
Joined May 25, 2018

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2400d · Favorite Quotes
"Children are our future. Unless we stop them now." - Homer J. Simpson
2429d · memo
Yesterday 150632-148590=2042 memo transactions. Number of transactions📈20%. Charts available at https://memo.cash/charts . considering whether should I stop this recording???
2442d · memo
Yesterday 135032-133559=1473 memo transactions. Number of transactions📈0.1%
2445d · memo
Yesterday 130993-129985=1008 memo transactions. Number of transactions📈9.7%
2446d · memo
Don't have much free time these days but I haven't given up working on my memo app. There's some UI errors but those will be fixed:
2448d · memo
Yesterday 128172-127205=967 memo transactions. Number of transactions📉27.1%
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2451d
Biggest is that Cointext rolling out world wide. Africa, Southeast Asia and South America will be able to bypass predatory remittance services. That coupled with purse.io will be huge.
2451d · memo
Yesterday 123559-122590=969 memo transactions. Number of transactions📉10.2%
2452d · Capitalism
i think there is more common ground than it appears by reading this (crazy long) thread. arguing is fun, so were arguing over details 😂
2453d · memo
Yesterday 121511-120282=1229 memo transactions. Number of transactions📉16.8%
2460d · memo
Yesterday 110482=1384 memo transactions. Number of transactions📈15.5%
2460d · memo
Yesterday 112106-110482=1624 memo transactions. Number of transactions📈17.3%
2459d · memo
Yesterday 112950-112106=844 memo transactions. Number of transactions📉48%
The most popular and innovative projects and services on Bitcoin Cash - 15 June 2018

voted in poll 2460d

https://i.imgur.com/1NlsY1t.jpg DAY 3 MATCH #6/64 Saturday, 16 Jun, 13:00 UTC ARGENTINA vs ICELAND 1) Place your bets as tips when you vote NO LIKE-BETTING PLS 2) Max 1,000,000 sats per bet Enjoy!

Argentina - 1.5 goals (1.90x)

It's going to get Messi for optimal Bitcoin Mining Land.
replied 2461d
I actually think 0-fee is silly and unnecessary. 0-conf is critical.
replied 2461d
Been saying for years that these "free" txn blockchains are BS. Compromising security for free txns when a transaction can be secured for under a penny is ridiculous. Iota, EOS, Nano.
2461d · memo
Yesterday 110482-109098=1384 memo transactions. Number of transactions📈15.5%
2462d · Capitalism
discerningLikes great video thanks for sharing. looks like a good series. he's right, hollywood has become so predictable. same message, same dialogue. boring
semwen menm
2462d · Capitalism
Crypto is about proof, 'ism' are about theories. Ism are politicians junk food. Crypto and politics are two parallel worlds.
replied 2463d
That's true. Interesting. Sneakernet, snail mail, data over HAM radio, autonomous mesh-networks, morse code, phone. For fun & practice, people should send over other media & document.
2463d · ULPT - Unethical Life Pro Tips
ULPT: Don't ask your girl where she wants to eat. Instead, tell her to guess where you're taking her to eat. Then take her to the first guess.
replied 2463d
aww your heart is just too big! (¬_¬ ) "The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule." H. L. Mencken
2463d · memo
Yesterday 107900-106035=1865 memo transactions. Number of transactions📈33.6%
If the world can find more added value information being posted here at memo.cash, people will get BCH and start to spending it for valuable information. Keep up the good work!