of consumers, infringing on consumers’ privacy and property security
3.悠络客的员工,私自抓拍客户的性别,人脸,以及年龄等出卖给第三方,谋取利益。 7%
Yoluoke’s employees privately capture the gender, face, and age of customers and sell them to third parties for profit.
The employees of Elegant, sell consumers' personal information for profit
5.瑞为的员工,未经消费者同意,侵犯消费者的隐私和财产安全 8%
Ruiwei’s employees violated consumers’ privacy and property safety without their consent
6.宝马公司的职员,出卖消费者个人信息,侵犯消费者的隐私和财产安全 6%
Employees of BMW, betraying consumers’ personal information, infringing on consumers’ privacy and property security
7.MAX Mara的研发人员,开发人脸识别系统,出卖给第三方。 4%
The developers of MAX Mara develop face recognition systems and sell them to third parties.
8.智联招聘的工作人员,未经求职者同意,出卖个人简历给第三方,侵犯求职者的隐私和财产安全 4%
The staff recruited by Zhaolian sells their resumes to third parties without the applicant’s consent, infringing on the applicant’s privacy and property security
9.前程无忧的工作人员,出卖客户个人信息,谋取利益 9%
The staff of Worry-free, sell customers' personal information for profit
10.猎聘的职员,同意出卖个人信息,谋取利益。 6%
The staff of Liepin agreed to sell personal information for profit.
2 replies
Active 1380 days ago
hmwyda - wishlists - China
有一次我相信美好的未來。 但是世界上有很多壞人
Once I believed in a good future. But there are many bad people in the world
#hmwyda wishlist:
1-1. 成龍和吳綺莉在婚姻中被騙並傷害了她的家人 13%
1-1. Jackie Chan cheated on Wu Qili, thus causing great pain to the family.
1-1. Info this:
1-1. https://www.163.com/dy/article/G5I6C01V0525TG49.html
1-1. https://new.qq.com/omn/20210321/20210321A06ADS00.html
1-2. 在妻子懷孕期間欺騙女演員的馬慶偉使妻子終生不育。 20%
1-2. Ma Qingwei stabs his wife in the stomach, provoking a miscarriage. The killer of the unborn child.
1-2. Info this:
1-2. https://www.sohu.com/a/398636614_120183504
1-2. https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1673698056317653516&wfr=spider&for=pc
1-3. 年輕人毀了這個家庭。 與妓女欺騙女友 22%
1-3. Roseand Queen. He sold intimate photos of his wife. Destroyed the psyche of children.
1-3. Info this:
1-3. https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1694919723515163485&wfr=spider&for=pc
1-4. 鄭仁的寄養父母,只有天大的孩子被殘酷地毆打致死,真的應該被砍掉 12%
1-4. Znhen Rin's adoptive parents nearly killed their newborn baby.
1-4. Info this:
1-4. https://weibo.com/tv/show/1034:4615870291574840?from=old_pc_videoshow
1-4. https://new.qq.com/omn/20210319/20210319A00B8P00.html
1-5. 我討厭鄭凱,覺得他是個好玩的男孩,不負責任 12%
1-5. I hate Dzen Kei, he is a deep and rude addict. Sells drugs near the house
1-5. Info this:
1-5. https://zhidao.baidu.com/question/1695532227696754748.html?fr=iks&word=%B3%C2%CF%FE%ABh&ie=gbk
1-5. https://weibo.com/yvonneching1019
1-6. 我討厭傑 他說話太多了。他曾經說過如果受傷就不會結婚,但他又結婚了。我覺得他是叛徒 21%
1-6. I hate Jio. At school we wanted to have a wedding with him. But he chose another person over me.
