
Joined Apr 16, 2018

Bitcoin maximalist since 2011. Bitcoin SV - back to roots!!

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replied 1943d
ABC is not bitcoin. Stated by Aumary and Jihan several times. It's an centralized dev circlejerk altcoin using POW only to distribute remaining subsidies.
replied 1943d
By using even more POW? You're not talking any sense. Governance model was designed since the beginning. Takeovers are things that happen all the time in free markets.
replied 1944d
He plagiarized hello world. Hahhaa
replied 1944d
Except they bring new attack vectors which can be used by potential attackers. The thing is there is no attacker, just someone shit scared exposed.
replied 1944d
Roger showed skin to make sure split happened. But Craig managed to scare with words only ABC so they give up on the core governance principles and expose centralization of its fork.
replied 1944d
You missed the point by the mile like a true baby coretard.
replied 1949d
Is it just a different domain for https://sv.memo.cash/ ???

BTC vs Bitcoin
replied 1953d
So... not always...
replied 1953d
I don't think you yet fully absorbed the influence of subsidies in the bitcoin. No subsidies, no price/reward coupling for miners. And eventually, we need to get there, else inflation
We can all reach the consensus that 21mil is the cap. The reality is, we haven't yet seen a sustainable security model that would support that number.

#Bitcoin #ThereIsNoSpam
replied 1954d
30% of all transactions or of those which use Op_return?

Muuuh raspberry pi datacenter.....
Anarchist is just a butthurt fascist who isn't able to impose his will on others
replied 1967d
Shammah before he left ABC told me in a tweet that main reason for a split contingency was a refusal of nChain to accept Avalanche in the roadmap. So not surprising at all...
Memo android app is very cool. Since it's here I use memo way more. Great job Jason!!
replied 1967d
Keep trying kiddo
replied 1967d
You were fun for a day, now you're just retarded. Go hug twatter.
replied 1967d
Wrong and unrelated as Aumary fucked off biggest BCH miners to that point already in August.
replied 1968d
Dude you're pathetic.
replied 1968d
Changing goal posts. You're trying really hard, but failing just as fast.
replied 1968d
You said you get a ton of likes for correcting me and also I only got likes from you. Math must be as hard as paraphrasing for you! Also connecting the dots. You like it simple. Gotcha
replied 1968d
It was all good, but then you mentioned you get more likes and now..... I dunno. I will probably go to see some CSW videos to cheer myself up.
replied 1968d
Oh... he mentions shitcoins on every interview and brags how he holds many of them. He likes DASH in particularly.