
Joined Aug 09, 2019

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replied 1707d
What are the sources for these claims?
replied 1707d
I suggest you keep tabs on your bad cholesterol levels during your animal based diet. Then check it again after a period of plant based eating and see the difference yourself
replied 1707d
Animals' flesh is recycled nutrients. The best source is the original source animals got those nutrients from - plants. Skip the middlemen n u get the best nutrients urself. Logical?
replied 1707d
What exactly did you eat, how much, and for how long?
replied 1707d
And how did we survive without carnivorous claws and fangs before tools were ever thought up?
replied 1707d
Oh, so the thousands of studies illustrating how the plant based diet is healthier are all a scam but the theory of evolution is legit?
replied 1707d
Will do. But what about trusting your eyes when you see that your teeth and claws differ greatly from those of carnivorous animals and are very similar to those of herbivorous animals?
replied 1707d
Will do. But what about trusting your eyes when you see that your teeth and claws differ greatly from those of carnivorous animals and are very similar to those of herbivorous animals?
replied 1707d
Failure of your single experiment has no merit in the argument
replied 1707d
Scientifically controlled experiments statistically prove benefit rather than detriment. Results of these experiments are peer reviewed and published in major medical journals.
replied 1707d
Lol plant based diet is scientifically proven to be more beneficial than animal based diet with with hundreds if not thousands of peer reviewed published studies
replied 1716d
Haha finally!