
Joined Mar 04, 2021

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1448d · hmwyda
Give me some Satoshies to make post anyone PLEASE
1456d · hmwyda - wishlists (donations here)
121uM3hcN9BDXjVo - you already published another list 10 days ago - https://memo.sv/post/f1dfab67e30b035a69c5b56839ef3698e752fca754b6281c5079d94665867ece
And I sent donation - https://www.blockchain.com/btc/address/1JphZzE3mNhZervKK7FspCyJq9Mk5HKvco
And you emptied the address. It's not good.
You should always show non-zero balance. Without balance your list is just a lyric.

Okay, now you should:
top up the address(hoping you haven't spent everything yet),
then, wait 20 days (10+20=month),
then, review and join both lists into one,
then, sign the list with the same address (using the same address looks stable and trustworthy),
then, publish.
And I will (maybe) send a new donation.
1467d · hmwyda - wishlists (donations here)
1H4F2WAQryT7FSuz - cheater
1467d · hmwyda - wishlists (donations here)
1uM3hcNXjVo129BD - don't post multiple lists, make one long list with one address. Minimum 30 items, but there is no maximum.
1467d · hmwyda - wishlists (donations here)
Lets go:
#hmwyda wishlist:

1-1 Putin V.V. (https://twitter.com/KremlinRussia) 1%
1-2 Medvedev Dmitry (https://twitter.com/MedvedevRussiaE) 1%
1-3 Rogozin Dmitry (https://twitter.com/Rogozin) 2%
1-4 Pescov Dmitry (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dmitry_Peskov) 1%
1-5 Kirkorov Filipp (https://twitter.com/fkirkorov) 3%
1-6 Zhiguli - car brand (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zhiguli_(car_brand) 5%
1-7 Oka - car brand ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oka_(automobile) ) 2%
1-8 Mausoleum Lenin ( http://www.lenin.ru/index_e.htm ) 8%
1-9 Prigozhin Iosif (https://twitter.com/prigozhin_iosif ) 5%
1-10 Smekhov Veniamin ( https://twitter.com/smekhoff ) 7%

2-1 Ren TV (https://ren.tv) 5%
2-2 Sport-Express (https://www.sport-express.ru) 5%
2-3 Novosty Voronezha (https://novostivoronezha.ru) 3%
2-4 Radio Royal (https://royalradio.ru) 2%
2-5 1 TV (https://www.1tv.ru) 1%
2-6 MGIMO (https://mgimo.ru) 1%
2-7 Site: rambler.ru 3%
2-8 Vedomosti (https://www.vedomos...
1467d · hmwyda - wishlists (donations here)
121uM3hcN9BDXjVo - wrong signature, second message is unnecessary, the rules are not fulfilled.
Please read this topic from the beginning, and write correct list 10+10+10.
1467d · hmwyda - wishlists (donations here)
121uM3hcN9BDXjVo - wrong signature, second message is unnecessary, the rules are not fulfilled.
Please read this topic from the beginning, and write correct list 10+10+10.
1468d · hmwyda
We are fighting for human rights in russia. We are against slavery. Against political, sexual, racial repression. We will be glad to help. bc1q97usf8znxc3l3zva7t29cp22h93ua59f9lug2f