
Joined Apr 16, 2018

Bitcoin maximalist since 2011. Bitcoin SV - back to roots!!

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replied 1795d
I can't accept it. Not until regulations are clear about it. In our statist vision this is important. I am sure you'll understand.
replied 1795d
I can't accept it. Not until regulations are clear about it. In our statist vision this is important. I am sure you'll understand.
replied 1795d
Nothing, just raising one parameter and faking some numbers on testnet. We miss those fine scientists that were left on BU and ABC.
replied 1798d
4 monkeys won't do it. Tell Aumary to deploy at least 4 more.
replied 1816d
Way too late.
replied 1816d
Bitchcoin trash engineers working hard on it.
Aumary deployed 4 monkeys.
replied 1820d
Bitchcoin loser
replied 1826d
Legendary looooser

Number go up
In this piece, I tried to dig deep into the proof of work as a fundamental ideology of Bitcoin.

replied 1899d
I have spent it all. Donated what was left to a few accounts. Not much though...
All those BABlers adding transactions to SV chain!
replied 1906d
Yes. Both together on the dump of history
replied 1909d
Kain_niak is a well-known miracle. It's a person who has no brain but is somehow able to go through day to day activities.
Bitcoin and sustainability of its security model

The security model of Bitcoin, aside from digital signatures, is primarily based on economic incentives. Miners secure the network by competing in the open market in pursuit of the block reward. Home users used to be able to “generate” coins using the Bitcoin Core client itself, with normal consumer hardware. We now have large mining farms and pools, and it is no longer feasible for the home user to mine without an expensive ASIC miner. Proof of Work, the cryptographic mechanism by which mining is performed, requires constant investment and innovation. The miner at the top must innovate to stay on top; he can not rest on his laurels, so to speak. Bitmain was seen as an unstoppable juggernaut just a year ago; there are now rumors of impending bankruptcy and selloffs. The mining market is very unforgiving, and only the most cutthroat capitalist can win at the end of the day. If he wants to continue winning, he must continue to innovate...
replied 1924d
Don't get stomped on the way out...
Not gonna use memo until block becomes available. It's a broken circlejerk echo chamberish platform made for trolls. Waste of time.
replied 1940d
That's cool and I can respect that.
replied 1940d
This convo started by someone stating BSV is a fascist coin BTW. SO BAB or ABC is not even a comparison.
replied 1940d
It's only permissionless for the thing that matters none. Otherwise checkpoints and screw your pow, we were first 😂
replied 1940d
So predictable. While Ignoring the actual point. Again. BCH is not bitcoin according to Aumary and Jihan and its their project, they were first. 😂