Nobody outside the CNN Trump Derangement Bubble cares if Trump got dirt on Hillary from another country. He was elected because a majority of Americans were tired of the usual bullshit.
I wonder if they know that you spend your time online reposting impotent socialist rage on their dime instead of seeking to make yourself financially independent.
thought we were caring for illegal immigrants this week? does the schedule say wealth gap? or do we care about stormy Daniels? which week is gun control?
If any of you has gotten other people into Bitcoin or spent time promoting it - thank you for your service. You've done more for freedom than anyone in the armed forces ever has.
Fuck sake dude, nobody gives a flying fuck what random cunts on the compromised Pedo Satanist propaganda platform that is twitter think. Can you kindly fuck off?
"So twitter has decided to shadowban my account. Sad to say the least. Been on there for many years and now I need to find a new platform to post on. ... . Cheers to the future!"
If one reads the Bitcoin defining white paper, and is honest with one’s self, it is clear that it is describing BCH, not BTC.