
Joined Apr 26, 2018

MAGA! WWG1WGA! End the Fed!

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1786d · Bitcoin SV
What kind of stone cold losers sit in a Bitcoin SV thread hating on BSV all day?
1786d · Bitcoin SV
I have a feeling the trolls will still be in this thread bashing BSV even after BTC and BCH are dead and buried and BSV is the only crypto around. Sad. Hey trolls... check that price boost!
1790d · Bitcoin SV
Ill add in the anti-Qanon crowd as well. MAGA... WWG1WGA!
1790d · Bitcoin SV
Better yet the anti-Trump, anti-CSW and anti-BSV crowd. I'm still not tired of winning... you tired of losing?
1790d · Bitcoin SV
Shills on high alert today... these people are STUPID.
1791d · US Politics/Trump
Wikileaks is comped.
1798d · Bitcoin SV
The irony in saying BSV will die soon, the day it doubles in price and CSW proves he's Satoshi in court and is granted patents. CLOWN.
1798d · Bitcoin SV
Satoshi will sign eventually but you low IQ muppets still wont admit you're wrong. Lightrider we saw how you handled the Mueller report LOL. You're a low IQ sockpupet and failing at that as well
1799d · BCH Speculation
Someone start a poll on what BCHs new name will be. Shitcoins cant use the Bitcoin name anymore. LLOLOLLLOLOOLOLOLOLLLOLOLOL. Speculate on that.
1799d · Bitcoin Cash
Dump your shitcoin fellas. Its official. LOOLOLOLOLOLLOLLLLOLOL.
1799d · Bitcoin SV
1818d · US Politics/Trump
He's done this time... right guys?
1821d · US Politics/Trump
1831d · US Politics/Trump
1832d · US Politics/Trump
Dems will still be "finding" "potential" obstruction of justice years into their jail terms. That's if they are lucky enough to not be hung for TREASON. WWG1WGA
1832d · US Politics/Trump
1832d · US Politics/Trump
Mueller report says Trump right again... LR still wrong. More denial, random low IQ Twitter posts and lots of SALT incoming!
replied 1851d
Sk8eM dUb
Qanon is a do your own research kind of thing. If you're too low IQ to fact check legitimacy for yourself the Q is certainly not meant for you. Stick to CNN and sitcoms.
1852d · QAnon
Q may originate in the US but it is a worldwide movement. No matter where you're from I can guarantee your government is completely corrupt and an arm of the deepstate. Take France, Q signs galore.
1853d · US Politics/Trump
Has LR ever said anything that didnt later prove to be incorrect. If so I havent seen it.
1853d · QAnon
Are you in a coma? No Russian Collusion... Proof of a Coup against a Duly Elected President of the United States and a TREASONOUS Dem party. Whats the punishment for TREASON? Enjoy the show! #WWG1WGA
1853d · pol/ - Politically Incorrect
Islam is a Death Cult... not a Religion.
1855d · QAnon
Take the I out of IQ and you get Qanon. #PanicInDC #PAIN
1855d · Elongated Skulls
1856d · US Politics/Trump
So after today it's safe to say... Best President ever! #Trump2020