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saved 1237d
The media's trick is to convince you you are losing while you are winning

They want you to stop building

Turn them off and keep building

That's how you return to peace of mind and clarity
saved 1238d
welcome to twetch ! how can I help you get started ?
saved 1238d
now imagine you connect your twitter account to a BSV apps that will use it to answer twetchdat calls on twitter to post the link to twetch and earn you BSV nanocents

a different account answering each time

just an idea

with BSV we can break twitter
saved 1238d
it looks like it can still read from the API but not post answers anymore

if it keeps working like that it's pretty fine

saved 1238d
note this needs to be dealt with in the wallet directly so that no app dev has to deal with it and it remains wallet independant

saved 1238d
saved 1238d
BSV builders right now
saved 1238d
saved 1238d
they sure do lack it. Maybe the awareness that trying to change how others think is futile ? that even focusing on what the world is doing more than one second is already too much and unecessary to building the solutions. I am guilty of this too
saved 1238d
Being in a nightmare only so long as you lack self-awareness

Once you realize you are dreaming, then you can start to take control of the dream

Once your mind focuses on a process that you control, your fear of what you cannot control subsides.
saved 1238d
welcome to twetch bruno !

how can I help you get started ?
saved 1238d
welcome to twetch Ralph !

how can I help you get started ?
saved 1243d
saved 1243d
How can we make our BSV peers richer so that they can be better off and buy more BSV with it ?

That's the question.

What can we build using BSV's new technology to make all of us richer ?
saved 1244d
kind of, the best of all games

a game about making games

that's how I learned programming at 12yo without even realizing, was just having fun
saved 1244d
when in need of a BSV app head over to Metastore

example searching for "amazon" gives 1 result:

saved 1249d
saved 1249d
have never been as satisfied with the level of positivity & productive conversations I've had with people in the BSV ecosystem

& all of that as we are hitting all time lows against BTC

what an achievement, follow @39 who contributed to this
saved 1249d
apparently this is actually a fictional article (but I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out to be true) inspired by real practices: shadow banning and locking people who have an opinion they dislike in a bubble where their posts can't reach outside.
saved 1249d
"Heaven Banning", Twitter's last evil strategy

Instead of a ban & you figuring out, they give you followers, likes & retweets so you feel supported.

But it's all fake bots called "angels" to trap you in a fictionnal hell. Sounds more like "demons" to me
saved 1250d
saved 1250d
WTF I must be the exact opposite then.

I have loud inner monologue by default and vivid imagery.

So much that sometimes it's hard to remain in the physical world. I have to really make efforts to be present, otherwise I am living in my mind thinking.
saved 1250d
honestly one of the best shows I have watched

great historically realist battles, heroism, virtue, honor, courage... a true Randian story
saved 1250d
the biggest mistake here is to say "the more scalable the network the more centralized it becomes" when it is actually the opposite: the lack of scaling makes all mining based on hash which centralizes the entire network. Scaling open fees & new markets.
saved 1251d