
Joined Apr 16, 2018

Bitcoin maximalist since 2011. Bitcoin SV - back to roots!!

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replied 1970d
My life is so miserable... I wish I received more likes. ☹️😩
replied 1970d
OMG... paraphrasing has nothing to do with shortening. It's the meaning dude. "I am small and can't compete, big guys bad, big guys centraliseeeed!!"
replied 1970d
No, that would be you. One example, Coingeek had around 1.000PH for 6 months and before fork they brought another 1.000PH, right now they use 250PH on BSV.
replied 1970d
BTC miners are as disengaged when coming to decision making as they can possibly be. Whooosh...
replied 1970d
Amaury "investor win" Sechet fucked off major miners and initiated split. Now BCH is run by wannabe protocol devs and BSV by miners.

replied 1970d
Miners mine what is profitable. They care not to suck a chain dry on the short term. But their investments are aligned with long term sustainability of the network.
replied 1970d
Maybe in your world BTC is still bitcoin. But in mine, it lost too much of original design to still be called bitcoin. Hence if it wouldn't there would be no need for BCH/BSV forks.
replied 1970d
I rather see miners dictated roadmap than zero stake Aumary type of devs... we split "investor win" type of guys.
replied 1970d
You sound like core 2.0. It's just 2017 all over again.
replied 1970d
You just gave me purpose. I might keep them now. 🤪
replied 1971d
Not without further protocol changes like reducing block time.
replied 1972d
It seems like wormhole was a cheap attempt to compete with ETH and Gabriel is nr1 zelout for ETH as he stated numerous times. He also forked metamask and made badger.
replied 1972d
That would only prolong his rule as he would rig elections again.
replied 1972d
It's hard to understand competition and capitalism I know. In BCH I guess every raspberry needs to be consulted of approval.
Retweet/Rememo would be a welcoming addition to memo.
replied 1973d
Open source means nothing in this context. A bunch of corporate software is releasing open source software.
replied 1975d
You better ignore the turd, he sure steers adoption. This is the downside of the platform. It refuses to implement block :(
replied 1975d
Everyone can collect random punchlines from chat rooms and throw them randomly one after another. You never kept two posts on the same topic. Complete waste of time (and blockchain).
replied 1975d
Please ignore me. I have no will to have 100 subjects at the same time in the conversation and constantly adding new ones, so you can pretend you know what you are talking about.
replied 1975d
Your mind is living in the past. There is no mainnet in data centers. Just a separation of concerns which can be also achieved on bitcoin but with several orders less of complexity.
An intrinsic advantage of the bitcoin as a data carrier is that it uses the same blockchain to record both payments and content data. When adding script and stable protocol to the mix you have an #unfuckening.
Storing data on a bitcoin has the obvious advantage that a payment mechanism is built into the system. It's possible to develop payperview of encrypted data. The complexity of every data solution is low.
replied 1975d
Try yours.org if you have some digital content trying to make money on. Memo is an alternative to twitter where you don't need to sell your privacy and content is not censorable.
replied 1975d
replied 1976d
Anyone can build a node and compete. Professional transparent node implementation which is not open to random people to mess with is a better approach. There is a bug bounty though.