
Joined Apr 15, 2018

I strongly dislike Blockstream.

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replied 1549d
Step 1. Have a bunch of bad actors say the right things to infiltrate community

2. Create contention

3. People begin saying it can’t pass due to contention

4. Block all progress!
replied 1549d
Weird how they took a middle of the road approach with faketoshi and created a fucking bsv client, but now really putting their foot down threatening to fork to prevent abc funding
replied 1549d
Fuck BU
1651d · memo
There needs to be a way to set a backup address in case this one gets compromised
1718d · Memo
We need re-memos, they will help people discover who else is on this platform
replied 1756d
Could you just automatically make more utxos? Auto-split balance into a bunch of .00001 utxos or something so that it’s way less likely you’ll run out of them.
replied 1779d
Where can I learn about how it works? Does it use CHECKDATASIG?
replied 1785d
Noice. Is there a page where I can see all the tokens I have?
replied 1789d
Could you string txs together? Or maybe send multiple txs at once? 🤔
replied 1789d
Would be really cool if you could tip individual posts with tokens
replied 1789d
I meant to send roger ver 5mil of FuckBlockstream token but it only sent 50,000. Might be a bug because of the two decimals of my token? Or did I type it wrong? I am high
replied 1789d
1806d · memo
1806d · memo
I wanted to re-memo this Craig Wright is a fraud memo but couldn’t :[ https://memo.cash/post/9d41091fd659287c496c239b3b43000f8b7949dc98bcdc54cca5a501a3062dd6
1806d · memo
When re-memo
1814d · DeepWeb
So what’s the go to market these days
replied 1827d
Perfect 👍 didn’t realize the post time was clickable
replied 1828d
Is there a way to share this post, like how on Twitter I can “Share Tweet via...” -> “Copy Link”?
replied 1828d
Damn that would be tight, let the spice tokens flow!
replied 1836d
Happy birthday my dude
replied 1845d
I wouldn’t use a cryptocurrency that makes me look up current conditions.
replied 1893d
1895d · memo
Which chain is https://memo.cash/stats for
sent · 1,696 sats 1914d
your profile pic is the tits
replied 1916d
You can find more discussion here: https://github.com/Bitcoin-ABC/bitcoin-abc/pull/41