1-6. Info this:
1-6. https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1626782684682502345&wfr=spider&for=pc
1-6. https://weibo.com/hejie
1-7. 我討厭范炳彬,賺了這麼多錢,避稅 12%
1-7. I hate Fansi Binin, he doesn't pay taxes. Steals money from people
1-7. Info this:
1-7. https://zhidao.baidu.com/question/2081128458988434108.html
1-7. https://weibo.com/fbb0916
1-8. 浙江省溫嶺幼兒園的幼稚園老師閆在幼兒園虐待了孩子們。 真可惡 14%
1-8. Kindergarten teacher Yan Wenling was selling children in kindergarten. It's terrible
1-8. Info this:
1-8. https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E9%A2%9C%E8%89%B3%E7%BA%A2/5647572?fr=aladdin
1-8. https://m.qbaobei.com/mipa/232441.html
1-9. 吳政聯也是一個沒有良心的人,他綁架並賣掉了每個人都討厭的無數孩子。 2%
1-9. Zhenglian is a very bad person. Sells children's organs on the secret black market.
1-9. Info this:
1-9. https://www.sohu.com/a/341253914_100266625
1-9. https://www.chazidian.com/netstar5649/
1-10. 綁架並賣掉了無數孩子的梅姨仍然逍遙法外。 希望有一天我能盡快抓住她。 25 %
1-10. T May, she kidnapped and raped and killed many children. He is still at large. They can't catch her.
1-10. Info this:
1-10. https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E6%A2%85%E5%A7%A8/23816040?fr=aladdin
1-10. https://www.zhihu.com/question/356411418
2-1. 石傑。除了非法收集個人信息外,他們還經常過度收集權限。 5%
2-1. ShiJie, sell personal information to third parties
2-1. Info this:
2-1. http://www.zg-sj.com/
2-2. 一個擁有億資金的MBA金融平台。 13%
2-2. Financial pyramid MBA. Steals money. Unlawfully arranges a casino
2-2. Info this:
2-2. http://www.chemmade.com/
2-3. 我討厭,尤其是當他打電話上班時。5%
2-3. Qq company. telephone scammers. convicts.
2-3. Info this:
2-3. https://www.qq.com/
2-4. 應用程序違反規則收集個人信息。 21%
2-4. Miyue app steals confidential data.
2-4. Info this:
2-4. https://www.daidaidj.com/
2-5. 瑤榮商品貿易中心吸引了多名婦女兌現。 22%
2-5. Yaorong Commodity Trade Center. About 50 women were kidnapped. Steal money. This must stop.
2-5. Info this:
2-5. http://252841606.globalimporter-cn.net/
2-6. 我不喜歡寫更多內容並播放所有廣告。 13%
2-6. Too complicated captcha. A lot of recalma. Viruses.
2-6. Info this:
2-6. https://mobile.hnzycfc.com/
2-7. 網站上披露了違反規定收集的個人信息。 5%
2-7. IqiJiaoYou site, Personal information collected in violation of regulations is released.
2-7. Info this:
2-7. http://www.iqijiaoyou1.cc/
2-8. 會竊取機密信息。10%
2-8. HiWan App steals confidential information. Sells phone numbers to third parties
2-8. Info this:
2-8. http://www.woqiui.net/
2-9. 每天討厭基金,說什麼,不要說重點 15%
2-9. I hate the foundation Every day. They always lie. Invalid information.
2-9. Info this:
2-9. https://fund.eastmoney.com/
2-10. 我不喜歡 那裡有太多人在吹牛。 32%
2-10. Tiktok bullshit. Too badly organized. Children are fucked there.
2-10. Info this:
2-10. https://www.douyin.com/
3-1. 南京雨帆建設服務有限公司,作為悅蘭灣酒店翻新工程的一部分,無理欠農民工工資 23%
3-1. Nanjing Yufan Construction Service Co. Ltd., does not pay salaries to migrant workers.
3-1. Info this:
3-1. https://aiqicha.baidu.com/company_directors_11197100977854
3-2. 福建省兒童保健品公司董事。 製造商沒有良心。 乳脂中含有激素,因此,嬰兒的頭部變得很大。 11%
3-2. Director of Fujian Children's Health Products Company. Produces poisonous goods for children. The younger generation is being killed.
