
Joined Apr 26, 2018

I am a meat popsicle.

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replied 1844d
An not malleable any more.
replied 1844d
Not that I can think of. It just makes us more resilient in the long run
replied 1845d
Test is not 100% same as prod, for example, during one test, memo had issues, which wouldn't have been seen on test. Also topology of network can be different & hide issues.
I see this as a huge exit pump...
Many will soon have their
replied 1846d
Starbucks actually accepts gift codes, that you buy with crypto.
replied 1846d
Ha. Eventually, all bluffs are called.
voted Don't watch 1846d
created poll 1846d
Enjoying the final season of Game of Thrones so far? #dailymemo
No 0 votes · 0 satoshis
Yes 3 votes · 0 satoshis
Don't watch 4 votes · 557 satoshis


1846d · Space
Wanderers - Erik Wernquist
1846d · CryptoQuotes
The enemy knows the system. — Claude Shannon
Installed a price widget on my phones homescreen. Huge mistake. #dailymemo
The thing I like most about Memo is that it makes the trolls face the dilemma of letting discussion go uninterrupted here or increase the usage of BCH.
Went to a fancy restaurant for dinner last night, I had the giant duck. The bill was huge.
replied 1848d
This needs a "Not Sure" option.
replied 1848d
I do still wonder if shuffled coins are detectable or not though, and if it can be determined that they have been mixed with tainted coins.
replied 1848d
With decentralized exchanges that problem it decrease. The market will rule against them.
replied 1848d
Yes. The true beauty of it. Just like the internet views censorship as a fault & routes around it, cryptocurrency views market regulation as a fault & routes around it.
replied 1848d
Good afternoon (where I am it is). Is Djibril a form of the name Gabriel in English? Great to talk to you from so far away.
replied 1849d
Djibril here from Kenya. I'm new to memo. Glad to here. Looking forward to having fun.
replied 1848d
Been wondering about increased fungibility part, & maybe I don't fully understand. Can gov/exchange really not claim that all coins shuffled w/ tainted coins are now tainted also?
replied 1849d
There was a quote that I can't remember exactly by an old philosopher that the existence of unjust laws serves to make man disrespect all law.
replied 1849d