Topic Threads: hmwyda

hmwyda - how much would you donate anonymously how to create ownerless BTC/BCH/BSV address with special meaning amnesia@amnesia:~$ amnesia@amnesia:~$ wget --quiet amnesia@amnesia:~$ wget --quiet amnesia@amnesia:~$ wget --quiet amnesia@amnesia:~$ ls -l bx-linux-x64-qrcode 1.0.5.tar.gz -rw-r--r-- 1 amnesia amnesia 6494 Aug 12 14:14 1.0.5.tar.gz -rw-r--r-- 1 amnesia amnesia 5037768 May 26 2017 bx-linux-x64-qrcode -rw-r--r-- 1 amnesia amnesia 4376 Aug 12 14:13 amnesia@amnesia:~$ tar xf 1.0.5.tar.gz amnesia@amnesia:~$ chmod +x bx-linux-x64-qrcode amnesia@amnesia:~$ alias bx=/home/amnesia/bx-linux-x64-qrcode amnesia@amnesia:~$ 1) Base58 address is valid for all BTC/BCH/BSV 1.1) base58 address from text amnesia@amnesia:~$ amnesia@amnesia:~$ bx base16-encode "send 1% of how much you'd donate for publishing in blockchain diy manual for building smart rocket" | bx ripemd160 | bx address-encode 1JYmhqs4812R5Me7fHUNo8dfczZwjy8H2d amnesia@amnesia:~$ 1.2) base58 address with text base58 alphabet = digits excluding "0" + lowercase letters excluding "l" + uppercase letters excluding "I", "O" string of 33 letters, starts with "1", last 6 or 7 will be changed, 25 or 26 remain for text amnesia@amnesia:~$ amnesia@amnesia:~$ bx base58-decode 1PrcntHmwydaForKiLLBadGuyxxxxxxxx 00045291c56c3df0faa7d508d17660766187ba423f148ff711 amnesia@amnesia:~$ remove 2 first and 8 last and amnesia@amnesia:~$ amnesia@amnesia:~$ bx address-encode 045291c56c3df0faa7d508d17660766187ba423f 1PrcntHmwydaForKiLLBadGuyxxys6ULy amnesia@amnesia:~$ 2) BTC SegWit address (bech32) 2.1) segwit address from text amnesia@amnesia:~$ amnesia@amnesia:~$ bx base16-encode '0.001 hmwyda for publishing private information about bad guy' | bx ripemd160 f7ba9ada06c834560e439cfb3b5c054db132914d amnesia@amnesia:~$ amnesia@amnesia:~$ python3 >>> >>> from segwit_addr import encode >>> >>> print(encode('bc', 0, bytearray.fromhex('f7ba9ada06c834560e439cfb3b5c054db132914d'))) bc1q77af4ksxeq69vrjrnnankhq9fkcn9y2d7h0q3z >>> 2.2) segwit address with text bech32 alphabet = digits excluding "1" + lowercase letters excluding "b", "i", "o" string of 32 or 51 letters >>> >>> from segwit_addr import CHARSET, convertbits, encode >>> >>> array = [CHARSET.find(x) for x in 'permylhmwydasenddr0nemsgt06adguy'] >>> print(encode('bc', 0, convertbits(array, 5, 8))) bc1qpermylhmwydasenddr0nemsgt06adguyrff2yz >>> >>> array = [CHARSET.find(x) for x in '0nepercnthmwydaf0rd0xyngwh0w0rkshelpspr0tects6adguy'] >>> print(encode('bc', 0, convertbits(array, 5, 8))) bc1q0nepercnthmwydaf0rd0xyngwh0w0rkshelpspr0tects6adguyqc5xscz >>> >>> exit() amnesia@amnesia:~$ 3) BCH new address format (also bech32) 3.1) BCH address from text - convert from 1.1 amnesia@amnesia:~$ amnesia@amnesia:~$ cd cashaddress-1.0.5/ amnesia@amnesia:~/cashaddress-1.0.5$ amnesia@amnesia:~/cashaddress-1.0.5$ python3 >>> >>> from cashaddress.convert import to_cash_address >>> >>> print(to_cash_address('1JYmhqs4812R5Me7fHUNo8dfczZwjy8H2d')) bitcoincash:qrq8ckdda6rthkx5xf9am2qczf7avyfgfgjj6he024 >>> 3.2) BCH address with text bech32 alphabet see 2.2 string of 34 letters, starts with "qq", ends with "q", 31 remain for text >>> >>> from cashaddress.crypto import b32decode, b32encode, calculate_checksum >>> >>> prefix = 'bitcoincash' >>> array = b32decode('qqpermylhmwydaf0r6urn6adguysh0useq') >>> checksum = calculate_checksum(prefix, array) >>> print(prefix + ':' + b32encode(array + checksum)) bitcoincash:qqpermylhmwydaf0r6urn6adguysh0useqlcxzn0q7 >>> >>> exit() amnesia@amnesia:~/cashaddress-1.0.5$

5 replies Active 1393 days ago hmwyda

The only one you have to enlighten is yourself wonderboy. Let them stay in their darkness born of their desires. The point is, all the money in the world is not going to help change yourself or even anyone else. The truth is that if you really had the capacity to do good to others, by first changing yourself; you would already have the resources necessary to do good in as much as your capacity to do good allows. The king as a representative of god needs nothing from anyone else except following his own truth. Yet, here you are making tall promises when what you should be focussing on is fixing your relationships with you family by trying to take responsibility foe your own actions. You and I are here with the common agenda of making more money born from our greed, nothing else.

1 replies Active 1490 days ago hmwyda

385cR5DM96n1HvBDMzLHPYcw89fZAXULJP IFG 7777 LLC. RESERVE. 57301.89658298 BTC 12tLs9c9RsALt4ockxa1hB4iTCTSmxj2me IFG 7777 LLC. ITALY. 10000.01130183 BTC 1KbrSKrT3GeEruTuuYYUSQ35JwKbrAWJYm IFG 7777 LLC. ITALY 2. 10000.01624865 BTC 1P1iThxBH542Gmk1kZNXyji4E4iwpvSbrt IFG 7777 LLC. ITALY 3. 10000.01181861 BTC 1CPaziTqeEixPoSFtJxu74uDGbpEAotZom IFG 7777 LLC. ITALY 4. 10000.01027125 BTC 14YK4mzJGo5NKkNnmVJeuEAQftLt795Gec IFG 7777 LLC. ITALY 5. 10000.03439834 BTC 1ucXXZQSEf4zny2HRwAQKtVpkLPTUKRtt IFG 7777 LLC. ITALY 7. 10000.01027748 BTC bc1qx9t2l3pyny2spqpqlye8svce70nppwtaxwdrp4 IFG 7777 LLC. AFTER HALVING. 2382.08742392 BTC 3Bmb9Jig8A5kHdDSxvDZ6eryj3AXd3swuJ IFG 7777 LLC. EXCHANGE#3 0 BTC 1BAFWQhH9pNkz3mZDQ1tWrtKkSHVCkc3fV IFG 7777 LLC. ITALY 6. 10000.01029497 BTC

2 replies Active 1560 days ago hmwyda