3-2. Info this:
3-2. http://www.u1552108137138.aicao.cn/
3-3. 小米這個謙虛的品牌的員工也希望成為一站式製造商。 12%
3-3. Xiaomi employee, monopolists of the Chinese market. Want to take over the world
3-3. Info this:
3-3. https://www.mi.com
3-4. 有限公司,安徽省建設勞動服務有限公司,向榮鑫新城大廈項目中的農民工外派工資 33%
3-4. Ltd., Anhui You Province Construction Labor Service Co., again does not pay migrant workers.
3-4. Info this:
3-4. https://www.qichamao.com/orgcompany/searchitemdtl/dcde3923b08791982b001d916c371a70.html
3-5. 黑鹿企業三鹿奶粉的負責人傷害了無數兒童,摧毀了無數家庭。。 23%
3-5. Director of Sanlu Milk Powder, make milk with lactose, but don't write about it. Poison children with this.
3-5. Info this:
3-5. http://sanlu.21food.cn/
3-6. 榮創集團的一名僱員沒有良心出售房屋,並且是一個黑心的商人。 21%
3-6. Tongchuang Group employee. These are black realtors. Scammers. They sell non-existent houses.
3-6. Info this:
3-6. http://www.hftcjs.com/
3-7. 安徽旭峰勞務服務有限公司會員 土地雙清灣項目拖欠農民工工資。 51%
3-7. Member of Anhui Xufeng Labor Service Co. Ltd., do not pay salaries to migrants. Instead, guest workers receive only food.
3-7. Info this:
3-7. https://www.qcc.com/firm/171d059c6e249eed0def1cdd5998b37b.html
3-8. 金鄉幼兒園教育者,兒童體罰 32%
3-8. Jinxiang kindergarten teachers beat children. cripple the psyche of children.
3-8. Info this:
3-8. http://tyjdb.5858.com/
3-9. 溫江東辰學校的一位老師出於自私的原因,不分青紅皂白地指責學生。 12%
3-9. A teacher at Dongchen School in Wenjiang, stealing money from students. Scoops out the parents' funds
3-9. Info this:
3-9. http://www.dcwgy.com/
3-10. 合肥同創建築工程有限公司會員 有限公司,無理地欠城南之星項目的農民工工資 21%
3-10. Member of Hefei Tongchuang Building Engineering Co. Ltd., instead of money, migrants are paid with food and bananas.
3-10. Info this:
3-10. http://www.hftcjs.com/
1 replies
Active 1393 days ago
hmwyda - wishlists - China
#hmwyda wishlist:
Hello, I'm so excited, I'm here again! On the basis of the original list, I updated my list, and retaliated against the people I hate!!
1-1. 讨厌郑爽,为了利益, 生了小孩不养, 不负责任 2%
1-1. I hate Zheng Shuang, I'm irresponsible when I have a baby
1-1. https://weibo.com/u/5461016454
1-1. https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1689210558365020260&wfr=spider&for=pc
1-2. 讨厌何洁,说话太水,曾经说过被伤害了不结婚,结果又结婚了,感觉他才是背叛者 1%
1-2. Hate he Jie. He talks too much. He once said that he would not marry if he was hurt, but he got married again. I feel that he is the Betrayer
1-2. https://weibo.com/hejie
1-2. https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1626782684682502345&wfr=spider&for=pc
1-3. 讨厌张恒, 利用小孩来炒作, 获取利益 3%
1-3. I hate Zhang Heng, use children to hype, get benefits
