Vegard Wikeby

Joined Jun 26, 2018

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replied 2226d
Love the like amount and one click Ajax load of likes...
Maybe the most important video you'll see this week and for some life.
POP! by HandCash was just released. This is a game changer. Let the free market come up with ideas!
Look at that... lots of weak hands (or whales?) handing in their cryptoholdings for fiat. Anyone here who foresaw the opportunity to sell before this? When do we reach the floor?
Just recovered my seed from a lost Trezor (from 2014) on a new Trezor, suspension was high in hopes of fortune and fame. Naaah, 0 BTC left on it. So I have to look elsewhere. At least I got a hardware wallet again!
replied 2232d
Wormhole looks promising!
replied 2232d
Corrected: Is this a good opportunity to sell BTC to BCH? Current ratio is 0.090. Will the BTC vs BCH ratio go lower, to say 0.080? What do you think?
Is this a good opportunity to sell BTC to BCH? Current ratio is 0.9. Will the BTC vs BCH ratio go lower, to say 0.80? What do you think?
2233d · Random acts of Handcash
I'm $vegardwikeby . Add me sending a cent and I'll send it back.
Stefan leaving a journalist a little more understanding of their freedom views, progress. Good background interview while you work (or on your 2nd screen)
Great work and chill playlist for any entrepreneur out there freelancing or doing digital nomading. Enjoy the mid-week, it's never a weekend for us.
replied 2235d
In hindsight I would have held my FIAT in 2018 over any cryptocurrency so far this year, but I am in it for the long term (years). I like BCH more than BTC for spending and earning.
Nobody is perfect and you will be next! Oh wait, this is blockchained? The next evolution of shared data (blockchained) is coming faster than I expected, silencing is here!
replied 2235d
Eat my words! 6200 USD for 1 BTC at the moment. Are we going for a new low for this year? BCH is cheaper by approx 5-7% if you hold BTC (but the gap is closing). Only 219B market cap!
The crypto market is getting hammered right now, look at how ETH and XRP is down way more (at the moment).
2236d ·
2236d ·
Crypto Clothes for Crypto. We'll add more designs over time. If you have a design (must be legally yours) and want to have it for sale with us (earn some), send us an email [email protected].
replied 2239d
En Fri Mand
It's a way to say; I don't believe their statement. Not saying I'm right, but my scrutiny shouldn't be harmful if their numbers are true in the end, it's just a 1:1 currency to USD.
Imagine the day when each individual stock of a company is linked directly to a blockchain with rules that can't be broken. True transparency and instant verification of a company's "actual" value in real time.
replied 2239d
We won't really know until the moment comes when a big portion of users (in a short timespan) sells Tether in trade for real cryptocurrencies. If the price plummets, it was all fake.
Could Tether be the biggest scam/ponzi ever or is it a liquid business refusing transparency? I don't trust it and the so called FSS report does not convince me of their numbers. What do you think? Bitconneeeeeect v2?
People die, due to lack of food & medical supplies. The gov. has not responded to Red Cross & Amnesty who wants to ship over medical supplies into Venezuela. I feel anger.
replied 2240d
Is spam subjective? Let there be voluntary services on top of; check filters you want and let freedom be a choice. The challenge is when uncomfortable spam gets on here.
A voice. Be that voice. Let people hear you. Build. Serve others. Be yourself, your true self. Don't be evil. Listen. Don't threaten. Inspire. Be free. Let others be free. Have patience. Believe in yourself. Love.
replied 2240d
Yeah, it's expensive. I am sorry for your incident, hope your dog recovers well. If you are able atm, do ask them if they accept cryptocurrencies.