
Joined Apr 30, 2018

Share your favorite ways to spend BCH at https://spendbch.io

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2064d · stresstestbitcoin.cash
BCH has processed 1,541,980 transactions in the past day :)
2064d · stresstestbitcoin.cash
Happy stress test day!
2115d · GROUP tokenization proposal by Andrew Stone
2117d · stresstestbitcoin.cash
5 blocks remain :D
2117d · GROUP tokenization proposal by Andrew Stone
The possibilities are endless for BCH. Read the proposal here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1X-yrqBJNj6oGPku49krZqTMGNNEWnUJBRFjX7fJXvTs/edit
Bitcoin Cash can create the world's largest trustless token market with this efficient proposal by Andrew Stone: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1X-yrqBJNj6oGPku49krZqTMGNNEWnUJBRFjX7fJXvTs/edit
Some ideas:
The most comprehensive merchants: https://acceptbitcoin.cash

Share your favorite products or services for others to find: https://spendbch.io

If that isn't enough, order anything: https://cryptonize.it
What are you using peer to peer electronic cash for on this #SpendBCHDay ?
2131d · stresstestbitcoin.cash
BITBOX mass tx creation sample in case it is helpful to anyone working on this: https://gist.github.com/SpendBCH/3a31504866700ece9ab2769ae514e238
2147d · Irus Text RPG (1)
Inspect both prongs
2147d · Irus Text RPG (1)
Inspect both forks
What sportsbooks are taking 0-conf (instant transactions) for the Warriors Rockets game tonight?
2169d · memo
Loving the new dark theme!
replied 2169d
Massive update, this place looks beautiful!!
Working on a 32mb proof block. Any suggestions of data to archive?
Congrats to @BCH on perfectly planned upgrade via hard fork!!!

Spend and replace https://spendbch.io
Find new merchants: https://acceptbitcoin.cash
Join the most active BCH community: https://discord.gg/nvgHgPU
replied 2182d
Great work thank you! Unleash the mirrors!
BCH is an idea no one can censor: redd.it/8h97rg
replied 2187d
The Gift Of BitCoins
BCH is life. Start spending today!
replied 2187d
An electronic social to cash system
replied 2187d
Andreas Brekken
Thanks! Join both!
replied 2187d
Good initiative!
Join the largest group of BCH supporters https://discord.gg/nvgHgPU
Shout out @BCF. Join the movement http://ambassador.cash