Vegard Wikeby

Joined Jun 26, 2018

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2245d · Donation Page
Hey Anatolia, give me a comment on my giveaway and I'll add you a small amount of 2 USD to your account. I hope the best for you and your family.
replied 2245d
Bump. *waving a 2 dollar bill*...
replied 2245d
Thanking him for doing the hard work of veryfying my money and gives him a f(r)ee drink for taking care of all the guests payments tonight. Hehe...
When Bitcoin was created, it did something remarkable; "the promise to pay" is no longer enforceable unless decentrally agreed upon. Especially governments will have a hard time changing towards this future reality.
replied 2245d
Yes, but I think still crypto people would enjoy that there is no offline payment, but I might be wrong about that. I will keep it online as I will use the computer for online stuff.
OpenBazaar is really well done, I am about to reuse one of my old laptops to always be online and I will build up a store with crypto stuff (TBA). This is amazing. Cryptouniverse rocks!
replied 2245d
"But that was a week ago." that should be a meme.
replied 2245d
Generosity comes with this beauty called freedom. I agree cryptocurrency is magnificent for giving and has opened pandoras box to give freely. Thanks for participating with your words.
replied 2245d
I think it is 50% of the minimum wage? Maybe this has changed already, it's crazy down there.
GIVEAWAY 29 July 2018: 240000 Satoshi's! 2 USD. Comment your reason for needing the money. I'll select one of your comments with a tip by the end of the day or the day after.
replied 2245d
Done, hope it brings value to your life!
replied 2245d
I'll reply. Test away!
replied 2245d
What? No one needing my 1 USD dollar? Come on people, I am sure there is someone in more need of it than me.
To have a drink of alcohol you need to be 21, to take out 100000 USD in debt you can be 18 (or even lower).
replied 2246d
There is plenty of bugs, but it's a start.
2247d · memo
Looks great MorningWoodElves
replied 2247d
It's very interesting, I first spotted interest for Stellar when Stripe got involved. I like BTC, BCH, Stellar and Monero in that order. ETH is only a backup investment, just in case.
Stefan saved a life, literally? This was a very interesting talk Stefan Molyneux did with a guest on his show
GIVEAWAY 27 July 2018: 120000 Satoshi's! Comment your reason for needing the money. I'll select one of your comments with a tip by the end of the day or the day after.
replied 2247d
I think you have to Google who he is, then you can try to reach him. Not the other way around.
There's no right or wrong, only tradeoffs.
replied 2247d
I've read your texts and your donations pages. You do make quite an effort. Have you considered calling Dave Ramsey? You would be right up his alley to fix your direction of action.
replied 2248d
Where did you find the customer? Locally or internet?
replied 2248d
120000 satoshis has been sent/liked, use them for the anticipated stress test or tip away here on the 1st. Thanks for participating.
Interesting documentary on how brainwashing was done through the satellite network of television in the early 90's. It's called Spin (1995) and shows you behind the scenes