
Joined Apr 26, 2018

I am a meat popsicle.

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sent · 600 sats 1763d
BCH Upgrade appears to have broken the site's ability to post messages, or see new messages.
replied 2113d
Welcome to memo. Do you pronounce Sah ' Ahd with a glottal stop between two syllables & stressing the 2nd syllable?
replied 2114d
No KYC if not high amounts. I split my BSV 1st. Again, watch the minimums. When I deposited my second batch of BSV, I couldn't trade it, because it was not >= 0.1.
replied 2115d
I would second that, but beware of all their minimums! I ran into some of those. Each trade has to be for at least 0.1 BSV, and there are minimums for deposit and withdrawals.
replied 2115d
A diversion, designed to draw attention away from their failure.
replied 2116d
You accidentally posted on the BCH chain too. Expect to receive a call from the Feds shortly, law-breaker.
replied 2116d
Many years ago I'd just moved to area & wanted to cash a paycheck from a Chase acct. Even w/ ID they refused. I said it says "Pay to the order of" they said that's not what that means.
replied 2117d
Superb idea! I'm will attempt to split my BSV by sending my address a tiny amount of split BCH, then consolidating all my UTXOs. That TX should be invalid on BSV so cannot be replayed.
replied 2117d
What do you do when you hit the limit?
replied 2117d
I wonder because I thought "What if every single user wanted to split their BCH from their BSV by consolidating all their UTXOs with some already split ones." How feasible would it be?
replied 2117d
I know you can't be sure how many UTXOs each wallet has, so I guess estimate based on total UTXOs that exist.
OK Math whizzes, can anyone estimate the cost in TX fees and the size of all the TXs (# 32MB blocks) to consolidate everyone's wallets into a single UTXO per wallet.
replied 2117d
I'm in the US and have done this very recently. Not huge amounts, but no problem. Didn't even need an ID. Have you tried to do it? How do you know they will not?
replied 2117d
You definitely pay a lot of taxes on AT&T's service. I think local sales tax is one.
replied 2117d
They could still tax people doing actual "trading" I suppose, like on exchanges. I can't declare a loss because my USD are losing value each year.
replied 2117d
My hope is that if we get critical mass on crypto being used, the Feds will have to abandon that reasoning and just treat using it as a regular non-taxable event.
replied 2117d
*Most* interesting to me is that this really shakes up the taxable event issue. We have a major company participating in a payment method with an undue regulatory burden.
replied 2117d
Do you mean that you had to wait for confirmation of your TX to wallet before you could pay AT&T? How many blocks?
replied 2117d
How was their exchange rate? Do they build in a buffer to cover volatility during TX? Sounds like no based on your gain.
replied 2117d
They may not "remember" it as a specific memory, but every experience that they have will build their personality & character, so it's worth it to give them happy experiences.
replied 2117d
Wow, that's pretty good. Looks just like your profile pic. 😉 I kid, but it *is* good. did you do it completely freehand without any tracing?
Does anyone else write their full memo post, then edit it down to be more concise until it fits in a single post?
replied 2117d
Sounds scary to give check acct # to stranger, but can't get money from my acct w/o ID. Guess they could use online to pay bill, but seems like they would be easily caugh & chargedt.
replied 2117d
I've deposited cash in friend's checking when they were low & they paid me back the same way. Of course they have to trust you to give you their checking acct #.
replied 2117d
The actual method of transferring fiat or whatever agreed exchange is (could be other things I imagine) is up to the buyer and seller. The categories are only to help search by buyer.