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New customizable activity feed: You can configure the activity feed using the dropdown on top.
Now you have some
Yesterday BCH: 415332-414593=739 memo txs. num of txs📉26.0%, account for 2.2% of all BCH txs(49503) BSV: 765475-765201=274 memo txs, num of txs📉27.1%, (42844) BTC: (349204)
Beta token support has been added. Use at your own risk. Please report any bugs :)
SLP Torch sent to @btcfork View Torch activity here:
Yesterday BCH: 412501=818 memo txs. num of txs📉22.8%, account for 1.5% of all BCH txs(54918) BSV: 764438=238 memo txs, num of txs📉50.7%, (44540)
Tokens are now supported on Memo SV as well
I think there’s a bug in the quantity created when making tokens? See
Here is some additional info on token support:
My balance isn't 1,033,169 on (only 41,112) – maybe an issue with chain split protection?
Is there any way to change my password if I forgot the old one?
There's a surge of similar accounts/actions, seems like someone is depleting the faucet:
do you think a mute button would further fragment the small community here or will that be offset by a more pleasant experience for those using mute?
One reason I wouldn't use a mute button is bc it's interesting to see what topics I agree with people on. eg even agree with LR about Ross Ulbricht. 🤷♀️
On the app I get a notification that someone unfollowed me but there is no such notification on the site.
The very mute function people were requesting from day 1 and you've been ignoring. Why is it so fucking hard to implement?
memo....when will it be possible to mute fucking spammers like this:
I am sorry to say this: but I can't use memo from work anymore due to nsfw content. Is there a way I can turn off pictures?
Is there an official place to request Memo features or view features that are currently under consideration/being developed etc.?
When re-memo
I wanted to re-memo this Craig Wright is a fraud memo but couldn’t :[
Your SV support is like a shit-stain on your project. You claimed that your funding is ok, how about focusing on the army of bugs and much needed features???
memo, why do you ignore your userbase?
Yesterday BCH: 389673-388511=1162 memo txs. num of txs📈49.2%, BCH stress testing(91440) BSV: 753860-753095=765 memo txs, num of txs📈113.7%, BSV stress testing(18317)
what's up with the iOS app? If it's just a matter of money, I'm sure a lot of users would contribute to make it happen sooner.