1-3. https://weibo.com/u/1852274825?is_hot=1
1-3. https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1695228024229455582&wfr=spider&for=pc
1-4. 讨厌范冰冰,挣那么多钱还要偷税漏岁 2%
1-4. Hate Fan Bingbing, earn so much money and tax evasion
1-4. https://weibo.com/fbb0916
1-4. https://zhidao.baidu.com/question/2081128458988434108.html
1-5. 讨厌刘芸,不喜欢她的性格,参加节目太小气 1%
1-5. Hate Liu Yun, don't like her character, participate in the program is too stingy
1-5. https://weibo.com/liuyunliuyun
1-5. https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E5%88%98%E8%8A%B8/21747?fr=aladdin
1-6. 讨厌宁静, 也太能装了, 不喜欢虚伪的人 2%
1-6. Hate NingJing, too hypocritical, do not like her
1-6. https://weibo.com/u/2746203844
1-6. https://zhidao.baidu.com/question/431635133986351844.html?fr=iks&word=%C4%FE%BE%B2&ie=gbk
1-7. 讨厌奚梦瑶, 最喜欢假笑, 装清纯 2%
1-7. I hate Xi Mengyao. I like to fake smile and pretend to be pure
1-7. https://weibo.com/ximingxi
1-7. https://zhidao.baidu.com/question/1995822441094013267.html?fr=iks&word=%DE%C9%C3%CE%D1%FE&ie=gbk
1-8. 讨厌郑凯前女友,程晓玥,感觉不简单,不单纯 1%
1-8. Hate Zheng Kai's ex girlfriend, Cheng Xiaoyue. It's not simple
1-8. https://weibo.com/yvonneching1019
1-8. https://zhidao.baidu.com/question/1695532227696754748.html?fr=iks&word=%B3%C2%CF%FE%ABh&ie=gbk
1-9. 讨厌郑凯,感觉花心,不负责任 1%
1-9. Hate Zheng Kai, feel he is a playful boy, irresponsible
1-9. https://weibo.com/u/1594941220
1-9. https://zhidao.baidu.com/question/264132804849404645.html?fr=iks&word=%D6%A3%BF%AD%D7%CA%C1%CF&ie=gbk
1-10. 讨厌刘强东,出轨的男人都可恶 2%
1-10. Hate Liu qiangdong, men who cheat are hateful
1-10. https://weibo.com/liuqiangdong
1-10. https://zhidao.baidu.com/question/2123232958074442267.html?fr=iks&word=%C1%F5%C7%BF%B6%AB%B3%F6%B9%EC&ie=gbk
1-11. 李晨靠恋情上位,与范冰冰分手后被实锤“渣男”
1-11. Li Chen is in the top position because of his love affair. After breaking up with Fan Bingbing, he was beaten by a real "slag man"
1-11. https://weibo.com/lichenlichen
1-11. https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1664397440552494861&wfr=spider&for=pc
2-1. 讨厌博客中国,里面新闻太杂乱 3%
2-1. Hate microblog, the news is too messy
2-1. https://www.blogcn.co/
2-2. 讨厌抖音,里面炫富,哭穷的太多 3%
2-2. dislike tiktok, too many people show off there.
2-2. https://www.douyin.com/
2-3. 讨厌QQ,工作的时候响了更讨厌 2%
2-3. I hate QQ, especially when it rings at work
2-3. https://www.qq.com/
2-4. 讨厌拼多多,全部弹广告 1%
2-4. Hate to spell more and play all advertisements
2-4. https://www.pinduoduo.com/
2-5. 讨厌花小猪打车软件,比滴滴都贵,搞不懂原因 3%
2-5. I hate huaxiaozhu taxi software, which is more expensive than Didi.
