
Joined Apr 16, 2018

Bitcoin maximalist since 2011. Bitcoin SV - back to roots!!

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Miners will eventually start investing in private node optimizations for efficient mining of big blocks to gain an advantage. This is how bitcoin scales. Altruism is a dead end.
I am a big block supremacist.
I think you can do a better job at threading posts memo.
created poll 2136d
How should governance in bitcoin be?
Miners listen (or not), vote and ultimately decide => the market reacts 1 votes · 0 satoshis
The loudest minority with the best social engineering skills (like propaganda, trolling ,censorship, bullying..) decides, pussy miners obey => the market reacts 0 votes · 0 satoshis


November will tell us if BCH is still a technocracy or it successfully grown to serious project. After satoshi infancy period and BS technocratic rule period, we should finally see the third... miners rule period.
Testing memo.cash android app. Still needs some polishing, but looking really promising. Not a huge fan of memo web ui.
There is a huge difference between gaining influence by investing in mining or with socially engineering/bullying by investing in a small but extremely vocal minority using censorship and technocracy.
Who is next? This is getting ridiculous...
2147d · Purse.io
Does it work in amazon.es?
There can be no friendship between #BTC and #BCH. Two chains are slowing further adoption as they bring confusion. Users don't care, they want simple. Miner will probably eventually have to decide which chain to kill.
OG Whales...

Come on memo. Can you paint with different colour memos I already liked/tipped?
#DOGE works better than #BTC. Nobody committed anything for a while. It has no RBF, no segwit, no full blocks policy. In other words technocrats did not destroy it with their micromanaged central planning mentality.
#bitcoin is governed by investor miners and investor users

#bitcoin is not governed by developers, code, fool nodes, segwit justice warriors
voted in poll 2201d

https://i.imgur.com/raIYRBv.jpg DAY 8 MATCH #23/64 Thursday, 21 Jun, 18:00 UTC ARGENTINA vs CROATIA 1) Place your bets as tips when you vote 2) NO LIKE-BETTING PLS Max: 10 mil sats/bet Min: 100k sats/bet

Croatia + 0.5 goals (1.70x)

2202d · memo
memo.. why imgur? I don't want to make profile there.
Core zelouts, once they realize they were holding empty bags and see there will be no bailouts, will go straight to governments and become loudest proponents of complete crypto ban.
2206d · slovenian
Naredil sem skupini na facebooku - bitcoin cash slovenija
2207d · Litecoin
Times when you changed logo and call it for example digital silver are history.
Just quit my job today after 15 years. Going full Bitcoin cash from now on.
Bitcoin is such an amazing invention because It gives economic incentives to people who want to bring more economic freedom to the world. You get rewarded for making world a better place.
Bitcoin is the biggest opportunity for libertarians to gain more importance, because of knowledge in economics, complex theory, philosophy, politics. Technology component is not needed, though it surely can add extra.
Real #bitcoin adoption can only be inversely correlated to number of people freeing themselves from Stockholm syndrome.