csw: Bitcoin is cash. It is a fixed protocol. Only as a cash system does it or any blockchain survive. And, as cash, it is a ledger that can serve any other purpose involving any exchange imaginable.
csw:The way bitcoin works is capitalist. Miners who cannot scale go broke, profit increases for those remaining miners, this attracts investment, miners scale.
csw:I have hardware to run 100gb blocks at home now. If miners will not act as commercial entities, then we will and we will happily take blocks and profit from those who will not Bitcoin IS capitalist
csw:The WORST thing in crypto, for bitcoin, is the existance of non fiat exchanges that are aimed at speculators and not currency use. These are parasites
csw:ABC have threatened a UASF if they do not get sufficient hash power.GOOD.It is about time that lie is killed off. I welcome it. UASF means nothing. Bitcoin is hash power. Please show everyone how impotent you are.
csw:Now we are at 12.5 BCH a block. In 2 years, 6.25 etc What is ignored OVER and over - "is the economics of mining after the transition to a fully fee based system".
csw:When you split and add replay protection - we match and watch your coin fail. This is not a split - it is killing any split just as the whitepaper details!
csw:A world without socialist "Proof of Stake" where those who have once achieved can rest on milking past achievements and forget growth and competition
csw:If you want to follow me thinking I am an ideal, then, I have failed.If you think sound money is not a goal to work for in itself, then, you cannot understand bitcoin. There is no king in bitcoin. There is freedom
You say that money is made by the strong at the expense of the weak? What strength do you mean? It is not the strength of guns or muscles. Wealth is the product of man's capacity to think.