2-5. https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E8%8A%B1%E5%B0%8F%E7%8C%AA%E6%89%93%E8%BD%A6/50010925?fr=aladdin
2-6. 讨厌芒果TV,都是一群笑点低的人在表演 1%
2-6. I hate mango TV. It's all performed by a group of people with low smile
2-6. https://www.mgtv.com/
2-7. 讨厌京东,虚假产品多 2%
2-7. I hate Jingdong. There are many fake products
2-7. https://www.jd.com
2-8. 讨厌淘宝,没有信用,卖虚假产品 1%
2-8. Hate Taobao, no credit, sell fake products
2-8. https://uland.taobao.com/
2-9. 讨厌天天基金,说个啥,都不说重点 2%
2-9. Hate the fund every day, say anything, don't say the point
2-9. https://fund.eastmoney.com/
2-10. 讨厌宏信证卷,股票让我亏了几年积蓄,最后悔的事情 2%
2-10. I hate the stock of Acer. The stock makes me lose my savings for several years. What I regret most
2-10. https://www.hx818.com/index.php
3-1. 华西医生,挂号费贵,看病很快,太敷衍了,浪费钱 2%
3-1. The Doctor of Huaxi, The registration fee is expensive, It's fast to see a doctor, It's too perfunctory and a waste of money
3-1. http://www.wchscu.cn/index.html
3-2. 温江东辰学校老师,为了私利,乱收费,坑学生 1%
3-2. The teacher of Dongchen school in Wenjiang, for self-interest, charges indiscriminately and pits the students
3-2. http://www.dcwgy.com/
3-3. 博骏集团,拖欠货款 2%
3-3. The member of Bojun group, payment in arrears
3-3. https://aiqicha.baidu.com/company_detail_53218918241175?rq=es&pd=ee&from=ps
3-4. 融创集团,卖房子没良心,黑心商家 2%
3-4. The employee of Rongchuang group has no conscience in selling houses, and is a black hearted businessman
3-4. http://www.sunac.com.cn
3-5. 华西集团,没实力还修房子 2%
3-5. The employee of Huaxi Group has no strength to repair the house
3-5. http://www.huashi.sc.cn/
3-6. 乐视集团,垃圾企业,让我损失所有存款 5%
3-6. The employee LETV group, Garbage business, let me lose all my savings
3-6. https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E4%B9%90%E8%A7%86/1001210?fr=aladdin
3-7. OPPO手机,实物与宣传不符 2%
3-7. The employee of Oppo mobile phone, which is inconsistent with the publicity
3-7. https://www.oppo.com/
3-8. 小米,一个不起眼的品牌,还想做全能厂家 1%
3-8. The employee of Xiaomi, a humble brand, also wants to be an all-around manufacturer
3-8. https://www.mi.com
3-9. MK包包,样式太老,质量与价钱不匹配 2%
3-9. The employee of MK bag is too old, The style is too old, the quality doesn't match the price
3-9. https://www.michaelkors.cn/
3-10. Fion包包,贵的没有道理 3%
3-10. The employee of Fion bag, expensive is unreasonable
3-10. http://www.fion.com.cn/
Here's what I've added:
4-1.辛巴,销售假的产品,我就买了他卖的假燕窝,这样一个骗子,还能翻红,希望能得到封杀。 10%
4-1.XinBa, selling fake products, I bought the fake bird nest he sold, such a liar, can turn red, hope to be banned.
4-2.黄毅清,爆料别人的隐私,家暴自己的老婆,编造不实的言论去攻击别人,有时候说的话有辱三观,纯粹一渣男,而且是最渣的渣男。 15%
4-2.Huang Yiqing, who exposes other people's privacy, domestic violence against his wife, and fabricates false statements to attack others, sometimes his words are insulting. He is just a scum man, and he is the most scum man.
4-3.我的前老板,于辉,曾经因为一个项目他冤枉我吃公款,后面连一句道歉都没有,因为他是老板,我希望他能受到应有的惩罚。 13%
4-3.My former boss, Yu Hui, once wronged me for eating public money because of a project. He didn't even apologize because he was the boss. I hope he will be punished as he should be.
4-4.林丹,作为一个公众人物,国家级的运动员,还出轨,尽给国家丢脸,也对不起他自己的家人,讨厌这样的出轨男。 15%
4-4.Lin Dan, as a public figure and a national athlete, has cheated, humiliated the country, and sorry his own family. He hates such a cheater.
4-5.奥克斯空调,制热太差了,还那么贵。 10%
4-5.Aux air conditioner, the heating is too bad, it's still so expensive.
4-6.lagogo衣服,样式不好看,还贵。 15%
4-6.Lagogo clothes are not good-looking and expensive.
4-7.阿里巴巴垄断 让我们小商家二选一,在它的平台销售,就不能去别的平台开店,完全垄断,让我们小商家很无奈,对我们也很不公平,希望能得到更严重的惩罚。 13%
4-7.Alibaba monopoly allows us to choose one of the small businesses. When selling on its platform, we cannot open stores on other platforms. It is completely monopolized. It makes our small businesses helpless and unfair to us, hoping to get more severe punishment.
