
Joined Mar 09, 2021

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1454d · hmwyda - wishlists (donations here)
I redid the signature. I hope everything is correct.
#hmwyda wishlist:

1. Ecoshh https://www.tiktok.com/@cypruss88?lang=en 3%
2. Fatih Demirelli https://www.facebook.com/sssurgun 3%
3. Cyprus Girl https://www.tiktok.com/@realserap?lang=en 1%
4. Drew Abonitalla https://www.tiktok.com/@cypruusss?lang=en 2%
5. Anfernee Zapata https://www.tiktok.com/@anferneezapata?lang=en 3%
6. Gulcan Nurcan Alim https://www.facebook.com/hayat.h.hayat.77 1%
7. Erdal Sarpdag https://www.facebook.com/sarpdaq5 4%
8. Gora Mehra https://www.tiktok.com/@cypruslive?lang=en 1%
9. Post Malone https://www.tiktok.com/@postmalone?lang=en 1%
10. Saygida Mekbur https://www.tiktok.com/@surpy?lang=en 1%

1. Cyprus yellopages https://www.cyprus-yellowpages.com/ 1%
2. Pals Magazine http://www.palscyprus.com/ 3%
3. Used cars Timark Motors https://timark-motors.com/ 2%
4. Ada TV http://adatv.tv/eng/ 1%
5. RiK Sat TV http://cybc.com.cy/ 1%
6. Cyprus Living Magazine https://cypruslivi...
followed topic Bitcoin SV 1455d
1456d · hmwyda - wishlists - rules and questions
1. Update on change. Today you hate something, tomorrow you don't hate.
2. Regularly to show that you're online and ready to donate.
1456d · hmwyda - wishlists - rules and questions
Good evening! Tell me please how often one user can update his list?
1456d · hmwyda - wishlists - rules and questions
Initial description - https://memo.sv/post/1cc813697f3c88a89dbce750b0c8fb914d69616e15f682ec3f4f9e8128efc083
Rules - https://memo.sv/post/d7c9752a585603daea48e0b392fb4104be11be3c62f17668b3a0520ebef1db05
Recommendation - use Tor Browser, and don't use links which don't work in Tor Browser.
Recommendation - describe targets - https://memo.sv/post/f7ec270c214f523939849fc7cdd222891c1672a0ad40c7a271d3417a210760ab

Minimum list length is 30, but there is no maximum length.
After 30 items, you can append whatever you want.
Don't split the list. Memo truncates long message for better view, but full text is saved. Click on the message time to see full text.

Online signing tool - https://reinproject.org/bitcoin-signature-tool/
!But you should better use normal wallet! For example Electrum.
Every character matters, invisible trailing whitespace breaks verification.

Update your list regularly.

Write other questions here.
1455d · hmwyda - wishlists - rules and questions
It's weird that some people don't understand that liqueur, dish recipe, movie, school copy book, olive oil, are not suitable here.
1455d · hmwyda - wishlists (donations here)
#hmwyda wishlist:

1. Ecoshh https://www.tiktok.com/@cypruss88?lang=en 3%
2. Fatih Demirelli https://www.facebook.com/sssurgun 3%
3. Cyprus Girl https://www.tiktok.com/@realserap?lang=en 1%
4. Drew Abonitalla https://www.tiktok.com/@cypruusss?lang=en 2%
5. Anfernee Zapata https://www.tiktok.com/@anferneezapata?lang=en 3%
6. Gulcan Nurcan Alim https://www.facebook.com/hayat.h.hayat.77 1%
7. Erdal Sarpdag https://www.facebook.com/sarpdaq5 4%
8. Gora Mehra https://www.tiktok.com/@cypruslive?lang=en 1%
9. Post Malone https://www.tiktok.com/@postmalone?lang=en 1%
10. Saygida Mekbur https://www.tiktok.com/@surpy?lang=en 1%

1. Cyprus yellopages https://www.cyprus-yellowpages.com/ 1%
2. Pals Magazine http://www.palscyprus.com/ 3%
3. Used cars Timark Motors https://timark-motors.com/ 2%
4. Ada TV http://adatv.tv/eng/ 1%
5. RiK Sat TV http://cybc.com.cy/ 1%
6. Cyprus Living Magazine https://cypruslivingmagazine.net/ 5%
7. Cyprus In style magazine https...