"The others merely adopted the boredom. He was born in it. Molded by it. He hadn't known a competent teacher until he was already a man; by then he felt nothing but apathy." Law Of Averages
Yesterday 150632-148590=2042 memo transactions. Number of transactions📈20%. Charts available at https://memo.cash/charts . considering whether should I stop this recording???
Biggest is that Cointext rolling out world wide. Africa, Southeast Asia and South America will be able to bypass predatory remittance services. That coupled with purse.io will be huge.
Really interested in the cointext roll-out, where can I read more?
Biggest is that Cointext rolling out world wide. Africa, Southeast Asia and South America will be able to bypass predatory remittance services. That coupled with purse.io will be huge.
MATCH #6/64
Saturday, 16 Jun, 13:00 UTC
1) Place your bets as tips when you vote
2) Max 1,000,000 sats per bet
Argentina - 1.5 goals (1.90x)
It's going to get Messi for optimal Bitcoin Mining Land.
the 0-fee news floating around lately just seems like a talking point against EOS
Been saying for years that these "free" txn blockchains are BS. Compromising security for free txns when a transaction can be secured for under a penny is ridiculous. Iota, EOS, Nano.