4-8.广州融创大剧院,奇丑无比的一个建筑,拉低了整个城市的精神面貌,就像一个棉花被,与广州这座历史文化名城完全不搭,太丑了。 18%
4-8.Guangzhou rongchuang Grand Theater, an extremely ugly building, lowers the mental outlook of the whole city, just like a quilt. It is totally different from Guangzhou, a famous historical and cultural city. It is too ugly.
4-9.浙江盛世红瑞健康产业有限公司,高价销售保健品,欺骗我爸妈的钱财,导致他们现在还很后悔自责,这样的公司希望能得到严惩,倒闭,就是一个骗子公司。 13%
4-9.Zhejiang Shengshi Hongrui Health Industry Co., Ltd. sells health care products at a high price and deceives my parents' money. As a result, they still regret and blame themselves. Such a company hopes to be severely punished and goes bankrupt. It is a fraud company.
4-10.昆明别样幸福城,因为开发商的资金问题,导致我至今都没有拿到房子,还还着大额贷款,我恨这个楼盘,让我经济困难,生活困难。 10%
4-10.Kunming different happy city. Because of the financial problems of the developers, I haven't got the house yet, and I still have a large amount of loans. I hate this real estate, which makes my economy and life difficult.
2 replies
Active 1394 days ago
hmwyda - wishlists - China
#hmwyda wishlist:
This is the person or thing I hate and hate:
1: My brother is already 30 years old and has no job. His parents' retirement salary also buys houses and renovations from him. He still takes it for granted. I hate him for doing nothing. He didn't know that he loved his relatives, and he didn't have any sense of responsibility. He only cared about himself.
2: My uncle and aunt, grandpa and grandma are over 80 and 90 years old. They completely ignore their Old parents and take the food that the old parents have worked so hard to grow. There is no filial piety. The key is to be very filial to the outside world. In fact, Even during the Spring Festival, the old parents did not eat a meal they cooked. so I was really angry. I hope that all those who are not filial will be old and helpless and get the retribution they deserve.
3: Zhao Doushun, a rapist, is more abominable than direct murder. The key is to be released after serving his sentence. It is extremely unfair to the victim and will cause social panic. Why should he let it out to harm the society?
Relate News:
4: Guo Jingming, he was known for plagiarism, but he refused to admit it at the beginning. He was a plagiarism.
Relate News:
5: Yu Zheng, plagiarizing Qiong Yao's works is also a plagiarism.
Relate News:
6: Pinduoduo, every time we fiddled with us and forwarded it to friends. For 0.02 points, the result was transferred but I couldn't get any money. I was completely deceived, hoping to ban it.
Relate News:
7: Wan'an Community Health Center, completely irresponsible, gave a one-year-old baby two shots of different vaccines at one time, causing the child to induce epilepsy and almost killed him.
8: My mother-in-law, a person who only spends money and provokes the relationship between our husband and wife, if I was given another chance, I would never enter their family.
9: Sichuan Boyu Company, defaulted on our payment for several years, and the amount was huge, which made me unable to establish a foothold in the company.
10: My colleague, a person who doesn't wash his hands in the toilet and is full of lies. I don't know there will be such a person in the world.
11: I hate China’s high school entrance examination, especially the college entrance examination system, which wipes out all the childhood and innocence that children should have. Nowadays, students are under too much pressure from elementary school, and they don’t have enough sleep time every day. Life is more busy than adults and more stressful than adults. Therefore, many parents strive for their children to study abroad and escape the high school entrance examination or the college entrance examination.
12: Why does China not include kindergartens in compulsory education, leading to high prices for many private kindergartens, and there are no places in public kindergartens, which makes it difficult for children to enter school, especially for ordinary families like us, feeling that they owe their children and fail to let them go Good kindergarten.
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Active 1400 days ago
hmwyda - wishlists - China