Vegard Wikeby

Joined Jun 26, 2018

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replied 2240d
Since is a tool to express opinions, it could get ugly for the individual originally owning the account as the "only" currently security is our password. No current recovery.
replied 2240d
How is the login secured? Does the password go through your app/API in any way? I like it, but one leak of credentials of login and it will be an hijacked account forever.
Bloody red day for trading cryptocurrencies atm. The Paul Krugman view is headlining on every small newspaper/blog (after effects after the original release a few days ago), might have something to do with it.
replied 2241d
% alone shouldn't be dangerous data to share publicly. I am asking in order to understand your BCH optimism, maybe you will strengthen my belief in going bigger % in BCH.
replied 2241d
How much % of your crypto investments are in BCH on your part?
It's one year after the BCH HF from BTC. Are we finally done with this name calling crap and move on? BCH is Bitcoin Cash and BTC is Bitcoin. BTC SF, but didn't break the chain, BCH did. Enough said. Let's build.
Bitcoin Cash is on fire (700k tx's). Lots of breakthroughs going on and has been brewing under the surface for 365 days. We have with social handles with global sms wallets...
replied 2242d
I have a really hard time defending BTC when I see this "reality". It's clear Bitcoin Cash wins here, but do we dare to convert most of our BTC holdings to BCH as long term investment?
The illusion is kept alive, at least until practically every plane is on the ground for maintenance
replied 2242d
Sorry, saw the rest of comments now.
replied 2242d
Mines less of what? If the scenario was that there is no more coins to be mined. Please be more detailed.
Be fast and earn 5 USD by sharing with a friend
replied 2243d
How did it go Anatolia? I can see you emptied your account here and kept some portion on your fundraiser page, hope you got enough to get by for some time. Let us hear from you :)
replied 2243d
It seems my chance is coming up, once again. One more time! Down we go!
My first cryptocurrency only online-store up just now, selling crypto clothing! Not much atm, but if you'd like a t-shirt with a Bitcoin/Bitcoin Cash logo, time is now!
Happy decentralised birthday Bitcoin Cash!
replied 2243d
BitcoinIsP2PC4$H was mentioned due to expecting a future where realtime conversion of any type of crypto*currency will be available, making a less appeal (my opinion) for Stellar?
replied 2243d
I don't think it is as good as true decentralized and verified money as BTC/BCH, but as a means to transfer money it has potential. In the end services like shapeshift might kill this.
Bitcoin CasH BCH; the coin that simply wouldn't go away and stop being a nuance for soft forked Bitcoin BTC. It's 1 year tomorrow and it still has a shot at the title.
replied 2243d
Stellar really is on the move, looking at how it has grown makes me study it more, will it have a chance to be at the top?
replied 2244d
Wrote a more complete piece on how we as crypto community can help:
replied 2244d
I do wonder what we can do? Donations of old smartphones from the western world? Maybe start a donation program where each smartphone activated to receive monthly 2 USD in crypto/BCH?
"Speaking is their only hope left." Venezuela is in a lot of problems, we all know this, but how can we make them use cryptocurrency if many do not have access smartphones?
replied 2245d
Hope it helps. Take care of yourself.
replied 2245d
Welcome. BCH has its uses, but there is no witholding or censorship here, so you are free to express and question any cryptocurrency. With great freedom comes great responsibility.